mirror of https://github.com/jesseduffield/lazygit.git synced 2025-03-19 21:28:28 +02:00
2018-09-09 10:52:34 +02:00

827 lines
19 KiB

package commands
import (
gogit "gopkg.in/src-d/go-git.v4"
type fileInfoMock struct {
name string
size int64
fileMode os.FileMode
fileModTime time.Time
isDir bool
sys interface{}
func (f fileInfoMock) Name() string {
return f.name
func (f fileInfoMock) Size() int64 {
return f.size
func (f fileInfoMock) Mode() os.FileMode {
return f.fileMode
func (f fileInfoMock) ModTime() time.Time {
return f.fileModTime
func (f fileInfoMock) IsDir() bool {
return f.isDir
func (f fileInfoMock) Sys() interface{} {
return f.sys
func newDummyLog() *logrus.Entry {
log := logrus.New()
log.Out = ioutil.Discard
return log.WithField("test", "test")
func newDummyGitCommand() *GitCommand {
return &GitCommand{
Log: newDummyLog(),
OSCommand: newDummyOSCommand(),
Tr: i18n.NewLocalizer(newDummyLog()),
func TestVerifyInGitRepo(t *testing.T) {
type scenario struct {
testName string
runCmd func(string) error
test func(error)
scenarios := []scenario{
"Valid git repository",
func(string) error {
return nil
func(err error) {
assert.NoError(t, err)
"Not a valid git repository",
func(string) error {
return fmt.Errorf("fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git")
func(err error) {
assert.Error(t, err)
assert.Regexp(t, "fatal: .ot a git repository \\(or any of the parent directories\\): \\.git", err.Error())
for _, s := range scenarios {
t.Run(s.testName, func(t *testing.T) {
func TestNavigateToRepoRootDirectory(t *testing.T) {
type scenario struct {
testName string
stat func(string) (os.FileInfo, error)
chdir func(string) error
test func(error)
scenarios := []scenario{
"Navigate to git repository",
func(string) (os.FileInfo, error) {
return fileInfoMock{isDir: true}, nil
func(string) error {
return nil
func(err error) {
assert.NoError(t, err)
"An error occurred when getting path informations",
func(string) (os.FileInfo, error) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("An error occurred")
func(string) error {
return nil
func(err error) {
assert.Error(t, err)
assert.EqualError(t, err, "An error occurred")
"An error occurred when trying to move one path backward",
func(string) (os.FileInfo, error) {
return nil, os.ErrNotExist
func(string) error {
return fmt.Errorf("An error occurred")
func(err error) {
assert.Error(t, err)
assert.EqualError(t, err, "An error occurred")
for _, s := range scenarios {
t.Run(s.testName, func(t *testing.T) {
s.test(navigateToRepoRootDirectory(s.stat, s.chdir))
func TestSetupRepositoryAndWorktree(t *testing.T) {
type scenario struct {
testName string
openGitRepository func(string) (*gogit.Repository, error)
sLocalize func(string) string
test func(*gogit.Repository, *gogit.Worktree, error)
scenarios := []scenario{
"A gitconfig parsing error occurred",
func(string) (*gogit.Repository, error) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(`unquoted '\' must be followed by new line`)
func(string) string {
return "error translated"
func(r *gogit.Repository, w *gogit.Worktree, err error) {
assert.Error(t, err)
assert.EqualError(t, err, "error translated")
"A gogit error occurred",
func(string) (*gogit.Repository, error) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error from inside gogit")
func(string) string { return "" },
func(r *gogit.Repository, w *gogit.Worktree, err error) {
assert.Error(t, err)
assert.EqualError(t, err, "Error from inside gogit")
"An error occurred cause git repository is a bare repository",
func(string) (*gogit.Repository, error) {
return &gogit.Repository{}, nil
func(string) string { return "" },
func(r *gogit.Repository, w *gogit.Worktree, err error) {
assert.Error(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, gogit.ErrIsBareRepository, err)
"Setup done properly",
func(string) (*gogit.Repository, error) {
assert.NoError(t, os.RemoveAll("/tmp/lazygit-test"))
r, err := gogit.PlainInit("/tmp/lazygit-test", false)
assert.NoError(t, err)
return r, nil
func(string) string { return "" },
func(r *gogit.Repository, w *gogit.Worktree, err error) {
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.NotNil(t, w)
assert.NotNil(t, r)
for _, s := range scenarios {
t.Run(s.testName, func(t *testing.T) {
s.test(setupRepositoryAndWorktree(s.openGitRepository, s.sLocalize))
func TestNewGitCommand(t *testing.T) {
actual, err := os.Getwd()
assert.NoError(t, err)
defer func() {
assert.NoError(t, os.Chdir(actual))
type scenario struct {
testName string
setup func()
test func(*GitCommand, error)
scenarios := []scenario{
"An error occurred, folder doesn't contains a git repository",
func() {
assert.NoError(t, os.Chdir("/tmp"))
func(gitCmd *GitCommand, err error) {
assert.Error(t, err)
assert.Regexp(t, "fatal: .ot a git repository \\(or any of the parent directories\\): \\.git", err.Error())
"New GitCommand object created",
func() {
assert.NoError(t, os.RemoveAll("/tmp/lazygit-test"))
_, err := gogit.PlainInit("/tmp/lazygit-test", false)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.NoError(t, os.Chdir("/tmp/lazygit-test"))
func(gitCmd *GitCommand, err error) {
assert.NoError(t, err)
for _, s := range scenarios {
t.Run(s.testName, func(t *testing.T) {
s.test(NewGitCommand(newDummyLog(), newDummyOSCommand(), i18n.NewLocalizer(newDummyLog())))
func TestGitCommandGetStashEntries(t *testing.T) {
type scenario struct {
testName string
command func(string, ...string) *exec.Cmd
test func([]StashEntry)
scenarios := []scenario{
"No stash entries found",
func(string, ...string) *exec.Cmd {
return exec.Command("echo")
func(entries []StashEntry) {
assert.Len(t, entries, 0)
"Several stash entries found",
func(string, ...string) *exec.Cmd {
return exec.Command("echo", "WIP on add-pkg-commands-test: 55c6af2 increase parallel build\nWIP on master: bb86a3f update github template")
func(entries []StashEntry) {
expected := []StashEntry{
"WIP on add-pkg-commands-test: 55c6af2 increase parallel build",
"WIP on add-pkg-commands-test: 55c6af2 increase parallel build",
"WIP on master: bb86a3f update github template",
"WIP on master: bb86a3f update github template",
assert.Len(t, entries, 2)
assert.EqualValues(t, expected, entries)
for _, s := range scenarios {
t.Run(s.testName, func(t *testing.T) {
gitCmd := newDummyGitCommand()
gitCmd.OSCommand.command = s.command
func TestGitCommandGetStashEntryDiff(t *testing.T) {
gitCmd := newDummyGitCommand()
gitCmd.OSCommand.command = func(cmd string, args ...string) *exec.Cmd {
assert.EqualValues(t, "git", cmd)
assert.EqualValues(t, []string{"stash", "show", "-p", "--color", "stash@{1}"}, args)
return exec.Command("echo")
_, err := gitCmd.GetStashEntryDiff(1)
assert.NoError(t, err)
func TestGitCommandGetStatusFiles(t *testing.T) {
type scenario struct {
testName string
command func(string, ...string) *exec.Cmd
test func([]File)
scenarios := []scenario{
"No files found",
func(cmd string, args ...string) *exec.Cmd {
return exec.Command("echo")
func(files []File) {
assert.Len(t, files, 0)
"Several files found",
func(cmd string, args ...string) *exec.Cmd {
return exec.Command(
"MM file1.txt\nA file3.txt\nAM file2.txt\n?? file4.txt",
func(files []File) {
assert.Len(t, files, 4)
expected := []File{
Name: "file1.txt",
HasStagedChanges: true,
HasUnstagedChanges: true,
Tracked: true,
Deleted: false,
HasMergeConflicts: false,
DisplayString: "MM file1.txt",
Type: "other",
Name: "file3.txt",
HasStagedChanges: true,
HasUnstagedChanges: false,
Tracked: false,
Deleted: false,
HasMergeConflicts: false,
DisplayString: "A file3.txt",
Type: "other",
Name: "file2.txt",
HasStagedChanges: true,
HasUnstagedChanges: true,
Tracked: false,
Deleted: false,
HasMergeConflicts: false,
DisplayString: "AM file2.txt",
Type: "other",
Name: "file4.txt",
HasStagedChanges: false,
HasUnstagedChanges: true,
Tracked: false,
Deleted: false,
HasMergeConflicts: false,
DisplayString: "?? file4.txt",
Type: "other",
assert.EqualValues(t, expected, files)
for _, s := range scenarios {
t.Run(s.testName, func(t *testing.T) {
gitCmd := newDummyGitCommand()
gitCmd.OSCommand.command = s.command
func TestGitCommandStashDo(t *testing.T) {
gitCmd := newDummyGitCommand()
gitCmd.OSCommand.command = func(cmd string, args ...string) *exec.Cmd {
assert.EqualValues(t, "git", cmd)
assert.EqualValues(t, []string{"stash", "drop", "stash@{1}"}, args)
return exec.Command("echo")
assert.NoError(t, gitCmd.StashDo(1, "drop"))
func TestGitCommandStashSave(t *testing.T) {
gitCmd := newDummyGitCommand()
gitCmd.OSCommand.command = func(cmd string, args ...string) *exec.Cmd {
assert.EqualValues(t, "git", cmd)
assert.EqualValues(t, []string{"stash", "save", "A stash message"}, args)
return exec.Command("echo")
assert.NoError(t, gitCmd.StashSave("A stash message"))
func TestGitCommandCommitAmend(t *testing.T) {
gitCmd := newDummyGitCommand()
gitCmd.OSCommand.command = func(cmd string, args ...string) *exec.Cmd {
assert.EqualValues(t, "git", cmd)
assert.EqualValues(t, []string{"commit", "--amend", "--allow-empty"}, args)
return exec.Command("echo")
_, err := gitCmd.PrepareCommitAmendSubProcess().CombinedOutput()
assert.NoError(t, err)
func TestGitCommandMergeStatusFiles(t *testing.T) {
type scenario struct {
testName string
oldFiles []File
newFiles []File
test func([]File)
scenarios := []scenario{
"Old file and new file are the same",
Name: "new_file.txt",
func(files []File) {
expected := []File{
Name: "new_file.txt",
assert.Len(t, files, 1)
assert.EqualValues(t, expected, files)
"Several files to merge, with some identical",
Name: "new_file1.txt",
Name: "new_file2.txt",
Name: "new_file3.txt",
Name: "new_file4.txt",
Name: "new_file5.txt",
Name: "new_file1.txt",
func(files []File) {
expected := []File{
Name: "new_file1.txt",
Name: "new_file4.txt",
Name: "new_file5.txt",
assert.Len(t, files, 3)
assert.EqualValues(t, expected, files)
for _, s := range scenarios {
t.Run(s.testName, func(t *testing.T) {
gitCmd := newDummyGitCommand()
s.test(gitCmd.MergeStatusFiles(s.oldFiles, s.newFiles))
func TestGitCommandUpstreamDifferentCount(t *testing.T) {
type scenario struct {
testName string
command func(string, ...string) *exec.Cmd
test func(string, string)
scenarios := []scenario{
"Can't retrieve pushable count",
func(string, ...string) *exec.Cmd {
return exec.Command("exit", "1")
func(pushableCount string, pullableCount string) {
assert.EqualValues(t, "?", pushableCount)
assert.EqualValues(t, "?", pullableCount)
"Can't retrieve pullable count",
func(cmd string, args ...string) *exec.Cmd {
if args[1] == "head..@{u}" {
return exec.Command("exit", "1")
return exec.Command("echo")
func(pushableCount string, pullableCount string) {
assert.EqualValues(t, "?", pushableCount)
assert.EqualValues(t, "?", pullableCount)
"Retrieve pullable and pushable count",
func(cmd string, args ...string) *exec.Cmd {
if args[1] == "head..@{u}" {
return exec.Command("echo", "10")
return exec.Command("echo", "11")
func(pushableCount string, pullableCount string) {
assert.EqualValues(t, "11", pushableCount)
assert.EqualValues(t, "10", pullableCount)
for _, s := range scenarios {
t.Run(s.testName, func(t *testing.T) {
gitCmd := newDummyGitCommand()
gitCmd.OSCommand.command = s.command
func TestGitCommandGetCommitsToPush(t *testing.T) {
type scenario struct {
testName string
command func(string, ...string) *exec.Cmd
test func([]string)
scenarios := []scenario{
"Can't retrieve pushable commits",
func(string, ...string) *exec.Cmd {
return exec.Command("exit", "1")
func(pushables []string) {
assert.EqualValues(t, []string{}, pushables)
"Retrieve pushable commits",
func(cmd string, args ...string) *exec.Cmd {
return exec.Command("echo", "8a2bb0e\n78976bc")
func(pushables []string) {
assert.Len(t, pushables, 2)
assert.EqualValues(t, []string{"8a2bb0e", "78976bc"}, pushables)
for _, s := range scenarios {
t.Run(s.testName, func(t *testing.T) {
gitCmd := newDummyGitCommand()
gitCmd.OSCommand.command = s.command
func TestGitCommandRenameCommit(t *testing.T) {
gitCmd := newDummyGitCommand()
gitCmd.OSCommand.command = func(cmd string, args ...string) *exec.Cmd {
assert.EqualValues(t, "git", cmd)
assert.EqualValues(t, []string{"commit", "--allow-empty", "--amend", "-m", "test"}, args)
return exec.Command("echo")
assert.NoError(t, gitCmd.RenameCommit("test"))
func TestGitCommandResetToCommit(t *testing.T) {
gitCmd := newDummyGitCommand()
gitCmd.OSCommand.command = func(cmd string, args ...string) *exec.Cmd {
assert.EqualValues(t, "git", cmd)
assert.EqualValues(t, []string{"reset", "78976bc"}, args)
return exec.Command("echo")
assert.NoError(t, gitCmd.ResetToCommit("78976bc"))
func TestGitCommandNewBranch(t *testing.T) {
gitCmd := newDummyGitCommand()
gitCmd.OSCommand.command = func(cmd string, args ...string) *exec.Cmd {
assert.EqualValues(t, "git", cmd)
assert.EqualValues(t, []string{"checkout", "-b", "test"}, args)
return exec.Command("echo")
assert.NoError(t, gitCmd.NewBranch("test"))
func TestGitCommandDeleteBranch(t *testing.T) {
type scenario struct {
testName string
branch string
force bool
command func(string, ...string) *exec.Cmd
test func(error)
scenarios := []scenario{
"Delete a branch",
func(cmd string, args ...string) *exec.Cmd {
assert.EqualValues(t, "git", cmd)
assert.EqualValues(t, []string{"branch", "-d", "test"}, args)
return exec.Command("echo")
func(err error) {
assert.NoError(t, err)
"Force delete a branch",
func(cmd string, args ...string) *exec.Cmd {
assert.EqualValues(t, "git", cmd)
assert.EqualValues(t, []string{"branch", "-D", "test"}, args)
return exec.Command("echo")
func(err error) {
assert.NoError(t, err)
for _, s := range scenarios {
t.Run(s.testName, func(t *testing.T) {
gitCmd := newDummyGitCommand()
gitCmd.OSCommand.command = s.command
s.test(gitCmd.DeleteBranch(s.branch, s.force))
func TestGitCommandMerge(t *testing.T) {
gitCmd := newDummyGitCommand()
gitCmd.OSCommand.command = func(cmd string, args ...string) *exec.Cmd {
assert.EqualValues(t, "git", cmd)
assert.EqualValues(t, []string{"merge", "--no-edit", "test"}, args)
return exec.Command("echo")
assert.NoError(t, gitCmd.Merge("test"))
func TestGitCommandDiff(t *testing.T) {
gitCommand := newDummyGitCommand()
assert.NoError(t, test.GenerateRepo("lots_of_diffs.sh"))
files := []File{
Name: "deleted_staged",
HasStagedChanges: false,
HasUnstagedChanges: true,
Tracked: true,
Deleted: true,
HasMergeConflicts: false,
DisplayString: " D deleted_staged",
Name: "file with space staged",
HasStagedChanges: true,
HasUnstagedChanges: false,
Tracked: false,
Deleted: false,
HasMergeConflicts: false,
DisplayString: "A \"file with space staged\"",
Name: "file with space unstaged",
HasStagedChanges: false,
HasUnstagedChanges: true,
Tracked: false,
Deleted: false,
HasMergeConflicts: false,
DisplayString: "?? file with space unstaged",
Name: "modified_unstaged",
HasStagedChanges: true,
HasUnstagedChanges: false,
Tracked: true,
Deleted: false,
HasMergeConflicts: false,
DisplayString: "M modified_unstaged",
Name: "modified_staged",
HasStagedChanges: false,
HasUnstagedChanges: true,
Tracked: true,
Deleted: false,
HasMergeConflicts: false,
DisplayString: " M modified_staged",
Name: "renamed_before -> renamed_after",
HasStagedChanges: true,
HasUnstagedChanges: false,
Tracked: true,
Deleted: false,
HasMergeConflicts: false,
DisplayString: "R renamed_before -> renamed_after",
Name: "untracked_unstaged",
HasStagedChanges: false,
HasUnstagedChanges: true,
Tracked: false,
Deleted: false,
HasMergeConflicts: false,
DisplayString: "?? untracked_unstaged",
Name: "untracked_staged",
HasStagedChanges: true,
HasUnstagedChanges: false,
Tracked: false,
Deleted: false,
HasMergeConflicts: false,
DisplayString: "A untracked_staged",
Name: "master",
HasStagedChanges: false,
HasUnstagedChanges: true,
Tracked: false,
Deleted: false,
HasMergeConflicts: false,
DisplayString: "?? master",
for _, file := range files {
t.Run(file.Name, func(t *testing.T) {
assert.NotContains(t, gitCommand.Diff(file), "error")