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synced 2025-03-21 21:47:32 +02:00
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898 lines
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package gui
import (
goContext "context"
appTypes "github.com/jesseduffield/lazygit/pkg/app/types"
integrationTypes "github.com/jesseduffield/lazygit/pkg/integration/types"
const StartupPopupVersion = 5
// OverlappingEdges determines if panel edges overlap
var OverlappingEdges = false
type Repo string
// Gui wraps the gocui Gui object which handles rendering and events
type Gui struct {
g *gocui.Gui
gitVersion *git_commands.GitVersion
git *commands.GitCommand
os *oscommands.OSCommand
// this is the state of the GUI for the current repo
State *GuiRepoState
CustomCommandsClient *custom_commands.Client
// this is a mapping of repos to gui states, so that we can restore the original
// gui state when returning from a subrepo.
// In repos with multiple worktrees, we store a separate repo state per worktree.
RepoStateMap map[Repo]*GuiRepoState
Config config.AppConfigurer
Updater *updates.Updater
statusManager *status.StatusManager
waitForIntro sync.WaitGroup
viewBufferManagerMap map[string]*tasks.ViewBufferManager
// holds a mapping of view names to ptmx's. This is for rendering command outputs
// from within a pty. The point of keeping track of them is so that if we re-size
// the window, we can tell the pty it needs to resize accordingly.
viewPtmxMap map[string]*os.File
stopChan chan struct{}
// when lazygit is opened outside a git directory we want to open to the most
// recent repo with the recent repos popup showing
showRecentRepos bool
Mutexes types.Mutexes
// when you enter into a submodule we'll append the superproject's path to this array
// so that you can return to the superproject
RepoPathStack *utils.StringStack
// this tells us whether our views have been initially set up
ViewsSetup bool
Views types.Views
// Log of the commands/actions logged in the Command Log panel.
GuiLog []string
// the extras window contains things like the command log
ShowExtrasWindow bool
PopupHandler types.IPopupHandler
IsNewRepo bool
IsRefreshingFiles bool
// we use this to decide whether we'll return to the original directory that
// lazygit was opened in, or if we'll retain the one we're currently in.
RetainOriginalDir bool
// stores long-running operations associated with items (e.g. when a branch
// is being pushed). At the moment the rule is to use an item operation when
// we need to talk to the remote.
itemOperations map[string]types.ItemOperation
itemOperationsMutex *deadlock.Mutex
PrevLayout PrevLayout
// this is the initial dir we are in upon opening lazygit. We hold onto this
// in case we want to restore it before quitting for users who have set up
// the feature for changing directory upon quit.
// The reason we don't just wait until quit time to handle changing directories
// is because some users want to keep track of the current lazygit directory in an outside
// process
InitialDir string
BackgroundRoutineMgr *BackgroundRoutineMgr
// for accessing the gui's state from outside this package
stateAccessor *StateAccessor
Updating bool
c *helpers.HelperCommon
helpers *helpers.Helpers
integrationTest integrationTypes.IntegrationTest
afterLayoutFuncs chan func() error
type StateAccessor struct {
gui *Gui
var _ types.IStateAccessor = new(StateAccessor)
func (self *StateAccessor) GetRepoPathStack() *utils.StringStack {
return self.gui.RepoPathStack
func (self *StateAccessor) GetUpdating() bool {
return self.gui.Updating
func (self *StateAccessor) SetUpdating(value bool) {
self.gui.Updating = value
func (self *StateAccessor) GetRepoState() types.IRepoStateAccessor {
return self.gui.State
func (self *StateAccessor) GetIsRefreshingFiles() bool {
return self.gui.IsRefreshingFiles
func (self *StateAccessor) SetIsRefreshingFiles(value bool) {
self.gui.IsRefreshingFiles = value
func (self *StateAccessor) GetShowExtrasWindow() bool {
return self.gui.ShowExtrasWindow
func (self *StateAccessor) SetShowExtrasWindow(value bool) {
self.gui.ShowExtrasWindow = value
func (self *StateAccessor) GetRetainOriginalDir() bool {
return self.gui.RetainOriginalDir
func (self *StateAccessor) SetRetainOriginalDir(value bool) {
self.gui.RetainOriginalDir = value
func (self *StateAccessor) GetItemOperation(item types.HasUrn) types.ItemOperation {
defer self.gui.itemOperationsMutex.Unlock()
return self.gui.itemOperations[item.URN()]
func (self *StateAccessor) SetItemOperation(item types.HasUrn, operation types.ItemOperation) {
defer self.gui.itemOperationsMutex.Unlock()
self.gui.itemOperations[item.URN()] = operation
func (self *StateAccessor) ClearItemOperation(item types.HasUrn) {
defer self.gui.itemOperationsMutex.Unlock()
delete(self.gui.itemOperations, item.URN())
// we keep track of some stuff from one render to the next to see if certain
// things have changed
type PrevLayout struct {
Information string
MainWidth int
MainHeight int
type GuiRepoState struct {
Model *types.Model
Modes *types.Modes
SplitMainPanel bool
LimitCommits bool
SearchState *types.SearchState
StartupStage types.StartupStage // Allows us to not load everything at once
ContextMgr *ContextMgr
Contexts *context.ContextTree
// WindowViewNameMap is a mapping of windows to the current view of that window.
// Some views move between windows for example the commitFiles view and when cycling through
// side windows we need to know which view to give focus to for a given window
WindowViewNameMap *utils.ThreadSafeMap[string, string]
// tells us whether we've set up our views for the current repo. We'll need to
// do this whenever we switch back and forth between repos to get the views
// back in sync with the repo state
ViewsSetup bool
ScreenMode types.WindowMaximisation
CurrentPopupOpts *types.CreatePopupPanelOpts
var _ types.IRepoStateAccessor = new(GuiRepoState)
func (self *GuiRepoState) GetViewsSetup() bool {
return self.ViewsSetup
func (self *GuiRepoState) GetWindowViewNameMap() *utils.ThreadSafeMap[string, string] {
return self.WindowViewNameMap
func (self *GuiRepoState) GetStartupStage() types.StartupStage {
return self.StartupStage
func (self *GuiRepoState) SetStartupStage(value types.StartupStage) {
self.StartupStage = value
func (self *GuiRepoState) GetCurrentPopupOpts() *types.CreatePopupPanelOpts {
return self.CurrentPopupOpts
func (self *GuiRepoState) SetCurrentPopupOpts(value *types.CreatePopupPanelOpts) {
self.CurrentPopupOpts = value
func (self *GuiRepoState) GetScreenMode() types.WindowMaximisation {
return self.ScreenMode
func (self *GuiRepoState) SetScreenMode(value types.WindowMaximisation) {
self.ScreenMode = value
func (self *GuiRepoState) InSearchPrompt() bool {
return self.SearchState.SearchType() != types.SearchTypeNone
func (self *GuiRepoState) GetSearchState() *types.SearchState {
return self.SearchState
func (self *GuiRepoState) SetSplitMainPanel(value bool) {
self.SplitMainPanel = value
func (self *GuiRepoState) GetSplitMainPanel() bool {
return self.SplitMainPanel
func (gui *Gui) onNewRepo(startArgs appTypes.StartArgs, contextKey types.ContextKey) error {
var err error
gui.git, err = commands.NewGitCommand(
if err != nil {
return err
contextToPush := gui.resetState(startArgs)
if err := gui.resetKeybindings(); err != nil {
return err
gui.g.SetFocusHandler(func(Focused bool) error {
if Focused {
gui.c.Log.Info("Receiving focus - refreshing")
return gui.helpers.Refresh.Refresh(types.RefreshOptions{Mode: types.ASYNC})
return nil
// if a context key has been given, push that instead, and set its index to 0
if contextKey != context.NO_CONTEXT {
contextToPush = gui.c.ContextForKey(contextKey)
// when we pass a list context, the expectation is that our cursor goes to the top,
// because e.g. with worktrees, we'll show the current worktree at the top of the list.
listContext, ok := contextToPush.(types.IListContext)
if ok {
if err := gui.c.PushContext(contextToPush); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// reuseState determines if we pull the repo state from our repo state map or
// just re-initialize it. For now we're only re-using state when we're going
// in and out of submodules, for the sake of having the cursor back on the submodule
// when we return.
// I tried out always reverting to the repo's original state but found that in fact
// it gets a bit confusing to land back in the status panel when visiting a repo
// you've already switched from. There's no doubt some easy way to make the UX
// optimal for all cases but I'm too lazy to think about what that is right now
func (gui *Gui) resetState(startArgs appTypes.StartArgs) types.Context {
worktreePath := gui.git.RepoPaths.WorktreePath()
if state := gui.RepoStateMap[Repo(worktreePath)]; state != nil {
gui.State = state
gui.State.ViewsSetup = false
contextTree := gui.State.Contexts
gui.State.WindowViewNameMap = initialWindowViewNameMap(contextTree)
// setting this to nil so we don't get stuck based on a popup that was
// previously opened
gui.State.CurrentPopupOpts = nil
return gui.c.CurrentContext()
contextTree := gui.contextTree()
initialScreenMode := initialScreenMode(startArgs, gui.Config)
gui.State = &GuiRepoState{
ViewsSetup: false,
Model: &types.Model{
CommitFiles: nil,
Files: make([]*models.File, 0),
Commits: make([]*models.Commit, 0),
StashEntries: make([]*models.StashEntry, 0),
FilteredReflogCommits: make([]*models.Commit, 0),
ReflogCommits: make([]*models.Commit, 0),
BisectInfo: git_commands.NewNullBisectInfo(),
FilesTrie: patricia.NewTrie(),
Authors: map[string]*models.Author{},
Modes: &types.Modes{
Filtering: filtering.New(startArgs.FilterPath),
CherryPicking: cherrypicking.New(),
Diffing: diffing.New(),
MarkedBaseCommit: marked_base_commit.New(),
ScreenMode: initialScreenMode,
// TODO: only use contexts from context manager
ContextMgr: NewContextMgr(gui, contextTree),
Contexts: contextTree,
WindowViewNameMap: initialWindowViewNameMap(contextTree),
SearchState: types.NewSearchState(),
gui.RepoStateMap[Repo(worktreePath)] = gui.State
return initialContext(contextTree, startArgs)
func initialWindowViewNameMap(contextTree *context.ContextTree) *utils.ThreadSafeMap[string, string] {
result := utils.NewThreadSafeMap[string, string]()
for _, context := range contextTree.Flatten() {
result.Set(context.GetWindowName(), context.GetViewName())
return result
func initialScreenMode(startArgs appTypes.StartArgs, config config.AppConfigurer) types.WindowMaximisation {
if startArgs.FilterPath != "" || startArgs.GitArg != appTypes.GitArgNone {
return types.SCREEN_FULL
} else {
defaultWindowSize := config.GetUserConfig().Gui.WindowSize
switch defaultWindowSize {
case "half":
return types.SCREEN_HALF
case "full":
return types.SCREEN_FULL
return types.SCREEN_NORMAL
func initialContext(contextTree *context.ContextTree, startArgs appTypes.StartArgs) types.IListContext {
var initialContext types.IListContext = contextTree.Files
if startArgs.FilterPath != "" {
initialContext = contextTree.LocalCommits
} else if startArgs.GitArg != appTypes.GitArgNone {
switch startArgs.GitArg {
case appTypes.GitArgStatus:
initialContext = contextTree.Files
case appTypes.GitArgBranch:
initialContext = contextTree.Branches
case appTypes.GitArgLog:
initialContext = contextTree.LocalCommits
case appTypes.GitArgStash:
initialContext = contextTree.Stash
panic("unhandled git arg")
return initialContext
func (gui *Gui) Contexts() *context.ContextTree {
return gui.State.Contexts
// for now the split view will always be on
// NewGui builds a new gui handler
func NewGui(
cmn *common.Common,
config config.AppConfigurer,
gitVersion *git_commands.GitVersion,
updater *updates.Updater,
showRecentRepos bool,
initialDir string,
test integrationTypes.IntegrationTest,
) (*Gui, error) {
gui := &Gui{
Common: cmn,
gitVersion: gitVersion,
Config: config,
Updater: updater,
statusManager: status.NewStatusManager(),
viewBufferManagerMap: map[string]*tasks.ViewBufferManager{},
viewPtmxMap: map[string]*os.File{},
showRecentRepos: showRecentRepos,
RepoPathStack: &utils.StringStack{},
RepoStateMap: map[Repo]*GuiRepoState{},
GuiLog: []string{},
// originally we could only hide the command log permanently via the config
// but now we do it via state. So we need to still support the config for the
// sake of backwards compatibility. We're making use of short circuiting here
ShowExtrasWindow: cmn.UserConfig.Gui.ShowCommandLog && !config.GetAppState().HideCommandLog,
Mutexes: types.Mutexes{
RefreshingFilesMutex: &deadlock.Mutex{},
RefreshingBranchesMutex: &deadlock.Mutex{},
RefreshingStatusMutex: &deadlock.Mutex{},
LocalCommitsMutex: &deadlock.Mutex{},
SubCommitsMutex: &deadlock.Mutex{},
AuthorsMutex: &deadlock.Mutex{},
SubprocessMutex: &deadlock.Mutex{},
PopupMutex: &deadlock.Mutex{},
PtyMutex: &deadlock.Mutex{},
InitialDir: initialDir,
afterLayoutFuncs: make(chan func() error, 1000),
itemOperations: make(map[string]types.ItemOperation),
itemOperationsMutex: &deadlock.Mutex{},
gui.PopupHandler = popup.NewPopupHandler(
func(ctx goContext.Context, opts types.CreatePopupPanelOpts) error {
return gui.helpers.Confirmation.CreatePopupPanel(ctx, opts)
func() error { return gui.c.Refresh(types.RefreshOptions{Mode: types.ASYNC}) },
func() error { return gui.State.ContextMgr.Pop() },
func() types.Context { return gui.State.ContextMgr.Current() },
func(message string, f func(gocui.Task) error) { gui.helpers.AppStatus.WithWaitingStatus(message, f) },
func(message string, f func() error) {
gui.helpers.AppStatus.WithWaitingStatusSync(message, f)
func(message string, kind types.ToastKind) { gui.helpers.AppStatus.Toast(message, kind) },
func() string { return gui.Views.Confirmation.TextArea.GetContent() },
func() bool { return gui.c.InDemo() },
guiCommon := &guiCommon{gui: gui, IPopupHandler: gui.PopupHandler}
helperCommon := &helpers.HelperCommon{IGuiCommon: guiCommon, Common: cmn, IGetContexts: gui}
credentialsHelper := helpers.NewCredentialsHelper(helperCommon)
guiIO := oscommands.NewGuiIO(
osCommand := oscommands.NewOSCommand(cmn, config, oscommands.GetPlatform(), guiIO)
gui.os = osCommand
// storing this stuff on the gui for now to ease refactoring
// TODO: reset these controllers upon changing repos due to state changing
gui.c = helperCommon
if gui.UserConfig.Gui.NerdFontsVersion != "" {
} else if gui.UserConfig.Gui.ShowIcons {
gui.BackgroundRoutineMgr = &BackgroundRoutineMgr{gui: gui}
gui.stateAccessor = &StateAccessor{gui: gui}
return gui, nil
var RuneReplacements = map[rune]string{
// for the commit graph
graph.MergeSymbol: "M",
graph.CommitSymbol: "o",
func (gui *Gui) initGocui(headless bool, test integrationTypes.IntegrationTest) (*gocui.Gui, error) {
runInSandbox := os.Getenv(components.SANDBOX_ENV_VAR) == "true"
playRecording := test != nil && !runInSandbox
width, height := 0, 0
if test != nil {
if test.RequiresHeadless() {
if runInSandbox {
panic("Test requires headless, can't run in sandbox")
headless = true
width, height = test.HeadlessDimensions()
g, err := gocui.NewGui(gocui.NewGuiOpts{
OutputMode: gocui.OutputTrue,
SupportOverlaps: OverlappingEdges,
PlayRecording: playRecording,
Headless: headless,
RuneReplacements: RuneReplacements,
Width: width,
Height: height,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return g, nil
func (gui *Gui) viewTabMap() map[string][]context.TabView {
result := map[string][]context.TabView{
"branches": {
Tab: gui.c.Tr.LocalBranchesTitle,
ViewName: "localBranches",
Tab: gui.c.Tr.RemotesTitle,
ViewName: "remotes",
Tab: gui.c.Tr.TagsTitle,
ViewName: "tags",
"commits": {
Tab: gui.c.Tr.CommitsTitle,
ViewName: "commits",
Tab: gui.c.Tr.ReflogCommitsTitle,
ViewName: "reflogCommits",
"files": {
Tab: gui.c.Tr.FilesTitle,
ViewName: "files",
Tab: gui.c.Tr.WorktreesTitle,
ViewName: "worktrees",
Tab: gui.c.Tr.SubmodulesTitle,
ViewName: "submodules",
return result
// Run: setup the gui with keybindings and start the mainloop
func (gui *Gui) Run(startArgs appTypes.StartArgs) error {
g, err := gui.initGocui(Headless(), startArgs.IntegrationTest)
if err != nil {
return err
defer gui.checkForDeprecatedEditConfigs()
gui.g = g
defer gui.g.Close()
// if the deadlock package wants to report a deadlock, we first need to
// close the gui so that we can actually read what it prints.
deadlock.Opts.LogBuf = utils.NewOnceWriter(os.Stderr, func() {
// disable deadlock reporting if we're not running in debug mode, or if
// we're debugging an integration test. In this latter case, stopping at
// breakpoints and stepping through code can easily take more than 30s.
deadlock.Opts.Disable = !gui.Debug || os.Getenv(components.WAIT_FOR_DEBUGGER_ENV_VAR) == ""
if err := gui.Config.ReloadUserConfig(); err != nil {
return nil
userConfig := gui.UserConfig
gui.g.OnSearchEscape = func() error { gui.helpers.Search.Cancel(); return nil }
gui.g.SearchEscapeKey = keybindings.GetKey(userConfig.Keybinding.Universal.Return)
gui.g.NextSearchMatchKey = keybindings.GetKey(userConfig.Keybinding.Universal.NextMatch)
gui.g.PrevSearchMatchKey = keybindings.GetKey(userConfig.Keybinding.Universal.PrevMatch)
gui.g.ShowListFooter = userConfig.Gui.ShowListFooter
if userConfig.Gui.MouseEvents {
gui.g.Mouse = true
if err := gui.setColorScheme(); err != nil {
return err
gui.g.SetManager(gocui.ManagerFunc(gui.layout), gocui.ManagerFunc(gui.getFocusLayout()))
if err := gui.createAllViews(); err != nil {
return err
// onNewRepo must be called after g.SetManager because SetManager deletes keybindings
if err := gui.onNewRepo(startArgs, context.NO_CONTEXT); err != nil {
return err
gui.c.Log.Info("starting main loop")
// setting here so we can use it in layout.go
gui.integrationTest = startArgs.IntegrationTest
return gui.g.MainLoop()
func (gui *Gui) RunAndHandleError(startArgs appTypes.StartArgs) error {
gui.stopChan = make(chan struct{})
return utils.SafeWithError(func() error {
if err := gui.Run(startArgs); err != nil {
for _, manager := range gui.viewBufferManagerMap {
switch err {
case gocui.ErrQuit:
if gui.c.State().GetRetainOriginalDir() {
if err := gui.helpers.RecordDirectory.RecordDirectory(gui.InitialDir); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if err := gui.helpers.RecordDirectory.RecordCurrentDirectory(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
return err
return nil
func (gui *Gui) checkForDeprecatedEditConfigs() {
osConfig := &gui.UserConfig.OS
deprecatedConfigs := []struct {
config string
oldName string
newName string
{osConfig.EditCommand, "EditCommand", "Edit"},
{osConfig.EditCommandTemplate, "EditCommandTemplate", "Edit,EditAtLine"},
{osConfig.OpenCommand, "OpenCommand", "Open"},
{osConfig.OpenLinkCommand, "OpenLinkCommand", "OpenLink"},
deprecatedConfigStrings := []string{}
for _, dc := range deprecatedConfigs {
if dc.config != "" {
deprecatedConfigStrings = append(deprecatedConfigStrings, fmt.Sprintf(" OS.%s -> OS.%s", dc.oldName, dc.newName))
if len(deprecatedConfigStrings) != 0 {
warningMessage := utils.ResolvePlaceholderString(
"configs": strings.Join(deprecatedConfigStrings, "\n"),
// returns whether command exited without error or not
func (gui *Gui) runSubprocessWithSuspenseAndRefresh(subprocess oscommands.ICmdObj) error {
_, err := gui.runSubprocessWithSuspense(subprocess)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := gui.c.Refresh(types.RefreshOptions{Mode: types.ASYNC}); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// returns whether command exited without error or not
func (gui *Gui) runSubprocessWithSuspense(subprocess oscommands.ICmdObj) (bool, error) {
defer gui.Mutexes.SubprocessMutex.Unlock()
if err := gui.g.Suspend(); err != nil {
return false, gui.c.Error(err)
defer gui.BackgroundRoutineMgr.PauseBackgroundRefreshes(false)
cmdErr := gui.runSubprocess(subprocess)
if err := gui.g.Resume(); err != nil {
return false, err
if cmdErr != nil {
return false, gui.c.Error(cmdErr)
return true, nil
func (gui *Gui) runSubprocess(cmdObj oscommands.ICmdObj) error { //nolint:unparam
gui.LogCommand(cmdObj.ToString(), true)
subprocess := cmdObj.GetCmd()
subprocess.Stdout = os.Stdout
subprocess.Stderr = os.Stdout
subprocess.Stdin = os.Stdin
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "\n%s\n\n", style.FgBlue.Sprint("+ "+strings.Join(subprocess.Args, " ")))
err := subprocess.Run()
subprocess.Stdout = io.Discard
subprocess.Stderr = io.Discard
subprocess.Stdin = nil
if gui.Config.GetUserConfig().PromptToReturnFromSubprocess {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "\n%s", style.FgGreen.Sprint(gui.Tr.PressEnterToReturn))
// scan to buffer to prevent run unintentional operations when TUI resumes.
var buffer string
fmt.Scanln(&buffer) // wait for enter press
return err
func (gui *Gui) loadNewRepo() error {
if err := gui.updateRecentRepoList(); err != nil {
return err
if err := gui.c.Refresh(types.RefreshOptions{Mode: types.ASYNC}); err != nil {
return err
if err := gui.os.UpdateWindowTitle(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (gui *Gui) showIntroPopupMessage() {
gui.c.OnUIThread(func() error {
onConfirm := func() error {
gui.c.GetAppState().StartupPopupVersion = StartupPopupVersion
err := gui.c.SaveAppState()
return err
return gui.c.Confirm(types.ConfirmOpts{
Title: "",
Prompt: gui.c.Tr.IntroPopupMessage,
HandleConfirm: onConfirm,
HandleClose: onConfirm,
// setColorScheme sets the color scheme for the app based on the user config
func (gui *Gui) setColorScheme() error {
userConfig := gui.UserConfig
gui.g.FgColor = theme.InactiveBorderColor
gui.g.SelFgColor = theme.ActiveBorderColor
gui.g.FrameColor = theme.InactiveBorderColor
gui.g.SelFrameColor = theme.ActiveBorderColor
return nil
func (gui *Gui) onUIThread(f func() error) {
gui.g.Update(func(*gocui.Gui) error {
return f()
func (gui *Gui) onWorker(f func(gocui.Task)) {
func (gui *Gui) getWindowDimensions(informationStr string, appStatus string) map[string]boxlayout.Dimensions {
return gui.helpers.WindowArrangement.GetWindowDimensions(informationStr, appStatus)