package oscommands import ( "fmt" "io" "os" "os/exec" "path/filepath" "strings" "sync" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) // OSCommand holds all the os commands type OSCommand struct { *common.Common Platform *Platform getenvFn func(string) string guiIO *guiIO removeFileFn func(string) error Cmd *CmdObjBuilder tempDir string } // Platform stores the os state type Platform struct { OS string Shell string ShellArg string OpenCommand string OpenLinkCommand string } // NewOSCommand os command runner func NewOSCommand(common *common.Common, config config.AppConfigurer, platform *Platform, guiIO *guiIO) *OSCommand { c := &OSCommand{ Common: common, Platform: platform, getenvFn: os.Getenv, removeFileFn: os.RemoveAll, guiIO: guiIO, tempDir: config.GetTempDir(), } runner := &cmdObjRunner{log: common.Log, guiIO: guiIO} c.Cmd = &CmdObjBuilder{runner: runner, platform: platform} return c } func (c *OSCommand) LogCommand(cmdStr string, commandLine bool) { c.Log.WithField("command", cmdStr).Info("RunCommand") c.guiIO.logCommandFn(cmdStr, commandLine) } // FileType tells us if the file is a file, directory or other func FileType(path string) string { fileInfo, err := os.Stat(path) if err != nil { return "other" } if fileInfo.IsDir() { return "directory" } return "file" } func (c *OSCommand) OpenFile(filename string) error { commandTemplate := c.UserConfig.OS.Open if commandTemplate == "" { // Legacy support commandTemplate = c.UserConfig.OS.OpenCommand } if commandTemplate == "" { commandTemplate = config.GetPlatformDefaultConfig().Open } templateValues := map[string]string{ "filename": c.Quote(filename), } command := utils.ResolvePlaceholderString(commandTemplate, templateValues) return c.Cmd.NewShell(command).Run() } func (c *OSCommand) OpenLink(link string) error { commandTemplate := c.UserConfig.OS.OpenLink if commandTemplate == "" { // Legacy support commandTemplate = c.UserConfig.OS.OpenLinkCommand } if commandTemplate == "" { commandTemplate = config.GetPlatformDefaultConfig().OpenLink } templateValues := map[string]string{ "link": c.Quote(link), } command := utils.ResolvePlaceholderString(commandTemplate, templateValues) return c.Cmd.NewShell(command).Run() } // Quote wraps a message in platform-specific quotation marks func (c *OSCommand) Quote(message string) string { return c.Cmd.Quote(message) } // AppendLineToFile adds a new line in file func (c *OSCommand) AppendLineToFile(filename, line string) error { c.LogCommand(fmt.Sprintf("Appending '%s' to file '%s'", line, filename), false) f, err := os.OpenFile(filename, os.O_APPEND|os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE, 0o600) if err != nil { return utils.WrapError(err) } defer f.Close() info, err := os.Stat(filename) if err != nil { return utils.WrapError(err) } if info.Size() > 0 { // read last char buf := make([]byte, 1) if _, err := f.ReadAt(buf, info.Size()-1); err != nil { return utils.WrapError(err) } // if the last byte of the file is not a newline, add it if []byte("\n")[0] != buf[0] { _, err = f.WriteString("\n") } } if err == nil { _, err = f.WriteString(line + "\n") } if err != nil { return utils.WrapError(err) } return nil } // CreateFileWithContent creates a file with the given content func (c *OSCommand) CreateFileWithContent(path string, content string) error { c.LogCommand(fmt.Sprintf("Creating file '%s'", path), false) if err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(path), os.ModePerm); err != nil { c.Log.Error(err) return err } if err := os.WriteFile(path, []byte(content), 0o644); err != nil { c.Log.Error(err) return utils.WrapError(err) } return nil } // Remove removes a file or directory at the specified path func (c *OSCommand) Remove(filename string) error { c.LogCommand(fmt.Sprintf("Removing '%s'", filename), false) err := os.RemoveAll(filename) return utils.WrapError(err) } // FileExists checks whether a file exists at the specified path func (c *OSCommand) FileExists(path string) (bool, error) { if _, err := os.Stat(path); err != nil { if os.IsNotExist(err) { return false, nil } return false, err } return true, nil } // PipeCommands runs a heap of commands and pipes their inputs/outputs together like A | B | C func (c *OSCommand) PipeCommands(cmdObjs ...ICmdObj) error { cmds := slices.Map(cmdObjs, func(cmdObj ICmdObj) *exec.Cmd { return cmdObj.GetCmd() }) logCmdStr := strings.Join( lo.Map(cmdObjs, func(cmdObj ICmdObj, _ int) string { return cmdObj.ToString() }), " | ", ) c.LogCommand(logCmdStr, true) for i := 0; i < len(cmds)-1; i++ { stdout, err := cmds[i].StdoutPipe() if err != nil { return err } cmds[i+1].Stdin = stdout } // keeping this here in case I adapt this code for some other purpose in the future // cmds[len(cmds)-1].Stdout = os.Stdout finalErrors := []string{} wg := sync.WaitGroup{} wg.Add(len(cmds)) for _, cmd := range cmds { currentCmd := cmd go utils.Safe(func() { stderr, err := currentCmd.StderrPipe() if err != nil { c.Log.Error(err) } if err := currentCmd.Start(); err != nil { c.Log.Error(err) } if b, err := io.ReadAll(stderr); err == nil { if len(b) > 0 { finalErrors = append(finalErrors, string(b)) } } if err := currentCmd.Wait(); err != nil { c.Log.Error(err) } wg.Done() }) } wg.Wait() if len(finalErrors) > 0 { return errors.New(strings.Join(finalErrors, "\n")) } return nil } // Kill kills a process. If the process has Setpgid == true, then we have anticipated that it might spawn its own child processes, so we've given it a process group ID (PGID) equal to its process id (PID) and given its child processes will inherit the PGID, we can kill that group, rather than killing the process itself. func Kill(cmd *exec.Cmd) error { return kill.Kill(cmd) } // PrepareForChildren sets Setpgid to true on the cmd, so that when we run it as a subprocess, we can kill its group rather than the process itself. This is because some commands, like `docker-compose logs` spawn multiple children processes, and killing the parent process isn't sufficient for killing those child processes. We set the group id here, and then in subprocess.go we check if the group id is set and if so, we kill the whole group rather than just the one process. func PrepareForChildren(cmd *exec.Cmd) { kill.PrepareForChildren(cmd) } func (c *OSCommand) CopyToClipboard(str string) error { escaped := strings.Replace(str, "\n", "\\n", -1) truncated := utils.TruncateWithEllipsis(escaped, 40) c.LogCommand(fmt.Sprintf("Copying '%s' to clipboard", truncated), false) if c.UserConfig.OS.CopyToClipboardCmd != "" { cmdStr := utils.ResolvePlaceholderString(c.UserConfig.OS.CopyToClipboardCmd, map[string]string{ "text": c.Cmd.Quote(str), }) return c.Cmd.NewShell(cmdStr).Run() } return clipboard.WriteAll(str) } func (c *OSCommand) RemoveFile(path string) error { c.LogCommand(fmt.Sprintf("Deleting path '%s'", path), false) return c.removeFileFn(path) } func (c *OSCommand) Getenv(key string) string { return c.getenvFn(key) } func (c *OSCommand) GetTempDir() string { return c.tempDir } // GetLazygitPath returns the path of the currently executed file func GetLazygitPath() string { ex, err := os.Executable() // get the executable path for git to use if err != nil { ex = os.Args[0] // fallback to the first call argument if needed } return `"` + filepath.ToSlash(ex) + `"` } func (c *OSCommand) UpdateWindowTitle() error { if c.Platform.OS != "windows" { return nil } path, getWdErr := os.Getwd() if getWdErr != nil { return getWdErr } argString := fmt.Sprint("title ", filepath.Base(path), " - Lazygit") return c.Cmd.NewShell(argString).Run() }