package helpers

import (
	goContext "context"



type ConfirmationHelper struct {
	c *HelperCommon

func NewConfirmationHelper(c *HelperCommon) *ConfirmationHelper {
	return &ConfirmationHelper{
		c: c,

// This file is for the rendering of confirmation panels along with setting and handling associated
// keybindings.

func (self *ConfirmationHelper) wrappedConfirmationFunction(cancel goContext.CancelFunc, function func() error) func() error {
	return func() error {

		if err := self.c.PopContext(); err != nil {
			return err

		if function != nil {
			if err := function(); err != nil {
				return self.c.Error(err)

		return nil

func (self *ConfirmationHelper) wrappedPromptConfirmationFunction(cancel goContext.CancelFunc, function func(string) error, getResponse func() string) func() error {
	return self.wrappedConfirmationFunction(cancel, func() error {
		return function(getResponse())

func (self *ConfirmationHelper) DeactivateConfirmationPrompt() {

	self.c.Views().Confirmation.Visible = false
	self.c.Views().Suggestions.Visible = false


func getMessageHeight(wrap bool, message string, width int) int {
	lines := strings.Split(message, "\n")
	lineCount := 0
	// if we need to wrap, calculate height to fit content within view's width
	if wrap {
		for _, line := range lines {
			lineCount += runewidth.StringWidth(line)/width + 1
	} else {
		lineCount = len(lines)
	return lineCount

func (self *ConfirmationHelper) getPopupPanelDimensions(wrap bool, prompt string) (int, int, int, int) {
	panelWidth := self.getPopupPanelWidth()
	panelHeight := getMessageHeight(wrap, prompt, panelWidth)
	return self.getPopupPanelDimensionsAux(panelWidth, panelHeight)

func (self *ConfirmationHelper) getPopupPanelDimensionsForContentHeight(panelWidth, contentHeight int) (int, int, int, int) {
	return self.getPopupPanelDimensionsAux(panelWidth, contentHeight)

func (self *ConfirmationHelper) getPopupPanelDimensionsAux(panelWidth int, panelHeight int) (int, int, int, int) {
	width, height := self.c.GocuiGui().Size()
	if panelHeight > height*3/4 {
		panelHeight = height * 3 / 4
	return width/2 - panelWidth/2,
		height/2 - panelHeight/2 - panelHeight%2 - 1,
		width/2 + panelWidth/2,
		height/2 + panelHeight/2

func (self *ConfirmationHelper) getPopupPanelWidth() int {
	width, _ := self.c.GocuiGui().Size()
	// we want a minimum width up to a point, then we do it based on ratio.
	panelWidth := 4 * width / 7
	minWidth := 80
	if panelWidth < minWidth {
		if width-2 < minWidth {
			panelWidth = width - 2
		} else {
			panelWidth = minWidth

	return panelWidth

func (self *ConfirmationHelper) prepareConfirmationPanel(
	ctx goContext.Context,
	opts types.ConfirmOpts,
) error {
	self.c.Views().Confirmation.HasLoader = opts.HasLoader
	if opts.HasLoader {
	self.c.Views().Confirmation.Title = opts.Title
	// for now we do not support wrapping in our editor
	self.c.Views().Confirmation.Wrap = !opts.Editable
	self.c.Views().Confirmation.FgColor = theme.GocuiDefaultTextColor
	self.c.Views().Confirmation.Mask = runeForMask(opts.Mask)
	_ = self.c.Views().Confirmation.SetOrigin(0, 0)

	suggestionsContext := self.c.Contexts().Suggestions
	suggestionsContext.State.FindSuggestions = opts.FindSuggestionsFunc
	if opts.FindSuggestionsFunc != nil {
		suggestionsView := self.c.Views().Suggestions
		suggestionsView.Wrap = false
		suggestionsView.FgColor = theme.GocuiDefaultTextColor
		suggestionsView.Visible = true
		suggestionsView.Title = fmt.Sprintf(self.c.Tr.SuggestionsTitle, self.c.UserConfig.Keybinding.Universal.TogglePanel)

	return nil

func runeForMask(mask bool) rune {
	if mask {
		return '*'
	return 0

func (self *ConfirmationHelper) CreatePopupPanel(ctx goContext.Context, opts types.CreatePopupPanelOpts) error {
	defer self.c.Mutexes().PopupMutex.Unlock()

	ctx, cancel := goContext.WithCancel(ctx)

	// we don't allow interruptions of non-loader popups in case we get stuck somehow
	// e.g. a credentials popup never gets its required user input so a process hangs
	// forever.
	// The proper solution is to have a queue of popup options
	currentPopupOpts := self.c.State().GetRepoState().GetCurrentPopupOpts()
	if currentPopupOpts != nil && !currentPopupOpts.HasLoader {
		self.c.Log.Error("ignoring create popup panel because a popup panel is already open")
		return nil

	// remove any previous keybindings

	err := self.prepareConfirmationPanel(
			Title:               opts.Title,
			Prompt:              opts.Prompt,
			HasLoader:           opts.HasLoader,
			FindSuggestionsFunc: opts.FindSuggestionsFunc,
			Editable:            opts.Editable,
			Mask:                opts.Mask,
	if err != nil {
		return err
	confirmationView := self.c.Views().Confirmation
	confirmationView.Editable = opts.Editable

	if opts.Editable {
		textArea := confirmationView.TextArea
	} else {
		self.c.SetViewContent(confirmationView, style.AttrBold.Sprint(opts.Prompt))

	if err := self.setKeyBindings(cancel, opts); err != nil {
		return err


	return self.c.PushContext(self.c.Contexts().Confirmation)

func (self *ConfirmationHelper) setKeyBindings(cancel goContext.CancelFunc, opts types.CreatePopupPanelOpts) error {
	var onConfirm func() error
	if opts.HandleConfirmPrompt != nil {
		onConfirm = self.wrappedPromptConfirmationFunction(cancel, opts.HandleConfirmPrompt, func() string { return self.c.Views().Confirmation.TextArea.GetContent() })
	} else {
		onConfirm = self.wrappedConfirmationFunction(cancel, opts.HandleConfirm)

	onSuggestionConfirm := self.wrappedPromptConfirmationFunction(

	onClose := self.wrappedConfirmationFunction(cancel, opts.HandleClose)

	self.c.Contexts().Confirmation.State.OnConfirm = onConfirm
	self.c.Contexts().Confirmation.State.OnClose = onClose
	self.c.Contexts().Suggestions.State.OnConfirm = onSuggestionConfirm
	self.c.Contexts().Suggestions.State.OnClose = onClose

	return nil

func (self *ConfirmationHelper) clearConfirmationViewKeyBindings() {
	noop := func() error { return nil }
	self.c.Contexts().Confirmation.State.OnConfirm = noop
	self.c.Contexts().Confirmation.State.OnClose = noop
	self.c.Contexts().Suggestions.State.OnConfirm = noop
	self.c.Contexts().Suggestions.State.OnClose = noop

func (self *ConfirmationHelper) getSelectedSuggestionValue() string {
	selectedSuggestion := self.c.Contexts().Suggestions.GetSelected()

	if selectedSuggestion != nil {
		return selectedSuggestion.Value

	return ""

func (self *ConfirmationHelper) ResizeConfirmationPanel() {
	suggestionsViewHeight := 0
	if self.c.Views().Suggestions.Visible {
		suggestionsViewHeight = 11
	panelWidth := self.getPopupPanelWidth()
	prompt := self.c.Views().Confirmation.Buffer()
	wrap := true
	if self.c.Views().Confirmation.Editable {
		prompt = self.c.Views().Confirmation.TextArea.GetContent()
		wrap = false
	panelHeight := getMessageHeight(wrap, prompt, panelWidth) + suggestionsViewHeight
	x0, y0, x1, y1 := self.getPopupPanelDimensionsAux(panelWidth, panelHeight)
	confirmationViewBottom := y1 - suggestionsViewHeight
	_, _ = self.c.GocuiGui().SetView(self.c.Views().Confirmation.Name(), x0, y0, x1, confirmationViewBottom, 0)

	suggestionsViewTop := confirmationViewBottom + 1
	_, _ = self.c.GocuiGui().SetView(self.c.Views().Suggestions.Name(), x0, suggestionsViewTop, x1, suggestionsViewTop+suggestionsViewHeight, 0)

func (self *ConfirmationHelper) ResizeCurrentPopupPanel() error {
	c := self.c.CurrentContext()

	switch c {
	case self.c.Contexts().Menu:
	case self.c.Contexts().Confirmation, self.c.Contexts().Suggestions:
	case self.c.Contexts().CommitMessage, self.c.Contexts().CommitDescription:

	return nil

func (self *ConfirmationHelper) ResizePopupPanel(v *gocui.View, content string) error {
	x0, y0, x1, y1 := self.getPopupPanelDimensions(v.Wrap, content)
	_, err := self.c.GocuiGui().SetView(v.Name(), x0, y0, x1, y1, 0)
	return err

func (self *ConfirmationHelper) resizeMenu() {
	itemCount := self.c.Contexts().Menu.GetList().Len()
	offset := 3
	panelWidth := self.getPopupPanelWidth()
	x0, y0, x1, y1 := self.getPopupPanelDimensionsForContentHeight(panelWidth, itemCount+offset)
	menuBottom := y1 - offset
	_, _ = self.c.GocuiGui().SetView(self.c.Views().Menu.Name(), x0, y0, x1, menuBottom, 0)

	tooltipTop := menuBottom + 1
	tooltipHeight := getMessageHeight(true, self.c.Contexts().Menu.GetSelected().Tooltip, panelWidth) + 2 // plus 2 for the frame
	_, _ = self.c.GocuiGui().SetView(self.c.Views().Tooltip.Name(), x0, tooltipTop, x1, tooltipTop+tooltipHeight-1, 0)

func (self *ConfirmationHelper) resizeConfirmationPanel() {
	suggestionsViewHeight := 0
	if self.c.Views().Suggestions.Visible {
		suggestionsViewHeight = 11
	panelWidth := self.getPopupPanelWidth()
	prompt := self.c.Views().Confirmation.Buffer()
	wrap := true
	if self.c.Views().Confirmation.Editable {
		prompt = self.c.Views().Confirmation.TextArea.GetContent()
		wrap = false
	panelHeight := getMessageHeight(wrap, prompt, panelWidth) + suggestionsViewHeight
	x0, y0, x1, y1 := self.getPopupPanelDimensionsAux(panelWidth, panelHeight)
	confirmationViewBottom := y1 - suggestionsViewHeight
	_, _ = self.c.GocuiGui().SetView(self.c.Views().Confirmation.Name(), x0, y0, x1, confirmationViewBottom, 0)

	suggestionsViewTop := confirmationViewBottom + 1
	_, _ = self.c.GocuiGui().SetView(self.c.Views().Suggestions.Name(), x0, suggestionsViewTop, x1, suggestionsViewTop+suggestionsViewHeight, 0)

func (self *ConfirmationHelper) ResizeCommitMessagePanels() {
	panelWidth := self.getPopupPanelWidth()
	content := self.c.Views().CommitDescription.TextArea.GetContent()
	summaryViewHeight := 3
	panelHeight := getMessageHeight(false, content, panelWidth)
	minHeight := 7
	if panelHeight < minHeight {
		panelHeight = minHeight
	x0, y0, x1, y1 := self.getPopupPanelDimensionsAux(panelWidth, panelHeight)

	_, _ = self.c.GocuiGui().SetView(self.c.Views().CommitMessage.Name(), x0, y0, x1, y0+summaryViewHeight-1, 0)
	_, _ = self.c.GocuiGui().SetView(self.c.Views().CommitDescription.Name(), x0, y0+summaryViewHeight, x1, y1+summaryViewHeight, 0)

func (self *ConfirmationHelper) IsPopupPanel(viewName string) bool {
	return viewName == "commitMessage" || viewName == "confirmation" || viewName == "menu"

func (self *ConfirmationHelper) IsPopupPanelFocused() bool {
	return self.IsPopupPanel(self.c.CurrentContext().GetViewName())