mirror of https://github.com/jesseduffield/lazygit.git synced 2025-01-06 03:53:59 +02:00
band-a-prend 582fd24d78 Add SSH key passphrase prompt to pull/push from/to remote git repo
This commit resolves issue with absence of ssh key prompting
to pull from or push to remote git repository.

I checked lazygit with this patch for successfully pull from
and push to https://gitweb.gentoo.org/repo/proj/guru.git repository.
While for lazygit-0.23.1 I'm not able to do that.

The check for Passphrase follows the Password because of
more long time before SSH key is prompt in terminal.
Otherwise after timeout "Password" prompt is appears.

Excuse me for google translated i18n dutch lines.

Bug: https://github.com/jesseduffield/lazygit/issues/534

Signed-off-by: band-a-prend <torokhov-s-a@yandex.ru>
2020-10-10 17:58:23 +11:00

255 lines
18 KiB

package i18n
func polishTranslationSet() TranslationSet {
return TranslationSet{
NotEnoughSpace: "Za mało miejsca do wyświetlenia paneli",
DiffTitle: "Różnice",
LogTitle: "Log",
FilesTitle: "Pliki",
BranchesTitle: "Gałęzie",
CommitsTitle: "Commity",
StashTitle: "Schowek",
UnstagedChanges: `Unstaged Changes`,
StagedChanges: `Staged Changes`,
MergingMainTitle: "Resolve merge conflicts",
CommitMessage: "Wiadomość commita",
CredentialsUsername: "Username",
CredentialsPassword: "Password",
CredentialsPassphrase: "Passphrase",
PassUnameWrong: "Password, passphrase and/or username wrong",
CommitChanges: "commituj zmiany",
AmendLastCommit: "zmień ostatnie zatwierdzenie",
SureToAmend: "Czy na pewno chcesz zmienić ostatnie zatwierdzenie? Możesz zmienić komunikat zatwierdzenia z panelu zatwierdzeń.",
NoCommitToAmend: "Nie ma zobowiązania do zmiany.",
CommitChangesWithEditor: "commituj zmiany używając edytora z gita",
StatusTitle: "Status",
GlobalTitle: "Globalne",
LcNavigate: "nawiguj",
LcMenu: "menu",
LcExecute: "wykonaj",
LcOpen: "otwórz",
LcIgnore: "ignoruj",
LcDelete: "usuń",
LcToggleStaged: "przełącz zatwierdzenie",
LcToggleStagedAll: "przełącz wszystkie zatwierdzenia",
LcRefresh: "odśwież",
LcEdit: "edytuj",
LcScroll: "przewiń",
LcAbortMerge: "o scalaniu",
LcResolveMergeConflicts: "rozwiąż konflikty scalania",
LcCheckout: "przełącz",
NoChangedFiles: "Brak zmienionych plików",
FileHasNoUnstagedChanges: "Plik nie zawiera żadnych nieopublikowanych zmian do dodania",
CannotGitAdd: "Nie można git add --patch nieśledzonych plików",
NoFilesDisplay: "Brak pliku do wyświetlenia",
PullWait: "Wciąganie zmian...",
PushWait: "Wypychanie zmian...",
FetchWait: "Fetching...",
FileNoMergeCons: "Ten plik nie powoduje konfliktów scalania",
SureTo: "Jesteś pewny, że chcesz {{.deleteVerb}} {{.fileName}} (stracisz swoje wprowadzone zmiany)?",
AlreadyCheckedOutBranch: "Już przęłączono na tą gałąź",
SureForceCheckout: "Jesteś pewny, że chcesz wymusić przełączenie? Stracisz wszystkie lokalne zmiany",
ForceCheckoutBranch: "Wymuś przełączenie gałęzi",
BranchName: "Nazwa gałęzi",
NewBranchNameBranchOff: "Nazwa nowej gałęzi (gałąź na bazie {{.branchName}})",
CantDeleteCheckOutBranch: "Nie możesz usunąć obecnej przełączonej gałęzi!",
DeleteBranch: "Usuń gałąź",
DeleteBranchMessage: "Jesteś pewien, że chcesz usunąć gałąź {{.selectedBranchName}} ?",
ForceDeleteBranchMessage: "Na pewno wymusić usunięcie gałęzi {{.selectedBranchName}}?",
LcRebaseBranch: "rebase branch",
CantRebaseOntoSelf: "You cannot rebase a branch onto itself",
CantMergeBranchIntoItself: "Nie możesz scalić gałęzi do samej siebie",
LcForceCheckout: "wymuś przełączenie",
LcMerge: "scal",
LcCheckoutByName: "przełącz używając nazwy",
LcNewBranch: "nowa gałąź",
LcDeleteBranch: "usuń gałąź",
LcForceDeleteBranch: "usuń gałąź (wymuś)",
NoBranchesThisRepo: "Brak gałęzi dla tego repozytorium",
NoTrackingThisBranch: "Brak śledzenia dla tej gałęzi",
CommitMessageConfirm: "{{.keyBindClose}}: zamknij, {{.keyBindNewLine}}: new line, {{.keyBindConfirm}}: potwierdź",
CommitWithoutMessageErr: "Nie możesz commitować bez podania wiadomości",
CloseConfirm: "{{.keyBindClose}}: zamknij, {{.keyBindConfirm}}: potwierdź",
LcClose: "zamknij",
SureResetThisCommit: "Jesteś pewny, że chcesz zresetować ten commit?",
ResetToCommit: "Zresetuj, aby commitować",
LcSquashDown: "ściśnij w dół",
LcRename: "przemianuj",
LcResetToThisCommit: "zresetuj do tego commita",
LcFixupCommit: "napraw commit",
NoCommitsThisBranch: "Brak commitów dla tej gałęzi",
OnlySquashTopmostCommit: "Można tylko ścisnąć najwyższy commit",
YouNoCommitsToSquash: "Nie masz commitów do ściśnięcia",
CantFixupWhileUnstagedChanges: "Nie można wykonać naprawy, kiedy istnieją niezatwierdzone zmiany",
Fixup: "Napraw",
SureFixupThisCommit: "Jesteś pewny, ze chcesz naprawić ten commit? Commit poniżej zostanie ściśnięty w górę wraz z tym",
OnlyRenameTopCommit: "Można przmianować tylko najwyższy commit",
LcRenameCommit: "przemianuj commit",
LcRenameCommitEditor: "przemianuj commit w edytorze",
PotentialErrInGetselectedCommit: "potencjalny błąd w getSelected Commit (niedopasowane ui i stan)",
Error: "Błąd",
RunningSubprocess: "uruchomiony podproces",
LcSelectHunk: "wybierz kawałek",
LcNavigateConflicts: "nawiguj konflikty",
LcPickHunk: "wybierz kawałek",
LcPickBothHunks: "wybierz oba kawałki",
LcUndo: "cofnij",
LcPop: "wyciągnij",
LcDrop: "porzuć",
LcApply: "zastosuj",
NoStashEntries: "Brak pozycji w schowku",
StashDrop: "Porzuć schowek",
SureDropStashEntry: "Jesteś pewny, że chcesz porzucić tę pozycję w schowku?",
NoStashTo: "Brak schowka dla {{.method}}",
NoTrackedStagedFilesStash: "Nie masz śledzonych/zatwierdzonych plików do przechowania",
StashChanges: "Przechowaj zmiany",
IssntListOfViews: "{{.name}} nie jest na liście widoków",
LcNewFocusedViewIs: "nowy skupiony widok to {{.newFocusedView}}",
MergeAborted: "Scalanie anulowane",
OpenConfig: "otwórz plik konfiguracyjny",
EditConfig: "edytuj plik konfiguracyjny",
ForcePush: "Wymuś wypchnięcie",
ForcePushPrompt: "Twoja gałąź rozeszła się z gałęzią zdalną. Wciśnij 'esc' aby anulować lub 'enter' aby wymusić wypchnięcie.",
ForcePushDisabled: "Your branch has diverged from the remote branch and you've disabled force pushing",
UpdatesRejectedAndForcePushDisabled: "Updates were rejected and you have disabled force pushing",
LcCheckForUpdate: "sprawdź aktualizacje",
CheckingForUpdates: "Sprawdzanie aktualizacji...",
OnLatestVersionErr: "Już posiadasz najnowszą wersję",
MajorVersionErr: "Nowa wersja ({{.newVersion}}) posiada niekompatybilne zmiany w porównaniu do obecnej wersji ({{.currentVersion}})",
CouldNotFindBinaryErr: "Nie można znaleźć pliku binarnego w {{.url}}",
AnonymousReportingTitle: "Help make lazygit better",
AnonymousReportingPrompt: "Włączyć anonimowe raportowanie błędów w celu pomocy w usprawnianiu lazygita (enter/esc)?",
LcEditFile: `edytuj plik`,
LcOpenFile: `otwórz plik`,
LcIgnoreFile: `dodaj do .gitignore`,
LcRefreshFiles: `odśwież pliki`,
LcMergeIntoCurrentBranch: `scal do obecnej gałęzi`,
ConfirmQuit: `Na pewno chcesz wyjść z programu?`,
UnsupportedGitService: `Nieobsługiwana usługa git`,
LcCreatePullRequest: `utwórz żądanie wyciągnięcia`,
NoBranchOnRemote: `Ta gałąź nie istnieje na zdalnym. Najpierw musisz go odepchnąć na odległość.`,
LcFetch: `fetch`,
NoAutomaticGitFetchTitle: `No automatic git fetch`,
NoAutomaticGitFetchBody: `Lazygit can't use "git fetch" in a private repo use f in the branches panel to run "git fetch" manually`,
StageLines: `zatwierdź pojedyncze linie`,
FileStagingRequirements: `Można tylko zatwierdzić pojedyncze linie dla śledzonych plików z niezatwierdzonymi zmianami`,
StagingTitle: `Zatwierdzanie`,
ReturnToFilesPanel: `wróć do panelu plików`,
CantFindHunks: `Nie można znaleźć żadnych kawałków w tej łatce`,
CantFindHunk: `Nie można znaleźć kawałka`,
RebasingTitle: "Rebasing",
MergingTitle: "Merging",
ConfirmRebase: "Are you sure you want to rebase {{.checkedOutBranch}} onto {{.selectedBranch}}?",
ConfirmMerge: "Are you sure you want to merge {{.selectedBranch}} into {{.checkedOutBranch}}?",
FwdNoUpstream: "Cannot fast-forward a branch with no upstream",
FwdCommitsToPush: "Cannot fast-forward a branch with commits to push",
ErrorOccurred: "An error occurred! Please create an issue at https://github.com/jesseduffield/lazygit/issues",
MainTitle: "Main",
NormalTitle: "Normal",
LcSoftReset: "soft reset",
SureSquashThisCommit: "Are you sure you want to squash this commit into the commit below?",
Squash: "Squash",
LcPickCommit: "pick commit (when mid-rebase)",
LcRevertCommit: "revert commit",
LcDeleteCommit: "delete commit",
LcMoveDownCommit: "move commit down one",
LcMoveUpCommit: "move commit up one",
LcEditCommit: "edit commit",
LcAmendToCommit: "amend commit with staged changes",
FoundConflicts: "Conflicts! To abort press 'esc', otherwise press 'enter'",
FoundConflictsTitle: "Auto-merge failed",
Undo: "undo",
PickHunk: "pick hunk",
PickBothHunks: "pick both hunks",
ViewMergeRebaseOptions: "view merge/rebase options",
NotMergingOrRebasing: "You are currently neither rebasing nor merging",
RecentRepos: "recent repositories",
MergeOptionsTitle: "Merge Options",
RebaseOptionsTitle: "Rebase Options",
ConflictsResolved: "all merge conflicts resolved. Continue?",
NoRoom: "Not enough room",
YouAreHere: "YOU ARE HERE",
LcRewordNotSupported: "rewording commits while interactively rebasing is not currently supported",
LcCherryPickCopy: "copy commit (cherry-pick)",
LcCherryPickCopyRange: "copy commit range (cherry-pick)",
LcPasteCommits: "paste commits (cherry-pick)",
SureCherryPick: "Are you sure you want to cherry-pick the copied commits onto this branch?",
CherryPick: "Cherry-Pick",
CannotRebaseOntoFirstCommit: "You cannot interactive rebase onto the first commit",
CannotSquashOntoSecondCommit: "You cannot squash/fixup onto the second commit",
Donate: "Donate",
PrevLine: "select previous line",
NextLine: "select next line",
PrevHunk: "select previous hunk",
NextHunk: "select next hunk",
PrevConflict: "select previous conflict",
NextConflict: "select next conflict",
SelectTop: "select top hunk",
SelectBottom: "select bottom hunk",
ScrollDown: "scroll down",
ScrollUp: "scroll up",
AmendCommitTitle: "Amend Commit",
AmendCommitPrompt: "Are you sure you want to amend this commit with your staged files?",
DeleteCommitTitle: "Delete Commit",
DeleteCommitPrompt: "Are you sure you want to delete this commit?",
SquashingStatus: "squashing",
FixingStatus: "fixing up",
DeletingStatus: "deleting",
MovingStatus: "moving",
RebasingStatus: "rebasing",
AmendingStatus: "amending",
CherryPickingStatus: "cherry-picking",
CommitFiles: "Commit files",
LcViewCommitFiles: "view commit's files",
CommitFilesTitle: "Commit files",
LcGoBack: "go back",
NoCommiteFiles: "No files for this commit",
LcCheckoutCommitFile: "checkout file",
LcDiscardOldFileChange: "discard this commit's changes to this file",
DiscardFileChangesTitle: "Discard file changes",
DiscardFileChangesPrompt: "Are you sure you want to discard this commit's changes to this file? If this file was created in this commit, it will be deleted",
DisabledForGPG: "Feature not available for users using GPG",
CreateRepo: "Not in a git repository. Create a new git repository? (y/n): ",
AutoStashTitle: "Autostash?",
AutoStashPrompt: "You must stash and pop your changes to bring them across. Do this automatically? (enter/esc)",
StashPrefix: "Auto-stashing changes for ",
LcViewDiscardOptions: "view 'discard changes' options",
LcCancel: "cancel",
LcDiscardAllChanges: "discard all changes",
LcDiscardUnstagedChanges: "discard unstaged changes",
LcDiscardAllChangesToAllFiles: "nuke working tree",
LcDiscardAnyUnstagedChanges: "discard unstaged changes",
LcDiscardUntrackedFiles: "discard untracked files",
LcHardReset: "hard reset",
LcViewResetOptions: `view reset options`,
LcCreateFixupCommit: `create fixup commit for this commit`,
LcSquashAboveCommits: `squash above commits`,
SquashAboveCommits: `Squash above commits`,
SureSquashAboveCommits: `Are you sure you want to squash all fixup! commits above {{.commit}}?`,
CreateFixupCommit: `Create fixup commit`,
SureCreateFixupCommit: `Are you sure you want to create a fixup! commit for commit {{.commit}}?`,
LcExecuteCustomCommand: "execute custom command",
CustomCommand: "Custom Command:",
LcCommitChangesWithoutHook: "commit changes without pre-commit hook",
SkipHookPrefixNotConfigured: "You have not configured a commit message prefix for skipping hooks. Set `git.skipHookPrefix = 'WIP'` in your config",
LcResetTo: `reset to`,
PressEnterToReturn: "Press enter to return to lazygit",
LcViewStashOptions: "view stash options",
LcStashAllChanges: "przechowaj pliki",
LcStashStagedChanges: "stash staged changes",
LcStashOptions: "Stash options",
NotARepository: "Error: must be run inside a git repository",
LcJump: "jump to panel",
ExitLineByLineMode: `exit line-by-line mode`,
EnterUpstream: `Enter upstream as '<remote> <branchname>'`,
ReturnToRemotesList: `return to remotes list`,
IgnoreTracked: "Ignore tracked file",
IgnoreTrackedPrompt: "Are you sure you want to ignore a tracked file?",
LcCommitPrefixPatternError: "Error in commitPrefix pattern",
NoFilesStagedTitle: "No files staged",
NoFilesStagedPrompt: "You have not staged any files. Commit all files?",
BranchNotFoundTitle: "Branch not found",
BranchNotFoundPrompt: "Branch not found. Create a new branch named",