package updates

import (



	getter ""

// Updater checks for updates and does updates
type Updater struct {
	Log       *logrus.Entry
	Config    config.AppConfigurer
	OSCommand *commands.OSCommand
	Tr        *i18n.Localizer

// Updaterer implements the check and update methods
type Updaterer interface {

const (

// NewUpdater creates a new updater
func NewUpdater(log *logrus.Entry, config config.AppConfigurer, osCommand *commands.OSCommand, tr *i18n.Localizer) (*Updater, error) {
	contextLogger := log.WithField("context", "updates")

	return &Updater{
		Log:       contextLogger,
		Config:    config,
		OSCommand: osCommand,
		Tr:        tr,
	}, nil

func (u *Updater) getLatestVersionNumber() (string, error) {
	req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", PROJECT_URL+"/releases/latest", nil)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	req.Header.Set("Accept", "application/json")

	resp, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	defer resp.Body.Close()

	dec := json.NewDecoder(resp.Body)
	data := struct {
		TagName string `json:"tag_name"`
	if err := dec.Decode(&data); err != nil {
		return "", err

	return data.TagName, nil

// RecordLastUpdateCheck records last time an update check was performed
func (u *Updater) RecordLastUpdateCheck() error {
	u.Config.GetAppState().LastUpdateCheck = time.Now().Unix()
	return u.Config.SaveAppState()

// expecting version to be of the form `v12.34.56`
func (u *Updater) majorVersionDiffers(oldVersion, newVersion string) bool {
	if oldVersion == "unversioned" {
		return false
	oldVersion = strings.TrimPrefix(oldVersion, "v")
	newVersion = strings.TrimPrefix(newVersion, "v")
	return strings.Split(oldVersion, ".")[0] != strings.Split(newVersion, ".")[0]

func (u *Updater) checkForNewUpdate() (string, error) {
	u.Log.Info("Checking for an updated version")
	currentVersion := u.Config.GetVersion()
	if err := u.RecordLastUpdateCheck(); err != nil {
		return "", err

	newVersion, err := u.getLatestVersionNumber()
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	u.Log.Info("Current version is " + currentVersion)
	u.Log.Info("New version is " + newVersion)

	if newVersion == currentVersion {
		return "", errors.New(u.Tr.SLocalize("OnLatestVersionErr"))

	if u.majorVersionDiffers(currentVersion, newVersion) {
		errMessage := u.Tr.TemplateLocalize(
				"newVersion":     newVersion,
				"currentVersion": currentVersion,
		return "", errors.New(errMessage)

	rawUrl, err := u.getBinaryUrl(newVersion)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	u.Log.Info("Checking for resource at url " + rawUrl)
	if !u.verifyResourceFound(rawUrl) {
		errMessage := u.Tr.TemplateLocalize(
				"url": rawUrl,
		return "", errors.New(errMessage)
	u.Log.Info("Verified resource is available, ready to update")

	return newVersion, nil

// CheckForNewUpdate checks if there is an available update
func (u *Updater) CheckForNewUpdate(onFinish func(string, error) error, userRequested bool) {
	if !userRequested && u.skipUpdateCheck() {

	go func() {
		newVersion, err := u.checkForNewUpdate()
		if err = onFinish(newVersion, err); err != nil {

func (u *Updater) skipUpdateCheck() bool {
	// will remove the check for windows after adding a manifest file asking for
	// the required permissions
	if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
		u.Log.Info("Updating is currently not supported for windows until we can fix permission issues")
		return true

	if u.Config.GetVersion() == "unversioned" {
		u.Log.Info("Current version is not built from an official release so we won't check for an update")
		return true

	if u.Config.GetBuildSource() != "buildBinary" {
		u.Log.Info("Binary is not built with the buildBinary flag so we won't check for an update")
		return true

	userConfig := u.Config.GetUserConfig()
	if userConfig.Get("update.method") == "never" {
		u.Log.Info("Update method is set to never so we won't check for an update")
		return true

	currentTimestamp := time.Now().Unix()
	lastUpdateCheck := u.Config.GetAppState().LastUpdateCheck
	days := userConfig.GetInt64("update.days")

	if (currentTimestamp-lastUpdateCheck)/(60*60*24) < days {
		u.Log.Info("Last update was too recent so we won't check for an update")
		return true

	return false

func (u *Updater) mappedOs(os string) string {
	osMap := map[string]string{
		"darwin":  "Darwin",
		"linux":   "Linux",
		"windows": "Windows",
	result, found := osMap[os]
	if found {
		return result
	return os

func (u *Updater) mappedArch(arch string) string {
	archMap := map[string]string{
		"386":   "32-bit",
		"amd64": "x86_64",
	result, found := archMap[arch]
	if found {
		return result
	return arch

// example:
func (u *Updater) getBinaryUrl(newVersion string) (string, error) {
	extension := "tar.gz"
	if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
		extension = "zip"
	url := fmt.Sprintf(
	u.Log.Info("Url for latest release is " + url)
	return url, nil

// Update downloads the latest binary and replaces the current binary with it
func (u *Updater) Update(newVersion string, onFinish func(error) error) {
	go func() {
		err := u.update(newVersion)
		if err = onFinish(err); err != nil {

func (u *Updater) update(newVersion string) error {
	rawUrl, err := u.getBinaryUrl(newVersion)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	u.Log.Info("Updating with url " + rawUrl)
	return u.downloadAndInstall(rawUrl)

func (u *Updater) downloadAndInstall(rawUrl string) error {
	url, err := url.Parse(rawUrl)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	g := new(getter.HttpGetter)
	tempDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "lazygit")
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer os.RemoveAll(tempDir)
	u.Log.Info("Temp directory is " + tempDir)

	// Get it!
	if err := g.Get(tempDir, url); err != nil {
		return err

	// get the path of the current binary
	binaryPath, err := osext.Executable()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	u.Log.Info("Binary path is " + binaryPath)

	binaryName := filepath.Base(binaryPath)
	u.Log.Info("Binary name is " + binaryName)

	// Verify the main file exists
	tempPath := filepath.Join(tempDir, binaryName)
	u.Log.Info("Temp path to binary is " + tempPath)
	if _, err := os.Stat(tempPath); err != nil {
		return err

	// swap out the old binary for the new one
	err = os.Rename(tempPath, binaryPath)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	u.Log.Info("Update complete!")

	return nil

func (u *Updater) verifyResourceFound(rawUrl string) bool {
	resp, err := http.Head(rawUrl)
	if err != nil {
		return false
	defer resp.Body.Close()
	u.Log.Info("Received status code ", resp.StatusCode)
	// 403 means the resource is there (not going to bother adding extra request headers)
	// 404 means its not
	return resp.StatusCode == 403