package litter

import (

// mapReusedPointers takes a structure, and recursively maps all pointers mentioned in the tree,
// detecting circular references, and providing a list of all pointers that was referenced at
// least twice by the provided structure.
func mapReusedPointers(v reflect.Value) ptrmap {
	pm := &pointerVisitor{}
	return pm.reused

// A map of pointers.
type ptrinfo struct {
	id     int
	parent *ptrmap

func (p *ptrinfo) label() string {
	if == -1 { = p.parent.count
	return fmt.Sprintf("p%d",

type ptrkey struct {
	p uintptr
	t reflect.Type

func ptrkeyFor(v reflect.Value) (k ptrkey) {
	k.p = v.Pointer()
	for v.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
		v = v.Elem()
	if v.IsValid() {
		k.t = v.Type()

type ptrmap struct {
	m     map[ptrkey]*ptrinfo
	count int

// Returns true if contains a pointer.
func (pm *ptrmap) contains(v reflect.Value) bool {
	if pm.m != nil {
		_, ok := pm.m[ptrkeyFor(v)]
		return ok
	return false

// Gets a pointer.
func (pm *ptrmap) get(v reflect.Value) (*ptrinfo, bool) {
	if pm.m != nil {
		p, ok := pm.m[ptrkeyFor(v)]
		return p, ok
	return nil, false

// Removes a pointer.
func (pm *ptrmap) remove(v reflect.Value) {
	if pm.m != nil {
		delete(pm.m, ptrkeyFor(v))

// Adds a pointer.
func (pm *ptrmap) add(p reflect.Value) bool {
	if pm.contains(p) {
		return false
	return true

// Adds a pointer (slow path).
func (pm *ptrmap) put(v reflect.Value) {
	if pm.m == nil {
		pm.m = make(map[ptrkey]*ptrinfo, 31)

	key := ptrkeyFor(v)
	if _, ok := pm.m[key]; !ok {
		pm.m[key] = &ptrinfo{id: -1, parent: pm}

type pointerVisitor struct {
	pointers ptrmap
	reused   ptrmap

// Recursively consider v and each of its children, updating the map according to the
// semantics of MapReusedPointers
func (pv *pointerVisitor) consider(v reflect.Value) {
	if v.Kind() == reflect.Invalid {
	if isPointerValue(v) { // pointer is 0 for unexported fields
		if pv.tryAddPointer(v) {
			// No use descending inside this value, since it have been seen before and all its descendants
			// have been considered

	// Now descend into any children of this value
	switch v.Kind() {
	case reflect.Slice, reflect.Array:
		numEntries := v.Len()
		for i := 0; i < numEntries; i++ {

	case reflect.Interface:

	case reflect.Ptr:

	case reflect.Map:
		keys := v.MapKeys()
			keys:    keys,
			options: &Config,
		for _, key := range keys {

	case reflect.Struct:
		numFields := v.NumField()
		for i := 0; i < numFields; i++ {

// addPointer to the pointerMap, update reusedPointers. Returns true if pointer was reused
func (pv *pointerVisitor) tryAddPointer(v reflect.Value) bool {
	// Is this allready known to be reused?
	if pv.reused.contains(v) {
		return true

	// Have we seen it once before?
	if pv.pointers.contains(v) {
		// Add it to the register of pointers we have seen more than once
		return true

	// This pointer was new to us
	return false