package branch import ( "" . "" ) var Delete = NewIntegrationTest(NewIntegrationTestArgs{ Description: "Try to delete the checked out branch first (to no avail), and then delete another branch.", ExtraCmdArgs: "", Skip: false, SetupConfig: func(config *config.AppConfig) {}, SetupRepo: func(shell *Shell) { shell. EmptyCommit("blah"). NewBranch("branch-one"). NewBranch("branch-two") }, Run: func(shell *Shell, t *TestDriver, keys config.KeybindingConfig) { t.Views().Branches(). Focus(). Lines( MatchesRegexp(`\*.*branch-two`).IsSelected(), MatchesRegexp(`branch-one`), MatchesRegexp(`master`), ). Press(keys.Universal.Remove). Tap(func() { t.ExpectAlert().Title(Equals("Error")).Content(Contains("You cannot delete the checked out branch!")).Confirm() }). SelectNextItem(). Press(keys.Universal.Remove). Tap(func() { t.ExpectConfirmation(). Title(Equals("Delete Branch")). Content(Contains("Are you sure you want to delete the branch 'branch-one'?")). Confirm() }). Lines( MatchesRegexp(`\*.*branch-two`), MatchesRegexp(`master`).IsSelected(), ) }, })