package app

import (


type errorMapping struct {
	originalError string
	newError      string

// knownError takes an error and tells us whether it's an error that we know about where we can print a nicely formatted version of it rather than panicking with a stack trace
func knownError(tr *i18n.TranslationSet, err error) (string, bool) {
	errorMessage := err.Error()

	knownErrorMessages := []string{tr.MinGitVersionError}

	if lo.Contains(knownErrorMessages, errorMessage) {
		return errorMessage, true

	mappings := []errorMapping{
			originalError: "fatal: not a git repository",
			newError:      tr.NotARepository,
			originalError: "getwd: no such file or directory",
			newError:      tr.WorkingDirectoryDoesNotExist,

	if mapping, ok := lo.Find(mappings, func(mapping errorMapping) bool {
		return strings.Contains(errorMessage, mapping.originalError)
	}); ok {
		return mapping.newError, true

	return "", false