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synced 2025-03-21 21:47:32 +02:00
The test shows how we are accidentally dropping the wrong commit in this case. We'll fix that in the next commit.
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package components
import (
// this is for running shell commands, mostly for the sake of setting up the repo
// but you can also run the commands from within lazygit to emulate things happening
// in the background.
type Shell struct {
// working directory the shell is invoked in
dir string
// when running the shell outside the gui we can directly panic on failure,
// but inside the gui we need to close the gui before panicking
fail func(string)
func NewShell(dir string, fail func(string)) *Shell {
return &Shell{dir: dir, fail: fail}
func (self *Shell) RunCommand(cmdStr string) *Shell {
args := str.ToArgv(cmdStr)
cmd := secureexec.Command(args[0], args[1:]...)
cmd.Env = os.Environ()
cmd.Dir = self.dir
output, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
self.fail(fmt.Sprintf("error running command: %s\n%s", cmdStr, string(output)))
return self
// Help files are located at test/files from the root the lazygit repo.
// E.g. You may want to create a pre-commit hook file there, then call this
// function to copy it into your test repo.
func (self *Shell) CopyHelpFile(source string, destination string) *Shell {
self.RunCommand(fmt.Sprintf("cp ../../../../../files/%s %s", source, destination))
return self
func (self *Shell) runCommandWithOutput(cmdStr string) (string, error) {
args := str.ToArgv(cmdStr)
cmd := secureexec.Command(args[0], args[1:]...)
cmd.Env = os.Environ()
cmd.Dir = self.dir
output, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
return string(output), err
func (self *Shell) RunShellCommand(cmdStr string) *Shell {
cmd := secureexec.Command("sh", "-c", cmdStr)
cmd.Env = os.Environ()
cmd.Dir = self.dir
output, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
self.fail(fmt.Sprintf("error running shell command: %s\n%s", cmdStr, string(output)))
return self
func (self *Shell) RunShellCommandExpectError(cmdStr string) *Shell {
cmd := secureexec.Command("sh", "-c", cmdStr)
cmd.Env = os.Environ()
cmd.Dir = self.dir
output, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
if err == nil {
self.fail(fmt.Sprintf("Expected error running shell command: %s\n%s", cmdStr, string(output)))
return self
func (self *Shell) CreateFile(path string, content string) *Shell {
fullPath := filepath.Join(self.dir, path)
err := os.WriteFile(fullPath, []byte(content), 0o644)
if err != nil {
self.fail(fmt.Sprintf("error creating file: %s\n%s", fullPath, err))
return self
func (self *Shell) DeleteFile(path string) *Shell {
fullPath := filepath.Join(self.dir, path)
err := os.Remove(fullPath)
if err != nil {
self.fail(fmt.Sprintf("error deleting file: %s\n%s", fullPath, err))
return self
func (self *Shell) CreateDir(path string) *Shell {
fullPath := filepath.Join(self.dir, path)
if err := os.MkdirAll(fullPath, 0o755); err != nil {
self.fail(fmt.Sprintf("error creating directory: %s\n%s", fullPath, err))
return self
func (self *Shell) UpdateFile(path string, content string) *Shell {
fullPath := filepath.Join(self.dir, path)
err := os.WriteFile(fullPath, []byte(content), 0o644)
if err != nil {
self.fail(fmt.Sprintf("error updating file: %s\n%s", fullPath, err))
return self
func (self *Shell) NewBranch(name string) *Shell {
return self.RunCommand("git checkout -b " + name)
func (self *Shell) Checkout(name string) *Shell {
return self.RunCommand("git checkout " + name)
func (self *Shell) Merge(name string) *Shell {
return self.RunCommand("git merge --commit --no-ff " + name)
func (self *Shell) ContinueMerge() *Shell {
return self.RunCommand("git -c core.editor=true merge --continue")
func (self *Shell) GitAdd(path string) *Shell {
return self.RunCommand(fmt.Sprintf("git add \"%s\"", path))
func (self *Shell) GitAddAll() *Shell {
return self.RunCommand("git add -A")
func (self *Shell) Commit(message string) *Shell {
return self.RunCommand(fmt.Sprintf("git commit -m \"%s\"", message))
func (self *Shell) EmptyCommit(message string) *Shell {
return self.RunCommand(fmt.Sprintf("git commit --allow-empty -m \"%s\"", message))
func (self *Shell) Revert(ref string) *Shell {
return self.RunCommand(fmt.Sprintf("git revert %s", ref))
func (self *Shell) CreateLightweightTag(name string, ref string) *Shell {
return self.RunCommand(fmt.Sprintf("git tag %s %s", name, ref))
func (self *Shell) CreateAnnotatedTag(name string, message string, ref string) *Shell {
return self.RunCommand(fmt.Sprintf("git tag -a %s -m \"%s\" %s", name, message, ref))
// convenience method for creating a file and adding it
func (self *Shell) CreateFileAndAdd(fileName string, fileContents string) *Shell {
return self.
CreateFile(fileName, fileContents).
// convenience method for updating a file and adding it
func (self *Shell) UpdateFileAndAdd(fileName string, fileContents string) *Shell {
return self.
UpdateFile(fileName, fileContents).
// convenience method for deleting a file and adding it
func (self *Shell) DeleteFileAndAdd(fileName string) *Shell {
return self.
// creates commits 01, 02, 03, ..., n with a new file in each
// The reason for padding with zeroes is so that it's easier to do string
// matches on the commit messages when there are many of them
func (self *Shell) CreateNCommits(n int) *Shell {
return self.CreateNCommitsStartingAt(n, 1)
func (self *Shell) CreateNCommitsStartingAt(n, startIndex int) *Shell {
for i := startIndex; i < startIndex+n; i++ {
fmt.Sprintf("file%02d.txt", i),
fmt.Sprintf("file%02d content", i),
Commit(fmt.Sprintf("commit %02d", i))
return self
func (self *Shell) StashWithMessage(message string) *Shell {
self.RunCommand(fmt.Sprintf(`git stash -m "%s"`, message))
return self
func (self *Shell) SetConfig(key string, value string) *Shell {
self.RunCommand(fmt.Sprintf(`git config --local "%s" "%s"`, key, value))
return self
// creates a clone of the repo in a sibling directory and adds the clone
// as a remote, then fetches it.
func (self *Shell) CloneIntoRemote(name string) *Shell {
self.RunCommand(fmt.Sprintf("git remote add %s ../%s", name, name))
self.RunCommand(fmt.Sprintf("git fetch %s", name))
return self
func (self *Shell) CloneIntoSubmodule(submoduleName string) *Shell {
self.RunCommand(fmt.Sprintf("git submodule add ../other_repo %s", submoduleName))
return self
// clones repo into a sibling directory
func (self *Shell) Clone(repoName string) *Shell {
self.RunCommand(fmt.Sprintf("git clone --bare . ../%s", repoName))
return self
// e.g. branch: 'master', upstream: 'origin/master'
func (self *Shell) SetBranchUpstream(branch string, upstream string) *Shell {
self.RunCommand(fmt.Sprintf("git branch --set-upstream-to=%s %s", upstream, branch))
return self
func (self *Shell) RemoveRemoteBranch(remoteName string, branch string) *Shell {
self.RunCommand(fmt.Sprintf("git -C ../%s branch -d %s", remoteName, branch))
return self
func (self *Shell) HardReset(ref string) *Shell {
self.RunCommand(fmt.Sprintf("git reset --hard %s", ref))
return self
func (self *Shell) Stash(message string) *Shell {
self.RunCommand(fmt.Sprintf("git stash -m \"%s\"", message))
return self