mirror of
synced 2025-03-05 15:15:49 +02:00
give RunCommand the same input signature as fmt.Sprintf
This commit is contained in:
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ func (b *BranchListBuilder) obtainCurrentBranch() *Branch {
func (b *BranchListBuilder) obtainReflogBranches() []*Branch {
branches := make([]*Branch, 0)
rawString, err := b.GitCommand.OSCommand.RunCommandWithOutput("git reflog -n100 --pretty='%cr|%gs' --grep-reflog='checkout: moving' HEAD")
rawString, err := b.GitCommand.OSCommand.RunCommandWithOutput(`git reflog -n100 --pretty='%cr|%gs' --grep-reflog='checkout: moving' HEAD`)
if err != nil {
return branches
@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ func (c *CommitListBuilder) getMergeBase() (string, error) {
// swallowing error because it's not a big deal; probably because there are no commits yet
output, _ := c.OSCommand.RunCommandWithOutput(fmt.Sprintf("git merge-base HEAD %s", baseBranch))
output, _ := c.OSCommand.RunCommandWithOutput("git merge-base HEAD %s", baseBranch)
return output, nil
@ -26,10 +26,9 @@ import (
// * (HEAD detached at 264fc6f5)
// remotes
// and returns '264fc6f5' as the second match
const CurrentBranchNameRegex = `(?m)^\*.*?([^ ]*?)\)?$`
func verifyInGitRepo(runCmd func(string) error) error {
func verifyInGitRepo(runCmd func(string, ...interface{}) error) error {
return runCmd("git status")
@ -158,7 +157,7 @@ func findDotGitDir(stat func(string) (os.FileInfo, error), readFile func(filenam
// GetStashEntries stash entries
func (c *GitCommand) GetStashEntries() []*StashEntry {
rawString, _ := c.OSCommand.RunCommandWithOutput("git stash list --pretty='%gs'")
rawString, _ := c.OSCommand.RunCommandWithOutput(`git stash list --pretty='%gs'`)
stashEntries := []*StashEntry{}
for i, line := range utils.SplitLines(rawString) {
stashEntries = append(stashEntries, stashEntryFromLine(line, i))
@ -176,7 +175,7 @@ func stashEntryFromLine(line string, index int) *StashEntry {
// GetStashEntryDiff stash diff
func (c *GitCommand) GetStashEntryDiff(index int) (string, error) {
return c.OSCommand.RunCommandWithOutput("git stash show -p --color stash@{" + fmt.Sprint(index) + "}")
return c.OSCommand.RunCommandWithOutput("git stash show -p --color stash@{%d}", index)
// GetStatusFiles git status files
@ -214,13 +213,13 @@ func (c *GitCommand) GetStatusFiles() []*File {
// StashDo modify stash
func (c *GitCommand) StashDo(index int, method string) error {
return c.OSCommand.RunCommand(fmt.Sprintf("git stash %s stash@{%d}", method, index))
return c.OSCommand.RunCommand("git stash %s stash@{%d}", method, index)
// StashSave save stash
// TODO: before calling this, check if there is anything to save
func (c *GitCommand) StashSave(message string) error {
return c.OSCommand.RunCommand(fmt.Sprintf("git stash save %s", c.OSCommand.Quote(message)))
return c.OSCommand.RunCommand("git stash save %s", c.OSCommand.Quote(message))
// MergeStatusFiles merge status files
@ -283,11 +282,11 @@ func (c *GitCommand) GetBranchUpstreamDifferenceCount(branchName string) (string
// current branch
func (c *GitCommand) GetCommitDifferences(from, to string) (string, string) {
command := "git rev-list %s..%s --count"
pushableCount, err := c.OSCommand.RunCommandWithOutput(fmt.Sprintf(command, to, from))
pushableCount, err := c.OSCommand.RunCommandWithOutput(command, to, from)
if err != nil {
return "?", "?"
pullableCount, err := c.OSCommand.RunCommandWithOutput(fmt.Sprintf(command, from, to))
pullableCount, err := c.OSCommand.RunCommandWithOutput(command, from, to)
if err != nil {
return "?", "?"
@ -296,7 +295,7 @@ func (c *GitCommand) GetCommitDifferences(from, to string) (string, string) {
// RenameCommit renames the topmost commit with the given name
func (c *GitCommand) RenameCommit(name string) error {
return c.OSCommand.RunCommand(fmt.Sprintf("git commit --allow-empty --amend -m %s", c.OSCommand.Quote(name)))
return c.OSCommand.RunCommand("git commit --allow-empty --amend -m %s", c.OSCommand.Quote(name))
// RebaseBranch interactive rebases onto a branch
@ -321,12 +320,12 @@ func (c *GitCommand) Fetch(unamePassQuestion func(string) string, canAskForCrede
// ResetToCommit reset to commit
func (c *GitCommand) ResetToCommit(sha string, strength string) error {
return c.OSCommand.RunCommand(fmt.Sprintf("git reset --%s %s", strength, sha))
return c.OSCommand.RunCommand("git reset --%s %s", strength, sha)
// NewBranch create new branch
func (c *GitCommand) NewBranch(name string) error {
return c.OSCommand.RunCommand(fmt.Sprintf("git checkout -b %s", name))
return c.OSCommand.RunCommand("git checkout -b %s", name)
// CurrentBranchName is a function.
@ -352,7 +351,7 @@ func (c *GitCommand) DeleteBranch(branch string, force bool) error {
command = "git branch -D"
return c.OSCommand.RunCommand(fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", command, branch))
return c.OSCommand.RunCommand("%s %s", command, branch)
// ListStash list stash
@ -362,7 +361,7 @@ func (c *GitCommand) ListStash() (string, error) {
// Merge merge
func (c *GitCommand) Merge(branchName string) error {
return c.OSCommand.RunCommand(fmt.Sprintf("git merge --no-edit %s", branchName))
return c.OSCommand.RunCommand("git merge --no-edit %s", branchName)
// AbortMerge abort merge
@ -425,12 +424,12 @@ func (c *GitCommand) Push(branchName string, force bool, upstream string, ask fu
// CatFile obtains the content of a file
func (c *GitCommand) CatFile(fileName string) (string, error) {
return c.OSCommand.RunCommandWithOutput(fmt.Sprintf("cat %s", c.OSCommand.Quote(fileName)))
return c.OSCommand.RunCommandWithOutput("cat %s", c.OSCommand.Quote(fileName))
// StageFile stages a file
func (c *GitCommand) StageFile(fileName string) error {
return c.OSCommand.RunCommand(fmt.Sprintf("git add %s", c.OSCommand.Quote(fileName)))
return c.OSCommand.RunCommand("git add %s", c.OSCommand.Quote(fileName))
// StageAll stages all files
@ -453,7 +452,7 @@ func (c *GitCommand) UnStageFile(fileName string, tracked bool) error {
// renamed files look like "file1 -> file2"
fileNames := strings.Split(fileName, " -> ")
for _, name := range fileNames {
if err := c.OSCommand.RunCommand(fmt.Sprintf(command, c.OSCommand.Quote(name))); err != nil {
if err := c.OSCommand.RunCommand(command, c.OSCommand.Quote(name)); err != nil {
return err
@ -497,7 +496,7 @@ func (c *GitCommand) DiscardAllFileChanges(file *File) error {
// if the file isn't tracked, we assume you want to delete it
quotedFileName := c.OSCommand.Quote(file.Name)
if file.HasStagedChanges || file.HasMergeConflicts {
if err := c.OSCommand.RunCommand(fmt.Sprintf("git reset -- %s", quotedFileName)); err != nil {
if err := c.OSCommand.RunCommand("git reset -- %s", quotedFileName); err != nil {
return err
@ -511,7 +510,7 @@ func (c *GitCommand) DiscardAllFileChanges(file *File) error {
// DiscardUnstagedFileChanges directly
func (c *GitCommand) DiscardUnstagedFileChanges(file *File) error {
quotedFileName := c.OSCommand.Quote(file.Name)
return c.OSCommand.RunCommand(fmt.Sprintf("git checkout -- %s", quotedFileName))
return c.OSCommand.RunCommand("git checkout -- %s", quotedFileName)
// Checkout checks out a branch, with --force if you set the force arg to true
@ -520,7 +519,7 @@ func (c *GitCommand) Checkout(branch string, force bool) error {
if force {
forceArg = "--force "
return c.OSCommand.RunCommand(fmt.Sprintf("git checkout %s %s", forceArg, branch))
return c.OSCommand.RunCommand("git checkout %s %s", forceArg, branch)
// PrepareCommitSubProcess prepares a subprocess for `git commit`
@ -537,11 +536,11 @@ func (c *GitCommand) PrepareCommitAmendSubProcess() *exec.Cmd {
// Currently it limits the result to 100 commits, but when we get async stuff
// working we can do lazy loading
func (c *GitCommand) GetBranchGraph(branchName string) (string, error) {
return c.OSCommand.RunCommandWithOutput(fmt.Sprintf("git log --graph --color --abbrev-commit --decorate --date=relative --pretty=medium -100 %s", branchName))
return c.OSCommand.RunCommandWithOutput("git log --graph --color --abbrev-commit --decorate --date=relative --pretty=medium -100 %s", branchName)
func (c *GitCommand) GetUpstreamForBranch(branchName string) (string, error) {
output, err := c.OSCommand.RunCommandWithOutput(fmt.Sprintf("git rev-parse --abbrev-ref --symbolic-full-name %s@{u}", branchName))
output, err := c.OSCommand.RunCommandWithOutput("git rev-parse --abbrev-ref --symbolic-full-name %s@{u}", branchName)
return strings.TrimSpace(output), err
@ -552,13 +551,13 @@ func (c *GitCommand) Ignore(filename string) error {
// Show shows the diff of a commit
func (c *GitCommand) Show(sha string) (string, error) {
show, err := c.OSCommand.RunCommandWithOutput(fmt.Sprintf("git show --color --no-renames %s", sha))
show, err := c.OSCommand.RunCommandWithOutput("git show --color --no-renames %s", sha)
if err != nil {
return "", err
// if this is a merge commit, we need to go a step further and get the diff between the two branches we merged
revList, err := c.OSCommand.RunCommandWithOutput(fmt.Sprintf("git rev-list -1 --merges %s^...%s", sha, sha))
revList, err := c.OSCommand.RunCommandWithOutput("git rev-list -1 --merges %s^...%s", sha, sha)
if err != nil {
// turns out we get an error here when it's the first commit. We'll just return the original show
return show, nil
@ -580,7 +579,7 @@ func (c *GitCommand) Show(sha string) (string, error) {
return show, nil
mergeDiff, err := c.OSCommand.RunCommandWithOutput(fmt.Sprintf("git diff --color %s...%s", secondLineWords[1], secondLineWords[2]))
mergeDiff, err := c.OSCommand.RunCommandWithOutput("git diff --color %s...%s", secondLineWords[1], secondLineWords[2])
if err != nil {
return "", err
@ -595,10 +594,10 @@ func (c *GitCommand) GetRemoteURL() string {
// CheckRemoteBranchExists Returns remote branch
func (c *GitCommand) CheckRemoteBranchExists(branch *Branch) bool {
_, err := c.OSCommand.RunCommandWithOutput(fmt.Sprintf(
_, err := c.OSCommand.RunCommandWithOutput(
"git show-ref --verify -- refs/remotes/origin/%s",
return err == nil
@ -620,10 +619,8 @@ func (c *GitCommand) Diff(file *File, plain bool, cached bool) string {
colorArg = ""
command := fmt.Sprintf("git diff %s %s %s %s", colorArg, cachedArg, trackedArg, fileName)
// for now we assume an error means the file was deleted
s, _ := c.OSCommand.RunCommandWithOutput(command)
s, _ := c.OSCommand.RunCommandWithOutput("git diff %s %s %s %s", colorArg, cachedArg, trackedArg, fileName)
return s
@ -639,11 +636,11 @@ func (c *GitCommand) ApplyPatch(patch string, flags ...string) error {
flagStr += " --" + flag
return c.OSCommand.RunCommand(fmt.Sprintf("git apply %s %s", flagStr, c.OSCommand.Quote(filepath)))
return c.OSCommand.RunCommand("git apply %s %s", flagStr, c.OSCommand.Quote(filepath))
func (c *GitCommand) FastForward(branchName string, remoteName string, remoteBranchName string) error {
return c.OSCommand.RunCommand(fmt.Sprintf("git fetch %s %s:%s", remoteName, remoteBranchName, branchName))
return c.OSCommand.RunCommand("git fetch %s %s:%s", remoteName, remoteBranchName, branchName)
func (c *GitCommand) RunSkipEditorCommand(command string) error {
@ -863,7 +860,7 @@ func (c *GitCommand) MoveTodoDown(index int) error {
// Revert reverts the selected commit by sha
func (c *GitCommand) Revert(sha string) error {
return c.OSCommand.RunCommand(fmt.Sprintf("git revert %s", sha))
return c.OSCommand.RunCommand("git revert %s", sha)
// CherryPickCommits begins an interactive rebase with the given shas being cherry picked onto HEAD
@ -883,8 +880,7 @@ func (c *GitCommand) CherryPickCommits(commits []*Commit) error {
// GetCommitFiles get the specified commit files
func (c *GitCommand) GetCommitFiles(commitSha string, patchManager *PatchManager) ([]*CommitFile, error) {
cmd := fmt.Sprintf("git show --pretty= --name-only --no-renames %s", commitSha)
files, err := c.OSCommand.RunCommandWithOutput(cmd)
files, err := c.OSCommand.RunCommandWithOutput("git show --pretty= --name-only --no-renames %s", commitSha)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -914,14 +910,12 @@ func (c *GitCommand) ShowCommitFile(commitSha, fileName string, plain bool) (str
if plain {
colorArg = ""
cmd := fmt.Sprintf("git show --no-renames %s %s -- %s", colorArg, commitSha, fileName)
return c.OSCommand.RunCommandWithOutput(cmd)
return c.OSCommand.RunCommandWithOutput("git show --no-renames %s %s -- %s", colorArg, commitSha, fileName)
// CheckoutFile checks out the file for the given commit
func (c *GitCommand) CheckoutFile(commitSha, fileName string) error {
cmd := fmt.Sprintf("git checkout %s %s", commitSha, fileName)
return c.OSCommand.RunCommand(cmd)
return c.OSCommand.RunCommand("git checkout %s %s", commitSha, fileName)
// DiscardOldFileChanges discards changes to a file from an old commit
@ -931,7 +925,7 @@ func (c *GitCommand) DiscardOldFileChanges(commits []*Commit, commitIndex int, f
// check if file exists in previous commit (this command returns an error if the file doesn't exist)
if err := c.OSCommand.RunCommand(fmt.Sprintf("git cat-file -e HEAD^:%s", fileName)); err != nil {
if err := c.OSCommand.RunCommand("git cat-file -e HEAD^:%s", fileName); err != nil {
if err := c.OSCommand.Remove(fileName); err != nil {
return err
@ -977,14 +971,12 @@ func (c *GitCommand) ResetSoftHead() error {
// DiffCommits show diff between commits
func (c *GitCommand) DiffCommits(sha1, sha2 string) (string, error) {
cmd := fmt.Sprintf("git diff --color %s %s", sha1, sha2)
return c.OSCommand.RunCommandWithOutput(cmd)
return c.OSCommand.RunCommandWithOutput("git diff --color %s %s", sha1, sha2)
// CreateFixupCommit creates a commit that fixes up a previous commit
func (c *GitCommand) CreateFixupCommit(sha string) error {
cmd := fmt.Sprintf("git commit --fixup=%s", sha)
return c.OSCommand.RunCommand(cmd)
return c.OSCommand.RunCommand("git commit --fixup=%s", sha)
// SquashAllAboveFixupCommits squashes all fixup! commits above the given one
@ -1068,15 +1060,15 @@ func (c *GitCommand) BeginInteractiveRebaseForCommit(commits []*Commit, commitIn
func (c *GitCommand) SetUpstreamBranch(upstream string) error {
return c.OSCommand.RunCommand(fmt.Sprintf("git branch -u %s", upstream))
return c.OSCommand.RunCommand("git branch -u %s", upstream)
func (c *GitCommand) AddRemote(name string, url string) error {
return c.OSCommand.RunCommand(fmt.Sprintf("git remote add %s %s", name, url))
return c.OSCommand.RunCommand("git remote add %s %s", name, url)
func (c *GitCommand) RemoveRemote(name string) error {
return c.OSCommand.RunCommand(fmt.Sprintf("git remote remove %s", name))
return c.OSCommand.RunCommand("git remote remove %s", name)
func (c *GitCommand) IsHeadDetached() bool {
@ -1085,33 +1077,33 @@ func (c *GitCommand) IsHeadDetached() bool {
func (c *GitCommand) DeleteRemoteBranch(remoteName string, branchName string) error {
return c.OSCommand.RunCommand(fmt.Sprintf("git push %s --delete %s", remoteName, branchName))
return c.OSCommand.RunCommand("git push %s --delete %s", remoteName, branchName)
func (c *GitCommand) SetBranchUpstream(remoteName string, remoteBranchName string, branchName string) error {
return c.OSCommand.RunCommand(fmt.Sprintf("git branch --set-upstream-to=%s/%s %s", remoteName, remoteBranchName, branchName))
return c.OSCommand.RunCommand("git branch --set-upstream-to=%s/%s %s", remoteName, remoteBranchName, branchName)
func (c *GitCommand) RenameRemote(oldRemoteName string, newRemoteName string) error {
return c.OSCommand.RunCommand(fmt.Sprintf("git remote rename %s %s", oldRemoteName, newRemoteName))
return c.OSCommand.RunCommand("git remote rename %s %s", oldRemoteName, newRemoteName)
func (c *GitCommand) UpdateRemoteUrl(remoteName string, updatedUrl string) error {
return c.OSCommand.RunCommand(fmt.Sprintf("git remote set-url %s %s", remoteName, updatedUrl))
return c.OSCommand.RunCommand("git remote set-url %s %s", remoteName, updatedUrl)
func (c *GitCommand) CreateLightweightTag(tagName string, commitSha string) error {
return c.OSCommand.RunCommand(fmt.Sprintf("git tag %s %s", tagName, commitSha))
return c.OSCommand.RunCommand("git tag %s %s", tagName, commitSha)
func (c *GitCommand) ShowTag(tagName string) (string, error) {
return c.OSCommand.RunCommandWithOutput(fmt.Sprintf("git tag -n99 %s", tagName))
return c.OSCommand.RunCommandWithOutput("git tag -n99 %s", tagName)
func (c *GitCommand) DeleteTag(tagName string) error {
return c.OSCommand.RunCommand(fmt.Sprintf("git tag -d %s", tagName))
return c.OSCommand.RunCommand("git tag -d %s", tagName)
func (c *GitCommand) PushTag(remoteName string, tagName string) error {
return c.OSCommand.RunCommand(fmt.Sprintf("git push %s %s", remoteName, tagName))
return c.OSCommand.RunCommand("git push %s %s", remoteName, tagName)
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import (
func (c *GitCommand) GetRemotes() ([]*Remote, error) {
// get remote branches
remoteBranchesStr, err := c.OSCommand.RunCommandWithOutput("git for-each-ref --format='%(refname:strip=2)' refs/remotes")
remoteBranchesStr, err := c.OSCommand.RunCommandWithOutput(`git for-each-ref --format='%(refname:strip=2)' refs/remotes`)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ const semverRegex = `v?((\d+\.?)+)([^\d]?.*)`
func (c *GitCommand) GetTags() ([]*Tag, error) {
// get remote branches
remoteBranchesStr, err := c.OSCommand.RunCommandWithOutput("git tag --list")
remoteBranchesStr, err := c.OSCommand.RunCommandWithOutput(`git tag --list`)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package commands
import (
@ -9,6 +10,7 @@ import (
@ -58,7 +60,11 @@ func (c *OSCommand) SetCommand(cmd func(string, ...string) *exec.Cmd) {
// RunCommandWithOutput wrapper around commands returning their output and error
func (c *OSCommand) RunCommandWithOutput(command string) (string, error) {
func (c *OSCommand) RunCommandWithOutput(formatString string, formatArgs ...interface{}) (string, error) {
command := formatString
if len(formatArgs) > 0 {
command = fmt.Sprintf(formatString, formatArgs...)
c.Log.WithField("command", command).Info("RunCommand")
cmd := c.ExecutableFromString(command)
return sanitisedCommandOutput(cmd.CombinedOutput())
@ -114,8 +120,8 @@ func (c *OSCommand) DetectUnamePass(command string, ask func(string) string) err
// RunCommand runs a command and just returns the error
func (c *OSCommand) RunCommand(command string) error {
_, err := c.RunCommandWithOutput(command)
func (c *OSCommand) RunCommand(formatString string, formatArgs ...interface{}) error {
_, err := c.RunCommandWithOutput(formatString, formatArgs...)
return err
Reference in New Issue
Block a user