package hosting_service

import (


func TestGetPullRequestURL(t *testing.T) {
	type scenario struct {
		testName             string
		from                 string
		to                   string
		remoteUrl            string
		configServiceDomains map[string]string
		test                 func(url string, err error)
		expectedLoggedErrors []string

	scenarios := []scenario{
			testName:  "Opens a link to new pull request on bitbucket",
			from:      "feature/profile-page",
			remoteUrl: "",
			test: func(url string, err error) {
				assert.NoError(t, err)
				assert.Equal(t, "", url)
			testName:  "Opens a link to new pull request on bitbucket with http remote url",
			from:      "feature/events",
			remoteUrl: "",
			test: func(url string, err error) {
				assert.NoError(t, err)
				assert.Equal(t, "", url)
			testName:  "Opens a link to new pull request on github",
			from:      "feature/sum-operation",
			remoteUrl: "",
			test: func(url string, err error) {
				assert.NoError(t, err)
				assert.Equal(t, "", url)
			testName:  "Opens a link to new pull request on bitbucket with specific target branch",
			from:      "feature/profile-page/avatar",
			to:        "feature/profile-page",
			remoteUrl: "",
			test: func(url string, err error) {
				assert.NoError(t, err)
				assert.Equal(t, "", url)
			testName:  "Opens a link to new pull request on bitbucket with http remote url with specified target branch",
			from:      "feature/remote-events",
			to:        "feature/events",
			remoteUrl: "",
			test: func(url string, err error) {
				assert.NoError(t, err)
				assert.Equal(t, "", url)
			testName:  "Opens a link to new pull request on github with specific target branch",
			from:      "feature/sum-operation",
			to:        "feature/operations",
			remoteUrl: "",
			test: func(url string, err error) {
				assert.NoError(t, err)
				assert.Equal(t, "", url)
			testName:  "Opens a link to new pull request on gitlab",
			from:      "feature/ui",
			remoteUrl: "",
			test: func(url string, err error) {
				assert.NoError(t, err)
				assert.Equal(t, "[source_branch]=feature%2Fui", url)
			testName:  "Opens a link to new pull request on gitlab in nested groups",
			from:      "feature/ui",
			remoteUrl: "",
			test: func(url string, err error) {
				assert.NoError(t, err)
				assert.Equal(t, "[source_branch]=feature%2Fui", url)
			testName:  "Opens a link to new pull request on gitlab with specific target branch",
			from:      "feature/commit-ui",
			to:        "epic/ui",
			remoteUrl: "",
			test: func(url string, err error) {
				assert.NoError(t, err)
				assert.Equal(t, "[source_branch]=feature%2Fcommit-ui&merge_request[target_branch]=epic%2Fui", url)
			testName:  "Opens a link to new pull request on gitlab with specific target branch in nested groups",
			from:      "feature/commit-ui",
			to:        "epic/ui",
			remoteUrl: "",
			test: func(url string, err error) {
				assert.NoError(t, err)
				assert.Equal(t, "[source_branch]=feature%2Fcommit-ui&merge_request[target_branch]=epic%2Fui", url)
			testName:  "Opens a link to new pull request on Azure DevOps (SSH)",
			from:      "feature/new",
			remoteUrl: "",
			test: func(url string, err error) {
				assert.NoError(t, err)
				assert.Equal(t, "", url)
			testName:  "Opens a link to new pull request on Azure DevOps (SSH) with specifc target",
			from:      "feature/new",
			to:        "dev",
			remoteUrl: "",
			test: func(url string, err error) {
				assert.NoError(t, err)
				assert.Equal(t, "", url)
			testName:  "Opens a link to new pull request on Azure DevOps (HTTP)",
			from:      "feature/new",
			remoteUrl: "",
			test: func(url string, err error) {
				assert.NoError(t, err)
				assert.Equal(t, "", url)
			testName:  "Opens a link to new pull request on Azure DevOps (HTTP) with specifc target",
			from:      "feature/new",
			to:        "dev",
			remoteUrl: "",
			test: func(url string, err error) {
				assert.NoError(t, err)
				assert.Equal(t, "", url)
			testName:  "Throws an error if git service is unsupported",
			from:      "feature/divide-operation",
			remoteUrl: "",
			test: func(url string, err error) {
				assert.EqualError(t, err, "Unsupported git service")
			testName:  "Does not log error when config service domains are valid",
			from:      "feature/profile-page",
			remoteUrl: "",
			configServiceDomains: map[string]string{
				// valid configuration for a custom service URL
				"": "",
			test: func(url string, err error) {
				assert.NoError(t, err)
				assert.Equal(t, "", url)
			expectedLoggedErrors: nil,
			testName:  "Logs error when config service domain is malformed",
			from:      "feature/profile-page",
			remoteUrl: "",
			configServiceDomains: map[string]string{
				"": "",
			test: func(url string, err error) {
				assert.NoError(t, err)
				assert.Equal(t, "", url)
			expectedLoggedErrors: []string{"Unexpected format for git service: ''. Expected something like ''"},
			testName:  "Logs error when config service domain uses unknown provider",
			from:      "feature/profile-page",
			remoteUrl: "",
			configServiceDomains: map[string]string{
				"": "",
			test: func(url string, err error) {
				assert.NoError(t, err)
				assert.Equal(t, "", url)
			expectedLoggedErrors: []string{"Unknown git service type: 'noservice'. Expected one of github, bitbucket, gitlab, azuredevops"},
			testName:  "Escapes reserved URL characters in from branch name",
			from:      "feature/someIssue#123",
			to:        "master",
			remoteUrl: "",
			test: func(url string, err error) {
				assert.NoError(t, err)
				assert.Equal(t, "[source_branch]=feature%2FsomeIssue%23123&merge_request[target_branch]=master", url)
			testName:  "Escapes reserved URL characters in to branch name",
			from:      "yolo",
			to:        "archive/never-ending-feature#666",
			remoteUrl: "",
			test: func(url string, err error) {
				assert.NoError(t, err)
				assert.Equal(t, "[source_branch]=yolo&merge_request[target_branch]=archive%2Fnever-ending-feature%23666", url)

	for _, s := range scenarios {
		s := s
		t.Run(s.testName, func(t *testing.T) {
			tr := i18n.EnglishTranslationSet()
			log := &test.FakeFieldLogger{}
			hostingServiceMgr := NewHostingServiceMgr(log, &tr, s.remoteUrl, s.configServiceDomains)
			log.AssertErrors(t, s.expectedLoggedErrors)