mirror of
synced 2025-03-27 22:01:46 +02:00
The only time we should call SetSelectedLineIdx is when we are happy for a select range to be retained which means things like moving the selected line index to top top/bottom or up/down a page as the user navigates. But in every other case we should now call SetSelection because that will set the selected index and cancel the range which is almost always what we want.
898 lines
26 KiB
898 lines
26 KiB
package gui
import (
goContext "context"
appTypes "github.com/jesseduffield/lazygit/pkg/app/types"
integrationTypes "github.com/jesseduffield/lazygit/pkg/integration/types"
const StartupPopupVersion = 5
// OverlappingEdges determines if panel edges overlap
var OverlappingEdges = false
type Repo string
// Gui wraps the gocui Gui object which handles rendering and events
type Gui struct {
g *gocui.Gui
gitVersion *git_commands.GitVersion
git *commands.GitCommand
os *oscommands.OSCommand
// this is the state of the GUI for the current repo
State *GuiRepoState
CustomCommandsClient *custom_commands.Client
// this is a mapping of repos to gui states, so that we can restore the original
// gui state when returning from a subrepo.
// In repos with multiple worktrees, we store a separate repo state per worktree.
RepoStateMap map[Repo]*GuiRepoState
Config config.AppConfigurer
Updater *updates.Updater
statusManager *status.StatusManager
waitForIntro sync.WaitGroup
viewBufferManagerMap map[string]*tasks.ViewBufferManager
// holds a mapping of view names to ptmx's. This is for rendering command outputs
// from within a pty. The point of keeping track of them is so that if we re-size
// the window, we can tell the pty it needs to resize accordingly.
viewPtmxMap map[string]*os.File
stopChan chan struct{}
// when lazygit is opened outside a git directory we want to open to the most
// recent repo with the recent repos popup showing
showRecentRepos bool
Mutexes types.Mutexes
// when you enter into a submodule we'll append the superproject's path to this array
// so that you can return to the superproject
RepoPathStack *utils.StringStack
// this tells us whether our views have been initially set up
ViewsSetup bool
Views types.Views
// Log of the commands/actions logged in the Command Log panel.
GuiLog []string
// the extras window contains things like the command log
ShowExtrasWindow bool
PopupHandler types.IPopupHandler
IsNewRepo bool
IsRefreshingFiles bool
// we use this to decide whether we'll return to the original directory that
// lazygit was opened in, or if we'll retain the one we're currently in.
RetainOriginalDir bool
// stores long-running operations associated with items (e.g. when a branch
// is being pushed). At the moment the rule is to use an item operation when
// we need to talk to the remote.
itemOperations map[string]types.ItemOperation
itemOperationsMutex *deadlock.Mutex
PrevLayout PrevLayout
// this is the initial dir we are in upon opening lazygit. We hold onto this
// in case we want to restore it before quitting for users who have set up
// the feature for changing directory upon quit.
// The reason we don't just wait until quit time to handle changing directories
// is because some users want to keep track of the current lazygit directory in an outside
// process
InitialDir string
BackgroundRoutineMgr *BackgroundRoutineMgr
// for accessing the gui's state from outside this package
stateAccessor *StateAccessor
Updating bool
c *helpers.HelperCommon
helpers *helpers.Helpers
integrationTest integrationTypes.IntegrationTest
afterLayoutFuncs chan func() error
type StateAccessor struct {
gui *Gui
var _ types.IStateAccessor = new(StateAccessor)
func (self *StateAccessor) GetRepoPathStack() *utils.StringStack {
return self.gui.RepoPathStack
func (self *StateAccessor) GetUpdating() bool {
return self.gui.Updating
func (self *StateAccessor) SetUpdating(value bool) {
self.gui.Updating = value
func (self *StateAccessor) GetRepoState() types.IRepoStateAccessor {
return self.gui.State
func (self *StateAccessor) GetIsRefreshingFiles() bool {
return self.gui.IsRefreshingFiles
func (self *StateAccessor) SetIsRefreshingFiles(value bool) {
self.gui.IsRefreshingFiles = value
func (self *StateAccessor) GetShowExtrasWindow() bool {
return self.gui.ShowExtrasWindow
func (self *StateAccessor) SetShowExtrasWindow(value bool) {
self.gui.ShowExtrasWindow = value
func (self *StateAccessor) GetRetainOriginalDir() bool {
return self.gui.RetainOriginalDir
func (self *StateAccessor) SetRetainOriginalDir(value bool) {
self.gui.RetainOriginalDir = value
func (self *StateAccessor) GetItemOperation(item types.HasUrn) types.ItemOperation {
defer self.gui.itemOperationsMutex.Unlock()
return self.gui.itemOperations[item.URN()]
func (self *StateAccessor) SetItemOperation(item types.HasUrn, operation types.ItemOperation) {
defer self.gui.itemOperationsMutex.Unlock()
self.gui.itemOperations[item.URN()] = operation
func (self *StateAccessor) ClearItemOperation(item types.HasUrn) {
defer self.gui.itemOperationsMutex.Unlock()
delete(self.gui.itemOperations, item.URN())
// we keep track of some stuff from one render to the next to see if certain
// things have changed
type PrevLayout struct {
Information string
MainWidth int
MainHeight int
type GuiRepoState struct {
Model *types.Model
Modes *types.Modes
SplitMainPanel bool
LimitCommits bool
SearchState *types.SearchState
StartupStage types.StartupStage // Allows us to not load everything at once
ContextMgr *ContextMgr
Contexts *context.ContextTree
// WindowViewNameMap is a mapping of windows to the current view of that window.
// Some views move between windows for example the commitFiles view and when cycling through
// side windows we need to know which view to give focus to for a given window
WindowViewNameMap *utils.ThreadSafeMap[string, string]
// tells us whether we've set up our views for the current repo. We'll need to
// do this whenever we switch back and forth between repos to get the views
// back in sync with the repo state
ViewsSetup bool
ScreenMode types.WindowMaximisation
CurrentPopupOpts *types.CreatePopupPanelOpts
var _ types.IRepoStateAccessor = new(GuiRepoState)
func (self *GuiRepoState) GetViewsSetup() bool {
return self.ViewsSetup
func (self *GuiRepoState) GetWindowViewNameMap() *utils.ThreadSafeMap[string, string] {
return self.WindowViewNameMap
func (self *GuiRepoState) GetStartupStage() types.StartupStage {
return self.StartupStage
func (self *GuiRepoState) SetStartupStage(value types.StartupStage) {
self.StartupStage = value
func (self *GuiRepoState) GetCurrentPopupOpts() *types.CreatePopupPanelOpts {
return self.CurrentPopupOpts
func (self *GuiRepoState) SetCurrentPopupOpts(value *types.CreatePopupPanelOpts) {
self.CurrentPopupOpts = value
func (self *GuiRepoState) GetScreenMode() types.WindowMaximisation {
return self.ScreenMode
func (self *GuiRepoState) SetScreenMode(value types.WindowMaximisation) {
self.ScreenMode = value
func (self *GuiRepoState) InSearchPrompt() bool {
return self.SearchState.SearchType() != types.SearchTypeNone
func (self *GuiRepoState) GetSearchState() *types.SearchState {
return self.SearchState
func (self *GuiRepoState) SetSplitMainPanel(value bool) {
self.SplitMainPanel = value
func (self *GuiRepoState) GetSplitMainPanel() bool {
return self.SplitMainPanel
func (gui *Gui) onNewRepo(startArgs appTypes.StartArgs, contextKey types.ContextKey) error {
var err error
gui.git, err = commands.NewGitCommand(
if err != nil {
return err
contextToPush := gui.resetState(startArgs)
if err := gui.resetKeybindings(); err != nil {
return err
gui.g.SetFocusHandler(func(Focused bool) error {
if Focused {
gui.c.Log.Info("Receiving focus - refreshing")
return gui.helpers.Refresh.Refresh(types.RefreshOptions{Mode: types.ASYNC})
return nil
// if a context key has been given, push that instead, and set its index to 0
if contextKey != context.NO_CONTEXT {
contextToPush = gui.c.ContextForKey(contextKey)
// when we pass a list context, the expectation is that our cursor goes to the top,
// because e.g. with worktrees, we'll show the current worktree at the top of the list.
listContext, ok := contextToPush.(types.IListContext)
if ok {
if err := gui.c.PushContext(contextToPush); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// reuseState determines if we pull the repo state from our repo state map or
// just re-initialize it. For now we're only re-using state when we're going
// in and out of submodules, for the sake of having the cursor back on the submodule
// when we return.
// I tried out always reverting to the repo's original state but found that in fact
// it gets a bit confusing to land back in the status panel when visiting a repo
// you've already switched from. There's no doubt some easy way to make the UX
// optimal for all cases but I'm too lazy to think about what that is right now
func (gui *Gui) resetState(startArgs appTypes.StartArgs) types.Context {
worktreePath := gui.git.RepoPaths.WorktreePath()
if state := gui.RepoStateMap[Repo(worktreePath)]; state != nil {
gui.State = state
gui.State.ViewsSetup = false
contextTree := gui.State.Contexts
gui.State.WindowViewNameMap = initialWindowViewNameMap(contextTree)
// setting this to nil so we don't get stuck based on a popup that was
// previously opened
gui.State.CurrentPopupOpts = nil
return gui.c.CurrentContext()
contextTree := gui.contextTree()
initialScreenMode := initialScreenMode(startArgs, gui.Config)
gui.State = &GuiRepoState{
ViewsSetup: false,
Model: &types.Model{
CommitFiles: nil,
Files: make([]*models.File, 0),
Commits: make([]*models.Commit, 0),
StashEntries: make([]*models.StashEntry, 0),
FilteredReflogCommits: make([]*models.Commit, 0),
ReflogCommits: make([]*models.Commit, 0),
BisectInfo: git_commands.NewNullBisectInfo(),
FilesTrie: patricia.NewTrie(),
Authors: map[string]*models.Author{},
Modes: &types.Modes{
Filtering: filtering.New(startArgs.FilterPath),
CherryPicking: cherrypicking.New(),
Diffing: diffing.New(),
MarkedBaseCommit: marked_base_commit.New(),
ScreenMode: initialScreenMode,
// TODO: only use contexts from context manager
ContextMgr: NewContextMgr(gui, contextTree),
Contexts: contextTree,
WindowViewNameMap: initialWindowViewNameMap(contextTree),
SearchState: types.NewSearchState(),
gui.RepoStateMap[Repo(worktreePath)] = gui.State
return initialContext(contextTree, startArgs)
func initialWindowViewNameMap(contextTree *context.ContextTree) *utils.ThreadSafeMap[string, string] {
result := utils.NewThreadSafeMap[string, string]()
for _, context := range contextTree.Flatten() {
result.Set(context.GetWindowName(), context.GetViewName())
return result
func initialScreenMode(startArgs appTypes.StartArgs, config config.AppConfigurer) types.WindowMaximisation {
if startArgs.FilterPath != "" || startArgs.GitArg != appTypes.GitArgNone {
return types.SCREEN_FULL
} else {
defaultWindowSize := config.GetUserConfig().Gui.WindowSize
switch defaultWindowSize {
case "half":
return types.SCREEN_HALF
case "full":
return types.SCREEN_FULL
return types.SCREEN_NORMAL
func initialContext(contextTree *context.ContextTree, startArgs appTypes.StartArgs) types.IListContext {
var initialContext types.IListContext = contextTree.Files
if startArgs.FilterPath != "" {
initialContext = contextTree.LocalCommits
} else if startArgs.GitArg != appTypes.GitArgNone {
switch startArgs.GitArg {
case appTypes.GitArgStatus:
initialContext = contextTree.Files
case appTypes.GitArgBranch:
initialContext = contextTree.Branches
case appTypes.GitArgLog:
initialContext = contextTree.LocalCommits
case appTypes.GitArgStash:
initialContext = contextTree.Stash
panic("unhandled git arg")
return initialContext
func (gui *Gui) Contexts() *context.ContextTree {
return gui.State.Contexts
// for now the split view will always be on
// NewGui builds a new gui handler
func NewGui(
cmn *common.Common,
config config.AppConfigurer,
gitVersion *git_commands.GitVersion,
updater *updates.Updater,
showRecentRepos bool,
initialDir string,
test integrationTypes.IntegrationTest,
) (*Gui, error) {
gui := &Gui{
Common: cmn,
gitVersion: gitVersion,
Config: config,
Updater: updater,
statusManager: status.NewStatusManager(),
viewBufferManagerMap: map[string]*tasks.ViewBufferManager{},
viewPtmxMap: map[string]*os.File{},
showRecentRepos: showRecentRepos,
RepoPathStack: &utils.StringStack{},
RepoStateMap: map[Repo]*GuiRepoState{},
GuiLog: []string{},
// originally we could only hide the command log permanently via the config
// but now we do it via state. So we need to still support the config for the
// sake of backwards compatibility. We're making use of short circuiting here
ShowExtrasWindow: cmn.UserConfig.Gui.ShowCommandLog && !config.GetAppState().HideCommandLog,
Mutexes: types.Mutexes{
RefreshingFilesMutex: &deadlock.Mutex{},
RefreshingBranchesMutex: &deadlock.Mutex{},
RefreshingStatusMutex: &deadlock.Mutex{},
LocalCommitsMutex: &deadlock.Mutex{},
SubCommitsMutex: &deadlock.Mutex{},
AuthorsMutex: &deadlock.Mutex{},
SubprocessMutex: &deadlock.Mutex{},
PopupMutex: &deadlock.Mutex{},
PtyMutex: &deadlock.Mutex{},
InitialDir: initialDir,
afterLayoutFuncs: make(chan func() error, 1000),
itemOperations: make(map[string]types.ItemOperation),
itemOperationsMutex: &deadlock.Mutex{},
gui.PopupHandler = popup.NewPopupHandler(
func(ctx goContext.Context, opts types.CreatePopupPanelOpts) error {
return gui.helpers.Confirmation.CreatePopupPanel(ctx, opts)
func() error { return gui.c.Refresh(types.RefreshOptions{Mode: types.ASYNC}) },
func() error { return gui.State.ContextMgr.Pop() },
func() types.Context { return gui.State.ContextMgr.Current() },
func(message string, f func(gocui.Task) error) { gui.helpers.AppStatus.WithWaitingStatus(message, f) },
func(message string, f func() error) {
gui.helpers.AppStatus.WithWaitingStatusSync(message, f)
func(message string, kind types.ToastKind) { gui.helpers.AppStatus.Toast(message, kind) },
func() string { return gui.Views.Confirmation.TextArea.GetContent() },
func() bool { return gui.c.InDemo() },
guiCommon := &guiCommon{gui: gui, IPopupHandler: gui.PopupHandler}
helperCommon := &helpers.HelperCommon{IGuiCommon: guiCommon, Common: cmn, IGetContexts: gui}
credentialsHelper := helpers.NewCredentialsHelper(helperCommon)
guiIO := oscommands.NewGuiIO(
osCommand := oscommands.NewOSCommand(cmn, config, oscommands.GetPlatform(), guiIO)
gui.os = osCommand
// storing this stuff on the gui for now to ease refactoring
// TODO: reset these controllers upon changing repos due to state changing
gui.c = helperCommon
if gui.UserConfig.Gui.NerdFontsVersion != "" {
} else if gui.UserConfig.Gui.ShowIcons {
gui.BackgroundRoutineMgr = &BackgroundRoutineMgr{gui: gui}
gui.stateAccessor = &StateAccessor{gui: gui}
return gui, nil
var RuneReplacements = map[rune]string{
// for the commit graph
graph.MergeSymbol: "M",
graph.CommitSymbol: "o",
func (gui *Gui) initGocui(headless bool, test integrationTypes.IntegrationTest) (*gocui.Gui, error) {
runInSandbox := os.Getenv(components.SANDBOX_ENV_VAR) == "true"
playRecording := test != nil && !runInSandbox
width, height := 0, 0
if test != nil {
if test.RequiresHeadless() {
if runInSandbox {
panic("Test requires headless, can't run in sandbox")
headless = true
width, height = test.HeadlessDimensions()
g, err := gocui.NewGui(gocui.NewGuiOpts{
OutputMode: gocui.OutputTrue,
SupportOverlaps: OverlappingEdges,
PlayRecording: playRecording,
Headless: headless,
RuneReplacements: RuneReplacements,
Width: width,
Height: height,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return g, nil
func (gui *Gui) viewTabMap() map[string][]context.TabView {
result := map[string][]context.TabView{
"branches": {
Tab: gui.c.Tr.LocalBranchesTitle,
ViewName: "localBranches",
Tab: gui.c.Tr.RemotesTitle,
ViewName: "remotes",
Tab: gui.c.Tr.TagsTitle,
ViewName: "tags",
"commits": {
Tab: gui.c.Tr.CommitsTitle,
ViewName: "commits",
Tab: gui.c.Tr.ReflogCommitsTitle,
ViewName: "reflogCommits",
"files": {
Tab: gui.c.Tr.FilesTitle,
ViewName: "files",
Tab: gui.c.Tr.WorktreesTitle,
ViewName: "worktrees",
Tab: gui.c.Tr.SubmodulesTitle,
ViewName: "submodules",
return result
// Run: setup the gui with keybindings and start the mainloop
func (gui *Gui) Run(startArgs appTypes.StartArgs) error {
g, err := gui.initGocui(Headless(), startArgs.IntegrationTest)
if err != nil {
return err
defer gui.checkForDeprecatedEditConfigs()
gui.g = g
defer gui.g.Close()
// if the deadlock package wants to report a deadlock, we first need to
// close the gui so that we can actually read what it prints.
deadlock.Opts.LogBuf = utils.NewOnceWriter(os.Stderr, func() {
// disable deadlock reporting if we're not running in debug mode, or if
// we're debugging an integration test. In this latter case, stopping at
// breakpoints and stepping through code can easily take more than 30s.
deadlock.Opts.Disable = !gui.Debug || os.Getenv(components.WAIT_FOR_DEBUGGER_ENV_VAR) == ""
if err := gui.Config.ReloadUserConfig(); err != nil {
return nil
userConfig := gui.UserConfig
gui.g.OnSearchEscape = func() error { gui.helpers.Search.Cancel(); return nil }
gui.g.SearchEscapeKey = keybindings.GetKey(userConfig.Keybinding.Universal.Return)
gui.g.NextSearchMatchKey = keybindings.GetKey(userConfig.Keybinding.Universal.NextMatch)
gui.g.PrevSearchMatchKey = keybindings.GetKey(userConfig.Keybinding.Universal.PrevMatch)
gui.g.ShowListFooter = userConfig.Gui.ShowListFooter
if userConfig.Gui.MouseEvents {
gui.g.Mouse = true
if err := gui.setColorScheme(); err != nil {
return err
gui.g.SetManager(gocui.ManagerFunc(gui.layout), gocui.ManagerFunc(gui.getFocusLayout()))
if err := gui.createAllViews(); err != nil {
return err
// onNewRepo must be called after g.SetManager because SetManager deletes keybindings
if err := gui.onNewRepo(startArgs, context.NO_CONTEXT); err != nil {
return err
gui.c.Log.Info("starting main loop")
// setting here so we can use it in layout.go
gui.integrationTest = startArgs.IntegrationTest
return gui.g.MainLoop()
func (gui *Gui) RunAndHandleError(startArgs appTypes.StartArgs) error {
gui.stopChan = make(chan struct{})
return utils.SafeWithError(func() error {
if err := gui.Run(startArgs); err != nil {
for _, manager := range gui.viewBufferManagerMap {
switch err {
case gocui.ErrQuit:
if gui.c.State().GetRetainOriginalDir() {
if err := gui.helpers.RecordDirectory.RecordDirectory(gui.InitialDir); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if err := gui.helpers.RecordDirectory.RecordCurrentDirectory(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
return err
return nil
func (gui *Gui) checkForDeprecatedEditConfigs() {
osConfig := &gui.UserConfig.OS
deprecatedConfigs := []struct {
config string
oldName string
newName string
{osConfig.EditCommand, "EditCommand", "Edit"},
{osConfig.EditCommandTemplate, "EditCommandTemplate", "Edit,EditAtLine"},
{osConfig.OpenCommand, "OpenCommand", "Open"},
{osConfig.OpenLinkCommand, "OpenLinkCommand", "OpenLink"},
deprecatedConfigStrings := []string{}
for _, dc := range deprecatedConfigs {
if dc.config != "" {
deprecatedConfigStrings = append(deprecatedConfigStrings, fmt.Sprintf(" OS.%s -> OS.%s", dc.oldName, dc.newName))
if len(deprecatedConfigStrings) != 0 {
warningMessage := utils.ResolvePlaceholderString(
"configs": strings.Join(deprecatedConfigStrings, "\n"),
// returns whether command exited without error or not
func (gui *Gui) runSubprocessWithSuspenseAndRefresh(subprocess oscommands.ICmdObj) error {
_, err := gui.runSubprocessWithSuspense(subprocess)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := gui.c.Refresh(types.RefreshOptions{Mode: types.ASYNC}); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// returns whether command exited without error or not
func (gui *Gui) runSubprocessWithSuspense(subprocess oscommands.ICmdObj) (bool, error) {
defer gui.Mutexes.SubprocessMutex.Unlock()
if err := gui.g.Suspend(); err != nil {
return false, gui.c.Error(err)
defer gui.BackgroundRoutineMgr.PauseBackgroundRefreshes(false)
cmdErr := gui.runSubprocess(subprocess)
if err := gui.g.Resume(); err != nil {
return false, err
if cmdErr != nil {
return false, gui.c.Error(cmdErr)
return true, nil
func (gui *Gui) runSubprocess(cmdObj oscommands.ICmdObj) error { //nolint:unparam
gui.LogCommand(cmdObj.ToString(), true)
subprocess := cmdObj.GetCmd()
subprocess.Stdout = os.Stdout
subprocess.Stderr = os.Stdout
subprocess.Stdin = os.Stdin
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "\n%s\n\n", style.FgBlue.Sprint("+ "+strings.Join(subprocess.Args, " ")))
err := subprocess.Run()
subprocess.Stdout = io.Discard
subprocess.Stderr = io.Discard
subprocess.Stdin = nil
if gui.Config.GetUserConfig().PromptToReturnFromSubprocess {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "\n%s", style.FgGreen.Sprint(gui.Tr.PressEnterToReturn))
// scan to buffer to prevent run unintentional operations when TUI resumes.
var buffer string
fmt.Scanln(&buffer) // wait for enter press
return err
func (gui *Gui) loadNewRepo() error {
if err := gui.updateRecentRepoList(); err != nil {
return err
if err := gui.c.Refresh(types.RefreshOptions{Mode: types.ASYNC}); err != nil {
return err
if err := gui.os.UpdateWindowTitle(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (gui *Gui) showIntroPopupMessage() {
gui.c.OnUIThread(func() error {
onConfirm := func() error {
gui.c.GetAppState().StartupPopupVersion = StartupPopupVersion
err := gui.c.SaveAppState()
return err
return gui.c.Confirm(types.ConfirmOpts{
Title: "",
Prompt: gui.c.Tr.IntroPopupMessage,
HandleConfirm: onConfirm,
HandleClose: onConfirm,
// setColorScheme sets the color scheme for the app based on the user config
func (gui *Gui) setColorScheme() error {
userConfig := gui.UserConfig
gui.g.FgColor = theme.InactiveBorderColor
gui.g.SelFgColor = theme.ActiveBorderColor
gui.g.FrameColor = theme.InactiveBorderColor
gui.g.SelFrameColor = theme.ActiveBorderColor
return nil
func (gui *Gui) onUIThread(f func() error) {
gui.g.Update(func(*gocui.Gui) error {
return f()
func (gui *Gui) onWorker(f func(gocui.Task)) {
func (gui *Gui) getWindowDimensions(informationStr string, appStatus string) map[string]boxlayout.Dimensions {
return gui.helpers.WindowArrangement.GetWindowDimensions(informationStr, appStatus)