mirror of https://github.com/jesseduffield/lazygit.git synced 2025-03-03 15:02:52 +02:00
Jesse Duffield d772c9f1d4 Use sentence case everywhere
We have not been good at consistent casing so far. Now we use 'Sentence case' everywhere. EVERYWHERE.

Also Removing 'Lc' prefix from i18n field names: the 'Lc' stood for lowercase but now that everything
is in 'Sentence case' there's no need for the distinction.

I've got a couple lower case things I've kept: namely, things that show up in parentheses.
2023-05-25 23:52:19 +10:00

199 lines
5.6 KiB

package controllers
import (
type StatusController struct {
c *ControllerCommon
var _ types.IController = &StatusController{}
func NewStatusController(
common *ControllerCommon,
) *StatusController {
return &StatusController{
baseController: baseController{},
c: common,
func (self *StatusController) GetKeybindings(opts types.KeybindingsOpts) []*types.Binding {
bindings := []*types.Binding{
Key: opts.GetKey(opts.Config.Universal.OpenFile),
Handler: self.openConfig,
Description: self.c.Tr.OpenConfig,
Key: opts.GetKey(opts.Config.Universal.Edit),
Handler: self.editConfig,
Description: self.c.Tr.EditConfig,
Key: opts.GetKey(opts.Config.Status.CheckForUpdate),
Handler: self.handleCheckForUpdate,
Description: self.c.Tr.CheckForUpdate,
Key: opts.GetKey(opts.Config.Status.RecentRepos),
Handler: self.c.Helpers().Repos.CreateRecentReposMenu,
Description: self.c.Tr.SwitchRepo,
Key: opts.GetKey(opts.Config.Status.AllBranchesLogGraph),
Handler: self.showAllBranchLogs,
Description: self.c.Tr.AllBranchesLogGraph,
return bindings
func (self *StatusController) GetOnRenderToMain() func() error {
return func() error {
dashboardString := strings.Join(
"Copyright 2022 Jesse Duffield",
fmt.Sprintf("Keybindings: %s", constants.Links.Docs.Keybindings),
fmt.Sprintf("Config Options: %s", constants.Links.Docs.Config),
fmt.Sprintf("Tutorial: %s", constants.Links.Docs.Tutorial),
fmt.Sprintf("Raise an Issue: %s", constants.Links.Issues),
fmt.Sprintf("Release Notes: %s", constants.Links.Releases),
style.FgMagenta.Sprintf("Become a sponsor: %s", constants.Links.Donate), // caffeine ain't free
}, "\n\n")
return self.c.RenderToMainViews(types.RefreshMainOpts{
Pair: self.c.MainViewPairs().Normal,
Main: &types.ViewUpdateOpts{
Title: self.c.Tr.StatusTitle,
Task: types.NewRenderStringTask(dashboardString),
func (self *StatusController) GetOnClick() func() error {
return self.onClick
func (self *StatusController) Context() types.Context {
return self.c.Contexts().Status
func (self *StatusController) onClick() error {
// TODO: move into some abstraction (status is currently not a listViewContext where a lot of this code lives)
currentBranch := self.c.Helpers().Refs.GetCheckedOutRef()
if currentBranch == nil {
// need to wait for branches to refresh
return nil
if err := self.c.PushContext(self.Context()); err != nil {
return err
cx, _ := self.c.Views().Status.Cursor()
upstreamStatus := presentation.BranchStatus(currentBranch, self.c.Tr)
repoName := utils.GetCurrentRepoName()
workingTreeState := self.c.Git().Status.WorkingTreeState()
switch workingTreeState {
workingTreeStatus := fmt.Sprintf("(%s)", presentation.FormatWorkingTreeStateLower(self.c.Tr, workingTreeState))
if cursorInSubstring(cx, upstreamStatus+" ", workingTreeStatus) {
return self.c.Helpers().MergeAndRebase.CreateRebaseOptionsMenu()
if cursorInSubstring(cx, upstreamStatus+" "+workingTreeStatus+" ", repoName) {
return self.c.Helpers().Repos.CreateRecentReposMenu()
if cursorInSubstring(cx, upstreamStatus+" ", repoName) {
return self.c.Helpers().Repos.CreateRecentReposMenu()
return nil
func runeCount(str string) int {
return len([]rune(str))
func cursorInSubstring(cx int, prefix string, substring string) bool {
return cx >= runeCount(prefix) && cx < runeCount(prefix+substring)
func lazygitTitle() string {
return `
_ _ _
| | (_) |
| | __ _ _____ _ __ _ _| |_
| |/ _` + "`" + ` |_ / | | |/ _` + "`" + ` | | __|
| | (_| |/ /| |_| | (_| | | |_
|_|\__,_/___|\__, |\__, |_|\__|
__/ | __/ |
|___/ |___/ `
func (self *StatusController) askForConfigFile(action func(file string) error) error {
confPaths := self.c.GetConfig().GetUserConfigPaths()
switch len(confPaths) {
case 0:
return errors.New(self.c.Tr.NoConfigFileFoundErr)
case 1:
return action(confPaths[0])
menuItems := slices.Map(confPaths, func(path string) *types.MenuItem {
return &types.MenuItem{
Label: path,
OnPress: func() error {
return action(path)
return self.c.Menu(types.CreateMenuOptions{
Title: self.c.Tr.SelectConfigFile,
Items: menuItems,
func (self *StatusController) openConfig() error {
return self.askForConfigFile(self.c.Helpers().Files.OpenFile)
func (self *StatusController) editConfig() error {
return self.askForConfigFile(self.c.Helpers().Files.EditFile)
func (self *StatusController) showAllBranchLogs() error {
cmdObj := self.c.Git().Branch.AllBranchesLogCmdObj()
task := types.NewRunPtyTask(cmdObj.GetCmd())
return self.c.RenderToMainViews(types.RefreshMainOpts{
Pair: self.c.MainViewPairs().Normal,
Main: &types.ViewUpdateOpts{
Title: self.c.Tr.LogTitle,
Task: task,
func (self *StatusController) handleCheckForUpdate() error {
return self.c.Helpers().Update.CheckForUpdateInForeground()