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synced 2025-03-03 15:02:52 +02:00
more and more move rebase commit refreshing into existing abstraction and more and more WIP and more handling clicks properly fix merge conflicts update cheatsheet lots more preparation to start moving things into controllers WIP better typing expand on remotes controller moving more code into controllers
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321 lines
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// though this panel is called the merge panel, it's really going to use the main panel. This may change in the future
package gui
import (
func (gui *Gui) handleSelectPrevConflictHunk() error {
return gui.withMergeConflictLock(func() error {
return gui.renderConflictsWithFocus()
func (gui *Gui) handleSelectNextConflictHunk() error {
return gui.withMergeConflictLock(func() error {
return gui.renderConflictsWithFocus()
func (gui *Gui) handleSelectNextConflict() error {
return gui.withMergeConflictLock(func() error {
return gui.renderConflictsWithFocus()
func (gui *Gui) handleSelectPrevConflict() error {
return gui.withMergeConflictLock(func() error {
return gui.renderConflictsWithFocus()
func (gui *Gui) handleMergeConflictUndo() error {
state := gui.State.Panels.Merging
ok := state.Undo()
if !ok {
return nil
gui.c.LogAction("Restoring file to previous state")
gui.LogCommand("Undoing last conflict resolution", false)
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(state.GetPath(), []byte(state.GetContent()), 0644); err != nil {
return err
return gui.renderConflictsWithFocus()
func (gui *Gui) handlePickHunk() error {
return gui.withMergeConflictLock(func() error {
ok, err := gui.resolveConflict(gui.State.Panels.Merging.Selection())
if err != nil {
return err
if !ok {
return nil
if gui.State.Panels.Merging.AllConflictsResolved() {
return gui.onLastConflictResolved()
return gui.renderConflictsWithFocus()
func (gui *Gui) handlePickAllHunks() error {
return gui.withMergeConflictLock(func() error {
ok, err := gui.resolveConflict(mergeconflicts.ALL)
if err != nil {
return err
if !ok {
return nil
if gui.State.Panels.Merging.AllConflictsResolved() {
return gui.onLastConflictResolved()
return gui.renderConflictsWithFocus()
func (gui *Gui) resolveConflict(selection mergeconflicts.Selection) (bool, error) {
state := gui.State.Panels.Merging
ok, content, err := state.ContentAfterConflictResolve(selection)
if err != nil {
return false, err
if !ok {
return false, nil
var logStr string
switch selection {
case mergeconflicts.TOP:
logStr = "Picking top hunk"
case mergeconflicts.MIDDLE:
logStr = "Picking middle hunk"
case mergeconflicts.BOTTOM:
logStr = "Picking bottom hunk"
case mergeconflicts.ALL:
logStr = "Picking all hunks"
gui.c.LogAction("Resolve merge conflict")
gui.LogCommand(logStr, false)
return true, ioutil.WriteFile(state.GetPath(), []byte(content), 0644)
// precondition: we actually have conflicts to render
func (gui *Gui) renderConflicts(hasFocus bool) error {
state := gui.State.Panels.Merging.State
content := mergeconflicts.ColoredConflictFile(state, hasFocus)
if !gui.State.Panels.Merging.UserVerticalScrolling {
// TODO: find a way to not have to do this OnUIThread thing. Why doesn't it work
// without it given that we're calling the 'no scroll' variant below?
gui.OnUIThread(func() error {
defer gui.State.Panels.Merging.Unlock()
if !state.Active() {
return nil
gui.centerYPos(gui.Views.Main, state.GetConflictMiddle())
return nil
return gui.refreshMainViews(refreshMainOpts{
main: &viewUpdateOpts{
title: gui.c.Tr.MergeConflictsTitle,
task: NewRenderStringWithoutScrollTask(content),
noWrap: true,
func (gui *Gui) renderConflictsWithFocus() error {
return gui.renderConflicts(true)
func (gui *Gui) renderConflictsWithLock(hasFocus bool) error {
return gui.withMergeConflictLock(func() error {
return gui.renderConflicts(hasFocus)
func (gui *Gui) centerYPos(view *gocui.View, y int) {
ox, _ := view.Origin()
_, height := view.Size()
newOriginY := int(math.Max(0, float64(y-(height/2))))
_ = view.SetOrigin(ox, newOriginY)
func (gui *Gui) getMergingOptions() map[string]string {
keybindingConfig := gui.c.UserConfig.Keybinding
return map[string]string{
fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", gui.getKeyDisplay(keybindingConfig.Universal.PrevItem), gui.getKeyDisplay(keybindingConfig.Universal.NextItem)): gui.c.Tr.LcSelectHunk,
fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", gui.getKeyDisplay(keybindingConfig.Universal.PrevBlock), gui.getKeyDisplay(keybindingConfig.Universal.NextBlock)): gui.c.Tr.LcNavigateConflicts,
gui.getKeyDisplay(keybindingConfig.Universal.Select): gui.c.Tr.LcPickHunk,
gui.getKeyDisplay(keybindingConfig.Main.PickBothHunks): gui.c.Tr.LcPickAllHunks,
gui.getKeyDisplay(keybindingConfig.Universal.Undo): gui.c.Tr.LcUndo,
func (gui *Gui) handleEscapeMerge() error {
if err := gui.c.Refresh(types.RefreshOptions{Scope: []types.RefreshableView{types.FILES}}); err != nil {
return err
return gui.escapeMerge()
func (gui *Gui) onLastConflictResolved() error {
// as part of refreshing files, we handle the situation where a file has had
// its merge conflicts resolved.
return gui.c.Refresh(types.RefreshOptions{Mode: types.ASYNC, Scope: []types.RefreshableView{types.FILES}})
func (gui *Gui) resetMergeState() {
func (gui *Gui) setMergeState(path string) (bool, error) {
content, err := gui.git.File.Cat(path)
if err != nil {
return false, err
gui.State.Panels.Merging.SetContent(content, path)
return !gui.State.Panels.Merging.NoConflicts(), nil
func (gui *Gui) setMergeStateWithLock(path string) (bool, error) {
defer gui.State.Panels.Merging.Unlock()
return gui.setMergeState(path)
func (gui *Gui) resetMergeStateWithLock() {
defer gui.State.Panels.Merging.Unlock()
func (gui *Gui) escapeMerge() error {
// doing this in separate UI thread so that we're not still holding the lock by the time refresh the file
gui.OnUIThread(func() error {
return gui.pushContext(gui.State.Contexts.Files)
return nil
func (gui *Gui) renderingConflicts() bool {
currentView := gui.g.CurrentView()
if currentView != gui.Views.Main && currentView != gui.Views.Files {
return false
return gui.State.Panels.Merging.Active()
func (gui *Gui) withMergeConflictLock(f func() error) error {
defer gui.State.Panels.Merging.Unlock()
return f()
func (gui *Gui) takeOverMergeConflictScrolling() {
gui.State.Panels.Merging.UserVerticalScrolling = false
func (gui *Gui) setConflictsAndRender(path string, hasFocus bool) (bool, error) {
hasConflicts, err := gui.setMergeState(path)
if err != nil {
return false, err
if hasConflicts {
return true, gui.renderConflicts(hasFocus)
return false, nil
func (gui *Gui) setConflictsAndRenderWithLock(path string, hasFocus bool) (bool, error) {
defer gui.State.Panels.Merging.Unlock()
return gui.setConflictsAndRender(path, hasFocus)
func (gui *Gui) refreshMergeState() error {
defer gui.State.Panels.Merging.Unlock()
if gui.currentContext().GetKey() != MAIN_MERGING_CONTEXT_KEY {
return nil
hasConflicts, err := gui.setConflictsAndRender(gui.State.Panels.Merging.GetPath(), true)
if err != nil {
return gui.c.Error(err)
if !hasConflicts {
return gui.escapeMerge()
return nil
func (gui *Gui) switchToMerge(path string) error {
if gui.State.Panels.Merging.GetPath() != path {
hasConflicts, err := gui.setMergeStateWithLock(path)
if err != nil {
return err
if !hasConflicts {
return nil
return gui.c.PushContext(gui.State.Contexts.Merging)