package gui

import ""

// you can only copy from one context at a time, because the order and position of commits matter

func (gui *Gui) resetCherryPickingIfNecessary(context Context) error {
	oldContextKey := ContextKey(gui.State.Modes.CherryPicking.ContextKey)

	if oldContextKey != context.GetKey() {
		// need to reset the cherry picking mode
		gui.State.Modes.CherryPicking.ContextKey = string(context.GetKey())
		gui.State.Modes.CherryPicking.CherryPickedCommits = make([]*models.Commit, 0)

		return gui.rerenderContextViewIfPresent(oldContextKey)

	return nil

func (gui *Gui) handleCopyCommit() error {
	if ok, err := gui.validateNotInFilterMode(); err != nil || !ok {
		return err

	// get currently selected commit, add the sha to state.
	context := gui.currentSideListContext()
	if context == nil {
		return nil

	if err := gui.resetCherryPickingIfNecessary(context); err != nil {
		return err

	item, ok := context.GetSelectedItem()
	if !ok {
		return nil
	commit, ok := item.(*models.Commit)
	if !ok {
		return nil

	// we will un-copy it if it's already copied
	for index, cherryPickedCommit := range gui.State.Modes.CherryPicking.CherryPickedCommits {
		if commit.Sha == cherryPickedCommit.Sha {
			gui.State.Modes.CherryPicking.CherryPickedCommits = append(gui.State.Modes.CherryPicking.CherryPickedCommits[0:index], gui.State.Modes.CherryPicking.CherryPickedCommits[index+1:]...)
			return context.HandleRender()

	return context.HandleRender()

func (gui *Gui) cherryPickedCommitShaMap() map[string]bool {
	commitShaMap := map[string]bool{}
	for _, commit := range gui.State.Modes.CherryPicking.CherryPickedCommits {
		commitShaMap[commit.Sha] = true
	return commitShaMap

func (gui *Gui) commitsListForContext() []*models.Commit {
	context := gui.currentSideListContext()
	if context == nil {
		return nil

	// using a switch statement, but we should use polymorphism
	switch context.GetKey() {
		return gui.State.Commits
		return gui.State.FilteredReflogCommits
		return gui.State.SubCommits
		gui.Log.Errorf("no commit list for context %s", context.GetKey())
		return nil

func (gui *Gui) addCommitToCherryPickedCommits(index int) {
	commitShaMap := gui.cherryPickedCommitShaMap()
	commitsList := gui.commitsListForContext()
	commitShaMap[commitsList[index].Sha] = true

	newCommits := []*models.Commit{}
	for _, commit := range commitsList {
		if commitShaMap[commit.Sha] {
			// duplicating just the things we need to put in the rebase TODO list
			newCommits = append(newCommits, &models.Commit{Name: commit.Name, Sha: commit.Sha})

	gui.State.Modes.CherryPicking.CherryPickedCommits = newCommits

func (gui *Gui) handleCopyCommitRange() error {
	if ok, err := gui.validateNotInFilterMode(); err != nil || !ok {
		return err

	// get currently selected commit, add the sha to state.
	context := gui.currentSideListContext()
	if context == nil {
		return nil

	if err := gui.resetCherryPickingIfNecessary(context); err != nil {
		return err

	commitShaMap := gui.cherryPickedCommitShaMap()
	commitsList := gui.commitsListForContext()
	selectedLineIdx := context.GetPanelState().GetSelectedLineIdx()

	if selectedLineIdx > len(commitsList)-1 {
		return nil

	// find the last commit that is copied that's above our position
	// if there are none, startIndex = 0
	startIndex := 0
	for index, commit := range commitsList[0:selectedLineIdx] {
		if commitShaMap[commit.Sha] {
			startIndex = index

	for index := startIndex; index <= selectedLineIdx; index++ {

	return context.HandleRender()

// HandlePasteCommits begins a cherry-pick rebase with the commits the user has copied
func (gui *Gui) HandlePasteCommits() error {
	if ok, err := gui.validateNotInFilterMode(); err != nil || !ok {
		return err

	return gui.ask(askOpts{
		title:  gui.Tr.CherryPick,
		prompt: gui.Tr.SureCherryPick,
		handleConfirm: func() error {
			return gui.WithWaitingStatus(gui.Tr.CherryPickingStatus, func() error {
				err := gui.Git.Rebase.CherryPickCommits(gui.State.Modes.CherryPicking.CherryPickedCommits)
				return gui.handleGenericMergeCommandResult(err)

func (gui *Gui) exitCherryPickingMode() error {
	contextKey := ContextKey(gui.State.Modes.CherryPicking.ContextKey)

	gui.State.Modes.CherryPicking.ContextKey = ""
	gui.State.Modes.CherryPicking.CherryPickedCommits = nil

	if contextKey == "" {
		gui.Log.Warn("context key blank when trying to exit cherry picking mode")
		return nil

	return gui.rerenderContextViewIfPresent(contextKey)

func (gui *Gui) rerenderContextViewIfPresent(contextKey ContextKey) error {
	if contextKey == "" {
		return nil

	context := gui.mustContextForContextKey(contextKey)

	viewName := context.GetViewName()

	view, err := gui.g.View(viewName)
	if err != nil {
		return nil

	if ContextKey(view.Context) == contextKey {
		if err := context.HandleRender(); err != nil {
			return err

	return nil