package models

// Branch : A git branch
// duplicating this for now
type Branch struct {
	Name string
	// the displayname is something like '(HEAD detached at 123asdf)', whereas in that case the name would be '123asdf'
	DisplayName  string
	Recency      string
	Pushables    string
	Pullables    string
	UpstreamGone bool
	Head         bool
	// if we have a named remote locally this will be the name of that remote e.g.
	// 'origin' or 'tiwood'. If we don't have the remote locally it'll look like
	// ''
	UpstreamRemote string
	UpstreamBranch string

func (b *Branch) FullRefName() string {
	return "refs/heads/" + b.Name

func (b *Branch) RefName() string {
	return b.Name

func (b *Branch) ParentRefName() string {
	return b.RefName() + "^"

func (b *Branch) ID() string {
	return b.RefName()

func (b *Branch) Description() string {
	return b.RefName()

func (b *Branch) IsTrackingRemote() bool {
	return b.UpstreamRemote != ""

// we know that the remote branch is not stored locally based on our pushable/pullable
// count being question marks.
func (b *Branch) RemoteBranchStoredLocally() bool {
	return b.IsTrackingRemote() && b.Pushables != "?" && b.Pullables != "?"

func (b *Branch) RemoteBranchNotStoredLocally() bool {
	return b.IsTrackingRemote() && b.Pushables == "?" && b.Pullables == "?"

func (b *Branch) MatchesUpstream() bool {
	return b.RemoteBranchStoredLocally() && b.Pushables == "0" && b.Pullables == "0"

func (b *Branch) HasCommitsToPush() bool {
	return b.RemoteBranchStoredLocally() && b.Pushables != "0"

func (b *Branch) HasCommitsToPull() bool {
	return b.RemoteBranchStoredLocally() && b.Pullables != "0"

// for when we're in a detached head state
func (b *Branch) IsRealBranch() bool {
	return b.Pushables != "" && b.Pullables != ""