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synced 2025-03-23 21:51:07 +02:00
Previously, we had the following rules: * file names were in red when unstaged or partially staged * directory names were in red if unstaged, yellow if partially staged, and green if fully staged Red text on a black background can be hard to read, so instead I'm changing it so that unstaged files have their names in the default text colour. I'm also making it so that partially staged files are in yellow, just like how partially staged directories are yellow (same deal with the commit files view when adding to a custom patch). So the new rules are: * unstaged files/directories use the default colour * partially staged files/directories are in yellow * fully staged files/directories are in green I've also done a refactor on the code clean up some dead code from when the file tree outline was drawn with box characters, and I've made it so that the indentation in each line is handled inside the function that draws the line rather than in the recursive parent function. This makes it easier to experiment with things like showing the file status characters on the left edge of the view (admittedly after experimenting with it, I decided I didn't like it). Apologies for having a refactor and a functional change in the one commit but by the time I was done, I couldn't be bothered going back and retroactively splitting it into two halves.
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301 lines
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package presentation
import (
const (
func RenderFileTree(
tree filetree.IFileTree,
submoduleConfigs []*models.SubmoduleConfig,
) []string {
collapsedPaths := tree.CollapsedPaths()
return renderAux(tree.GetRoot().Raw(), collapsedPaths, -1, -1, func(node *filetree.Node[models.File], treeDepth int, visualDepth int, isCollapsed bool) string {
fileNode := filetree.NewFileNode(node)
return getFileLine(isCollapsed, fileNode.GetHasUnstagedChanges(), fileNode.GetHasStagedChanges(), treeDepth, visualDepth, submoduleConfigs, node)
func RenderCommitFileTree(
tree *filetree.CommitFileTreeViewModel,
patchBuilder *patch.PatchBuilder,
) []string {
collapsedPaths := tree.CollapsedPaths()
return renderAux(tree.GetRoot().Raw(), collapsedPaths, -1, -1, func(node *filetree.Node[models.CommitFile], treeDepth int, visualDepth int, isCollapsed bool) string {
status := commitFilePatchStatus(node, tree, patchBuilder)
return getCommitFileLine(isCollapsed, treeDepth, visualDepth, node, status)
// Returns the status of a commit file in terms of its inclusion in the custom patch
func commitFilePatchStatus(node *filetree.Node[models.CommitFile], tree *filetree.CommitFileTreeViewModel, patchBuilder *patch.PatchBuilder) patch.PatchStatus {
// This is a little convoluted because we're dealing with either a leaf or a non-leaf.
// But this code actually applies to both. If it's a leaf, the status will just
// be whatever status it is, but if it's a non-leaf it will determine its status
// based on the leaves of that subtree
if node.EveryFile(func(file *models.CommitFile) bool {
return patchBuilder.GetFileStatus(file.Name, tree.GetRef().RefName()) == patch.WHOLE
}) {
return patch.WHOLE
} else if node.EveryFile(func(file *models.CommitFile) bool {
return patchBuilder.GetFileStatus(file.Name, tree.GetRef().RefName()) == patch.UNSELECTED
}) {
return patch.UNSELECTED
} else {
return patch.PART
func renderAux[T any](
node *filetree.Node[T],
collapsedPaths *filetree.CollapsedPaths,
// treeDepth is the depth of the node in the actual file tree. This is different to
// visualDepth because some directory nodes are compressed e.g. 'pkg/gui/blah' takes
// up two tree depths, but one visual depth. We need to track these separately,
// because indentation relies on visual depth, whereas file path truncation
// relies on tree depth.
treeDepth int,
visualDepth int,
renderLine func(*filetree.Node[T], int, int, bool) string,
) []string {
if node == nil {
return []string{}
isRoot := treeDepth == -1
if node.IsFile() {
if isRoot {
return []string{}
return []string{renderLine(node, treeDepth, visualDepth, false)}
arr := []string{}
if !isRoot {
isCollapsed := collapsedPaths.IsCollapsed(node.GetPath())
arr = append(arr, renderLine(node, treeDepth, visualDepth, isCollapsed))
if collapsedPaths.IsCollapsed(node.GetPath()) {
return arr
for _, child := range node.Children {
arr = append(arr, renderAux(child, collapsedPaths, treeDepth+1+node.CompressionLevel, visualDepth+1, renderLine)...)
return arr
func getFileLine(
isCollapsed bool,
hasUnstagedChanges bool,
hasStagedChanges bool,
treeDepth int,
visualDepth int,
submoduleConfigs []*models.SubmoduleConfig,
node *filetree.Node[models.File],
) string {
name := fileNameAtDepth(node, treeDepth)
output := ""
var nameColor style.TextStyle
file := node.File
indentation := strings.Repeat(" ", visualDepth)
if hasStagedChanges && !hasUnstagedChanges {
nameColor = style.FgGreen
} else if hasStagedChanges {
nameColor = style.FgYellow
} else {
nameColor = theme.DefaultTextColor
if file == nil {
output += indentation + ""
if isCollapsed {
arrowStyle := nameColor
output += arrowStyle.Sprint(arrow) + " "
} else {
// Sprinting the space at the end in the specific style is for the sake of
// when a reverse style is used in the theme, which looks ugly if you just
// use the default style
output += indentation + formatFileStatus(file, nameColor) + nameColor.Sprint(" ")
isSubmodule := file != nil && file.IsSubmodule(submoduleConfigs)
isLinkedWorktree := file != nil && file.IsWorktree
isDirectory := file == nil
if icons.IsIconEnabled() {
icon := icons.IconForFile(name, isSubmodule, isLinkedWorktree, isDirectory)
paint := color.C256(icon.Color, false)
output += paint.Sprint(icon.Icon) + nameColor.Sprint(" ")
output += nameColor.Sprint(utils.EscapeSpecialChars(name))
if isSubmodule {
output += theme.DefaultTextColor.Sprint(" (submodule)")
return output
func formatFileStatus(file *models.File, restColor style.TextStyle) string {
firstChar := file.ShortStatus[0:1]
firstCharCl := style.FgGreen
if firstChar == "?" {
firstCharCl = theme.UnstagedChangesColor
} else if firstChar == " " {
firstCharCl = restColor
secondChar := file.ShortStatus[1:2]
secondCharCl := theme.UnstagedChangesColor
if secondChar == " " {
secondCharCl = restColor
return firstCharCl.Sprint(firstChar) + secondCharCl.Sprint(secondChar)
func getCommitFileLine(
isCollapsed bool,
treeDepth int,
visualDepth int,
node *filetree.Node[models.CommitFile],
status patch.PatchStatus,
) string {
indentation := strings.Repeat(" ", visualDepth)
name := commitFileNameAtDepth(node, treeDepth)
commitFile := node.File
output := indentation
isDirectory := commitFile == nil
nameColor := theme.DefaultTextColor
switch status {
case patch.WHOLE:
nameColor = style.FgGreen
case patch.PART:
nameColor = style.FgYellow
case patch.UNSELECTED:
nameColor = theme.DefaultTextColor
if isDirectory {
if isCollapsed {
output += nameColor.Sprint(arrow) + " "
} else {
var symbol string
symbolStyle := nameColor
switch status {
case patch.WHOLE:
symbol = "●"
case patch.PART:
symbol = "◐"
case patch.UNSELECTED:
symbol = commitFile.ChangeStatus
symbolStyle = getColorForChangeStatus(symbol)
output += symbolStyle.Sprint(symbol) + " "
name = utils.EscapeSpecialChars(name)
isSubmodule := false
isLinkedWorktree := false
if icons.IsIconEnabled() {
icon := icons.IconForFile(name, isSubmodule, isLinkedWorktree, isDirectory)
paint := color.C256(icon.Color, false)
output += paint.Sprint(icon.Icon) + " "
output += nameColor.Sprint(name)
return output
func getColorForChangeStatus(changeStatus string) style.TextStyle {
switch changeStatus {
case "A":
return style.FgGreen
case "M", "R":
return style.FgYellow
case "D":
return theme.UnstagedChangesColor
case "C":
return style.FgCyan
case "T":
return style.FgMagenta
return theme.DefaultTextColor
func fileNameAtDepth(node *filetree.Node[models.File], depth int) string {
splitName := split(node.Path)
name := join(splitName[depth:])
if node.File != nil && node.File.IsRename() {
splitPrevName := split(node.File.PreviousName)
prevName := node.File.PreviousName
// if the file has just been renamed inside the same directory, we can shave off
// the prefix for the previous path too. Otherwise we'll keep it unchanged
sameParentDir := len(splitName) == len(splitPrevName) && join(splitName[0:depth]) == join(splitPrevName[0:depth])
if sameParentDir {
prevName = join(splitPrevName[depth:])
return prevName + " → " + name
return name
func commitFileNameAtDepth(node *filetree.Node[models.CommitFile], depth int) string {
splitName := split(node.Path)
name := join(splitName[depth:])
return name
func split(str string) []string {
return strings.Split(str, "/")
func join(strs []string) string {
return strings.Join(strs, "/")