mirror of https://github.com/jesseduffield/lazygit.git synced 2025-03-05 15:15:49 +02:00
2023-04-30 13:19:53 +10:00

199 lines
5.6 KiB

package controllers
import (
type StatusController struct {
c *ControllerCommon
var _ types.IController = &StatusController{}
func NewStatusController(
common *ControllerCommon,
) *StatusController {
return &StatusController{
baseController: baseController{},
c: common,
func (self *StatusController) GetKeybindings(opts types.KeybindingsOpts) []*types.Binding {
bindings := []*types.Binding{
Key: opts.GetKey(opts.Config.Universal.OpenFile),
Handler: self.openConfig,
Description: self.c.Tr.OpenConfig,
Key: opts.GetKey(opts.Config.Universal.Edit),
Handler: self.editConfig,
Description: self.c.Tr.EditConfig,
Key: opts.GetKey(opts.Config.Status.CheckForUpdate),
Handler: self.handleCheckForUpdate,
Description: self.c.Tr.LcCheckForUpdate,
Key: opts.GetKey(opts.Config.Status.RecentRepos),
Handler: self.c.Helpers().Repos.CreateRecentReposMenu,
Description: self.c.Tr.SwitchRepo,
Key: opts.GetKey(opts.Config.Status.AllBranchesLogGraph),
Handler: self.showAllBranchLogs,
Description: self.c.Tr.LcAllBranchesLogGraph,
return bindings
func (self *StatusController) GetOnRenderToMain() func() error {
return func() error {
dashboardString := strings.Join(
"Copyright 2022 Jesse Duffield",
fmt.Sprintf("Keybindings: %s", constants.Links.Docs.Keybindings),
fmt.Sprintf("Config Options: %s", constants.Links.Docs.Config),
fmt.Sprintf("Tutorial: %s", constants.Links.Docs.Tutorial),
fmt.Sprintf("Raise an Issue: %s", constants.Links.Issues),
fmt.Sprintf("Release Notes: %s", constants.Links.Releases),
style.FgMagenta.Sprintf("Become a sponsor: %s", constants.Links.Donate), // caffeine ain't free
}, "\n\n")
return self.c.RenderToMainViews(types.RefreshMainOpts{
Pair: self.c.MainViewPairs().Normal,
Main: &types.ViewUpdateOpts{
Title: self.c.Tr.StatusTitle,
Task: types.NewRenderStringTask(dashboardString),
func (self *StatusController) GetOnClick() func() error {
return self.onClick
func (self *StatusController) Context() types.Context {
return self.c.Contexts().Status
func (self *StatusController) onClick() error {
// TODO: move into some abstraction (status is currently not a listViewContext where a lot of this code lives)
currentBranch := self.c.Helpers().Refs.GetCheckedOutRef()
if currentBranch == nil {
// need to wait for branches to refresh
return nil
if err := self.c.PushContext(self.Context()); err != nil {
return err
cx, _ := self.c.Views().Status.Cursor()
upstreamStatus := presentation.BranchStatus(currentBranch, self.c.Tr)
repoName := utils.GetCurrentRepoName()
workingTreeState := self.c.Git().Status.WorkingTreeState()
switch workingTreeState {
workingTreeStatus := fmt.Sprintf("(%s)", presentation.FormatWorkingTreeState(workingTreeState))
if cursorInSubstring(cx, upstreamStatus+" ", workingTreeStatus) {
return self.c.Helpers().MergeAndRebase.CreateRebaseOptionsMenu()
if cursorInSubstring(cx, upstreamStatus+" "+workingTreeStatus+" ", repoName) {
return self.c.Helpers().Repos.CreateRecentReposMenu()
if cursorInSubstring(cx, upstreamStatus+" ", repoName) {
return self.c.Helpers().Repos.CreateRecentReposMenu()
return nil
func runeCount(str string) int {
return len([]rune(str))
func cursorInSubstring(cx int, prefix string, substring string) bool {
return cx >= runeCount(prefix) && cx < runeCount(prefix+substring)
func lazygitTitle() string {
return `
_ _ _
| | (_) |
| | __ _ _____ _ __ _ _| |_
| |/ _` + "`" + ` |_ / | | |/ _` + "`" + ` | | __|
| | (_| |/ /| |_| | (_| | | |_
|_|\__,_/___|\__, |\__, |_|\__|
__/ | __/ |
|___/ |___/ `
func (self *StatusController) askForConfigFile(action func(file string) error) error {
confPaths := self.c.GetConfig().GetUserConfigPaths()
switch len(confPaths) {
case 0:
return errors.New(self.c.Tr.NoConfigFileFoundErr)
case 1:
return action(confPaths[0])
menuItems := slices.Map(confPaths, func(path string) *types.MenuItem {
return &types.MenuItem{
Label: path,
OnPress: func() error {
return action(path)
return self.c.Menu(types.CreateMenuOptions{
Title: self.c.Tr.SelectConfigFile,
Items: menuItems,
func (self *StatusController) openConfig() error {
return self.askForConfigFile(self.c.Helpers().Files.OpenFile)
func (self *StatusController) editConfig() error {
return self.askForConfigFile(self.c.Helpers().Files.EditFile)
func (self *StatusController) showAllBranchLogs() error {
cmdObj := self.c.Git().Branch.AllBranchesLogCmdObj()
task := types.NewRunPtyTask(cmdObj.GetCmd())
return self.c.RenderToMainViews(types.RefreshMainOpts{
Pair: self.c.MainViewPairs().Normal,
Main: &types.ViewUpdateOpts{
Title: self.c.Tr.LogTitle,
Task: task,
func (self *StatusController) handleCheckForUpdate() error {
return self.c.Helpers().Update.CheckForUpdateInForeground()