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synced 2025-03-19 21:28:28 +02:00
support searching in line by line panel move mutexes into their own struct add line by line panel mutex apply LBL panel mutex bump gocui to prevent crashing when search item count decreases
376 lines
11 KiB
376 lines
11 KiB
package gui
import (
const SEARCH_PREFIX = "search: "
func (gui *Gui) informationStr() string {
for _, mode := range gui.modeStatuses() {
if mode.isActive() {
return mode.description()
if gui.g.Mouse {
donate := color.New(color.FgMagenta, color.Underline).Sprint(gui.Tr.Donate)
return donate + " " + gui.Config.GetVersion()
} else {
return gui.Config.GetVersion()
// layout is called for every screen re-render e.g. when the screen is resized
func (gui *Gui) layout(g *gocui.Gui) error {
g.Highlight = true
width, height := g.Size()
minimumHeight := 9
minimumWidth := 10
if height < minimumHeight || width < minimumWidth {
v, err := g.SetView("limit", 0, 0, width-1, height-1, 0)
if err != nil {
if err.Error() != "unknown view" {
return err
v.Title = gui.Tr.NotEnoughSpace
v.Wrap = true
_, _ = g.SetViewOnTop("limit")
return nil
informationStr := gui.informationStr()
appStatus := gui.statusManager.getStatusString()
viewDimensions := gui.getWindowDimensions(informationStr, appStatus)
_, _ = g.SetViewOnBottom("limit")
_ = g.DeleteView("limit")
textColor := theme.GocuiDefaultTextColor
// reading more lines into main view buffers upon resize
prevMainView, err := gui.g.View("main")
if err == nil {
_, prevMainHeight := prevMainView.Size()
newMainHeight := viewDimensions["main"].Y1 - viewDimensions["main"].Y0 - 1
heightDiff := newMainHeight - prevMainHeight
if heightDiff > 0 {
if manager, ok := gui.viewBufferManagerMap["main"]; ok {
if manager, ok := gui.viewBufferManagerMap["secondary"]; ok {
setViewFromDimensions := func(viewName string, windowName string, frame bool) (*gocui.View, error) {
dimensionsObj, ok := viewDimensions[windowName]
if !ok {
// view not specified in dimensions object: so create the view and hide it
// making the view take up the whole space in the background in case it needs
// to render content as soon as it appears, because lazyloaded content (via a pty task)
// cares about the size of the view.
view, err := g.SetView(viewName, 0, 0, width, height, 0)
if err != nil {
return view, err
return g.SetViewOnBottom(viewName)
frameOffset := 1
if frame {
frameOffset = 0
return g.SetView(
v, err := setViewFromDimensions("main", "main", true)
if err != nil {
if err.Error() != "unknown view" {
return err
v.Title = gui.Tr.DiffTitle
v.Wrap = true
v.FgColor = textColor
v.IgnoreCarriageReturns = true
secondaryView, err := setViewFromDimensions("secondary", "secondary", true)
if err != nil {
if err.Error() != "unknown view" {
return err
secondaryView.Title = gui.Tr.DiffTitle
secondaryView.Wrap = true
secondaryView.FgColor = textColor
secondaryView.IgnoreCarriageReturns = true
hiddenViewOffset := 9999
if v, err := setViewFromDimensions("status", "status", true); err != nil {
if err.Error() != "unknown view" {
return err
v.Title = gui.Tr.StatusTitle
v.FgColor = textColor
filesView, err := setViewFromDimensions("files", "files", true)
if err != nil {
if err.Error() != "unknown view" {
return err
filesView.Highlight = true
filesView.Title = gui.Tr.FilesTitle
filesView.ContainsList = true
branchesView, err := setViewFromDimensions("branches", "branches", true)
if err != nil {
if err.Error() != "unknown view" {
return err
branchesView.Title = gui.Tr.BranchesTitle
branchesView.FgColor = textColor
branchesView.ContainsList = true
commitFilesView, err := setViewFromDimensions("commitFiles", gui.Contexts.CommitFiles.Context.GetWindowName(), true)
if err != nil {
if err.Error() != "unknown view" {
return err
commitFilesView.Title = gui.Tr.CommitFiles
commitFilesView.FgColor = textColor
commitFilesView.ContainsList = true
commitsView, err := setViewFromDimensions("commits", "commits", true)
if err != nil {
if err.Error() != "unknown view" {
return err
commitsView.Title = gui.Tr.CommitsTitle
commitsView.FgColor = textColor
commitsView.ContainsList = true
stashView, err := setViewFromDimensions("stash", "stash", true)
if err != nil {
if err.Error() != "unknown view" {
return err
stashView.Title = gui.Tr.StashTitle
stashView.FgColor = textColor
stashView.ContainsList = true
if gui.getCommitMessageView() == nil {
// doesn't matter where this view starts because it will be hidden
if commitMessageView, err := g.SetView("commitMessage", hiddenViewOffset, hiddenViewOffset, hiddenViewOffset+10, hiddenViewOffset+10, 0); err != nil {
if err.Error() != "unknown view" {
return err
_, _ = g.SetViewOnBottom("commitMessage")
commitMessageView.Title = gui.Tr.CommitMessage
commitMessageView.FgColor = textColor
commitMessageView.Editable = true
commitMessageView.Editor = gocui.EditorFunc(gui.commitMessageEditor)
if check, _ := g.View("credentials"); check == nil {
// doesn't matter where this view starts because it will be hidden
if credentialsView, err := g.SetView("credentials", hiddenViewOffset, hiddenViewOffset, hiddenViewOffset+10, hiddenViewOffset+10, 0); err != nil {
if err.Error() != "unknown view" {
return err
_, _ = g.SetViewOnBottom("credentials")
credentialsView.Title = gui.Tr.CredentialsUsername
credentialsView.FgColor = textColor
credentialsView.Editable = true
if v, err := setViewFromDimensions("options", "options", false); err != nil {
if err.Error() != "unknown view" {
return err
v.Frame = false
v.FgColor = theme.OptionsColor
// doing this here because it'll only happen once
if err := gui.onInitialViewsCreation(); err != nil {
return err
// this view takes up one character. Its only purpose is to show the slash when searching
if searchPrefixView, err := setViewFromDimensions("searchPrefix", "searchPrefix", false); err != nil {
if err.Error() != "unknown view" {
return err
searchPrefixView.BgColor = gocui.ColorDefault
searchPrefixView.FgColor = gocui.ColorGreen
searchPrefixView.Frame = false
gui.setViewContent(searchPrefixView, SEARCH_PREFIX)
if searchView, err := setViewFromDimensions("search", "search", false); err != nil {
if err.Error() != "unknown view" {
return err
searchView.BgColor = gocui.ColorDefault
searchView.FgColor = gocui.ColorGreen
searchView.Frame = false
searchView.Editable = true
if appStatusView, err := setViewFromDimensions("appStatus", "appStatus", false); err != nil {
if err.Error() != "unknown view" {
return err
appStatusView.BgColor = gocui.ColorDefault
appStatusView.FgColor = gocui.ColorCyan
appStatusView.Frame = false
_, _ = g.SetViewOnBottom("appStatus")
informationView, err := setViewFromDimensions("information", "information", false)
if err != nil {
if err.Error() != "unknown view" {
return err
informationView.BgColor = gocui.ColorDefault
informationView.FgColor = gocui.ColorGreen
informationView.Frame = false
gui.renderString("information", INFO_SECTION_PADDING+informationStr)
if gui.State.OldInformation != informationStr {
gui.setViewContent(informationView, informationStr)
gui.State.OldInformation = informationStr
if gui.g.CurrentView() == nil {
initialContext := gui.Contexts.Files.Context
if gui.State.Modes.Filtering.Active() {
initialContext = gui.Contexts.BranchCommits.Context
if err := gui.switchContext(initialContext); err != nil {
return err
type listContextState struct {
view *gocui.View
listContext *ListContext
// TODO: don't we already have the view included in the context object itself? Or might that change in a way we don't want reflected here?
listContextStates := []listContextState{
{view: filesView, listContext: gui.filesListContext()},
{view: filesView, listContext: gui.submodulesListContext()},
{view: branchesView, listContext: gui.branchesListContext()},
{view: branchesView, listContext: gui.remotesListContext()},
{view: branchesView, listContext: gui.remoteBranchesListContext()},
{view: branchesView, listContext: gui.tagsListContext()},
{view: commitsView, listContext: gui.branchCommitsListContext()},
{view: commitsView, listContext: gui.reflogCommitsListContext()},
{view: stashView, listContext: gui.stashListContext()},
{view: commitFilesView, listContext: gui.commitFilesListContext()},
// menu view might not exist so we check to be safe
if menuView, err := gui.g.View("menu"); err == nil {
listContextStates = append(listContextStates, listContextState{view: menuView, listContext: gui.menuListContext()})
for _, listContextState := range listContextStates {
// ignore contexts whose view is owned by another context right now
if listContextState.view.Context != listContextState.listContext.GetKey() {
// check if the selected line is now out of view and if so refocus it
listContextState.view.FocusPoint(0, listContextState.listContext.GetPanelState().GetSelectedLineIdx())
listContextState.view.SelBgColor = theme.GocuiSelectedLineBgColor
// I doubt this is expensive though it's admittedly redundant after the first render
mainViewWidth, mainViewHeight := gui.getMainView().Size()
if mainViewWidth != gui.State.PrevMainWidth || mainViewHeight != gui.State.PrevMainHeight {
gui.State.PrevMainWidth = mainViewWidth
gui.State.PrevMainHeight = mainViewHeight
if err := gui.onResize(); err != nil {
return err
// here is a good place log some stuff
// if you run `lazygit --logs`
// this will let you see these branches as prettified json
// gui.Log.Info(utils.AsJson(gui.State.Branches[0:4]))
return gui.resizeCurrentPopupPanel()
func (gui *Gui) onInitialViewsCreation() error {
// add tabs to views
for _, view := range gui.g.Views() {
tabs := gui.viewTabNames(view.Name())
if len(tabs) == 0 {
view.Tabs = tabs
if err := gui.switchContext(gui.defaultSideContext()); err != nil {
return err
if err := gui.keybindings(); err != nil {
return err
if gui.showRecentRepos {
if err := gui.handleCreateRecentReposMenu(); err != nil {
return err
gui.showRecentRepos = false
return gui.loadNewRepo()
func max(a, b int) int {
if a > b {
return a
return b