#!/bin/bash set -ex; rm -rf repo; mkdir repo; cd repo git init git config user.email "test@example.com" git config user.name "Lazygit Tester" echo "deleted" > deleted_staged echo "deleted_unstaged" > deleted_unstaged echo "modified_staged" > modified_staged echo "modified_unstaged" > modified_unstaged echo "renamed" > renamed_before git add . git commit -m "files to delete" rm deleted_staged rm deleted_unstaged rm renamed_before echo "renamed" > renamed_after echo "more" >> modified_staged echo "more" >> modified_unstaged echo "untracked_staged" > untracked_staged echo "untracked_unstaged" > untracked_unstaged echo "blah" > "file with space staged" echo "blah" > "file with space unstaged" echo "same name as branch" > master git add deleted_staged git add modified_staged git add untracked_staged git add "file with space staged" git add renamed_before git add renamed_after