mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 15:02:52 +02:00
Currently, when pushing or pulling a branch that has no tracking remote, lazygit suggests the (hard-coded) remote named 'origin'. However, a repository might not have a remote with this name, in which case the suggestion makes no sense. This happens to me quite regularly when I choose a more meaningful name than 'origin' for a remote. This change keeps the current behavior by suggesting 'origin' when there is either a remote with that name or no remote at all. However, when 'origin' does not exist, the name of the first remote is suggested. Suggest existing remote for non-tracking branch Currently, when pushing or pulling a branch that has no tracking remote, lazygit suggests the (hard-coded) remote named 'origin'. However, a repository might not have a remote with this name, in which case the suggestion makes no sense. This happens to me quite regularly when I choose a more meaningful name than 'origin' for a remote. This change keeps the current behavior by suggesting 'origin' when there is either a remote with that name or no remote at all. However, when 'origin' does not exist, the name of the first existing remote is suggested.
1012 lines
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1012 lines
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package gui
import (
// list panel functions
func (gui *Gui) getSelectedFileNode() *filetree.FileNode {
selectedLine := gui.State.Panels.Files.SelectedLineIdx
if selectedLine == -1 {
return nil
return gui.State.FileManager.GetItemAtIndex(selectedLine)
func (gui *Gui) getSelectedFile() *models.File {
node := gui.getSelectedFileNode()
if node == nil {
return nil
return node.File
func (gui *Gui) getSelectedPath() string {
node := gui.getSelectedFileNode()
if node == nil {
return ""
return node.GetPath()
func (gui *Gui) filesRenderToMain() error {
node := gui.getSelectedFileNode()
if node == nil {
return gui.refreshMainViews(refreshMainOpts{
main: &viewUpdateOpts{
title: "",
task: NewRenderStringTask(gui.Tr.NoChangedFiles),
if node.File != nil && node.File.HasInlineMergeConflicts {
return gui.refreshMergePanelWithLock()
cmdStr := gui.GitCommand.WorktreeFileDiffCmdStr(node, false, !node.GetHasUnstagedChanges() && node.GetHasStagedChanges(), gui.State.IgnoreWhitespaceInDiffView)
cmd := gui.OSCommand.ExecutableFromString(cmdStr)
refreshOpts := refreshMainOpts{main: &viewUpdateOpts{
title: gui.Tr.UnstagedChanges,
task: NewRunPtyTask(cmd),
if node.GetHasUnstagedChanges() {
if node.GetHasStagedChanges() {
cmdStr := gui.GitCommand.WorktreeFileDiffCmdStr(node, false, true, gui.State.IgnoreWhitespaceInDiffView)
cmd := gui.OSCommand.ExecutableFromString(cmdStr)
refreshOpts.secondary = &viewUpdateOpts{
title: gui.Tr.StagedChanges,
task: NewRunPtyTask(cmd),
} else {
refreshOpts.main.title = gui.Tr.StagedChanges
return gui.refreshMainViews(refreshOpts)
func (gui *Gui) refreshFilesAndSubmodules() error {
gui.State.IsRefreshingFiles = true
defer func() {
gui.State.IsRefreshingFiles = false
selectedPath := gui.getSelectedPath()
if err := gui.refreshStateSubmoduleConfigs(); err != nil {
return err
if err := gui.refreshStateFiles(); err != nil {
return err
gui.g.Update(func(g *gocui.Gui) error {
if err := gui.postRefreshUpdate(gui.State.Contexts.Submodules); err != nil {
if ContextKey(gui.Views.Files.Context) == FILES_CONTEXT_KEY {
// doing this a little custom (as opposed to using gui.postRefreshUpdate) because we handle selecting the file explicitly below
if err := gui.State.Contexts.Files.HandleRender(); err != nil {
return err
if gui.currentContext().GetKey() == FILES_CONTEXT_KEY || (g.CurrentView() == gui.Views.Main && ContextKey(g.CurrentView().Context) == MAIN_MERGING_CONTEXT_KEY) {
newSelectedPath := gui.getSelectedPath()
alreadySelected := selectedPath != "" && newSelectedPath == selectedPath
if !alreadySelected {
gui.Views.Files.FocusPoint(0, gui.State.Panels.Files.SelectedLineIdx)
return gui.filesRenderToMain()
return nil
return nil
// specific functions
func (gui *Gui) stagedFiles() []*models.File {
files := gui.State.FileManager.GetAllFiles()
result := make([]*models.File, 0)
for _, file := range files {
if file.HasStagedChanges {
result = append(result, file)
return result
func (gui *Gui) trackedFiles() []*models.File {
files := gui.State.FileManager.GetAllFiles()
result := make([]*models.File, 0, len(files))
for _, file := range files {
if file.Tracked {
result = append(result, file)
return result
func (gui *Gui) stageSelectedFile() error {
file := gui.getSelectedFile()
if file == nil {
return nil
return gui.GitCommand.StageFile(file.Name)
func (gui *Gui) handleEnterFile() error {
return gui.enterFile(OnFocusOpts{ClickedViewName: "", ClickedViewLineIdx: -1})
func (gui *Gui) enterFile(opts OnFocusOpts) error {
node := gui.getSelectedFileNode()
if node == nil {
return nil
if node.File == nil {
return gui.handleToggleDirCollapsed()
file := node.File
submoduleConfigs := gui.State.Submodules
if file.IsSubmodule(submoduleConfigs) {
submoduleConfig := file.SubmoduleConfig(submoduleConfigs)
return gui.enterSubmodule(submoduleConfig)
if file.HasInlineMergeConflicts {
return gui.handleSwitchToMerge()
if file.HasMergeConflicts {
return gui.createErrorPanel(gui.Tr.FileStagingRequirements)
return gui.pushContext(gui.State.Contexts.Staging, opts)
func (gui *Gui) handleFilePress() error {
node := gui.getSelectedFileNode()
if node == nil {
return nil
if node.IsLeaf() {
file := node.File
if file.HasInlineMergeConflicts {
return gui.handleSwitchToMerge()
if file.HasUnstagedChanges {
if err := gui.GitCommand.WithSpan(gui.Tr.Spans.StageFile).StageFile(file.Name); err != nil {
return gui.surfaceError(err)
} else {
if err := gui.GitCommand.WithSpan(gui.Tr.Spans.UnstageFile).UnStageFile(file.Names(), file.Tracked); err != nil {
return gui.surfaceError(err)
} else {
// if any files within have inline merge conflicts we can't stage or unstage,
// or it'll end up with those >>>>>> lines actually staged
if node.GetHasInlineMergeConflicts() {
return gui.createErrorPanel(gui.Tr.ErrStageDirWithInlineMergeConflicts)
if node.GetHasUnstagedChanges() {
if err := gui.GitCommand.WithSpan(gui.Tr.Spans.StageFile).StageFile(node.Path); err != nil {
return gui.surfaceError(err)
} else {
// pretty sure it doesn't matter that we're always passing true here
if err := gui.GitCommand.WithSpan(gui.Tr.Spans.UnstageFile).UnStageFile([]string{node.Path}, true); err != nil {
return gui.surfaceError(err)
if err := gui.refreshSidePanels(refreshOptions{scope: []RefreshableView{FILES}}); err != nil {
return err
return gui.State.Contexts.Files.HandleFocus()
func (gui *Gui) allFilesStaged() bool {
for _, file := range gui.State.FileManager.GetAllFiles() {
if file.HasUnstagedChanges {
return false
return true
func (gui *Gui) onFocusFile() error {
return nil
func (gui *Gui) handleStageAll() error {
var err error
if gui.allFilesStaged() {
err = gui.GitCommand.WithSpan(gui.Tr.Spans.UnstageAllFiles).UnstageAll()
} else {
err = gui.GitCommand.WithSpan(gui.Tr.Spans.StageAllFiles).StageAll()
if err != nil {
_ = gui.surfaceError(err)
if err := gui.refreshSidePanels(refreshOptions{scope: []RefreshableView{FILES}}); err != nil {
return err
return gui.State.Contexts.Files.HandleFocus()
func (gui *Gui) handleIgnoreFile() error {
node := gui.getSelectedFileNode()
if node == nil {
return nil
if node.GetPath() == ".gitignore" {
return gui.createErrorPanel("Cannot ignore .gitignore")
gitCommand := gui.GitCommand.WithSpan(gui.Tr.Spans.IgnoreFile)
unstageFiles := func() error {
return node.ForEachFile(func(file *models.File) error {
if file.HasStagedChanges {
if err := gitCommand.UnStageFile(file.Names(), file.Tracked); err != nil {
return err
return nil
if node.GetIsTracked() {
return gui.ask(askOpts{
title: gui.Tr.IgnoreTracked,
prompt: gui.Tr.IgnoreTrackedPrompt,
handleConfirm: func() error {
// not 100% sure if this is necessary but I'll assume it is
if err := unstageFiles(); err != nil {
return err
if err := gitCommand.RemoveTrackedFiles(node.GetPath()); err != nil {
return err
if err := gitCommand.Ignore(node.GetPath()); err != nil {
return err
return gui.refreshSidePanels(refreshOptions{scope: []RefreshableView{FILES}})
if err := unstageFiles(); err != nil {
return err
if err := gitCommand.Ignore(node.GetPath()); err != nil {
return gui.surfaceError(err)
return gui.refreshSidePanels(refreshOptions{scope: []RefreshableView{FILES}})
func (gui *Gui) handleWIPCommitPress() error {
skipHookPrefix := gui.Config.GetUserConfig().Git.SkipHookPrefix
if skipHookPrefix == "" {
return gui.createErrorPanel(gui.Tr.SkipHookPrefixNotConfigured)
textArea := gui.Views.CommitMessage.TextArea
return gui.handleCommitPress()
func (gui *Gui) commitPrefixConfigForRepo() *config.CommitPrefixConfig {
cfg, ok := gui.Config.GetUserConfig().Git.CommitPrefixes[utils.GetCurrentRepoName()]
if !ok {
return nil
return &cfg
func (gui *Gui) prepareFilesForCommit() error {
noStagedFiles := len(gui.stagedFiles()) == 0
if noStagedFiles && gui.Config.GetUserConfig().Gui.SkipNoStagedFilesWarning {
err := gui.GitCommand.WithSpan(gui.Tr.Spans.StageAllFiles).StageAll()
if err != nil {
return err
return gui.refreshFilesAndSubmodules()
return nil
func (gui *Gui) handleCommitPress() error {
if err := gui.prepareFilesForCommit(); err != nil {
return gui.surfaceError(err)
if gui.State.FileManager.GetItemsLength() == 0 {
return gui.createErrorPanel(gui.Tr.NoFilesStagedTitle)
if len(gui.stagedFiles()) == 0 {
return gui.promptToStageAllAndRetry(gui.handleCommitPress)
commitPrefixConfig := gui.commitPrefixConfigForRepo()
if commitPrefixConfig != nil {
prefixPattern := commitPrefixConfig.Pattern
prefixReplace := commitPrefixConfig.Replace
rgx, err := regexp.Compile(prefixPattern)
if err != nil {
return gui.createErrorPanel(fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", gui.Tr.LcCommitPrefixPatternError, err.Error()))
prefix := rgx.ReplaceAllString(gui.getCheckedOutBranch().Name, prefixReplace)
gui.g.Update(func(g *gocui.Gui) error {
if err := gui.pushContext(gui.State.Contexts.CommitMessage); err != nil {
return err
return nil
return nil
func (gui *Gui) promptToStageAllAndRetry(retry func() error) error {
return gui.ask(askOpts{
title: gui.Tr.NoFilesStagedTitle,
prompt: gui.Tr.NoFilesStagedPrompt,
handleConfirm: func() error {
if err := gui.GitCommand.WithSpan(gui.Tr.Spans.StageAllFiles).StageAll(); err != nil {
return gui.surfaceError(err)
if err := gui.refreshFilesAndSubmodules(); err != nil {
return gui.surfaceError(err)
return retry()
func (gui *Gui) handleAmendCommitPress() error {
if gui.State.FileManager.GetItemsLength() == 0 {
return gui.createErrorPanel(gui.Tr.NoFilesStagedTitle)
if len(gui.stagedFiles()) == 0 {
return gui.promptToStageAllAndRetry(gui.handleAmendCommitPress)
if len(gui.State.Commits) == 0 {
return gui.createErrorPanel(gui.Tr.NoCommitToAmend)
return gui.ask(askOpts{
title: strings.Title(gui.Tr.AmendLastCommit),
prompt: gui.Tr.SureToAmend,
handleConfirm: func() error {
cmdStr := gui.GitCommand.AmendHeadCmdStr()
gui.OnRunCommand(oscommands.NewCmdLogEntry(cmdStr, gui.Tr.Spans.AmendCommit, true))
return gui.withGpgHandling(cmdStr, gui.Tr.AmendingStatus, nil)
// handleCommitEditorPress - handle when the user wants to commit changes via
// their editor rather than via the popup panel
func (gui *Gui) handleCommitEditorPress() error {
if gui.State.FileManager.GetItemsLength() == 0 {
return gui.createErrorPanel(gui.Tr.NoFilesStagedTitle)
if len(gui.stagedFiles()) == 0 {
return gui.promptToStageAllAndRetry(gui.handleCommitEditorPress)
args := []string{"commit"}
if gui.Config.GetUserConfig().Git.Commit.SignOff {
args = append(args, "--signoff")
return gui.runSubprocessWithSuspenseAndRefresh(
gui.OSCommand.WithSpan(gui.Tr.Spans.Commit).PrepareSubProcess("git", args...),
func (gui *Gui) handleStatusFilterPressed() error {
menuItems := []*menuItem{
displayString: gui.Tr.FilterStagedFiles,
onPress: func() error {
return gui.setStatusFiltering(filetree.DisplayStaged)
displayString: gui.Tr.FilterUnstagedFiles,
onPress: func() error {
return gui.setStatusFiltering(filetree.DisplayUnstaged)
displayString: gui.Tr.ResetCommitFilterState,
onPress: func() error {
return gui.setStatusFiltering(filetree.DisplayAll)
return gui.createMenu(gui.Tr.FilteringMenuTitle, menuItems, createMenuOptions{showCancel: true})
func (gui *Gui) setStatusFiltering(filter filetree.FileManagerDisplayFilter) error {
state := gui.State
return gui.handleRefreshFiles()
func (gui *Gui) editFile(filename string) error {
return gui.editFileAtLine(filename, 1)
func (gui *Gui) editFileAtLine(filename string, lineNumber int) error {
cmdStr, err := gui.GitCommand.EditFileCmdStr(filename, lineNumber)
if err != nil {
return gui.surfaceError(err)
return gui.runSubprocessWithSuspenseAndRefresh(
func (gui *Gui) handleFileEdit() error {
node := gui.getSelectedFileNode()
if node == nil {
return nil
if node.File == nil {
return gui.createErrorPanel(gui.Tr.ErrCannotEditDirectory)
return gui.editFile(node.GetPath())
func (gui *Gui) handleFileOpen() error {
node := gui.getSelectedFileNode()
if node == nil {
return nil
return gui.openFile(node.GetPath())
func (gui *Gui) handleRefreshFiles() error {
return gui.refreshSidePanels(refreshOptions{scope: []RefreshableView{FILES}})
func (gui *Gui) refreshStateFiles() error {
state := gui.State
// keep track of where the cursor is currently and the current file names
// when we refresh, go looking for a matching name
// move the cursor to there.
selectedNode := gui.getSelectedFileNode()
prevNodes := gui.State.FileManager.GetAllItems()
prevSelectedLineIdx := gui.State.Panels.Files.SelectedLineIdx
files := gui.GitCommand.GetStatusFiles(commands.GetStatusFileOptions{})
// for when you stage the old file of a rename and the new file is in a collapsed dir
for _, file := range files {
if selectedNode != nil && selectedNode.Path != "" && file.PreviousName == selectedNode.Path {
if err := gui.fileWatcher.addFilesToFileWatcher(files); err != nil {
return err
if selectedNode != nil {
newIdx := gui.findNewSelectedIdx(prevNodes[prevSelectedLineIdx:], state.FileManager.GetAllItems())
if newIdx != -1 && newIdx != prevSelectedLineIdx {
newNode := state.FileManager.GetItemAtIndex(newIdx)
// when not in tree mode, we show merge conflict files at the top, so you
// can work through them one by one without having to sift through a large
// set of files. If you have just fixed the merge conflicts of a file, we
// actually don't want to jump to that file's new position, because that
// file will now be ages away amidst the other files without merge
// conflicts: the user in this case would rather work on the next file
// with merge conflicts, which will have moved up to fill the gap left by
// the last file, meaning the cursor doesn't need to move at all.
leaveCursor := !state.FileManager.InTreeMode() && newNode != nil &&
selectedNode.File != nil && selectedNode.File.HasMergeConflicts &&
newNode.File != nil && !newNode.File.HasMergeConflicts
if !leaveCursor {
state.Panels.Files.SelectedLineIdx = newIdx
gui.refreshSelectedLine(state.Panels.Files, state.FileManager.GetItemsLength())
return nil
// Let's try to find our file again and move the cursor to that.
// If we can't find our file, it was probably just removed by the user. In that
// case, we go looking for where the next file has been moved to. Given that the
// user could have removed a whole directory, we continue iterating through the old
// nodes until we find one that exists in the new set of nodes, then move the cursor
// to that.
// prevNodes starts from our previously selected node because we don't need to consider anything above that
func (gui *Gui) findNewSelectedIdx(prevNodes []*filetree.FileNode, currNodes []*filetree.FileNode) int {
getPaths := func(node *filetree.FileNode) []string {
if node == nil {
return nil
if node.File != nil && node.File.IsRename() {
return node.File.Names()
} else {
return []string{node.Path}
for _, prevNode := range prevNodes {
selectedPaths := getPaths(prevNode)
for idx, node := range currNodes {
paths := getPaths(node)
// If you started off with a rename selected, and now it's broken in two, we want you to jump to the new file, not the old file.
// This is because the new should be in the same position as the rename was meaning less cursor jumping
foundOldFileInRename := prevNode.File != nil && prevNode.File.IsRename() && node.Path == prevNode.File.PreviousName
foundNode := utils.StringArraysOverlap(paths, selectedPaths) && !foundOldFileInRename
if foundNode {
return idx
return -1
func (gui *Gui) handlePullFiles() error {
if gui.popupPanelFocused() {
return nil
span := gui.Tr.Spans.Pull
currentBranch := gui.currentBranch()
if currentBranch == nil {
// need to wait for branches to refresh
return nil
// if we have no upstream branch we need to set that first
if !currentBranch.IsTrackingRemote() {
// see if we have this branch in our config with an upstream
conf, err := gui.GitCommand.Repo.Config()
if err != nil {
return gui.surfaceError(err)
for branchName, branch := range conf.Branches {
if branchName == currentBranch.Name {
return gui.pullFiles(PullFilesOptions{RemoteName: branch.Remote, BranchName: branch.Name, span: span})
suggestedRemote := getSuggestedRemote(gui.State.Remotes)
return gui.prompt(promptOpts{
title: gui.Tr.EnterUpstream,
initialContent: suggestedRemote + "/" + currentBranch.Name,
findSuggestionsFunc: gui.getRemoteBranchesSuggestionsFunc("/"),
handleConfirm: func(upstream string) error {
if err := gui.GitCommand.SetUpstreamBranch(upstream); err != nil {
errorMessage := err.Error()
if strings.Contains(errorMessage, "does not exist") {
errorMessage = fmt.Sprintf("upstream branch %s not found.\nIf you expect it to exist, you should fetch (with 'f').\nOtherwise, you should push (with 'shift+P')", upstream)
return gui.createErrorPanel(errorMessage)
return gui.pullFiles(PullFilesOptions{span: span})
return gui.pullFiles(PullFilesOptions{span: span})
type PullFilesOptions struct {
RemoteName string
BranchName string
FastForwardOnly bool
span string
func (gui *Gui) pullFiles(opts PullFilesOptions) error {
if err := gui.createLoaderPanel(gui.Tr.PullWait); err != nil {
return err
// TODO: this doesn't look like a good idea. Why the goroutine?
go utils.Safe(func() { _ = gui.pullWithLock(opts) })
return nil
func (gui *Gui) pullWithLock(opts PullFilesOptions) error {
defer gui.Mutexes.FetchMutex.Unlock()
gitCommand := gui.GitCommand.WithSpan(opts.span)
err := gitCommand.Pull(
PromptUserForCredential: gui.promptUserForCredential,
RemoteName: opts.RemoteName,
BranchName: opts.BranchName,
FastForwardOnly: opts.FastForwardOnly,
if err == nil {
_ = gui.closeConfirmationPrompt(false)
return gui.handleGenericMergeCommandResult(err)
type pushOpts struct {
force bool
upstreamRemote string
upstreamBranch string
setUpstream bool
func (gui *Gui) push(opts pushOpts) error {
if err := gui.createLoaderPanel(gui.Tr.PushWait); err != nil {
return err
go utils.Safe(func() {
err := gui.GitCommand.WithSpan(gui.Tr.Spans.Push).Push(commands.PushOpts{
Force: opts.force,
UpstreamRemote: opts.upstreamRemote,
UpstreamBranch: opts.upstreamBranch,
SetUpstream: opts.setUpstream,
PromptUserForCredential: gui.promptUserForCredential,
if err != nil && !opts.force && strings.Contains(err.Error(), "Updates were rejected") {
forcePushDisabled := gui.Config.GetUserConfig().Git.DisableForcePushing
if forcePushDisabled {
_ = gui.createErrorPanel(gui.Tr.UpdatesRejectedAndForcePushDisabled)
_ = gui.ask(askOpts{
title: gui.Tr.ForcePush,
prompt: gui.Tr.ForcePushPrompt,
handleConfirm: func() error {
newOpts := opts
newOpts.force = true
return gui.push(newOpts)
_ = gui.refreshSidePanels(refreshOptions{mode: ASYNC})
return nil
func (gui *Gui) pushFiles() error {
if gui.popupPanelFocused() {
return nil
// if we have pullables we'll ask if the user wants to force push
currentBranch := gui.currentBranch()
if currentBranch == nil {
// need to wait for branches to refresh
return nil
if currentBranch.IsTrackingRemote() {
if currentBranch.HasCommitsToPull() {
return gui.requestToForcePush()
} else {
return gui.push(pushOpts{})
} else {
// see if we have an upstream for this branch in our config
upstreamRemote, upstreamBranch, err := gui.upstreamForBranchInConfig(currentBranch.Name)
if err != nil {
return gui.surfaceError(err)
if upstreamBranch != "" {
return gui.push(
force: false,
upstreamRemote: upstreamRemote,
upstreamBranch: upstreamBranch,
suggestedRemote := getSuggestedRemote(gui.State.Remotes)
if gui.GitCommand.PushToCurrent {
return gui.push(pushOpts{setUpstream: true})
} else {
return gui.prompt(promptOpts{
title: gui.Tr.EnterUpstream,
initialContent: suggestedRemote + " " + currentBranch.Name,
findSuggestionsFunc: gui.getRemoteBranchesSuggestionsFunc(" "),
handleConfirm: func(upstream string) error {
var upstreamBranch, upstreamRemote string
split := strings.Split(upstream, " ")
if len(split) == 2 {
upstreamRemote = split[0]
upstreamBranch = split[1]
} else {
upstreamRemote = upstream
upstreamBranch = ""
return gui.push(pushOpts{
force: false,
upstreamRemote: upstreamRemote,
upstreamBranch: upstreamBranch,
setUpstream: true,
func getSuggestedRemote(remotes []*models.Remote) string {
if len(remotes) == 0 {
return "origin"
for _, remote := range remotes {
if remote.Name == "origin" {
return remote.Name
return remotes[0].Name
func (gui *Gui) requestToForcePush() error {
forcePushDisabled := gui.Config.GetUserConfig().Git.DisableForcePushing
if forcePushDisabled {
return gui.createErrorPanel(gui.Tr.ForcePushDisabled)
return gui.ask(askOpts{
title: gui.Tr.ForcePush,
prompt: gui.Tr.ForcePushPrompt,
handleConfirm: func() error {
return gui.push(pushOpts{force: true})
func (gui *Gui) upstreamForBranchInConfig(branchName string) (string, string, error) {
conf, err := gui.GitCommand.Repo.Config()
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
for configBranchName, configBranch := range conf.Branches {
if configBranchName == branchName {
return configBranch.Remote, configBranchName, nil
return "", "", nil
func (gui *Gui) handleSwitchToMerge() error {
file := gui.getSelectedFile()
if file == nil {
return nil
if !file.HasInlineMergeConflicts {
return gui.createErrorPanel(gui.Tr.FileNoMergeCons)
return gui.pushContext(gui.State.Contexts.Merging)
func (gui *Gui) openFile(filename string) error {
if err := gui.OSCommand.WithSpan(gui.Tr.Spans.OpenFile).OpenFile(filename); err != nil {
return gui.surfaceError(err)
return nil
func (gui *Gui) anyFilesWithMergeConflicts() bool {
for _, file := range gui.State.FileManager.GetAllFiles() {
if file.HasMergeConflicts {
return true
return false
func (gui *Gui) handleCustomCommand() error {
return gui.prompt(promptOpts{
title: gui.Tr.CustomCommand,
findSuggestionsFunc: gui.getCustomCommandsHistorySuggestionsFunc(),
handleConfirm: func(command string) error {
gui.Config.GetAppState().CustomCommandsHistory = utils.Limit(
append(gui.Config.GetAppState().CustomCommandsHistory, command),
err := gui.Config.SaveAppState()
if err != nil {
gui.OnRunCommand(oscommands.NewCmdLogEntry(command, gui.Tr.Spans.CustomCommand, true))
return gui.runSubprocessWithSuspenseAndRefresh(
func (gui *Gui) handleCreateStashMenu() error {
menuItems := []*menuItem{
displayString: gui.Tr.LcStashAllChanges,
onPress: func() error {
return gui.handleStashSave(gui.GitCommand.WithSpan(gui.Tr.Spans.StashAllChanges).StashSave)
displayString: gui.Tr.LcStashStagedChanges,
onPress: func() error {
return gui.handleStashSave(gui.GitCommand.WithSpan(gui.Tr.Spans.StashStagedChanges).StashSaveStagedChanges)
return gui.createMenu(gui.Tr.LcStashOptions, menuItems, createMenuOptions{showCancel: true})
func (gui *Gui) handleStashChanges() error {
return gui.handleStashSave(gui.GitCommand.StashSave)
func (gui *Gui) handleCreateResetToUpstreamMenu() error {
return gui.createResetMenu("@{upstream}")
func (gui *Gui) handleToggleDirCollapsed() error {
node := gui.getSelectedFileNode()
if node == nil {
return nil
if err := gui.postRefreshUpdate(gui.State.Contexts.Files); err != nil {
return nil
func (gui *Gui) handleToggleFileTreeView() error {
// get path of currently selected file
path := gui.getSelectedPath()
// find that same node in the new format and move the cursor to it
if path != "" {
index, found := gui.State.FileManager.GetIndexForPath(path)
if found {
if ContextKey(gui.Views.Files.Context) == FILES_CONTEXT_KEY {
if err := gui.State.Contexts.Files.HandleRender(); err != nil {
return err
if err := gui.State.Contexts.Files.HandleFocus(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (gui *Gui) handleOpenMergeTool() error {
return gui.ask(askOpts{
title: gui.Tr.MergeToolTitle,
prompt: gui.Tr.MergeToolPrompt,
handleConfirm: func() error {
return gui.runSubprocessWithSuspenseAndRefresh(