.PHONY: all all: build .PHONY: build build: go build .PHONY: install install: go install .PHONY: run run: build ./lazygit # Run `make run-debug` in one terminal tab and `make print-log` in another to view the program and its log output side by side .PHONY: run-debug run-debug: go run main.go -debug .PHONY: print-log print-log: go run main.go --logs .PHONY: unit-test unit-test: go test ./... -short .PHONY: test test: unit-test integration-test-all # Generate all our auto-generated files (test list, cheatsheets, maybe other things in the future) .PHONY: generate generate: go generate ./... .PHONY: format format: gofumpt -l -w . # For more details about integration test, see https://github.com/jesseduffield/lazygit/blob/master/pkg/integration/README.md. .PHONY: integration-test-tui integration-test-tui: go run cmd/integration_test/main.go tui $(filter-out $@,$(MAKECMDGOALS)) .PHONY: integration-test-cli integration-test-cli: go run cmd/integration_test/main.go cli $(filter-out $@,$(MAKECMDGOALS)) .PHONY: integration-test-all integration-test-all: go test pkg/integration/clients/*.go .PHONY: bump-gocui bump-gocui: scripts/bump_gocui.sh .PHONY: bump-lazycore bump-lazycore: scripts/bump_lazycore.sh .PHONY: record-demo record-demo: demo/record_demo.sh $(filter-out $@,$(MAKECMDGOALS)) .PHONY: vendor vendor: go mod vendor && go mod tidy