package commands

import (


// Branch : A git branch
// duplicating this for now
type Branch struct {
	Name      string
	Recency   string
	Pushables string
	Pullables string
	Selected  bool

// GetDisplayStrings returns the dispaly string of branch
func (b *Branch) GetDisplayStrings(isFocused bool) []string {
	displayName := utils.ColoredString(b.Name, b.GetColor())
	if isFocused && b.Selected && b.Pushables != "" && b.Pullables != "" {
		displayName = fmt.Sprintf("%s ā†‘%sā†“%s", displayName, b.Pushables, b.Pullables)

	return []string{b.Recency, displayName}

// GetColor branch color
func (b *Branch) GetColor() color.Attribute {
	switch b.getType() {
	case "feature":
		return color.FgGreen
	case "bugfix":
		return color.FgYellow
	case "hotfix":
		return color.FgRed
		return color.FgWhite

// expected to return feature/bugfix/hotfix or blank string
func (b *Branch) getType() string {
	return strings.Split(b.Name, "/")[0]