package git

import (


func init() {
	fillSystemInfo = func(e *index.Entry, sys interface{}) {
		if os, ok := sys.(*syscall.Dir); ok {
			// Plan 9 doesn't have a CreatedAt field.
			e.CreatedAt = time.Unix(int64(os.Mtime), 0)

			e.Dev = uint32(os.Dev)

			// Plan 9 has no Inode.
			// ext2srv(4) appears to store Inode in Qid.Path.
			e.Inode = uint32(os.Qid.Path)

			// Plan 9 has string UID/GID
			e.GID = 0
			e.UID = 0

func isSymlinkWindowsNonAdmin(err error) bool {
	return true