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539 lines
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// Package terminfo implements reading terminfo files in pure go.
package terminfo
import (
// Error is a terminfo error.
type Error string
// Error satisfies the error interface.
func (err Error) Error() string {
return string(err)
const (
// ErrInvalidFileSize is the invalid file size error.
ErrInvalidFileSize Error = "invalid file size"
// ErrUnexpectedFileEnd is the unexpected file end error.
ErrUnexpectedFileEnd Error = "unexpected file end"
// ErrInvalidStringTable is the invalid string table error.
ErrInvalidStringTable Error = "invalid string table"
// ErrInvalidMagic is the invalid magic error.
ErrInvalidMagic Error = "invalid magic"
// ErrInvalidHeader is the invalid header error.
ErrInvalidHeader Error = "invalid header"
// ErrInvalidNames is the invalid names error.
ErrInvalidNames Error = "invalid names"
// ErrInvalidExtendedHeader is the invalid extended header error.
ErrInvalidExtendedHeader Error = "invalid extended header"
// ErrEmptyTermName is the empty term name error.
ErrEmptyTermName Error = "empty term name"
// ErrDatabaseDirectoryNotFound is the database directory not found error.
ErrDatabaseDirectoryNotFound Error = "database directory not found"
// ErrFileNotFound is the file not found error.
ErrFileNotFound Error = "file not found"
// ErrInvalidTermProgramVersion is the invalid TERM_PROGRAM_VERSION error.
ErrInvalidTermProgramVersion Error = "invalid TERM_PROGRAM_VERSION"
// Terminfo describes a terminal's capabilities.
type Terminfo struct {
// File is the original source file.
File string
// Names are the provided cap names.
Names []string
// Bools are the bool capabilities.
Bools map[int]bool
// BoolsM are the missing bool capabilities.
BoolsM map[int]bool
// Nums are the num capabilities.
Nums map[int]int
// NumsM are the missing num capabilities.
NumsM map[int]bool
// Strings are the string capabilities.
Strings map[int][]byte
// StringsM are the missing string capabilities.
StringsM map[int]bool
// ExtBools are the extended bool capabilities.
ExtBools map[int]bool
// ExtBoolsNames is the map of extended bool capabilities to their index.
ExtBoolNames map[int][]byte
// ExtNums are the extended num capabilities.
ExtNums map[int]int
// ExtNumsNames is the map of extended num capabilities to their index.
ExtNumNames map[int][]byte
// ExtStrings are the extended string capabilities.
ExtStrings map[int][]byte
// ExtStringsNames is the map of extended string capabilities to their index.
ExtStringNames map[int][]byte
// Decode decodes the terminfo data contained in buf.
func Decode(buf []byte) (*Terminfo, error) {
var err error
// check max file length
if len(buf) >= maxFileLength {
return nil, ErrInvalidFileSize
d := &decoder{
buf: buf,
len: len(buf),
// read header
h, err := d.readInts(6, 16)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var numWidth int
// check magic
if h[fieldMagic] == magic {
numWidth = 16
} else if h[fieldMagic] == magicExtended {
numWidth = 32
} else {
return nil, ErrInvalidMagic
// check header
if hasInvalidCaps(h) {
return nil, ErrInvalidHeader
// check remaining length
if d.len-d.pos < capLength(h) {
return nil, ErrUnexpectedFileEnd
// read names
names, err := d.readBytes(h[fieldNameSize])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// check name is terminated properly
i := findNull(names, 0)
if i == -1 {
return nil, ErrInvalidNames
names = names[:i]
// read bool caps
bools, boolsM, err := d.readBools(h[fieldBoolCount])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// read num caps
nums, numsM, err := d.readNums(h[fieldNumCount], numWidth)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// read string caps
strs, strsM, err := d.readStrings(h[fieldStringCount], h[fieldTableSize])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ti := &Terminfo{
Names: strings.Split(string(names), "|"),
Bools: bools,
BoolsM: boolsM,
Nums: nums,
NumsM: numsM,
Strings: strs,
StringsM: strsM,
// at the end of file, so no extended caps
if d.pos >= d.len {
return ti, nil
// decode extended header
eh, err := d.readInts(5, 16)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// check extended offset field
if hasInvalidExtOffset(eh) {
return nil, ErrInvalidExtendedHeader
// check extended cap lengths
if d.len-d.pos != extCapLength(eh, numWidth) {
return nil, ErrInvalidExtendedHeader
// read extended bool caps
ti.ExtBools, _, err = d.readBools(eh[fieldExtBoolCount])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// read extended num caps
ti.ExtNums, _, err = d.readNums(eh[fieldExtNumCount], numWidth)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// read extended string data table indexes
extIndexes, err := d.readInts(eh[fieldExtOffsetCount], 16)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// read string data table
extData, err := d.readBytes(eh[fieldExtTableSize])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// precautionary check that exactly at end of file
if d.pos != d.len {
return nil, ErrUnexpectedFileEnd
var last int
// read extended string caps
ti.ExtStrings, last, err = readStrings(extIndexes, extData, eh[fieldExtStringCount])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
extIndexes, extData = extIndexes[eh[fieldExtStringCount]:], extData[last:]
// read extended bool names
ti.ExtBoolNames, _, err = readStrings(extIndexes, extData, eh[fieldExtBoolCount])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
extIndexes = extIndexes[eh[fieldExtBoolCount]:]
// read extended num names
ti.ExtNumNames, _, err = readStrings(extIndexes, extData, eh[fieldExtNumCount])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
extIndexes = extIndexes[eh[fieldExtNumCount]:]
// read extended string names
ti.ExtStringNames, _, err = readStrings(extIndexes, extData, eh[fieldExtStringCount])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
//extIndexes = extIndexes[eh[fieldExtStringCount]:]
return ti, nil
// Open reads the terminfo file name from the specified directory dir.
func Open(dir, name string) (*Terminfo, error) {
var err error
var buf []byte
var filename string
for _, f := range []string{
path.Join(dir, name[0:1], name),
path.Join(dir, strconv.FormatUint(uint64(name[0]), 16), name),
} {
buf, err = ioutil.ReadFile(f)
if err == nil {
filename = f
if buf == nil {
return nil, ErrFileNotFound
// decode
ti, err := Decode(buf)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// save original file name
ti.File = filename
// add to cache
for _, n := range ti.Names {
termCache.db[n] = ti
return ti, nil
// boolCaps returns all bool and extended capabilities using f to format the
// index key.
func (ti *Terminfo) boolCaps(f func(int) string, extended bool) map[string]bool {
m := make(map[string]bool, len(ti.Bools)+len(ti.ExtBools))
if !extended {
for k, v := range ti.Bools {
m[f(k)] = v
} else {
for k, v := range ti.ExtBools {
m[string(ti.ExtBoolNames[k])] = v
return m
// BoolCaps returns all bool capabilities.
func (ti *Terminfo) BoolCaps() map[string]bool {
return ti.boolCaps(BoolCapName, false)
// BoolCapsShort returns all bool capabilities, using the short name as the
// index.
func (ti *Terminfo) BoolCapsShort() map[string]bool {
return ti.boolCaps(BoolCapNameShort, false)
// ExtBoolCaps returns all extended bool capabilities.
func (ti *Terminfo) ExtBoolCaps() map[string]bool {
return ti.boolCaps(BoolCapName, true)
// ExtBoolCapsShort returns all extended bool capabilities, using the short
// name as the index.
func (ti *Terminfo) ExtBoolCapsShort() map[string]bool {
return ti.boolCaps(BoolCapNameShort, true)
// numCaps returns all num and extended capabilities using f to format the
// index key.
func (ti *Terminfo) numCaps(f func(int) string, extended bool) map[string]int {
m := make(map[string]int, len(ti.Nums)+len(ti.ExtNums))
if !extended {
for k, v := range ti.Nums {
m[f(k)] = v
} else {
for k, v := range ti.ExtNums {
m[string(ti.ExtNumNames[k])] = v
return m
// NumCaps returns all num capabilities.
func (ti *Terminfo) NumCaps() map[string]int {
return ti.numCaps(NumCapName, false)
// NumCapsShort returns all num capabilities, using the short name as the
// index.
func (ti *Terminfo) NumCapsShort() map[string]int {
return ti.numCaps(NumCapNameShort, false)
// ExtNumCaps returns all extended num capabilities.
func (ti *Terminfo) ExtNumCaps() map[string]int {
return ti.numCaps(NumCapName, true)
// ExtNumCapsShort returns all extended num capabilities, using the short
// name as the index.
func (ti *Terminfo) ExtNumCapsShort() map[string]int {
return ti.numCaps(NumCapNameShort, true)
// stringCaps returns all string and extended capabilities using f to format the
// index key.
func (ti *Terminfo) stringCaps(f func(int) string, extended bool) map[string][]byte {
m := make(map[string][]byte, len(ti.Strings)+len(ti.ExtStrings))
if !extended {
for k, v := range ti.Strings {
m[f(k)] = v
} else {
for k, v := range ti.ExtStrings {
m[string(ti.ExtStringNames[k])] = v
return m
// StringCaps returns all string capabilities.
func (ti *Terminfo) StringCaps() map[string][]byte {
return ti.stringCaps(StringCapName, false)
// StringCapsShort returns all string capabilities, using the short name as the
// index.
func (ti *Terminfo) StringCapsShort() map[string][]byte {
return ti.stringCaps(StringCapNameShort, false)
// ExtStringCaps returns all extended string capabilities.
func (ti *Terminfo) ExtStringCaps() map[string][]byte {
return ti.stringCaps(StringCapName, true)
// ExtStringCapsShort returns all extended string capabilities, using the short
// name as the index.
func (ti *Terminfo) ExtStringCapsShort() map[string][]byte {
return ti.stringCaps(StringCapNameShort, true)
// Has determines if the bool cap i is present.
func (ti *Terminfo) Has(i int) bool {
return ti.Bools[i]
// Num returns the num cap i, or -1 if not present.
func (ti *Terminfo) Num(i int) int {
n, ok := ti.Nums[i]
if !ok {
return -1
return n
// Printf formats the string cap i, interpolating parameters v.
func (ti *Terminfo) Printf(i int, v ...interface{}) string {
return Printf(ti.Strings[i], v...)
// Fprintf prints the string cap i to writer w, interpolating parameters v.
func (ti *Terminfo) Fprintf(w io.Writer, i int, v ...interface{}) {
Fprintf(w, ti.Strings[i], v...)
// Color takes a foreground and background color and returns string that sets
// them for this terminal.
func (ti *Terminfo) Colorf(fg, bg int, str string) string {
maxColors := int(ti.Nums[MaxColors])
// map bright colors to lower versions if the color table only holds 8.
if maxColors == 8 {
if fg > 7 && fg < 16 {
fg -= 8
if bg > 7 && bg < 16 {
bg -= 8
var s string
if maxColors > fg && fg >= 0 {
s += ti.Printf(SetAForeground, fg)
if maxColors > bg && bg >= 0 {
s += ti.Printf(SetABackground, bg)
return s + str + ti.Printf(ExitAttributeMode)
// Goto returns a string suitable for addressing the cursor at the given
// row and column. The origin 0, 0 is in the upper left corner of the screen.
func (ti *Terminfo) Goto(row, col int) string {
return Printf(ti.Strings[CursorAddress], row, col)
// Puts emits the string to the writer, but expands inline padding indications
// (of the form $<[delay]> where [delay] is msec) to a suitable number of
// padding characters (usually null bytes) based upon the supplied baud. At
// high baud rates, more padding characters will be inserted.
/*func (ti *Terminfo) Puts(w io.Writer, s string, lines, baud int) (int, error) {
var err error
for {
start := strings.Index(s, "$<")
if start == -1 {
// most strings don't need padding, which is good news!
return io.WriteString(w, s)
end := strings.Index(s, ">")
if end == -1 {
// unterminated... just emit bytes unadulterated.
return io.WriteString(w, "$<"+s)
var c int
c, err = io.WriteString(w, s[:start])
if err != nil {
return n + c, err
n += c
s = s[start+2:]
val := s[:end]
s = s[end+1:]
var ms int
var dot, mandatory, asterisk bool
unit := 1000
for _, ch := range val {
switch {
case ch >= '0' && ch <= '9':
ms = (ms * 10) + int(ch-'0')
if dot {
unit *= 10
case ch == '.' && !dot:
dot = true
case ch == '*' && !asterisk:
ms *= lines
asterisk = true
case ch == '/':
mandatory = true
z, pad := ((baud/8)/unit)*ms, ti.Strings[PadChar]
b := make([]byte, len(pad)*z)
for bp := copy(b, pad); bp < len(b); bp *= 2 {
copy(b[bp:], b[:bp])
if (!ti.Bools[XonXoff] && baud > int(ti.Nums[PaddingBaudRate])) || mandatory {
c, err = w.Write(b)
if err != nil {
return n + c, err
n += c
return n, nil