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synced 2025-03-29 22:07:13 +02:00
417 lines
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417 lines
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package gui
import (
// Currently there are two 'pseudo-panels' that make use of this 'pseudo-panel'.
// One is the staging panel where we stage files line-by-line, the other is the
// patch building panel where we add lines of an old commit's file to a patch.
// This file contains the logic around selecting lines and displaying the diffs
// staging_panel.go and patch_building_panel.go have functions specific to their
// use cases
// these represent what select mode we're in
const (
LINE = iota
// returns whether the patch is empty so caller can escape if necessary
// both diffs should be non-coloured because we'll parse them and colour them here
func (gui *Gui) refreshLineByLinePanel(diff string, secondaryDiff string, secondaryFocused bool, selectedLineIdx int, state *lBlPanelState) (bool, error) {
patchParser, err := patch.NewPatchParser(gui.Log, diff)
if err != nil {
return false, nil
if len(patchParser.StageableLines) == 0 {
return true, nil
var firstLineIdx int
var lastLineIdx int
selectMode := LINE
// if we have clicked from the outside to focus the main view we'll pass in a non-negative line index so that we can instantly select that line
if selectedLineIdx >= 0 {
selectMode = RANGE
firstLineIdx, lastLineIdx = selectedLineIdx, selectedLineIdx
} else if state != nil {
if state.SelectMode == HUNK {
// this is tricky: we need to find out which hunk we just staged based on our old `state.PatchParser` (as opposed to the new `patchParser`)
// we do this by getting the first line index of the original hunk, then
// finding the next stageable line, then getting its containing hunk
// in the new diff
selectMode = HUNK
prevNewHunk := state.PatchParser.GetHunkContainingLine(state.SelectedLineIdx, 0)
selectedLineIdx = patchParser.GetNextStageableLineIndex(prevNewHunk.FirstLineIdx)
newHunk := patchParser.GetHunkContainingLine(selectedLineIdx, 0)
firstLineIdx, lastLineIdx = newHunk.FirstLineIdx, newHunk.LastLineIdx()
} else {
selectedLineIdx = patchParser.GetNextStageableLineIndex(state.SelectedLineIdx)
firstLineIdx, lastLineIdx = selectedLineIdx, selectedLineIdx
} else {
selectedLineIdx = patchParser.StageableLines[0]
firstLineIdx, lastLineIdx = selectedLineIdx, selectedLineIdx
state = &lBlPanelState{
PatchParser: patchParser,
SelectedLineIdx: selectedLineIdx,
SelectMode: selectMode,
FirstLineIdx: firstLineIdx,
LastLineIdx: lastLineIdx,
Diff: diff,
SecondaryFocused: secondaryFocused,
gui.State.Panels.LineByLine = state
if err := gui.refreshMainViewForLineByLine(state); err != nil {
return false, err
if err := gui.focusSelection(selectMode == HUNK, state); err != nil {
return false, err
secondaryView := gui.getSecondaryView()
secondaryView.Highlight = true
secondaryView.Wrap = false
secondaryPatchParser, err := patch.NewPatchParser(gui.Log, secondaryDiff)
if err != nil {
return false, nil
gui.g.Update(func(*gocui.Gui) error {
gui.setViewContent(gui.getSecondaryView(), secondaryPatchParser.Render(-1, -1, nil))
return nil
return false, nil
func (gui *Gui) handleSelectPrevLine() error {
return gui.withLBLActiveCheck(func(state *lBlPanelState) error {
return gui.LBLCycleLine(-1, state)
func (gui *Gui) handleSelectNextLine() error {
return gui.withLBLActiveCheck(func(state *lBlPanelState) error {
return gui.LBLCycleLine(+1, state)
func (gui *Gui) handleSelectPrevHunk() error {
return gui.withLBLActiveCheck(func(state *lBlPanelState) error {
newHunk := state.PatchParser.GetHunkContainingLine(state.SelectedLineIdx, -1)
return gui.selectNewHunk(newHunk, state)
func (gui *Gui) handleSelectNextHunk() error {
return gui.withLBLActiveCheck(func(state *lBlPanelState) error {
newHunk := state.PatchParser.GetHunkContainingLine(state.SelectedLineIdx, 1)
return gui.selectNewHunk(newHunk, state)
func (gui *Gui) selectNewHunk(newHunk *patch.PatchHunk, state *lBlPanelState) error {
state.SelectedLineIdx = state.PatchParser.GetNextStageableLineIndex(newHunk.FirstLineIdx)
if state.SelectMode == HUNK {
state.FirstLineIdx, state.LastLineIdx = newHunk.FirstLineIdx, newHunk.LastLineIdx()
} else {
state.FirstLineIdx, state.LastLineIdx = state.SelectedLineIdx, state.SelectedLineIdx
if err := gui.refreshMainViewForLineByLine(state); err != nil {
return err
return gui.focusSelection(true, state)
func (gui *Gui) LBLCycleLine(change int, state *lBlPanelState) error {
if state.SelectMode == HUNK {
newHunk := state.PatchParser.GetHunkContainingLine(state.SelectedLineIdx, change)
return gui.selectNewHunk(newHunk, state)
return gui.LBLSelectLine(state.SelectedLineIdx+change, state)
func (gui *Gui) LBLSelectLine(newSelectedLineIdx int, state *lBlPanelState) error {
if newSelectedLineIdx < 0 {
newSelectedLineIdx = 0
} else if newSelectedLineIdx > len(state.PatchParser.PatchLines)-1 {
newSelectedLineIdx = len(state.PatchParser.PatchLines) - 1
state.SelectedLineIdx = newSelectedLineIdx
if state.SelectMode == RANGE {
if state.SelectedLineIdx < state.FirstLineIdx {
state.FirstLineIdx = state.SelectedLineIdx
} else {
state.LastLineIdx = state.SelectedLineIdx
} else {
state.LastLineIdx = state.SelectedLineIdx
state.FirstLineIdx = state.SelectedLineIdx
if err := gui.refreshMainViewForLineByLine(state); err != nil {
return err
return gui.focusSelection(false, state)
func (gui *Gui) handleLBLMouseDown(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
return gui.withLBLActiveCheck(func(state *lBlPanelState) error {
if gui.popupPanelFocused() {
return nil
newSelectedLineIdx := v.SelectedLineIdx()
state.FirstLineIdx = newSelectedLineIdx
state.LastLineIdx = newSelectedLineIdx
state.SelectMode = RANGE
return gui.LBLSelectLine(newSelectedLineIdx, state)
func (gui *Gui) handleMouseDrag(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
return gui.withLBLActiveCheck(func(state *lBlPanelState) error {
if gui.popupPanelFocused() {
return nil
return gui.LBLSelectLine(v.SelectedLineIdx(), state)
func (gui *Gui) handleMouseScrollUp(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
return gui.withLBLActiveCheck(func(state *lBlPanelState) error {
if gui.popupPanelFocused() {
return nil
state.SelectMode = LINE
return gui.LBLCycleLine(-1, state)
func (gui *Gui) handleMouseScrollDown(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
return gui.withLBLActiveCheck(func(state *lBlPanelState) error {
if gui.popupPanelFocused() {
return nil
state.SelectMode = LINE
return gui.LBLCycleLine(1, state)
func (gui *Gui) getSelectedCommitFileName() string {
return gui.State.CommitFiles[gui.State.Panels.CommitFiles.SelectedLineIdx].Name
func (gui *Gui) refreshMainViewForLineByLine(state *lBlPanelState) error {
var includedLineIndices []int
// I'd prefer not to have knowledge of contexts using this file but I'm not sure
// how to get around this
if gui.currentContext().GetKey() == gui.Contexts.PatchBuilding.Context.GetKey() {
filename := gui.getSelectedCommitFileName()
var err error
includedLineIndices, err = gui.GitCommand.PatchManager.GetFileIncLineIndices(filename)
if err != nil {
return err
colorDiff := state.PatchParser.Render(state.FirstLineIdx, state.LastLineIdx, includedLineIndices)
mainView := gui.getMainView()
mainView.Highlight = true
mainView.Wrap = false
gui.g.Update(func(*gocui.Gui) error {
gui.setViewContent(gui.getMainView(), colorDiff)
return nil
return nil
// focusSelection works out the best focus for the staging panel given the
// selected line and size of the hunk
func (gui *Gui) focusSelection(includeCurrentHunk bool, state *lBlPanelState) error {
stagingView := gui.getMainView()
_, viewHeight := stagingView.Size()
bufferHeight := viewHeight - 1
_, origin := stagingView.Origin()
firstLineIdx := state.SelectedLineIdx
lastLineIdx := state.SelectedLineIdx
if includeCurrentHunk {
hunk := state.PatchParser.GetHunkContainingLine(state.SelectedLineIdx, 0)
firstLineIdx = hunk.FirstLineIdx
lastLineIdx = hunk.LastLineIdx()
margin := 0 // we may want to have a margin in place to show context but right now I'm thinking we keep this at zero
var newOrigin int
if firstLineIdx-origin < margin {
newOrigin = firstLineIdx - margin
} else if lastLineIdx-origin > bufferHeight-margin {
newOrigin = lastLineIdx - bufferHeight + margin
} else {
newOrigin = origin
gui.g.Update(func(*gocui.Gui) error {
if err := stagingView.SetOrigin(0, newOrigin); err != nil {
return err
return stagingView.SetCursor(0, state.SelectedLineIdx-newOrigin)
return nil
func (gui *Gui) handleToggleSelectRange() error {
return gui.withLBLActiveCheck(func(state *lBlPanelState) error {
if state.SelectMode == RANGE {
state.SelectMode = LINE
} else {
state.SelectMode = RANGE
state.FirstLineIdx, state.LastLineIdx = state.SelectedLineIdx, state.SelectedLineIdx
return gui.refreshMainViewForLineByLine(state)
func (gui *Gui) handleToggleSelectHunk() error {
return gui.withLBLActiveCheck(func(state *lBlPanelState) error {
if state.SelectMode == HUNK {
state.SelectMode = LINE
state.FirstLineIdx, state.LastLineIdx = state.SelectedLineIdx, state.SelectedLineIdx
} else {
state.SelectMode = HUNK
selectedHunk := state.PatchParser.GetHunkContainingLine(state.SelectedLineIdx, 0)
state.FirstLineIdx, state.LastLineIdx = selectedHunk.FirstLineIdx, selectedHunk.LastLineIdx()
if err := gui.refreshMainViewForLineByLine(state); err != nil {
return err
return gui.focusSelection(state.SelectMode == HUNK, state)
func (gui *Gui) escapeLineByLinePanel() {
gui.State.Panels.LineByLine = nil
func (gui *Gui) handleOpenFileAtLine() error {
return gui.withLBLActiveCheck(func(state *lBlPanelState) error {
// again, would be good to use inheritance here (or maybe even composition)
var filename string
switch gui.State.MainContext {
case gui.Contexts.PatchBuilding.Context.GetKey():
filename = gui.getSelectedCommitFileName()
case gui.Contexts.Staging.Context.GetKey():
file := gui.getSelectedFile()
if file == nil {
return nil
filename = file.Name
return errors.Errorf("unknown main context: %s", gui.State.MainContext)
// need to look at current index, then work out what my hunk's header information is, and see how far my line is away from the hunk header
selectedHunk := state.PatchParser.GetHunkContainingLine(state.SelectedLineIdx, 0)
lineNumber := selectedHunk.LineNumberOfLine(state.SelectedLineIdx)
filenameWithLineNum := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", filename, lineNumber)
if err := gui.OSCommand.OpenFile(filenameWithLineNum); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (gui *Gui) handleLineByLineNextPage() error {
return gui.withLBLActiveCheck(func(state *lBlPanelState) error {
newSelectedLineIdx := state.SelectedLineIdx + gui.pageDelta(gui.getMainView())
return gui.lineByLineNavigateTo(newSelectedLineIdx, state)
func (gui *Gui) handleLineByLinePrevPage() error {
return gui.withLBLActiveCheck(func(state *lBlPanelState) error {
newSelectedLineIdx := state.SelectedLineIdx - gui.pageDelta(gui.getMainView())
return gui.lineByLineNavigateTo(newSelectedLineIdx, state)
func (gui *Gui) handleLineByLineGotoBottom() error {
return gui.withLBLActiveCheck(func(state *lBlPanelState) error {
newSelectedLineIdx := len(state.PatchParser.PatchLines) - 1
return gui.lineByLineNavigateTo(newSelectedLineIdx, state)
func (gui *Gui) handleLineByLineGotoTop() error {
return gui.withLBLActiveCheck(func(state *lBlPanelState) error {
return gui.lineByLineNavigateTo(0, state)
func (gui *Gui) handlelineByLineNavigateTo(selectedLineIdx int) error {
return gui.withLBLActiveCheck(func(state *lBlPanelState) error {
return gui.lineByLineNavigateTo(selectedLineIdx, state)
func (gui *Gui) lineByLineNavigateTo(selectedLineIdx int, state *lBlPanelState) error {
state.SelectMode = LINE
return gui.LBLSelectLine(selectedLineIdx, state)
func (gui *Gui) withLBLActiveCheck(f func(*lBlPanelState) error) error {
defer gui.Mutexes.LineByLinePanelMutex.Unlock()
state := gui.State.Panels.LineByLine
if state == nil {
return nil
return f(state)