package i18n import ( "" "" ) // addDutch will add all dutch translations func addDutch(i18nObject *i18n.Bundle) error { // add the translations return i18nObject.AddMessages(language.Dutch, &i18n.Message{ ID: "NotEnoughSpace", Other: "Niet genoeg ruimte om de panelen te renderen", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "DiffTitle", Other: "Diff", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "FilesTitle", Other: "Bestanden", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "BranchesTitle", Other: "Branches", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "CommitsTitle", Other: "Commits", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "StashTitle", Other: "Stash", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "CommitMessage", Other: "Commit Bericht", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "CommitChanges", Other: "Commit Veranderingen", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "CommitChangesWithEditor", Other: "commit changes using git editor", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "StatusTitle", Other: "Status", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "GlobalTitle", Other: "Global", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "navigate", Other: "navigeer", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "menu", Other: "menu", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "execute", Other: "execute", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "stashFiles", Other: "stash-bestanden", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "open", Other: "open", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "ignore", Other: "negeren", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "delete", Other: "verwijderen", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "toggleStaged", Other: "toggle staged", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "toggleStagedAll", Other: "toggle staged alle", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "refresh", Other: "verversen", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "addPatch", Other: "verandering toevoegen", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "edit", Other: "veranderen", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "scroll", Other: "scroll", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "abortMerge", Other: "samenvoegen afbreken", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "resolveMergeConflicts", Other: "verhelp samenvoegen fouten", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "checkout", Other: "uitchecken", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "NoChangedFiles", Other: "Geen Bestanden verandert", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "FileHasNoUnstagedChanges", Other: "Het bestand heeft geen unstaged veranderingen om toe te voegen", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "CannotGitAdd", Other: "Kan commando niet uitvoeren git add --path untracked files", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "CantIgnoreTrackFiles", Other: "Kan gevolgde bestanden niet negeren", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "NoStagedFilesToCommit", Other: "Er zijn geen staged bestanden om te commiten", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "NoFilesDisplay", Other: "Geen bestanden om te laten zien", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "PullWait", Other: "Pulling...", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "PushWait", Other: "Pushing...", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "FileNoMergeCons", Other: "Dit bestand heeft geen merge conflicten", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "SureResetHardHead", Other: "Weet je het zeker dat je `reset --hard HEAD` wil uitvoeren? het kan dat je hierdoor bestanden verliest", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "SureTo", Other: "Weet je het zeker dat je {{.fileName}} wilt {{.deleteVerb}} (je veranderingen zullen worden verwijdert)", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "AlreadyCheckedOutBranch", Other: "Je hebt uitgecheckt op deze branch", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "SureForceCheckout", Other: "Weet je zeker dat je het uitchecken wil forceren? al je locale verandering zullen worden verwijdert", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "ForceCheckoutBranch", Other: "Forceer uitchecken op deze branch", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "BranchName", Other: "Branch naam", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "NewBranchNameBranchOff", Other: "Nieuw branch naam (Branch is afgeleid van {{.branchName}})", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "CantDeleteCheckOutBranch", Other: "Je kan een uitgecheckte branch niet verwijderen!", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "DeleteBranch", Other: "Verwijder branch", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "DeleteBranchMessage", Other: "Weet je zeker dat je branch {{.selectedBranchName}} wil verwijderen?", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "ForceDeleteBranchMessage", Other: "Weet je zeker dat je branch {{.selectedBranchName}} geforceerd wil verwijderen?", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "CantMergeBranchIntoItself", Other: "Je kan niet een branch in zichzelf mergen", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "forceCheckout", Other: "forceer checkout", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "merge", Other: "merge", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "checkoutByName", Other: "uitchecken bij naam", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "newBranch", Other: "nieuwe branch", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "deleteBranch", Other: "verwijder branch", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "forceDeleteBranch", Other: "verwijder branch (forceer)", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "NoBranchesThisRepo", Other: "Geen branches voor deze repo", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "NoTrackingThisBranch", Other: "deze branch wordt niet gevolgd", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "CommitWithoutMessageErr", Other: "Je kan geen commit maken zonder commit bericht", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "CloseConfirm", Other: "{{.keyBindClose}}: Sluiten, {{.keyBindConfirm}}: Bevestigen", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "close", Other: "close", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "SureResetThisCommit", Other: "Weet je het zeker dat je wil resetten naar deze commit?", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "ResetToCommit", Other: "Reset Naar Commit", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "squashDown", Other: "squash beneden", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "rename", Other: "hernoem", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "resetToThisCommit", Other: "reset naar deze commit", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "fixupCommit", Other: "Fixup commit", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "NoCommitsThisBranch", Other: "Er zijn geen commits voor deze branch", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "OnlySquashTopmostCommit", Other: "Kan alleen bovenste commit squashen", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "YouNoCommitsToSquash", Other: "Je hebt geen commits om mee te squashen", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "CantFixupWhileUnstagedChanges", Other: "Kan geen Fixup uitvoeren op unstaged veranderingen", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "Fixup", Other: "Fixup", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "SureFixupThisCommit", Other: "Weet je zeker dat je fixup wil uitvoeren op deze commit? De commit hieronder zol worden squashed in deze", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "OnlyRenameTopCommit", Other: "Je kan alleen de bovenste commit hernoemen", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "renameCommit", Other: "hernoem commit", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "renameCommitEditor", Other: "rename commit with editor", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "PotentialErrInGetselectedCommit", Other: "Er is mogelijk een error in getSelected Commit (geen match tussen ui en state)", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "NoCommitsThisBranch", Other: "Geen commits voor deze branch", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "Error", Other: "Fout", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "resizingPopupPanel", Other: "resizen popup paneel", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "RunningSubprocess", Other: "subprocess lopend", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "selectHunk", Other: "selecteer Hunk", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "navigateConflicts", Other: "navigeer conflicts", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "pickHunk", Other: "kies Hunk", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "pickBothHunks", Other: "kies bijde hunks", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "undo", Other: "ongedaan maken", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "pop", Other: "pop", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "drop", Other: "drop", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "apply", Other: "toepassen", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "NoStashEntries", Other: "Geen stash items", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "StashDrop", Other: "Stash drop", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "SureDropStashEntry", Other: "Weet je het zeker dat je deze stash entry wil laten vallen?", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "NoStashTo", Other: "Geen stash voor {{.method}}", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "NoTrackedStagedFilesStash", Other: "Je hebt geen tracked/staged bestanden om te laten stashen", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "StashChanges", Other: "Stash veranderingen", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "IssntListOfViews", Other: "{{.name}} is niet in de lijst van weergaves", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "NoViewMachingNewLineFocusedSwitchStatement", Other: "Er machen geen weergave met de newLineFocused switch declaratie", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "settingPreviewsViewTo", Other: "vorige weergave instellen op: {{.oldViewName}}", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "newFocusedViewIs", Other: "nieuw gefocussed weergave is {{.newFocusedView}}", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "CantCloseConfirmationPrompt", Other: "Kon de bevestiging prompt niet sluiten: {{.error}}", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "NoChangedFiles", Other: "Geen veranderde files", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "ClearFilePanel", Other: "maak bestandsvenster leeg", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "MergeAborted", Other: "Merge afgebroken", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "OpenConfig", Other: "open config file", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "EditConfig", Other: "edit config file", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "ForcePush", Other: "Force push", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "ForcePushPrompt", Other: "Your branch has diverged from the remote branch. Press 'esc' to cancel, or 'enter' to force push.", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "checkForUpdate", Other: "check for update", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "CheckingForUpdates", Other: "Checking for updates...", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "OnLatestVersionErr", Other: "You already have the latest version", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "MajorVersionErr", Other: "New version ({{.newVersion}}) has non-backwards compatible changes compared to the current version ({{.currentVersion}})", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "CouldNotFindBinaryErr", Other: "Could not find any binary at {{.url}}", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "AnonymousReportingTitle", Other: "Help make lazygit better", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "AnonymousReportingPrompt", Other: "Would you like to enable anonymous reporting data to help improve lazygit? (enter/esc)", }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "removeFile", Other: `delete if untracked / checkout if tracked (aka go away)`, }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "editFile", Other: `edit file`, }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "openFile", Other: `open file`, }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "ignoreFile", Other: `add to .gitignore`, }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "refreshFiles", Other: `refresh files`, }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "resetHard", Other: `reset hard`, }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "mergeIntoCurrentBranch", Other: `merge into currently checked out branch`, }, &i18n.Message{ ID: "ConfirmQuit", Other: `Are you sure you want to quit?`, }, ) }