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synced 2025-03-21 21:47:32 +02:00
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305 lines
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package presentation
import (
const (
func RenderFileTree(
tree filetree.IFileTree,
submoduleConfigs []*models.SubmoduleConfig,
showFileIcons bool,
) []string {
collapsedPaths := tree.CollapsedPaths()
return renderAux(tree.GetRoot().Raw(), collapsedPaths, -1, -1, func(node *filetree.Node[models.File], treeDepth int, visualDepth int, isCollapsed bool) string {
fileNode := filetree.NewFileNode(node)
return getFileLine(isCollapsed, fileNode.GetHasUnstagedChanges(), fileNode.GetHasStagedChanges(), treeDepth, visualDepth, showFileIcons, submoduleConfigs, node)
func RenderCommitFileTree(
tree *filetree.CommitFileTreeViewModel,
patchBuilder *patch.PatchBuilder,
showFileIcons bool,
) []string {
collapsedPaths := tree.CollapsedPaths()
return renderAux(tree.GetRoot().Raw(), collapsedPaths, -1, -1, func(node *filetree.Node[models.CommitFile], treeDepth int, visualDepth int, isCollapsed bool) string {
status := commitFilePatchStatus(node, tree, patchBuilder)
return getCommitFileLine(isCollapsed, treeDepth, visualDepth, node, status, showFileIcons)
// Returns the status of a commit file in terms of its inclusion in the custom patch
func commitFilePatchStatus(node *filetree.Node[models.CommitFile], tree *filetree.CommitFileTreeViewModel, patchBuilder *patch.PatchBuilder) patch.PatchStatus {
// This is a little convoluted because we're dealing with either a leaf or a non-leaf.
// But this code actually applies to both. If it's a leaf, the status will just
// be whatever status it is, but if it's a non-leaf it will determine its status
// based on the leaves of that subtree
if node.EveryFile(func(file *models.CommitFile) bool {
return patchBuilder.GetFileStatus(file.Name, tree.GetRef().RefName()) == patch.WHOLE
}) {
return patch.WHOLE
} else if node.EveryFile(func(file *models.CommitFile) bool {
return patchBuilder.GetFileStatus(file.Name, tree.GetRef().RefName()) == patch.UNSELECTED
}) {
return patch.UNSELECTED
} else {
return patch.PART
func renderAux[T any](
node *filetree.Node[T],
collapsedPaths *filetree.CollapsedPaths,
// treeDepth is the depth of the node in the actual file tree. This is different to
// visualDepth because some directory nodes are compressed e.g. 'pkg/gui/blah' takes
// up two tree depths, but one visual depth. We need to track these separately,
// because indentation relies on visual depth, whereas file path truncation
// relies on tree depth.
treeDepth int,
visualDepth int,
renderLine func(*filetree.Node[T], int, int, bool) string,
) []string {
if node == nil {
return []string{}
isRoot := treeDepth == -1
if node.IsFile() {
if isRoot {
return []string{}
return []string{renderLine(node, treeDepth, visualDepth, false)}
arr := []string{}
if !isRoot {
isCollapsed := collapsedPaths.IsCollapsed(node.GetPath())
arr = append(arr, renderLine(node, treeDepth, visualDepth, isCollapsed))
if collapsedPaths.IsCollapsed(node.GetPath()) {
return arr
for _, child := range node.Children {
arr = append(arr, renderAux(child, collapsedPaths, treeDepth+1+node.CompressionLevel, visualDepth+1, renderLine)...)
return arr
func getFileLine(
isCollapsed bool,
hasUnstagedChanges bool,
hasStagedChanges bool,
treeDepth int,
visualDepth int,
showFileIcons bool,
submoduleConfigs []*models.SubmoduleConfig,
node *filetree.Node[models.File],
) string {
name := fileNameAtDepth(node, treeDepth)
output := ""
var nameColor style.TextStyle
file := node.File
indentation := strings.Repeat(" ", visualDepth)
if hasStagedChanges && !hasUnstagedChanges {
nameColor = style.FgGreen
} else if hasStagedChanges {
nameColor = style.FgYellow
} else {
nameColor = theme.DefaultTextColor
if file == nil {
output += indentation + ""
if isCollapsed {
arrowStyle := nameColor
output += arrowStyle.Sprint(arrow) + " "
} else {
// Sprinting the space at the end in the specific style is for the sake of
// when a reverse style is used in the theme, which looks ugly if you just
// use the default style
output += indentation + formatFileStatus(file, nameColor) + nameColor.Sprint(" ")
isSubmodule := file != nil && file.IsSubmodule(submoduleConfigs)
isLinkedWorktree := file != nil && file.IsWorktree
isDirectory := file == nil
if showFileIcons {
icon := icons.IconForFile(name, isSubmodule, isLinkedWorktree, isDirectory)
paint := color.C256(icon.Color, false)
output += paint.Sprint(icon.Icon) + nameColor.Sprint(" ")
output += nameColor.Sprint(utils.EscapeSpecialChars(name))
if isSubmodule {
output += theme.DefaultTextColor.Sprint(" (submodule)")
return output
func formatFileStatus(file *models.File, restColor style.TextStyle) string {
firstChar := file.ShortStatus[0:1]
firstCharCl := style.FgGreen
if firstChar == "?" {
firstCharCl = theme.UnstagedChangesColor
} else if firstChar == " " {
firstCharCl = restColor
secondChar := file.ShortStatus[1:2]
secondCharCl := theme.UnstagedChangesColor
if secondChar == " " {
secondCharCl = restColor
return firstCharCl.Sprint(firstChar) + secondCharCl.Sprint(secondChar)
func getCommitFileLine(
isCollapsed bool,
treeDepth int,
visualDepth int,
node *filetree.Node[models.CommitFile],
status patch.PatchStatus,
showFileIcons bool,
) string {
indentation := strings.Repeat(" ", visualDepth)
name := commitFileNameAtDepth(node, treeDepth)
commitFile := node.File
output := indentation
isDirectory := commitFile == nil
nameColor := theme.DefaultTextColor
switch status {
case patch.WHOLE:
nameColor = style.FgGreen
case patch.PART:
nameColor = style.FgYellow
case patch.UNSELECTED:
nameColor = theme.DefaultTextColor
if isDirectory {
if isCollapsed {
output += nameColor.Sprint(arrow) + " "
} else {
var symbol string
symbolStyle := nameColor
switch status {
case patch.WHOLE:
symbol = "●"
case patch.PART:
symbol = "◐"
case patch.UNSELECTED:
symbol = commitFile.ChangeStatus
symbolStyle = getColorForChangeStatus(symbol)
output += symbolStyle.Sprint(symbol) + " "
name = utils.EscapeSpecialChars(name)
isSubmodule := false
isLinkedWorktree := false
if showFileIcons {
icon := icons.IconForFile(name, isSubmodule, isLinkedWorktree, isDirectory)
paint := color.C256(icon.Color, false)
output += paint.Sprint(icon.Icon) + " "
output += nameColor.Sprint(name)
return output
func getColorForChangeStatus(changeStatus string) style.TextStyle {
switch changeStatus {
case "A":
return style.FgGreen
case "M", "R":
return style.FgYellow
case "D":
return theme.UnstagedChangesColor
case "C":
return style.FgCyan
case "T":
return style.FgMagenta
return theme.DefaultTextColor
func fileNameAtDepth(node *filetree.Node[models.File], depth int) string {
splitName := split(node.Path)
name := join(splitName[depth:])
if node.File != nil && node.File.IsRename() {
splitPrevName := split(node.File.PreviousName)
prevName := node.File.PreviousName
// if the file has just been renamed inside the same directory, we can shave off
// the prefix for the previous path too. Otherwise we'll keep it unchanged
sameParentDir := len(splitName) == len(splitPrevName) && join(splitName[0:depth]) == join(splitPrevName[0:depth])
if sameParentDir {
prevName = join(splitPrevName[depth:])
return prevName + " → " + name
return name
func commitFileNameAtDepth(node *filetree.Node[models.CommitFile], depth int) string {
splitName := split(node.Path)
name := join(splitName[depth:])
return name
func split(str string) []string {
return strings.Split(str, "/")
func join(strs []string) string {
return strings.Join(strs, "/")