package main import ( // "log" "errors" "fmt" "os" "os/exec" "strings" "time" "" ) // GitFile : A staged/unstaged file // TODO: decide whether to give all of these the Git prefix type GitFile struct { Name string HasStagedChanges bool HasUnstagedChanges bool Tracked bool Deleted bool HasMergeConflicts bool DisplayString string } // Branch : A git branch type Branch struct { Name string Type string BaseBranch string DisplayString string } // Commit : A git commit type Commit struct { Sha string Name string Pushed bool DisplayString string } // StashEntry : A git stash entry type StashEntry struct { Index int Name string DisplayString string } // Map (from func Map(vs []string, f func(string) string) []string { vsm := make([]string, len(vs)) for i, v := range vs { vsm[i] = f(v) } return vsm } func includesString(list []string, a string) bool { for _, b := range list { if b == a { return true } } return false } // not sure how to genericise this because []interface{} doesn't accept e.g. // []int arguments func includesInt(list []int, a int) bool { for _, b := range list { if b == a { return true } } return false } func mergeGitStatusFiles(oldGitFiles, newGitFiles []GitFile) []GitFile { if len(oldGitFiles) == 0 { return newGitFiles } appendedIndexes := make([]int, 0) // retain position of files we already could see result := make([]GitFile, 0) for _, oldGitFile := range oldGitFiles { for newIndex, newGitFile := range newGitFiles { if oldGitFile.Name == newGitFile.Name { result = append(result, newGitFile) appendedIndexes = append(appendedIndexes, newIndex) break } } } // append any new files to the end for index, newGitFile := range newGitFiles { if !includesInt(appendedIndexes, index) { result = append(result, newGitFile) } } return result } func runDirectCommand(command string) (string, error) { timeStart := time.Now() commandLog(command) cmdOut, err := exec.Command("bash", "-c", command).CombinedOutput() devLog("run direct command time for command: ", command, time.Now().Sub(timeStart)) return string(cmdOut), err } func branchStringParts(branchString string) (string, string) { splitBranchName := strings.Split(branchString, "\t") return splitBranchName[0], splitBranchName[1] } // branchPropertiesFromName : returns branch type, base, and color func branchPropertiesFromName(name string) (string, string, color.Attribute) { if strings.Contains(name, "feature/") { return "feature", "develop", color.FgGreen } else if strings.Contains(name, "bugfix/") { return "bugfix", "develop", color.FgYellow } else if strings.Contains(name, "hotfix/") { return "hotfix", "master", color.FgRed } return "other", name, color.FgWhite } func coloredString(str string, colour *color.Color) string { return colour.SprintFunc()(fmt.Sprint(str)) } func withPadding(str string, padding int) string { return str + strings.Repeat(" ", padding-len(str)) } func branchFromLine(line string, index int) Branch { recency, name := branchStringParts(line) branchType, branchBase, colourAttr := branchPropertiesFromName(name) if index == 0 { recency = " *" } colour := color.New(colourAttr) displayString := withPadding(recency, 4) + coloredString(name, colour) return Branch{ Name: name, Type: branchType, BaseBranch: branchBase, DisplayString: displayString, } } func getGitBranches() []Branch { branches := make([]Branch, 0) // check if there are any branches branchCheck, _ := runDirectCommand("git branch") if branchCheck == "" { return branches } rawString, _ := runDirectCommand(getBranchesCommand) branchLines := splitLines(rawString) if len(branchLines) == 0 { // sometimes the getBranchesCommand command returns nothing, in which case // we assume you've just init'd or cloned the repo and you've got master // checked out branches = append(branches, branchFromLine(" *\tmaster", 0)) } for i, line := range branchLines { branches = append(branches, branchFromLine(line, i)) } return branches } // TODO: DRY up this function and getGitBranches func getGitStashEntries() []StashEntry { stashEntries := make([]StashEntry, 0) rawString, _ := runDirectCommand("git stash list --pretty='%gs'") for i, line := range splitLines(rawString) { stashEntries = append(stashEntries, stashEntryFromLine(line, i)) } return stashEntries } func stashEntryFromLine(line string, index int) StashEntry { return StashEntry{ Name: line, Index: index, DisplayString: line, } } func getStashEntryDiff(index int) (string, error) { return runCommand("git stash show -p --color stash@{" + fmt.Sprint(index) + "}") } func getGitStatusFiles() []GitFile { statusOutput, _ := getGitStatus() statusStrings := splitLines(statusOutput) gitFiles := make([]GitFile, 0) for _, statusString := range statusStrings { stagedChange := statusString[0:1] unstagedChange := statusString[1:2] filename := statusString[3:] tracked := statusString[0:2] != "??" gitFile := GitFile{ Name: filename, DisplayString: statusString, HasStagedChanges: tracked && stagedChange != " " && stagedChange != "U", HasUnstagedChanges: !tracked || unstagedChange != " ", Tracked: tracked, Deleted: unstagedChange == "D" || stagedChange == "D", HasMergeConflicts: statusString[0:2] == "UU", } gitFiles = append(gitFiles, gitFile) } return gitFiles } func gitStashDo(index int, method string) (string, error) { return runCommand("git stash " + method + " stash@{" + fmt.Sprint(index) + "}") } func gitStashSave(message string) (string, error) { output, err := runCommand("git stash save \"" + message + "\"") if err != nil { return output, err } // if there are no local changes to save, the exit code is 0, but we want // to raise an error if output == "No local changes to save\n" { return output, errors.New(output) } return output, nil } func gitCheckout(branch string, force bool) (string, error) { forceArg := "" if force { forceArg = "--force " } return runCommand("git checkout " + forceArg + branch) } func runCommand(command string) (string, error) { commandStartTime := time.Now() commandLog(command) splitCmd := strings.Split(command, " ") cmdOut, err := exec.Command(splitCmd[0], splitCmd[1:]...).CombinedOutput() devLog("run command time: ", time.Now().Sub(commandStartTime)) return string(cmdOut), err } func openFile(filename string) (string, error) { return runCommand("open " + filename) } func sublimeOpenFile(filename string) (string, error) { return runCommand("subl " + filename) } func getBranchDiff(branch string, baseBranch string) (string, error) { return runCommand("git diff --color " + baseBranch + "..." + branch) } func verifyInGitRepo() { if output, err := runCommand("git status"); err != nil { fmt.Println(output) os.Exit(1) } } func getCommits() []Commit { pushables := gitCommitsToPush() log := getLog() commits := make([]Commit, 0) // now we can split it up and turn it into commits lines := splitLines(log) for _, line := range lines { splitLine := strings.Split(line, " ") sha := splitLine[0] pushed := includesString(pushables, sha) commits = append(commits, Commit{ Sha: sha, Name: strings.Join(splitLine[1:], " "), Pushed: pushed, DisplayString: strings.Join(splitLine, " "), }) } return commits } func getLog() string { // currently limiting to 30 for performance reasons // TODO: add lazyloading when you scroll down result, err := runDirectCommand("git log --oneline -30") if err != nil { // assume if there is an error there are no commits yet for this branch return "" } return result } func gitIgnore(filename string) { if _, err := runDirectCommand("echo '" + filename + "' >> .gitignore"); err != nil { panic(err) } } func gitShow(sha string) string { result, err := runDirectCommand("git show --color " + sha) if err != nil { panic(err) } return result } func getDiff(file GitFile) string { cachedArg := "" if file.HasStagedChanges { cachedArg = "--cached " } deletedArg := "" if file.Deleted { deletedArg = "-- " } trackedArg := "" if !file.Tracked { trackedArg = "--no-index /dev/null " } command := "git diff --color " + cachedArg + deletedArg + trackedArg + file.Name // for now we assume an error means the file was deleted s, _ := runCommand(command) return s } func catFile(file string) (string, error) { return runDirectCommand("cat " + file) } func stageFile(file string) error { _, err := runCommand("git add " + file) return err } func unStageFile(file string) error { _, err := runCommand("git reset HEAD " + file) return err } func getGitStatus() (string, error) { return runCommand("git status --untracked-files=all --short") } func isInMergeState() (bool, error) { output, err := runCommand("git status --untracked-files=all") if err != nil { return false, err } return strings.Contains(output, "conclude merge") || strings.Contains(output, "unmerged paths"), nil } func removeFile(file GitFile) error { // if the file isn't tracked, we assume you want to delete it if !file.Tracked { _, err := runCommand("rm -rf ./" + file.Name) return err } // if the file is tracked, we assume you want to just check it out _, err := runCommand("git checkout " + file.Name) return err } func gitCommit(message string) error { _, err := runDirectCommand("git commit -m \"" + message + "\"") return err } func gitPull() (string, error) { return runDirectCommand("git pull --no-edit") } func gitPush() (string, error) { return runDirectCommand("git push -u") } func gitSquashPreviousTwoCommits(message string) (string, error) { return runDirectCommand("git reset --soft head^ && git commit --amend -m \"" + message + "\"") } func gitRenameCommit(message string) (string, error) { return runDirectCommand("git commit --allow-empty --amend -m \"" + message + "\"") } func gitFetch() (string, error) { return runDirectCommand("git fetch") } func gitResetToCommit(sha string) (string, error) { return runDirectCommand("git reset " + sha) } func gitNewBranch(name string) (string, error) { return runDirectCommand("git checkout -b " + name) } func gitListStash() (string, error) { return runDirectCommand("git stash list") } func gitMerge(branchName string) (string, error) { return runDirectCommand("git merge --no-edit " + branchName) } func gitAbortMerge() (string, error) { return runDirectCommand("git merge --abort") } func gitUpstreamDifferenceCount() (string, string) { pushableCount, err := runDirectCommand("git rev-list @{u}..head --count") if err != nil { return "?", "?" } pullableCount, err := runDirectCommand("git rev-list head..@{u} --count") if err != nil { return "?", "?" } return strings.TrimSpace(pushableCount), strings.TrimSpace(pullableCount) } func gitCommitsToPush() []string { pushables, err := runDirectCommand("git rev-list @{u}..head --abbrev-commit") if err != nil { return make([]string, 0) } return splitLines(pushables) } func gitCurrentBranchName() string { branchName, err := runDirectCommand("git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD") // if there is an error, assume there are no branches yet if err != nil { return "" } return branchName } const getBranchesCommand = `set -e git reflog -n100 --pretty='%cr|%gs' --grep-reflog='checkout: moving' HEAD | { seen=":" git_dir="$(git rev-parse --git-dir)" while read line; do date="${line%%|*}" branch="${line##* }" if ! [[ $seen == *:"${branch}":* ]]; then seen="${seen}${branch}:" if [ -f "${git_dir}/refs/heads/${branch}" ]; then printf "%s\t%s\n" "$date" "$branch" fi fi done | sed 's/ days /d /g' | sed 's/ weeks /w /g' | sed 's/ hours /h /g' | sed 's/ minutes /m /g' | sed 's/ seconds /m /g' | sed 's/ago//g' | tr -d ' ' } `