package gui

import (

func (gui *Gui) mainSectionChildren() []*boxlayout.Box {
	currentWindow := gui.currentWindow()

	// if we're not in split mode we can just show the one main panel. Likewise if
	// the main panel is focused and we're in full-screen mode
	if !gui.isMainPanelSplit() || (gui.State.ScreenMode == SCREEN_FULL && currentWindow == "main") {
		return []*boxlayout.Box{
				Window: "main",
				Weight: 1,

	main := "main"
	secondary := "secondary"
	if gui.secondaryViewFocused() {
		// when you think you've focused the secondary view, we've actually just swapped them around in the layout
		main, secondary = secondary, main

	return []*boxlayout.Box{
			Window: main,
			Weight: 1,
			Window: secondary,
			Weight: 1,

func (gui *Gui) getMidSectionWeights() (int, int) {
	currentWindow := gui.currentWindow()

	// we originally specified this as a ratio i.e. .20 would correspond to a weight of 1 against 4
	sidePanelWidthRatio := gui.Config.GetUserConfig().GetFloat64("gui.sidePanelWidth")
	// we could make this better by creating ratios like 2:3 rather than always 1:something
	mainSectionWeight := int(1/sidePanelWidthRatio) - 1
	sideSectionWeight := 1

	if gui.isMainPanelSplit() {
		mainSectionWeight = 5 // need to shrink side panel to make way for main panels if side-by-side

	if currentWindow == "main" {
		if gui.State.ScreenMode == SCREEN_HALF || gui.State.ScreenMode == SCREEN_FULL {
			sideSectionWeight = 0
	} else {
		if gui.State.ScreenMode == SCREEN_HALF {
			mainSectionWeight = 1
		} else if gui.State.ScreenMode == SCREEN_FULL {
			mainSectionWeight = 0

	return sideSectionWeight, mainSectionWeight

func (gui *Gui) infoSectionChildren(informationStr string, appStatus string) []*boxlayout.Box {
	if gui.State.Searching.isSearching {
		return []*boxlayout.Box{
				Window: "searchPrefix",
				Size:   len(SEARCH_PREFIX),
				Window: "search",
				Weight: 1,

	result := []*boxlayout.Box{}

	if len(appStatus) > 0 {
		result = append(result,
				Window: "appStatus",
				Size:   len(appStatus) + len(INFO_SECTION_PADDING),

	result = append(result,
				Window: "options",
				Weight: 1,
				Window: "information",
				// unlike appStatus, informationStr has various colors so we need to decolorise before taking the length
				Size: len(INFO_SECTION_PADDING) + len(utils.Decolorise(informationStr)),

	return result

func (gui *Gui) getWindowDimensions(informationStr string, appStatus string) map[string]boxlayout.Dimensions {
	width, height := gui.g.Size()

	sideSectionWeight, mainSectionWeight := gui.getMidSectionWeights()

	sidePanelsDirection := boxlayout.COLUMN
	portraitMode := width <= 84 && height > 45
	if portraitMode {
		sidePanelsDirection = boxlayout.ROW

	root := &boxlayout.Box{
		Direction: boxlayout.ROW,
		Children: []*boxlayout.Box{
				Direction: sidePanelsDirection,
				Weight:    1,
				Children: []*boxlayout.Box{
						Direction:           boxlayout.ROW,
						Weight:              sideSectionWeight,
						ConditionalChildren: gui.sidePanelChildren,
						ConditionalDirection: func(width int, height int) int {
							mainPanelSplitMode := gui.Config.GetUserConfig().GetString("gui.mainPanelSplitMode")

							switch mainPanelSplitMode {
							case "vertical":
								return boxlayout.ROW
							case "horizontal":
								return boxlayout.COLUMN
								if width < 160 && height > 30 { // 2 80 character width panels
									return boxlayout.ROW
								} else {
									return boxlayout.COLUMN
						Direction: boxlayout.COLUMN,
						Weight:    mainSectionWeight,
						Children:  gui.mainSectionChildren(),
				Direction: boxlayout.COLUMN,
				Size:      1,
				Children:  gui.infoSectionChildren(informationStr, appStatus),

	return boxlayout.ArrangeWindows(root, 0, 0, width, height)

func (gui *Gui) sidePanelChildren(width int, height int) []*boxlayout.Box {
	currentWindow := gui.currentSideWindowName()

	if gui.State.ScreenMode == SCREEN_FULL || gui.State.ScreenMode == SCREEN_HALF {
		fullHeightBox := func(window string) *boxlayout.Box {
			if window == currentWindow {
				return &boxlayout.Box{
					Window: window,
					Weight: 1,
			} else {
				return &boxlayout.Box{
					Window: window,
					Size:   0,

		return []*boxlayout.Box{
	} else if height >= 28 {
		accordianMode := gui.Config.GetUserConfig().GetBool("gui.expandFocusedSidePanel")
		accordianBox := func(defaultBox *boxlayout.Box) *boxlayout.Box {
			if accordianMode && defaultBox.Window == currentWindow {
				return &boxlayout.Box{
					Window: defaultBox.Window,
					Weight: 2,

			return defaultBox

		return []*boxlayout.Box{
				Window: "status",
				Size:   3,
			accordianBox(&boxlayout.Box{Window: "files", Weight: 1}),
			accordianBox(&boxlayout.Box{Window: "branches", Weight: 1}),
			accordianBox(&boxlayout.Box{Window: "commits", Weight: 1}),
			accordianBox(&boxlayout.Box{Window: "stash", Size: 3}),
	} else {
		squashedHeight := 1
		if height >= 21 {
			squashedHeight = 3

		squashedSidePanelBox := func(window string) *boxlayout.Box {
			if window == currentWindow {
				return &boxlayout.Box{
					Window: window,
					Weight: 1,
			} else {
				return &boxlayout.Box{
					Window: window,
					Size:   squashedHeight,

		return []*boxlayout.Box{

func (gui *Gui) currentSideWindowName() string {
	// there is always one and only one cyclable context in the context stack. We'll look from top to bottom
	for idx := range gui.State.ContextStack {
		reversedIdx := len(gui.State.ContextStack) - 1 - idx
		context := gui.State.ContextStack[reversedIdx]

		if context.GetKind() == SIDE_CONTEXT {
			return context.GetWindowName()

	return "files" // default