package lo // Keys creates an array of the map keys. // Play: func Keys[K comparable, V any](in map[K]V) []K { result := make([]K, 0, len(in)) for k := range in { result = append(result, k) } return result } // Values creates an array of the map values. // Play: func Values[K comparable, V any](in map[K]V) []V { result := make([]V, 0, len(in)) for _, v := range in { result = append(result, v) } return result } // PickBy returns same map type filtered by given predicate. // Play: func PickBy[K comparable, V any](in map[K]V, predicate func(K, V) bool) map[K]V { r := map[K]V{} for k, v := range in { if predicate(k, v) { r[k] = v } } return r } // PickByKeys returns same map type filtered by given keys. // Play: func PickByKeys[K comparable, V any](in map[K]V, keys []K) map[K]V { r := map[K]V{} for k, v := range in { if Contains(keys, k) { r[k] = v } } return r } // PickByValues returns same map type filtered by given values. // Play: func PickByValues[K comparable, V comparable](in map[K]V, values []V) map[K]V { r := map[K]V{} for k, v := range in { if Contains(values, v) { r[k] = v } } return r } // OmitBy returns same map type filtered by given predicate. // Play: func OmitBy[K comparable, V any](in map[K]V, predicate func(K, V) bool) map[K]V { r := map[K]V{} for k, v := range in { if !predicate(k, v) { r[k] = v } } return r } // OmitByKeys returns same map type filtered by given keys. // Play: func OmitByKeys[K comparable, V any](in map[K]V, keys []K) map[K]V { r := map[K]V{} for k, v := range in { if !Contains(keys, k) { r[k] = v } } return r } // OmitByValues returns same map type filtered by given values. // Play: func OmitByValues[K comparable, V comparable](in map[K]V, values []V) map[K]V { r := map[K]V{} for k, v := range in { if !Contains(values, v) { r[k] = v } } return r } // Entries transforms a map into array of key/value pairs. // Play: func Entries[K comparable, V any](in map[K]V) []Entry[K, V] { entries := make([]Entry[K, V], 0, len(in)) for k, v := range in { entries = append(entries, Entry[K, V]{ Key: k, Value: v, }) } return entries } // ToPairs transforms a map into array of key/value pairs. // Alias of Entries(). // Play: func ToPairs[K comparable, V any](in map[K]V) []Entry[K, V] { return Entries(in) } // FromEntries transforms an array of key/value pairs into a map. // Play: func FromEntries[K comparable, V any](entries []Entry[K, V]) map[K]V { out := map[K]V{} for _, v := range entries { out[v.Key] = v.Value } return out } // FromPairs transforms an array of key/value pairs into a map. // Alias of FromEntries(). // Play: func FromPairs[K comparable, V any](entries []Entry[K, V]) map[K]V { return FromEntries(entries) } // Invert creates a map composed of the inverted keys and values. If map // contains duplicate values, subsequent values overwrite property assignments // of previous values. // Play: func Invert[K comparable, V comparable](in map[K]V) map[V]K { out := map[V]K{} for k, v := range in { out[v] = k } return out } // Assign merges multiple maps from left to right. // Play: func Assign[K comparable, V any](maps[K]V) map[K]V { out := map[K]V{} for _, m := range maps { for k, v := range m { out[k] = v } } return out } // MapKeys manipulates a map keys and transforms it to a map of another type. // Play: func MapKeys[K comparable, V any, R comparable](in map[K]V, iteratee func(V, K) R) map[R]V { result := map[R]V{} for k, v := range in { result[iteratee(v, k)] = v } return result } // MapValues manipulates a map values and transforms it to a map of another type. // Play: func MapValues[K comparable, V any, R any](in map[K]V, iteratee func(V, K) R) map[K]R { result := map[K]R{} for k, v := range in { result[k] = iteratee(v, k) } return result } // MapToSlice transforms a map into a slice based on specific iteratee // Play: func MapToSlice[K comparable, V any, R any](in map[K]V, iteratee func(K, V) R) []R { result := make([]R, 0, len(in)) for k, v := range in { result = append(result, iteratee(k, v)) } return result }