package set import "" type Set[T comparable] struct { hashMap map[T]bool } func New[T comparable]() *Set[T] { return &Set[T]{hashMap: make(map[T]bool)} } func NewFromSlice[T comparable](slice []T) *Set[T] { hashMap := make(map[T]bool) for _, value := range slice { hashMap[value] = true } return &Set[T]{hashMap: hashMap} } func (s *Set[T]) Add(values ...T) { for _, value := range values { s.hashMap[value] = true } } func (s *Set[T]) Remove(value T) { delete(s.hashMap, value) } func (s *Set[T]) RemoveSlice(slice []T) { for _, value := range slice { s.Remove(value) } } func (s *Set[T]) Includes(value T) bool { return s.hashMap[value] } // output slice is not necessarily in the same order that items were added func (s *Set[T]) ToSlice() []T { return maps.Keys(s.hashMap) }