package filetree

import (

type CommitFileNode struct {
	Children         []*CommitFileNode
	File             *models.CommitFile
	Path             string // e.g. '/path/to/mydir'
	CompressionLevel int    // equal to the number of forward slashes you'll see in the path when it's rendered in tree mode

var _ INode = &CommitFileNode{}
var _ types.ListItem = &CommitFileNode{}

func (s *CommitFileNode) ID() string {
	return s.GetPath()

func (s *CommitFileNode) Description() string {
	return s.GetPath()

// methods satisfying INode interface

func (s *CommitFileNode) IsNil() bool {
	return s == nil

func (s *CommitFileNode) IsLeaf() bool {
	return s.File != nil

func (s *CommitFileNode) GetPath() string {
	return s.Path

func (s *CommitFileNode) GetChildren() []INode {
	result := make([]INode, len(s.Children))
	for i, child := range s.Children {
		result[i] = child

	return result

func (s *CommitFileNode) SetChildren(children []INode) {
	castChildren := make([]*CommitFileNode, len(children))
	for i, child := range children {
		castChildren[i] = child.(*CommitFileNode)

	s.Children = castChildren

func (s *CommitFileNode) GetCompressionLevel() int {
	return s.CompressionLevel

func (s *CommitFileNode) SetCompressionLevel(level int) {
	s.CompressionLevel = level

// methods utilising generic functions for INodes

func (s *CommitFileNode) Sort() {

func (s *CommitFileNode) ForEachFile(cb func(*models.CommitFile) error) error {
	return forEachLeaf(s, func(n INode) error {
		castNode := n.(*CommitFileNode)
		return cb(castNode.File)

func (s *CommitFileNode) Any(test func(node *CommitFileNode) bool) bool {
	return any(s, func(n INode) bool {
		castNode := n.(*CommitFileNode)
		return test(castNode)

func (s *CommitFileNode) Every(test func(node *CommitFileNode) bool) bool {
	return every(s, func(n INode) bool {
		castNode := n.(*CommitFileNode)
		return test(castNode)

func (s *CommitFileNode) EveryFile(test func(file *models.CommitFile) bool) bool {
	return every(s, func(n INode) bool {
		castNode := n.(*CommitFileNode)

		return castNode.File == nil || test(castNode.File)

func (n *CommitFileNode) Flatten(collapsedPaths map[string]bool) []*CommitFileNode {
	results := flatten(n, collapsedPaths)
	nodes := make([]*CommitFileNode, len(results))
	for i, result := range results {
		nodes[i] = result.(*CommitFileNode)

	return nodes

func (node *CommitFileNode) GetNodeAtIndex(index int, collapsedPaths map[string]bool) *CommitFileNode {
	if node == nil {
		return nil

	result := getNodeAtIndex(node, index, collapsedPaths)
	if result == nil {
		// not sure how this can be nil: we probably are missing a mutex somewhere
		return nil

	return result.(*CommitFileNode)

func (node *CommitFileNode) GetIndexForPath(path string, collapsedPaths map[string]bool) (int, bool) {
	return getIndexForPath(node, path, collapsedPaths)

func (node *CommitFileNode) Size(collapsedPaths map[string]bool) int {
	if node == nil {
		return 0

	return size(node, collapsedPaths)

func (s *CommitFileNode) Compress() {
	// with these functions I try to only have type conversion code on the actual struct,
	// but comparing interface values to nil is fraught with danger so I'm duplicating
	// that code here.
	if s == nil {


func (s *CommitFileNode) GetLeaves() []*CommitFileNode {
	leaves := getLeaves(s)
	castLeaves := make([]*CommitFileNode, len(leaves))
	for i := range leaves {
		castLeaves[i] = leaves[i].(*CommitFileNode)

	return castLeaves

// extra methods

func (s *CommitFileNode) AnyFile(test func(file *models.CommitFile) bool) bool {
	return s.Any(func(node *CommitFileNode) bool {
		return node.IsLeaf() && test(node.File)

func (s *CommitFileNode) NameAtDepth(depth int) string {
	splitName := split(s.Path)
	name := join(splitName[depth:])

	return name