package gui

import (

// after selecting the 200th commit, we'll load in all the rest

// list panel functions

func (gui *Gui) getSelectedLocalCommit() *models.Commit {
	return gui.State.Contexts.LocalCommits.GetSelected()

func (gui *Gui) onCommitFocus() error {
	context := gui.State.Contexts.LocalCommits
	if context.GetSelectedLineIdx() > COMMIT_THRESHOLD && context.GetLimitCommits() {
		go utils.Safe(func() {
			if err := gui.refreshCommitsWithLimit(); err != nil {
				_ = gui.c.Error(err)


	return nil

func (gui *Gui) branchCommitsRenderToMain() error {
	var task updateTask
	commit := gui.State.Contexts.LocalCommits.GetSelected()
	if commit == nil {
		task = NewRenderStringTask(gui.c.Tr.NoCommitsThisBranch)
	} else {
		cmdObj := gui.git.Commit.ShowCmdObj(commit.Sha, gui.State.Modes.Filtering.GetPath())
		task = NewRunPtyTask(cmdObj.GetCmd())

	return gui.refreshMainViews(refreshMainOpts{
		main: &viewUpdateOpts{
			title: "Patch",
			task:  task,
		secondary: gui.secondaryPatchPanelUpdateOpts(),

func (gui *Gui) refForLog() string {
	bisectInfo := gui.git.Bisect.GetInfo()
	gui.State.Model.BisectInfo = bisectInfo

	if !bisectInfo.Started() {
		return "HEAD"

	// need to see if our bisect's current commit is reachable from our 'new' ref.
	if bisectInfo.Bisecting() && !gui.git.Bisect.ReachableFromStart(bisectInfo) {
		return bisectInfo.GetNewSha()

	return bisectInfo.GetStartSha()