mirror of https://github.com/jesseduffield/lazygit.git synced 2025-03-19 21:28:28 +02:00
Jesse Duffield f3eb180f75 Standardise display of range selection across views
We're not fully standardising here: different contexts can store their range state however
they like. What we are standardising on is that now the view is always responsible for
highlighting the selected lines, meaning the context/controller needs to tell the view
where the range start is.

Two convenient benefits from this change:
1) we no longer need bespoke code in integration tests for asserting on selected lines because
we can just ask the view
2) line selection in staging/patch-building/merge-conflicts views now look the same as in
list views i.e. the highlight applies to the whole line (including trailing space)

I also noticed a bug with merge conflicts not rendering the selection on focus though I suspect
it wasn't a bug with any real consequences when the view wasn't displaying the selection.

I'm going to scrap the selectedRangeBgColor config and just let it use the single line
background color. Hopefully nobody cares, but there's really no need for an extra config.
2024-01-19 10:47:21 +11:00

306 lines
7.7 KiB

package gui
import (
// layout is called for every screen re-render e.g. when the screen is resized
func (gui *Gui) layout(g *gocui.Gui) error {
if !gui.ViewsSetup {
if _, err := gui.g.SetCurrentView(gui.defaultSideContext().GetViewName()); err != nil {
return err
g.Highlight = true
width, height := g.Size()
informationStr := gui.informationStr()
appStatus := gui.helpers.AppStatus.GetStatusString()
viewDimensions := gui.getWindowDimensions(informationStr, appStatus)
// reading more lines into main view buffers upon resize
prevMainView := gui.Views.Main
if prevMainView != nil {
_, prevMainHeight := prevMainView.Size()
newMainHeight := viewDimensions["main"].Y1 - viewDimensions["main"].Y0 - 1
heightDiff := newMainHeight - prevMainHeight
if heightDiff > 0 {
if manager, ok := gui.viewBufferManagerMap["main"]; ok {
if manager, ok := gui.viewBufferManagerMap["secondary"]; ok {
contextsToRerender := []types.Context{}
// we assume that the view has already been created.
setViewFromDimensions := func(context types.Context) (*gocui.View, error) {
viewName := context.GetViewName()
windowName := context.GetWindowName()
dimensionsObj, ok := viewDimensions[windowName]
view, err := g.View(viewName)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !ok {
// view not specified in dimensions object: so create the view and hide it
// making the view take up the whole space in the background in case it needs
// to render content as soon as it appears, because lazyloaded content (via a pty task)
// cares about the size of the view.
_, err := g.SetView(viewName, 0, 0, width, height, 0)
view.Visible = false
return view, err
frameOffset := 1
if view.Frame {
frameOffset = 0
if context.NeedsRerenderOnWidthChange() {
// view.Width() returns the width -1 for some reason
oldWidth := view.Width() + 1
newWidth := dimensionsObj.X1 - dimensionsObj.X0 + 2*frameOffset
if oldWidth != newWidth {
contextsToRerender = append(contextsToRerender, context)
_, err = g.SetView(
view.Visible = true
return view, err
for _, context := range gui.State.Contexts.Flatten() {
if !context.HasControlledBounds() {
_, err := setViewFromDimensions(context)
if err != nil && !gocui.IsUnknownView(err) {
return err
minimumHeight := 9
minimumWidth := 10
gui.Views.Limit.Visible = height < minimumHeight || width < minimumWidth
gui.Views.Tooltip.Visible = gui.Views.Menu.Visible && gui.Views.Tooltip.Buffer() != ""
for _, context := range gui.transientContexts() {
view, err := gui.g.View(context.GetViewName())
if err != nil && !gocui.IsUnknownView(err) {
return err
view.Visible = gui.helpers.Window.GetViewNameForWindow(context.GetWindowName()) == context.GetViewName()
if gui.PrevLayout.Information != informationStr {
gui.c.SetViewContent(gui.Views.Information, informationStr)
gui.PrevLayout.Information = informationStr
if !gui.ViewsSetup {
if err := gui.onInitialViewsCreation(); err != nil {
return err
gui.ViewsSetup = true
if !gui.State.ViewsSetup {
if err := gui.onInitialViewsCreationForRepo(); err != nil {
return err
gui.State.ViewsSetup = true
mainViewWidth, mainViewHeight := gui.Views.Main.Size()
if mainViewWidth != gui.PrevLayout.MainWidth || mainViewHeight != gui.PrevLayout.MainHeight {
gui.PrevLayout.MainWidth = mainViewWidth
gui.PrevLayout.MainHeight = mainViewHeight
if err := gui.onResize(); err != nil {
return err
for _, context := range contextsToRerender {
if err := context.HandleRender(); err != nil {
return err
// here is a good place log some stuff
// if you run `lazygit --logs`
// this will let you see these branches as prettified json
// gui.c.Log.Info(utils.AsJson(gui.State.Model.Branches[0:4]))
if err := gui.helpers.Confirmation.ResizeCurrentPopupPanel(); err != nil {
return err
for {
select {
case f := <-gui.afterLayoutFuncs:
if err := f(); err != nil {
return err
break outer
return nil
func (gui *Gui) prepareView(viewName string) (*gocui.View, error) {
// arbitrarily giving the view enough size so that we don't get an error, but
// it's expected that the view will be given the correct size before being shown
return gui.g.SetView(viewName, 0, 0, 10, 10, 0)
func (gui *Gui) onInitialViewsCreationForRepo() error {
if err := gui.onRepoViewReset(); err != nil {
return err
// hide any popup views. This only applies when we've just switched repos
for _, viewName := range gui.popupViewNames() {
view, err := gui.g.View(viewName)
if err == nil {
view.Visible = false
initialContext := gui.c.CurrentContext()
if err := gui.c.ActivateContext(initialContext); err != nil {
return err
return gui.loadNewRepo()
func (gui *Gui) popupViewNames() []string {
popups := lo.Filter(gui.State.Contexts.Flatten(), func(c types.Context, _ int) bool {
return c.GetKind() == types.PERSISTENT_POPUP || c.GetKind() == types.TEMPORARY_POPUP
return lo.Map(popups, func(c types.Context, _ int) string {
return c.GetViewName()
func (gui *Gui) onRepoViewReset() error {
// now we order the views (in order of bottom first)
for _, view := range gui.orderedViews() {
if _, err := gui.g.SetViewOnTop(view.Name()); err != nil {
return err
// add tabs to views
for _, view := range gui.g.Views() {
// if the view is in our mapping, we'll set the tabs and the tab index
for _, values := range gui.viewTabMap() {
index := slices.IndexFunc(values, func(tabContext context.TabView) bool {
return tabContext.ViewName == view.Name()
if index != -1 {
view.Tabs = lo.Map(values, func(tabContext context.TabView, _ int) string {
return tabContext.Tab
view.TabIndex = index
return nil
func (gui *Gui) onInitialViewsCreation() error {
if !gui.c.UserConfig.DisableStartupPopups {
storedPopupVersion := gui.c.GetAppState().StartupPopupVersion
if storedPopupVersion < StartupPopupVersion {
if gui.showRecentRepos {
if err := gui.helpers.Repos.CreateRecentReposMenu(); err != nil {
return err
gui.showRecentRepos = false
return nil
// getFocusLayout returns a manager function for when view gain and lose focus
func (gui *Gui) getFocusLayout() func(g *gocui.Gui) error {
var previousView *gocui.View
return func(g *gocui.Gui) error {
newView := gui.g.CurrentView()
// for now we don't consider losing focus to a popup panel as actually losing focus
if newView != previousView && !gui.helpers.Confirmation.IsPopupPanel(newView.Name()) {
if err := gui.onViewFocusLost(previousView); err != nil {
return err
previousView = newView
return nil
func (gui *Gui) onViewFocusLost(oldView *gocui.View) error {
if oldView == nil {
return nil
oldView.Highlight = false
_ = oldView.SetOriginX(0)
return nil
func (gui *Gui) transientContexts() []types.Context {
return lo.Filter(gui.State.Contexts.Flatten(), func(context types.Context, _ int) bool {
return context.IsTransient()