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synced 2025-03-03 15:02:52 +02:00
We've been sometimes using lo and sometimes using my slices package, and we need to pick one for consistency. Lo is more extensive and better maintained so we're going with that. My slices package was a superset of go's own slices package so in some places I've just used the official one (the methods were just wrappers anyway). I've also moved the remaining methods into the utils package.
397 lines
9.8 KiB
397 lines
9.8 KiB
package graph
import (
type PipeKind uint8
const (
TERMINATES PipeKind = iota
type Pipe struct {
fromPos int
toPos int
fromSha string
toSha string
kind PipeKind
style style.TextStyle
var highlightStyle = style.FgLightWhite.SetBold()
func ContainsCommitSha(pipes []*Pipe, sha string) bool {
for _, pipe := range pipes {
if equalHashes(pipe.fromSha, sha) {
return true
return false
func (self Pipe) left() int {
return utils.Min(self.fromPos, self.toPos)
func (self Pipe) right() int {
return utils.Max(self.fromPos, self.toPos)
func RenderCommitGraph(commits []*models.Commit, selectedCommitSha string, getStyle func(c *models.Commit) style.TextStyle) []string {
pipeSets := GetPipeSets(commits, getStyle)
if len(pipeSets) == 0 {
return nil
lines := RenderAux(pipeSets, commits, selectedCommitSha)
return lines
func GetPipeSets(commits []*models.Commit, getStyle func(c *models.Commit) style.TextStyle) [][]*Pipe {
if len(commits) == 0 {
return nil
pipes := []*Pipe{{fromPos: 0, toPos: 0, fromSha: "START", toSha: commits[0].Sha, kind: STARTS, style: style.FgDefault}}
return lo.Map(commits, func(commit *models.Commit, _ int) []*Pipe {
pipes = getNextPipes(pipes, commit, getStyle)
return pipes
func RenderAux(pipeSets [][]*Pipe, commits []*models.Commit, selectedCommitSha string) []string {
maxProcs := runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0)
// splitting up the rendering of the graph into multiple goroutines allows us to render the graph in parallel
chunks := make([][]string, maxProcs)
perProc := len(pipeSets) / maxProcs
wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
for i := 0; i < maxProcs; i++ {
i := i
go func() {
from := i * perProc
to := (i + 1) * perProc
if i == maxProcs-1 {
to = len(pipeSets)
innerLines := make([]string, 0, to-from)
for j, pipeSet := range pipeSets[from:to] {
k := from + j
var prevCommit *models.Commit
if k > 0 {
prevCommit = commits[k-1]
line := renderPipeSet(pipeSet, selectedCommitSha, prevCommit)
innerLines = append(innerLines, line)
chunks[i] = innerLines
return lo.Flatten(chunks)
func getNextPipes(prevPipes []*Pipe, commit *models.Commit, getStyle func(c *models.Commit) style.TextStyle) []*Pipe {
maxPos := 0
for _, pipe := range prevPipes {
if pipe.toPos > maxPos {
maxPos = pipe.toPos
// a pipe that terminated in the previous line has no bearing on the current line
// so we'll filter those out
currentPipes := lo.Filter(prevPipes, func(pipe *Pipe, _ int) bool {
return pipe.kind != TERMINATES
newPipes := make([]*Pipe, 0, len(currentPipes)+len(commit.Parents))
// start by assuming that we've got a brand new commit not related to any preceding commit.
// (this only happens when we're doing `git log --all`). These will be tacked onto the far end.
pos := maxPos + 1
for _, pipe := range currentPipes {
if equalHashes(pipe.toSha, commit.Sha) {
// turns out this commit does have a descendant so we'll place it right under the first instance
pos = pipe.toPos
// a taken spot is one where a current pipe is ending on
takenSpots := set.New[int]()
// a traversed spot is one where a current pipe is starting on, ending on, or passing through
traversedSpots := set.New[int]()
if len(commit.Parents) > 0 { // merge commit
newPipes = append(newPipes, &Pipe{
fromPos: pos,
toPos: pos,
fromSha: commit.Sha,
toSha: commit.Parents[0],
kind: STARTS,
style: getStyle(commit),
} else if len(commit.Parents) == 0 { // root commit
newPipes = append(newPipes, &Pipe{
fromPos: pos,
toPos: pos,
fromSha: commit.Sha,
toSha: models.EmptyTreeCommitHash,
kind: STARTS,
style: getStyle(commit),
traversedSpotsForContinuingPipes := set.New[int]()
for _, pipe := range currentPipes {
if !equalHashes(pipe.toSha, commit.Sha) {
getNextAvailablePosForContinuingPipe := func() int {
i := 0
for {
if !traversedSpots.Includes(i) {
return i
getNextAvailablePosForNewPipe := func() int {
i := 0
for {
// a newly created pipe is not allowed to end on a spot that's already taken,
// nor on a spot that's been traversed by a continuing pipe.
if !takenSpots.Includes(i) && !traversedSpotsForContinuingPipes.Includes(i) {
return i
traverse := func(from, to int) {
left, right := from, to
if left > right {
left, right = right, left
for i := left; i <= right; i++ {
for _, pipe := range currentPipes {
if equalHashes(pipe.toSha, commit.Sha) {
// terminating here
newPipes = append(newPipes, &Pipe{
fromPos: pipe.toPos,
toPos: pos,
fromSha: pipe.fromSha,
toSha: pipe.toSha,
style: pipe.style,
traverse(pipe.toPos, pos)
} else if pipe.toPos < pos {
// continuing here
availablePos := getNextAvailablePosForContinuingPipe()
newPipes = append(newPipes, &Pipe{
fromPos: pipe.toPos,
toPos: availablePos,
fromSha: pipe.fromSha,
toSha: pipe.toSha,
style: pipe.style,
traverse(pipe.toPos, availablePos)
if commit.IsMerge() {
for _, parent := range commit.Parents[1:] {
availablePos := getNextAvailablePosForNewPipe()
// need to act as if continuing pipes are going to continue on the same line.
newPipes = append(newPipes, &Pipe{
fromPos: pos,
toPos: availablePos,
fromSha: commit.Sha,
toSha: parent,
kind: STARTS,
style: getStyle(commit),
for _, pipe := range currentPipes {
if !equalHashes(pipe.toSha, commit.Sha) && pipe.toPos > pos {
// continuing on, potentially moving left to fill in a blank spot
last := pipe.toPos
for i := pipe.toPos; i > pos; i-- {
if takenSpots.Includes(i) || traversedSpots.Includes(i) {
} else {
last = i
newPipes = append(newPipes, &Pipe{
fromPos: pipe.toPos,
toPos: last,
fromSha: pipe.fromSha,
toSha: pipe.toSha,
style: pipe.style,
traverse(pipe.toPos, last)
// not efficient but doing it for now: sorting my pipes by toPos, then by kind
slices.SortFunc(newPipes, func(a, b *Pipe) bool {
if a.toPos == b.toPos {
return a.kind < b.kind
return a.toPos < b.toPos
return newPipes
func renderPipeSet(
pipes []*Pipe,
selectedCommitSha string,
prevCommit *models.Commit,
) string {
maxPos := 0
commitPos := 0
startCount := 0
for _, pipe := range pipes {
if pipe.kind == STARTS {
commitPos = pipe.fromPos
} else if pipe.kind == TERMINATES {
commitPos = pipe.toPos
if pipe.right() > maxPos {
maxPos = pipe.right()
isMerge := startCount > 1
cells := lo.Map(lo.Range(maxPos+1), func(i int, _ int) *Cell {
return &Cell{cellType: CONNECTION, style: style.FgDefault}
renderPipe := func(pipe *Pipe, style style.TextStyle, overrideRightStyle bool) {
left := pipe.left()
right := pipe.right()
if left != right {
for i := left + 1; i < right; i++ {
cells[i].setLeft(style).setRight(style, overrideRightStyle)
cells[left].setRight(style, overrideRightStyle)
if pipe.kind == STARTS || pipe.kind == CONTINUES {
if pipe.kind == TERMINATES || pipe.kind == CONTINUES {
// we don't want to highlight two commits if they're contiguous. We only want
// to highlight multiple things if there's an actual visible pipe involved.
highlight := true
if prevCommit != nil && equalHashes(prevCommit.Sha, selectedCommitSha) {
highlight = false
for _, pipe := range pipes {
if equalHashes(pipe.fromSha, selectedCommitSha) && (pipe.kind != TERMINATES || pipe.fromPos != pipe.toPos) {
highlight = true
// so we have our commit pos again, now it's time to build the cells.
// we'll handle the one that's sourced from our selected commit last so that it can override the other cells.
selectedPipes, nonSelectedPipes := utils.Partition(pipes, func(pipe *Pipe) bool {
return highlight && equalHashes(pipe.fromSha, selectedCommitSha)
for _, pipe := range nonSelectedPipes {
if pipe.kind == STARTS {
renderPipe(pipe, pipe.style, true)
for _, pipe := range nonSelectedPipes {
if pipe.kind != STARTS && !(pipe.kind == TERMINATES && pipe.fromPos == commitPos && pipe.toPos == commitPos) {
renderPipe(pipe, pipe.style, false)
for _, pipe := range selectedPipes {
for i := pipe.left(); i <= pipe.right(); i++ {
for _, pipe := range selectedPipes {
renderPipe(pipe, highlightStyle, true)
if pipe.toPos == commitPos {
cType := COMMIT
if isMerge {
cType = MERGE
// using a string builder here for the sake of performance
writer := &strings.Builder{}
writer.Grow(len(cells) * 2)
for _, cell := range cells {
return writer.String()
func equalHashes(a, b string) bool {
// if our selectedCommitSha is an empty string we treat that as meaning there is no selected commit sha
if a == "" || b == "" {
return false
length := utils.Min(len(a), len(b))
// parent hashes are only stored up to 20 characters for some reason so we'll truncate to that for comparison
return a[:length] == b[:length]