package commands import ( "fmt" "os/exec" "strings" "" "" ) // RenameCommit renames the topmost commit with the given name func (c *GitCommand) RenameCommit(name string) error { return c.RunCommand("git commit --allow-empty --amend -m %s", c.OSCommand.Quote(name)) } // ResetToCommit reset to commit func (c *GitCommand) ResetToCommit(sha string, strength string, options oscommands.RunCommandOptions) error { return c.OSCommand.RunCommandWithOptions(fmt.Sprintf("git reset --%s %s", strength, sha), options) } // Commit commits to git func (c *GitCommand) Commit(message string, flags string) (*exec.Cmd, error) { splitMessage := strings.Split(message, "\n") lineArgs := "" for _, line := range splitMessage { lineArgs += fmt.Sprintf(" -m %s", c.OSCommand.Quote(line)) } command := fmt.Sprintf("git commit %s%s", flags, lineArgs) if c.usingGpg() { return c.OSCommand.ShellCommandFromString(command), nil } return nil, c.OSCommand.RunCommand(command) } // Get the subject of the HEAD commit func (c *GitCommand) GetHeadCommitMessage() (string, error) { cmdStr := "git log -1 --pretty=%s" message, err := c.OSCommand.RunCommandWithOutput(cmdStr) return strings.TrimSpace(message), err } func (c *GitCommand) GetCommitMessage(commitSha string) (string, error) { cmdStr := "git rev-list --format=%B --max-count=1 " + commitSha messageWithHeader, err := c.OSCommand.RunCommandWithOutput(cmdStr) message := strings.Join(strings.SplitAfter(messageWithHeader, "\n")[1:], "\n") return strings.TrimSpace(message), err } // AmendHead amends HEAD with whatever is staged in your working tree func (c *GitCommand) AmendHead() (*exec.Cmd, error) { command := "git commit --amend --no-edit --allow-empty" if c.usingGpg() { return c.OSCommand.ShellCommandFromString(command), nil } return nil, c.OSCommand.RunCommand(command) } // PrepareCommitAmendSubProcess prepares a subprocess for `git commit --amend --allow-empty` func (c *GitCommand) PrepareCommitAmendSubProcess() *exec.Cmd { return c.OSCommand.PrepareSubProcess("git", "commit", "--amend", "--allow-empty") } func (c *GitCommand) ShowCmdStr(sha string, filterPath string) string { filterPathArg := "" if filterPath != "" { filterPathArg = fmt.Sprintf(" -- %s", c.OSCommand.Quote(filterPath)) } return fmt.Sprintf("git show --submodule --color=%s --no-renames --stat -p %s %s", c.colorArg(), sha, filterPathArg) } // Revert reverts the selected commit by sha func (c *GitCommand) Revert(sha string) error { return c.RunCommand("git revert %s", sha) } // CherryPickCommits begins an interactive rebase with the given shas being cherry picked onto HEAD func (c *GitCommand) CherryPickCommits(commits []*models.Commit) error { todo := "" for _, commit := range commits { todo = "pick " + commit.Sha + " " + commit.Name + "\n" + todo } cmd, err := c.PrepareInteractiveRebaseCommand("HEAD", todo, false) if err != nil { return err } return c.OSCommand.RunPreparedCommand(cmd) } // CreateFixupCommit creates a commit that fixes up a previous commit func (c *GitCommand) CreateFixupCommit(sha string) error { return c.RunCommand("git commit --fixup=%s", sha) }