_This file is auto-generated. To update, make the changes in the pkg/i18n directory and then run `go run scripts/cheatsheet/main.go generate` from the project root._ # Lazygit Keybindings ## Global Keybindings <pre> <kbd>ctrl+r</kbd>: switch to a recent repo <kbd>pgup</kbd>: scroll up main panel (fn+up/shift+k) <kbd>pgdown</kbd>: scroll down main panel (fn+down/shift+j) <kbd>m</kbd>: view merge/rebase options <kbd>ctrl+p</kbd>: view custom patch options <kbd>R</kbd>: refresh <kbd>x</kbd>: open menu <kbd>+</kbd>: next screen mode (normal/half/fullscreen) <kbd>_</kbd>: prev screen mode <kbd>ctrl+s</kbd>: view filter-by-path options <kbd>W</kbd>: open diff menu <kbd>ctrl+e</kbd>: open diff menu <kbd>@</kbd>: open command log menu <kbd>}</kbd>: Increase the size of the context shown around changes in the diff view <kbd>{</kbd>: Decrease the size of the context shown around changes in the diff view <kbd>:</kbd>: execute custom command <kbd>z</kbd>: undo (via reflog) (experimental) <kbd>ctrl+z</kbd>: redo (via reflog) (experimental) <kbd>P</kbd>: push <kbd>p</kbd>: pull </pre> ## List Panel Navigation <pre> <kbd>,</kbd>: previous page <kbd>.</kbd>: next page <kbd><</kbd>: scroll to top <kbd>/</kbd>: start search <kbd>></kbd>: scroll to bottom <kbd>H</kbd>: scroll left <kbd>L</kbd>: scroll right <kbd>]</kbd>: next tab <kbd>[</kbd>: previous tab </pre> ## Commit Files <pre> <kbd>ctrl+o</kbd>: copy the committed file name to the clipboard <kbd>c</kbd>: checkout file <kbd>d</kbd>: discard this commit's changes to this file <kbd>o</kbd>: open file <kbd>e</kbd>: edit file <kbd>space</kbd>: toggle file included in patch <kbd>a</kbd>: toggle all files included in patch <kbd>enter</kbd>: enter file to add selected lines to the patch (or toggle directory collapsed) <kbd>`</kbd>: toggle file tree view </pre> ## Commits <pre> <kbd>ctrl+o</kbd>: copy commit SHA to clipboard <kbd>ctrl+r</kbd>: reset cherry-picked (copied) commits selection <kbd>b</kbd>: view bisect options <kbd>s</kbd>: squash down <kbd>f</kbd>: fixup commit <kbd>r</kbd>: reword commit <kbd>R</kbd>: reword commit with editor <kbd>d</kbd>: delete commit <kbd>e</kbd>: edit commit <kbd>p</kbd>: pick commit (when mid-rebase) <kbd>F</kbd>: create fixup commit for this commit <kbd>S</kbd>: squash all 'fixup!' commits above selected commit (autosquash) <kbd>ctrl+j</kbd>: move commit down one <kbd>ctrl+k</kbd>: move commit up one <kbd>v</kbd>: paste commits (cherry-pick) <kbd>A</kbd>: amend commit with staged changes <kbd>a</kbd>: reset commit author <kbd>t</kbd>: revert commit <kbd>T</kbd>: tag commit <kbd>ctrl+l</kbd>: open log menu <kbd>space</kbd>: checkout commit <kbd>y</kbd>: copy commit attribute <kbd>o</kbd>: open commit in browser <kbd>n</kbd>: create new branch off of commit <kbd>g</kbd>: view reset options <kbd>c</kbd>: copy commit (cherry-pick) <kbd>C</kbd>: copy commit range (cherry-pick) <kbd>enter</kbd>: view selected item's files </pre> ## Files <pre> <kbd>ctrl+o</kbd>: copy the file name to the clipboard <kbd>ctrl+w</kbd>: Toggle whether or not whitespace changes are shown in the diff view <kbd>d</kbd>: view 'discard changes' options <kbd>space</kbd>: toggle staged <kbd>ctrl+b</kbd>: Filter files (staged/unstaged) <kbd>c</kbd>: commit changes <kbd>w</kbd>: commit changes without pre-commit hook <kbd>A</kbd>: amend last commit <kbd>C</kbd>: commit changes using git editor <kbd>e</kbd>: edit file <kbd>o</kbd>: open file <kbd>i</kbd>: Ignore or Exclude file <kbd>r</kbd>: refresh files <kbd>s</kbd>: stash all changes <kbd>S</kbd>: view stash options <kbd>a</kbd>: stage/unstage all <kbd>enter</kbd>: stage individual hunks/lines for file, or collapse/expand for directory <kbd>g</kbd>: view upstream reset options <kbd>D</kbd>: view reset options <kbd>`</kbd>: toggle file tree view <kbd>M</kbd>: open external merge tool (git mergetool) <kbd>f</kbd>: fetch </pre> ## Local Branches <pre> <kbd>ctrl+o</kbd>: copy branch name to clipboard <kbd>i</kbd>: show git-flow options <kbd>space</kbd>: checkout <kbd>n</kbd>: new branch <kbd>o</kbd>: create pull request <kbd>O</kbd>: create pull request options <kbd>ctrl+y</kbd>: copy pull request URL to clipboard <kbd>c</kbd>: checkout by name <kbd>F</kbd>: force checkout <kbd>d</kbd>: delete branch <kbd>r</kbd>: rebase checked-out branch onto this branch <kbd>M</kbd>: merge into currently checked out branch <kbd>f</kbd>: fast-forward this branch from its upstream <kbd>g</kbd>: view reset options <kbd>R</kbd>: rename branch <kbd>u</kbd>: set/unset upstream <kbd>enter</kbd>: view commits </pre> ## Main Panel (Merging) <pre> <kbd>e</kbd>: edit file <kbd>o</kbd>: open file <kbd>◄</kbd>: select previous conflict <kbd>►</kbd>: select next conflict <kbd>▲</kbd>: select previous hunk <kbd>▼</kbd>: select next hunk <kbd>z</kbd>: undo <kbd>M</kbd>: open external merge tool (git mergetool) <kbd>space</kbd>: pick hunk <kbd>b</kbd>: pick all hunks <kbd>esc</kbd>: return to files panel </pre> ## Main Panel (Normal) <pre> <kbd>mouse wheel ▼</kbd>: scroll down (fn+up) <kbd>mouse wheel ▲</kbd>: scroll up (fn+down) </pre> ## Main Panel (Patch Building) <pre> <kbd>◄</kbd>: select previous hunk <kbd>►</kbd>: select next hunk <kbd>v</kbd>: toggle drag select <kbd>V</kbd>: toggle drag select <kbd>a</kbd>: toggle select hunk <kbd>ctrl+o</kbd>: copy the selected text to the clipboard <kbd>o</kbd>: open file <kbd>e</kbd>: edit file <kbd>space</kbd>: add/remove line(s) to patch <kbd>esc</kbd>: exit custom patch builder </pre> ## Main Panel (Staging) <pre> <kbd>◄</kbd>: select previous hunk <kbd>►</kbd>: select next hunk <kbd>v</kbd>: toggle drag select <kbd>V</kbd>: toggle drag select <kbd>a</kbd>: toggle select hunk <kbd>ctrl+o</kbd>: copy the selected text to the clipboard <kbd>o</kbd>: open file <kbd>e</kbd>: edit file <kbd>esc</kbd>: return to files panel <kbd>tab</kbd>: switch to other panel (staged/unstaged changes) <kbd>space</kbd>: toggle line staged / unstaged <kbd>d</kbd>: delete change (git reset) <kbd>E</kbd>: edit hunk </pre> ## Reflog <pre> <kbd>ctrl+o</kbd>: copy commit SHA to clipboard <kbd>space</kbd>: checkout commit <kbd>y</kbd>: copy commit attribute <kbd>o</kbd>: open commit in browser <kbd>n</kbd>: create new branch off of commit <kbd>g</kbd>: view reset options <kbd>c</kbd>: copy commit (cherry-pick) <kbd>C</kbd>: copy commit range (cherry-pick) <kbd>ctrl+r</kbd>: reset cherry-picked (copied) commits selection <kbd>enter</kbd>: view commits </pre> ## Remote Branches <pre> <kbd>space</kbd>: checkout <kbd>n</kbd>: new branch <kbd>M</kbd>: merge into currently checked out branch <kbd>r</kbd>: rebase checked-out branch onto this branch <kbd>d</kbd>: delete branch <kbd>u</kbd>: set as upstream of checked-out branch <kbd>esc</kbd>: Return to remotes list <kbd>g</kbd>: view reset options <kbd>enter</kbd>: view commits </pre> ## Remotes <pre> <kbd>f</kbd>: fetch remote <kbd>n</kbd>: add new remote <kbd>d</kbd>: remove remote <kbd>e</kbd>: edit remote </pre> ## Stash <pre> <kbd>space</kbd>: apply <kbd>g</kbd>: pop <kbd>d</kbd>: drop <kbd>n</kbd>: new branch <kbd>enter</kbd>: view selected item's files </pre> ## Status <pre> <kbd>e</kbd>: edit config file <kbd>o</kbd>: open config file <kbd>u</kbd>: check for update <kbd>enter</kbd>: switch to a recent repo <kbd>a</kbd>: show all branch logs </pre> ## Sub-commits <pre> <kbd>ctrl+o</kbd>: copy commit SHA to clipboard <kbd>space</kbd>: checkout commit <kbd>y</kbd>: copy commit attribute <kbd>o</kbd>: open commit in browser <kbd>n</kbd>: create new branch off of commit <kbd>g</kbd>: view reset options <kbd>c</kbd>: copy commit (cherry-pick) <kbd>C</kbd>: copy commit range (cherry-pick) <kbd>ctrl+r</kbd>: reset cherry-picked (copied) commits selection <kbd>enter</kbd>: view selected item's files </pre> ## Submodules <pre> <kbd>ctrl+o</kbd>: copy submodule name to clipboard <kbd>enter</kbd>: enter submodule <kbd>d</kbd>: remove submodule <kbd>u</kbd>: update submodule <kbd>n</kbd>: add new submodule <kbd>e</kbd>: update submodule URL <kbd>i</kbd>: initialize submodule <kbd>b</kbd>: view bulk submodule options </pre> ## Tags <pre> <kbd>space</kbd>: checkout <kbd>d</kbd>: delete tag <kbd>P</kbd>: push tag <kbd>n</kbd>: create tag <kbd>g</kbd>: view reset options <kbd>enter</kbd>: view commits </pre>