diff --git a/docs/keybindings/Keybindings_en.md b/docs/keybindings/Keybindings_en.md index 4719d995e..a3134488e 100644 --- a/docs/keybindings/Keybindings_en.md +++ b/docs/keybindings/Keybindings_en.md @@ -8,20 +8,20 @@ _This file is auto-generated. To update, make the changes in the pkg/i18n direct ctrl+r: switch to a recent repo pgup: scroll up main panel (fn+up/shift+k) pgdown: scroll down main panel (fn+down/shift+j) - m: view merge/rebase options - ctrl+p: view custom patch options - R: refresh - ?: open menu - +: next screen mode (normal/half/fullscreen) - _: prev screen mode - ctrl+s: view filter-by-path options - W: open diff menu - ctrl+e: open diff menu @: open command log menu - ctrl+w: Toggle whether or not whitespace changes are shown in the diff view }: Increase the size of the context shown around changes in the diff view {: Decrease the size of the context shown around changes in the diff view :: execute custom command + ctrl+p: view custom patch options + m: view merge/rebase options + R: refresh + +: next screen mode (normal/half/fullscreen) + _: prev screen mode + ?: open menu + ctrl+s: view filter-by-path options + W: open diff menu + ctrl+e: open diff menu + ctrl+w: Toggle whether or not whitespace changes are shown in the diff view z: undo (via reflog) (experimental) ctrl+z: redo (via reflog) (experimental) P: push @@ -56,6 +56,13 @@ _This file is auto-generated. To update, make the changes in the pkg/i18n direct `: toggle file tree view +## Commit Message + +
+  enter: confirm
+  esc: close
+ ## Commits
@@ -89,6 +96,13 @@ _This file is auto-generated. To update, make the changes in the pkg/i18n direct
   enter: view selected item's files
+## Confirmation Panel + +
+  enter: confirm
+  esc: close/cancel
+ ## Files
@@ -197,6 +211,13 @@ _This file is auto-generated. To update, make the changes in the pkg/i18n direct
   C: commit changes using git editor
+## Menu + +
+  enter: execute
+  esc: close
+ ## Reflog
@@ -250,8 +271,8 @@ _This file is auto-generated. To update, make the changes in the pkg/i18n direct
 ## Status
-  e: edit config file
   o: open config file
+  e: edit config file
   u: check for update
   enter: switch to a recent repo
   a: show all branch logs
diff --git a/docs/keybindings/Keybindings_ja.md b/docs/keybindings/Keybindings_ja.md
index 9b6b1b9f8..69aa0d4e7 100644
--- a/docs/keybindings/Keybindings_ja.md
+++ b/docs/keybindings/Keybindings_ja.md
@@ -8,20 +8,20 @@ _This file is auto-generated. To update, make the changes in the pkg/i18n direct
   ctrl+r: 最近使用したリポジトリに切り替え
   pgup: メインパネルを上にスクロール (fn+up/shift+k)
   pgdown: メインパネルを下にスクロール (fn+down/shift+j)
-  m: view merge/rebase options
-  ctrl+p: view custom patch options
-  R: リフレッシュ
-  ?: メニューを開く
-  +: 次のスクリーンモード (normal/half/fullscreen)
-  _: 前のスクリーンモード
-  ctrl+s: view filter-by-path options
-  W: 差分メニューを開く
-  ctrl+e: 差分メニューを開く
   @: コマンドログメニューを開く
-  ctrl+w: 空白文字の差分の表示有無を切り替え
   }: Increase the size of the context shown around changes in the diff view
   {: Decrease the size of the context shown around changes in the diff view
   :: カスタムコマンドを実行
+  ctrl+p: view custom patch options
+  m: view merge/rebase options
+  R: リフレッシュ
+  +: 次のスクリーンモード (normal/half/fullscreen)
+  _: 前のスクリーンモード
+  ?: メニューを開く
+  ctrl+s: view filter-by-path options
+  W: 差分メニューを開く
+  ctrl+e: 差分メニューを開く
+  ctrl+w: 空白文字の差分の表示有無を切り替え
   z: アンドゥ (via reflog) (experimental)
   ctrl+z: リドゥ (via reflog) (experimental)
   P: push
@@ -115,6 +115,13 @@ _This file is auto-generated. To update, make the changes in the pkg/i18n direct
   `: ファイルツリーの表示を切り替え
+## コミットメッセージ + +
+  enter: 確認
+  esc: 閉じる
+ ## サブモジュール
@@ -131,8 +138,8 @@ _This file is auto-generated. To update, make the changes in the pkg/i18n direct
 ## ステータス
-  e: 設定ファイルを編集
   o: 設定ファイルを開く
+  e: 設定ファイルを編集
   u: 更新を確認
   enter: 最近使用したリポジトリに切り替え
   a: すべてのブランチログを表示
@@ -257,6 +264,13 @@ _This file is auto-generated. To update, make the changes in the pkg/i18n direct
   C: gitエディタを使用して変更をコミット
+## メニュー + +
+  enter: 実行
+  esc: 閉じる
+ ## リモート
@@ -295,3 +309,10 @@ _This file is auto-generated. To update, make the changes in the pkg/i18n direct
   ctrl+r: reset cherry-picked (copied) commits selection
   enter: コミットを閲覧
+ +## 確認パネル + +
+  enter: 確認
+  esc: 閉じる/キャンセル
diff --git a/docs/keybindings/Keybindings_ko.md b/docs/keybindings/Keybindings_ko.md index 5d55a35de..d8b5bf1fd 100644 --- a/docs/keybindings/Keybindings_ko.md +++ b/docs/keybindings/Keybindings_ko.md @@ -8,20 +8,20 @@ _This file is auto-generated. To update, make the changes in the pkg/i18n direct ctrl+r: 최근에 사용한 저장소로 전환 pgup: 메인 패널을 위로 스크롤 (fn+up/shift+k) pgdown: 메인 패널을 아래로로 스크롤 (fn+down/shift+j) - m: view merge/rebase options - ctrl+p: 커스텀 Patch 옵션 보기 - R: 새로고침 - ?: 매뉴 열기 - +: 다음 스크린 모드 (normal/half/fullscreen) - _: 이전 스크린 모드 - ctrl+s: view filter-by-path options - W: Diff 메뉴 열기 - ctrl+e: Diff 메뉴 열기 @: 명령어 로그 메뉴 열기 - ctrl+w: 공백문자를 Diff 뷰에서 표시 여부 전환 }: diff 보기의 변경 사항 주위에 표시되는 컨텍스트의 크기를 늘리기 {: diff 보기의 변경 사항 주위에 표시되는 컨텍스트 크기 줄이기 :: execute custom command + ctrl+p: 커스텀 Patch 옵션 보기 + m: view merge/rebase options + R: 새로고침 + +: 다음 스크린 모드 (normal/half/fullscreen) + _: 이전 스크린 모드 + ?: 매뉴 열기 + ctrl+s: view filter-by-path options + W: Diff 메뉴 열기 + ctrl+e: Diff 메뉴 열기 + ctrl+w: 공백문자를 Diff 뷰에서 표시 여부 전환 z: 되돌리기 (reflog) (실험적) ctrl+z: 다시 실행 (reflog) (실험적) P: 푸시 @@ -83,6 +83,13 @@ _This file is auto-generated. To update, make the changes in the pkg/i18n direct enter: view selected item's files
+## 메뉴 + +
+  enter: 실행
+  esc: 닫기
+ ## 메인 패널 (Merging)
@@ -168,8 +175,8 @@ _This file is auto-generated. To update, make the changes in the pkg/i18n direct
 ## 상태
-  e: 설정 파일 수정
   o: 설정 파일 열기
+  e: 설정 파일 수정
   u: 업데이트 확인
   enter: 최근에 사용한 저장소로 전환
   a: 모든 브랜치 로그 표시
@@ -259,6 +266,13 @@ _This file is auto-generated. To update, make the changes in the pkg/i18n direct
   `: 파일 트리뷰로 전환
+## 커밋메시지 + +
+  enter: 확인
+  esc: 닫기
+ ## 태그
@@ -295,3 +309,10 @@ _This file is auto-generated. To update, make the changes in the pkg/i18n direct
   M: git mergetool를 열기
   f: fetch
+ +## 확인 패널 + +
+  enter: 확인
+  esc: 닫기/취소
diff --git a/docs/keybindings/Keybindings_nl.md b/docs/keybindings/Keybindings_nl.md index 801c3e5a0..4cfd7d809 100644 --- a/docs/keybindings/Keybindings_nl.md +++ b/docs/keybindings/Keybindings_nl.md @@ -8,20 +8,20 @@ _This file is auto-generated. To update, make the changes in the pkg/i18n direct ctrl+r: wissel naar een recente repo pgup: scroll naar beneden vanaf hoofdpaneel (fn+up/shift+k) pgdown: scroll naar beneden vanaf hoofdpaneel (fn+down/shift+j) - m: bekijk merge/rebase opties - ctrl+p: bekijk aangepaste patch opties - R: verversen - ?: open menu - +: volgende scherm modus (normaal/half/groot) - _: vorige scherm modus - ctrl+s: bekijk scoping opties - W: open diff menu - ctrl+e: open diff menu @: open command log menu - ctrl+w: Toggle whether or not whitespace changes are shown in the diff view }: Increase the size of the context shown around changes in the diff view {: Decrease the size of the context shown around changes in the diff view :: voer aangepaste commando uit + ctrl+p: bekijk aangepaste patch opties + m: bekijk merge/rebase opties + R: verversen + +: volgende scherm modus (normaal/half/groot) + _: vorige scherm modus + ?: open menu + ctrl+s: bekijk scoping opties + W: open diff menu + ctrl+e: open diff menu + ctrl+w: Toggle whether or not whitespace changes are shown in the diff view z: ongedaan maken (via reflog) (experimenteel) ctrl+z: redo (via reflog) (experimenteel) P: push @@ -68,6 +68,13 @@ _This file is auto-generated. To update, make the changes in the pkg/i18n direct f: fetch
+## Bevestigingspaneel + +
+  enter: bevestig
+  esc: sluiten
+ ## Branches
@@ -91,6 +98,13 @@ _This file is auto-generated. To update, make the changes in the pkg/i18n direct
   enter: bekijk commits
+## Commit Bericht + +
+  enter: bevestig
+  esc: sluiten
+ ## Commit bestanden
@@ -138,6 +152,13 @@ _This file is auto-generated. To update, make the changes in the pkg/i18n direct
   enter: bekijk gecommite bestanden
+## Menu + +
+  enter: uitvoeren
+  esc: sluiten
+ ## Mergen
@@ -250,8 +271,8 @@ _This file is auto-generated. To update, make the changes in the pkg/i18n direct
 ## Status
-  e: verander config bestand
   o: open config bestand
+  e: verander config bestand
   u: check voor updates
   enter: wissel naar een recente repo
   a: alle logs van de branch laten zien
diff --git a/docs/keybindings/Keybindings_pl.md b/docs/keybindings/Keybindings_pl.md
index d502c095d..307765014 100644
--- a/docs/keybindings/Keybindings_pl.md
+++ b/docs/keybindings/Keybindings_pl.md
@@ -8,20 +8,20 @@ _This file is auto-generated. To update, make the changes in the pkg/i18n direct
   ctrl+r: switch to a recent repo
   pgup: scroll up main panel (fn+up/shift+k)
   pgdown: scroll down main panel (fn+down/shift+j)
-  m: widok scalenia/opcje zmiany bazy
-  ctrl+p: view custom patch options
-  R: odśwież
-  ?: open menu
-  +: next screen mode (normal/half/fullscreen)
-  _: prev screen mode
-  ctrl+s: view filter-by-path options
-  W: open diff menu
-  ctrl+e: open diff menu
   @: open command log menu
-  ctrl+w: Toggle whether or not whitespace changes are shown in the diff view
   }: Increase the size of the context shown around changes in the diff view
   {: Decrease the size of the context shown around changes in the diff view
   :: wykonaj własną komendę
+  ctrl+p: view custom patch options
+  m: widok scalenia/opcje zmiany bazy
+  R: odśwież
+  +: next screen mode (normal/half/fullscreen)
+  _: prev screen mode
+  ?: open menu
+  ctrl+s: view filter-by-path options
+  W: open diff menu
+  ctrl+e: open diff menu
+  ctrl+w: Toggle whether or not whitespace changes are shown in the diff view
   z: undo (via reflog) (experimental)
   ctrl+z: redo (via reflog) (experimental)
   P: push
@@ -42,6 +42,13 @@ _This file is auto-generated. To update, make the changes in the pkg/i18n direct
   [: previous tab
+## Commit Message + +
+  enter: potwierdź
+  esc: zamknij
+ ## Commity
@@ -75,6 +82,13 @@ _This file is auto-generated. To update, make the changes in the pkg/i18n direct
   enter: przeglądaj pliki commita
+## Confirmation Panel + +
+  enter: potwierdź
+  esc: zamknij
+ ## Local Branches
@@ -113,6 +127,13 @@ _This file is auto-generated. To update, make the changes in the pkg/i18n direct
   esc: wyście z trybu "linia po linii"
+## Menu + +
+  enter: wykonaj
+  esc: zamknij
+ ## Pliki
@@ -243,8 +264,8 @@ _This file is auto-generated. To update, make the changes in the pkg/i18n direct
 ## Status
-  e: edytuj konfigurację
   o: otwórz konfigurację
+  e: edytuj konfigurację
   u: sprawdź aktualizacje
   enter: switch to a recent repo
   a: pokaż wszystkie logi gałęzi
diff --git a/docs/keybindings/Keybindings_zh.md b/docs/keybindings/Keybindings_zh.md
index 379561f03..0660a0d0c 100644
--- a/docs/keybindings/Keybindings_zh.md
+++ b/docs/keybindings/Keybindings_zh.md
@@ -8,20 +8,20 @@ _This file is auto-generated. To update, make the changes in the pkg/i18n direct
   ctrl+r: 切换到最近的仓库
   pgup: 向上滚动主面板 (fn+up/shift+k)
   pgdown: 向下滚动主面板 (fn+down/shift+j)
-  m: 查看 合并/变基 选项
-  ctrl+p: 查看自定义补丁选项
-  R: 刷新
-  ?: 打开菜单
-  +: 下一屏模式(正常/半屏/全屏)
-  _: 上一屏模式
-  ctrl+s: 查看按路径过滤选项
-  W: 打开 diff 菜单
-  ctrl+e: 打开 diff 菜单
   @: 打开命令日志菜单
-  ctrl+w: 切换是否在差异视图中显示空白字符差异
   }: 扩大差异视图中显示的上下文范围
   {: 缩小差异视图中显示的上下文范围
   :: 执行自定义命令
+  ctrl+p: 查看自定义补丁选项
+  m: 查看 合并/变基 选项
+  R: 刷新
+  +: 下一屏模式(正常/半屏/全屏)
+  _: 上一屏模式
+  ?: 打开菜单
+  ctrl+s: 查看按路径过滤选项
+  W: 打开 diff 菜单
+  ctrl+e: 打开 diff 菜单
+  ctrl+w: 切换是否在差异视图中显示空白字符差异
   z: (通过 reflog)撤销「实验功能」
   ctrl+z: (通过 reflog)重做「实验功能」
   P: 推送
@@ -155,6 +155,13 @@ _This file is auto-generated. To update, make the changes in the pkg/i18n direct
   `: 切换文件树视图
+## 提交讯息 + +
+  enter: 确认
+  esc: 关闭
+ ## 文件
@@ -254,13 +261,27 @@ _This file is auto-generated. To update, make the changes in the pkg/i18n direct
 ## 状态
-  e: 编辑配置文件
   o: 打开配置文件
+  e: 编辑配置文件
   u: 检查更新
   enter: 切换到最近的仓库
   a: 显示所有分支的日志
+## 确认面板 + +
+  enter: 确认
+  esc: 关闭
+ +## 菜单 + +
+  enter: 执行
+  esc: 关闭
+ ## 贮藏
diff --git a/pkg/gui/keybindings.go b/pkg/gui/keybindings.go
index d7fa758fa..6095e6431 100644
--- a/pkg/gui/keybindings.go
+++ b/pkg/gui/keybindings.go
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ func (self *Gui) GetCheatsheetKeybindings() []*types.Binding {
 	self.helpers = helpers.NewStubHelpers()
 	self.State = &GuiRepoState{}
 	self.State.Contexts = self.contextTree()
+	self.State.ContextMgr = NewContextMgr(nil, self, self.State.Contexts)
 	bindings, _ := self.GetInitialKeybindings()
 	return bindings