package git_commands

import (


type CommitFileLoader struct {
	cmd oscommands.ICmdObjBuilder

func NewCommitFileLoader(common *common.Common, cmd oscommands.ICmdObjBuilder) *CommitFileLoader {
	return &CommitFileLoader{
		Common: common,
		cmd:    cmd,

// GetFilesInDiff get the specified commit files
func (self *CommitFileLoader) GetFilesInDiff(from string, to string, reverse bool) ([]*models.CommitFile, error) {
	reverseFlag := ""
	if reverse {
		reverseFlag = " -R "

	filenames, err := self.cmd.New(fmt.Sprintf("git diff --submodule --no-ext-diff --name-status -z --no-renames %s %s %s", reverseFlag, from, to)).DontLog().RunWithOutput()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return getCommitFilesFromFilenames(filenames), nil

// filenames string is something like "MM\x00file1\x00MU\x00file2\x00AA\x00file3\x00"
// so we need to split it by the null character and then map each status-name pair to a commit file
func getCommitFilesFromFilenames(filenames string) []*models.CommitFile {
	lines := strings.Split(strings.TrimRight(filenames, "\x00"), "\x00")
	if len(lines) == 1 {
		return []*models.CommitFile{}

	// typical result looks like 'A my_file' meaning my_file was added
	return slices.Map(lo.Chunk(lines, 2), func(chunk []string) *models.CommitFile {
		return &models.CommitFile{
			ChangeStatus: chunk[0],
			Name:         chunk[1],