package graph import ( "runtime" "sort" "strings" "sync" "" "" "" ) type PipeKind uint8 const ( TERMINATES PipeKind = iota STARTS CONTINUES ) type Pipe struct { fromPos int toPos int fromSha string toSha string kind PipeKind style style.TextStyle } var highlightStyle = style.FgLightWhite.SetBold() func ContainsCommitSha(pipes []*Pipe, sha string) bool { for _, pipe := range pipes { if equalHashes(pipe.fromSha, sha) { return true } } return false } func (self Pipe) left() int { return utils.Min(self.fromPos, self.toPos) } func (self Pipe) right() int { return utils.Max(self.fromPos, self.toPos) } func RenderCommitGraph(commits []*models.Commit, selectedCommitSha string, getStyle func(c *models.Commit) style.TextStyle) []string { pipeSets := GetPipeSets(commits, getStyle) if len(pipeSets) == 0 { return nil } lines := RenderAux(pipeSets, commits, selectedCommitSha) return lines } func GetPipeSets(commits []*models.Commit, getStyle func(c *models.Commit) style.TextStyle) [][]*Pipe { if len(commits) == 0 { return nil } pipes := []*Pipe{{fromPos: 0, toPos: 0, fromSha: "START", toSha: commits[0].Sha, kind: STARTS, style: style.FgDefault}} pipeSets := [][]*Pipe{} for _, commit := range commits { pipes = getNextPipes(pipes, commit, getStyle) pipeSets = append(pipeSets, pipes) } return pipeSets } func RenderAux(pipeSets [][]*Pipe, commits []*models.Commit, selectedCommitSha string) []string { maxProcs := runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0) lines := make([]string, 0, len(pipeSets)) // splitting up the rendering of the graph into multiple goroutines allows us to render the graph in parallel chunks := make([][]string, maxProcs) perProc := len(pipeSets) / maxProcs wg := sync.WaitGroup{} wg.Add(maxProcs) for i := 0; i < maxProcs; i++ { i := i go func() { from := i * perProc to := (i + 1) * perProc if i == maxProcs-1 { to = len(pipeSets) } innerLines := make([]string, 0, to-from) for j, pipeSet := range pipeSets[from:to] { k := from + j var prevCommit *models.Commit if k > 0 { prevCommit = commits[k-1] } line := renderPipeSet(pipeSet, selectedCommitSha, prevCommit) innerLines = append(innerLines, line) } chunks[i] = innerLines wg.Done() }() } wg.Wait() for _, chunk := range chunks { lines = append(lines, chunk...) } return lines } func getNextPipes(prevPipes []*Pipe, commit *models.Commit, getStyle func(c *models.Commit) style.TextStyle) []*Pipe { currentPipes := make([]*Pipe, 0, len(prevPipes)) maxPos := 0 for _, pipe := range prevPipes { // a pipe that terminated in the previous line has no bearing on the current line // so we'll filter those out if pipe.kind != TERMINATES { currentPipes = append(currentPipes, pipe) } maxPos = utils.Max(maxPos, pipe.toPos) } newPipes := make([]*Pipe, 0, len(currentPipes)+len(commit.Parents)) // start by assuming that we've got a brand new commit not related to any preceding commit. // (this only happens when we're doing `git log --all`). These will be tacked onto the far end. pos := maxPos + 1 for _, pipe := range currentPipes { if equalHashes(pipe.toSha, commit.Sha) { // turns out this commit does have a descendant so we'll place it right under the first instance pos = pipe.toPos break } } // a taken spot is one where a current pipe is ending on takenSpots := make(map[int]bool) // a traversed spot is one where a current pipe is starting on, ending on, or passing through traversedSpots := make(map[int]bool) if len(commit.Parents) > 0 { newPipes = append(newPipes, &Pipe{ fromPos: pos, toPos: pos, fromSha: commit.Sha, toSha: commit.Parents[0], kind: STARTS, style: getStyle(commit), }) } traversedSpotsForContinuingPipes := make(map[int]bool) for _, pipe := range currentPipes { if !equalHashes(pipe.toSha, commit.Sha) { traversedSpotsForContinuingPipes[pipe.toPos] = true } } getNextAvailablePosForContinuingPipe := func() int { i := 0 for { if !traversedSpots[i] { return i } i++ } } getNextAvailablePosForNewPipe := func() int { i := 0 for { // a newly created pipe is not allowed to end on a spot that's already taken, // nor on a spot that's been traversed by a continuing pipe. if !takenSpots[i] && !traversedSpotsForContinuingPipes[i] { return i } i++ } } traverse := func(from, to int) { left, right := from, to if left > right { left, right = right, left } for i := left; i <= right; i++ { traversedSpots[i] = true } takenSpots[to] = true } for _, pipe := range currentPipes { if equalHashes(pipe.toSha, commit.Sha) { // terminating here newPipes = append(newPipes, &Pipe{ fromPos: pipe.toPos, toPos: pos, fromSha: pipe.fromSha, toSha: pipe.toSha, kind: TERMINATES, style:, }) traverse(pipe.toPos, pos) } else if pipe.toPos < pos { // continuing here availablePos := getNextAvailablePosForContinuingPipe() newPipes = append(newPipes, &Pipe{ fromPos: pipe.toPos, toPos: availablePos, fromSha: pipe.fromSha, toSha: pipe.toSha, kind: CONTINUES, style:, }) traverse(pipe.toPos, availablePos) } } if commit.IsMerge() { for _, parent := range commit.Parents[1:] { availablePos := getNextAvailablePosForNewPipe() // need to act as if continuing pipes are going to continue on the same line. newPipes = append(newPipes, &Pipe{ fromPos: pos, toPos: availablePos, fromSha: commit.Sha, toSha: parent, kind: STARTS, style: getStyle(commit), }) takenSpots[availablePos] = true } } for _, pipe := range currentPipes { if !equalHashes(pipe.toSha, commit.Sha) && pipe.toPos > pos { // continuing on, potentially moving left to fill in a blank spot last := pipe.toPos for i := pipe.toPos; i > pos; i-- { if takenSpots[i] || traversedSpots[i] { break } else { last = i } } newPipes = append(newPipes, &Pipe{ fromPos: pipe.toPos, toPos: last, fromSha: pipe.fromSha, toSha: pipe.toSha, kind: CONTINUES, style:, }) traverse(pipe.toPos, last) } } // not efficient but doing it for now: sorting my pipes by toPos, then by kind sort.Slice(newPipes, func(i, j int) bool { if newPipes[i].toPos == newPipes[j].toPos { return newPipes[i].kind < newPipes[j].kind } return newPipes[i].toPos < newPipes[j].toPos }) return newPipes } func renderPipeSet( pipes []*Pipe, selectedCommitSha string, prevCommit *models.Commit, ) string { maxPos := 0 commitPos := 0 startCount := 0 for _, pipe := range pipes { if pipe.kind == STARTS { startCount++ commitPos = pipe.fromPos } else if pipe.kind == TERMINATES { commitPos = pipe.toPos } if pipe.right() > maxPos { maxPos = pipe.right() } } isMerge := startCount > 1 cells := make([]*Cell, maxPos+1) for i := range cells { cells[i] = &Cell{cellType: CONNECTION, style: style.FgDefault} } renderPipe := func(pipe *Pipe, style style.TextStyle, overrideRightStyle bool) { left := pipe.left() right := pipe.right() if left != right { for i := left + 1; i < right; i++ { cells[i].setLeft(style).setRight(style, overrideRightStyle) } cells[left].setRight(style, overrideRightStyle) cells[right].setLeft(style) } if pipe.kind == STARTS || pipe.kind == CONTINUES { cells[pipe.toPos].setDown(style) } if pipe.kind == TERMINATES || pipe.kind == CONTINUES { cells[pipe.fromPos].setUp(style) } } // we don't want to highlight two commits if they're contiguous. We only want // to highlight multiple things if there's an actual visible pipe involved. highlight := true if prevCommit != nil && equalHashes(prevCommit.Sha, selectedCommitSha) { highlight = false for _, pipe := range pipes { if equalHashes(pipe.fromSha, selectedCommitSha) && (pipe.kind != TERMINATES || pipe.fromPos != pipe.toPos) { highlight = true } } } // so we have our commit pos again, now it's time to build the cells. // we'll handle the one that's sourced from our selected commit last so that it can override the other cells. selectedPipes := []*Pipe{} // pre-allocating this one because most of the time we'll only have non-selected pipes nonSelectedPipes := make([]*Pipe, 0, len(pipes)) for _, pipe := range pipes { if highlight && equalHashes(pipe.fromSha, selectedCommitSha) { selectedPipes = append(selectedPipes, pipe) } else { nonSelectedPipes = append(nonSelectedPipes, pipe) } } for _, pipe := range nonSelectedPipes { if pipe.kind == STARTS { renderPipe(pipe,, true) } } for _, pipe := range nonSelectedPipes { if pipe.kind != STARTS && !(pipe.kind == TERMINATES && pipe.fromPos == commitPos && pipe.toPos == commitPos) { renderPipe(pipe,, false) } } for _, pipe := range selectedPipes { for i := pipe.left(); i <= pipe.right(); i++ { cells[i].reset() } } for _, pipe := range selectedPipes { renderPipe(pipe, highlightStyle, true) if pipe.toPos == commitPos { cells[pipe.toPos].setStyle(highlightStyle) } } cType := COMMIT if isMerge { cType = MERGE } cells[commitPos].setType(cType) // using a string builder here for the sake of performance writer := &strings.Builder{} writer.Grow(len(cells) * 2) for _, cell := range cells { cell.render(writer) } return writer.String() } func equalHashes(a, b string) bool { // if our selectedCommitSha is an empty string we treat that as meaning there is no selected commit sha if a == "" || b == "" { return false } length := utils.Min(len(a), len(b)) // parent hashes are only stored up to 20 characters for some reason so we'll truncate to that for comparison return a[:length] == b[:length] }