mirror of https://github.com/jesseduffield/lazygit.git synced 2025-03-17 21:18:31 +02:00
Stefan Haller 30ce7c8085 Replace uses of "git stash save" with "git stash push"
Save has been deprecated for a while, push is the recommended way to save a
stash. Push has been available since 2.13, so we can use it without problems.
2023-07-10 15:09:17 +02:00

276 lines
8.7 KiB

package controllers
import (
// Quick summary of how this all works:
// when you want to undo or redo, we start from the top of the reflog and work
// down until we've reached the last user-initiated reflog entry that hasn't already been undone
// we then do the reverse of what that reflog describes.
// When we do this, we create a new reflog entry, and tag it as either an undo or redo
// Then, next time we want to undo, we'll use those entries to know which user-initiated
// actions we can skip. E.g. if I do do three things, A, B, and C, and hit undo twice,
// the reflog will read UUCBA, and when I read the first two undos, I know to skip the following
// two user actions, meaning we end up undoing reflog entry C. Redoing works in a similar way.
type UndoController struct {
c *ControllerCommon
var _ types.IController = &UndoController{}
func NewUndoController(
common *ControllerCommon,
) *UndoController {
return &UndoController{
baseController: baseController{},
c: common,
type ReflogActionKind int
const (
CHECKOUT ReflogActionKind = iota
type reflogAction struct {
kind ReflogActionKind
from string
to string
func (self *UndoController) GetKeybindings(opts types.KeybindingsOpts) []*types.Binding {
bindings := []*types.Binding{
Key: opts.GetKey(opts.Config.Universal.Undo),
Handler: self.reflogUndo,
Description: self.c.Tr.UndoReflog,
Tooltip: self.c.Tr.UndoTooltip,
Key: opts.GetKey(opts.Config.Universal.Redo),
Handler: self.reflogRedo,
Description: self.c.Tr.RedoReflog,
Tooltip: self.c.Tr.RedoTooltip,
return bindings
func (self *UndoController) Context() types.Context {
return nil
func (self *UndoController) reflogUndo() error {
undoEnvVars := []string{"GIT_REFLOG_ACTION=[lazygit undo]"}
undoingStatus := self.c.Tr.UndoingStatus
if self.c.Git().Status.WorkingTreeState() == enums.REBASE_MODE_REBASING {
return self.c.ErrorMsg(self.c.Tr.CantUndoWhileRebasing)
return self.parseReflogForActions(func(counter int, action reflogAction) (bool, error) {
if counter != 0 {
return false, nil
switch action.kind {
return true, self.c.Confirm(types.ConfirmOpts{
Title: self.c.Tr.Actions.Undo,
Prompt: fmt.Sprintf(self.c.Tr.HardResetAutostashPrompt, action.from),
HandleConfirm: func() error {
return self.hardResetWithAutoStash(action.from, hardResetOptions{
EnvVars: undoEnvVars,
WaitingStatus: undoingStatus,
return true, self.c.Confirm(types.ConfirmOpts{
Title: self.c.Tr.Actions.Undo,
Prompt: fmt.Sprintf(self.c.Tr.CheckoutPrompt, action.from),
HandleConfirm: func() error {
return self.c.Helpers().Refs.CheckoutRef(action.from, types.CheckoutRefOptions{
EnvVars: undoEnvVars,
WaitingStatus: undoingStatus,
// do nothing
self.c.Log.Error("didn't match on the user action when trying to undo")
return true, nil
func (self *UndoController) reflogRedo() error {
redoEnvVars := []string{"GIT_REFLOG_ACTION=[lazygit redo]"}
redoingStatus := self.c.Tr.RedoingStatus
if self.c.Git().Status.WorkingTreeState() == enums.REBASE_MODE_REBASING {
return self.c.ErrorMsg(self.c.Tr.CantRedoWhileRebasing)
return self.parseReflogForActions(func(counter int, action reflogAction) (bool, error) {
// if we're redoing and the counter is zero, we just return
if counter == 0 {
return true, nil
} else if counter > 1 {
return false, nil
switch action.kind {
return true, self.c.Confirm(types.ConfirmOpts{
Title: self.c.Tr.Actions.Redo,
Prompt: fmt.Sprintf(self.c.Tr.HardResetAutostashPrompt, action.to),
HandleConfirm: func() error {
return self.hardResetWithAutoStash(action.to, hardResetOptions{
EnvVars: redoEnvVars,
WaitingStatus: redoingStatus,
return true, self.c.Confirm(types.ConfirmOpts{
Title: self.c.Tr.Actions.Redo,
Prompt: fmt.Sprintf(self.c.Tr.CheckoutPrompt, action.to),
HandleConfirm: func() error {
return self.c.Helpers().Refs.CheckoutRef(action.to, types.CheckoutRefOptions{
EnvVars: redoEnvVars,
WaitingStatus: redoingStatus,
// do nothing
self.c.Log.Error("didn't match on the user action when trying to redo")
return true, nil
// Here we're going through the reflog and maintaining a counter that represents how many
// undos/redos/user actions we've seen. when we hit a user action we call the callback specifying
// what the counter is up to and the nature of the action.
// If we find ourselves mid-rebase, we just return because undo/redo mid rebase
// requires knowledge of previous TODO file states, which you can't just get from the reflog.
// Though we might support this later, hence the use of the CURRENT_REBASE action kind.
func (self *UndoController) parseReflogForActions(onUserAction func(counter int, action reflogAction) (bool, error)) error {
counter := 0
reflogCommits := self.c.Model().FilteredReflogCommits
rebaseFinishCommitSha := ""
var action *reflogAction
for reflogCommitIdx, reflogCommit := range reflogCommits {
action = nil
prevCommitSha := ""
if len(reflogCommits)-1 >= reflogCommitIdx+1 {
prevCommitSha = reflogCommits[reflogCommitIdx+1].Sha
if rebaseFinishCommitSha == "" {
if ok, _ := utils.FindStringSubmatch(reflogCommit.Name, `^\[lazygit undo\]`); ok {
} else if ok, _ := utils.FindStringSubmatch(reflogCommit.Name, `^\[lazygit redo\]`); ok {
} else if ok, _ := utils.FindStringSubmatch(reflogCommit.Name, `^rebase (-i )?\(abort\)|^rebase (-i )?\(finish\)`); ok {
rebaseFinishCommitSha = reflogCommit.Sha
} else if ok, match := utils.FindStringSubmatch(reflogCommit.Name, `^checkout: moving from ([\S]+) to ([\S]+)`); ok {
action = &reflogAction{kind: CHECKOUT, from: match[1], to: match[2]}
} else if ok, _ := utils.FindStringSubmatch(reflogCommit.Name, `^commit|^reset: moving to|^pull`); ok {
action = &reflogAction{kind: COMMIT, from: prevCommitSha, to: reflogCommit.Sha}
} else if ok, _ := utils.FindStringSubmatch(reflogCommit.Name, `^rebase (-i )?\(start\)`); ok {
// if we're here then we must be currently inside an interactive rebase
action = &reflogAction{kind: CURRENT_REBASE, from: prevCommitSha}
} else if ok, _ := utils.FindStringSubmatch(reflogCommit.Name, `^rebase (-i )?\(start\)`); ok {
action = &reflogAction{kind: REBASE, from: prevCommitSha, to: rebaseFinishCommitSha}
rebaseFinishCommitSha = ""
if action != nil {
if action.kind != CURRENT_REBASE && action.from == action.to {
// if we're going from one place to the same place we'll ignore the action.
ok, err := onUserAction(counter, *action)
if ok {
return err
return nil
type hardResetOptions struct {
WaitingStatus string
EnvVars []string
// only to be used in the undo flow for now (does an autostash)
func (self *UndoController) hardResetWithAutoStash(commitSha string, options hardResetOptions) error {
reset := func() error {
if err := self.c.Helpers().Refs.ResetToRef(commitSha, "hard", options.EnvVars); err != nil {
return self.c.Error(err)
return nil
// if we have any modified tracked files we need to ask the user if they want us to stash for them
dirtyWorkingTree := self.c.Helpers().WorkingTree.IsWorkingTreeDirty()
if dirtyWorkingTree {
// offer to autostash changes
return self.c.Confirm(types.ConfirmOpts{
Title: self.c.Tr.AutoStashTitle,
Prompt: self.c.Tr.AutoStashPrompt,
HandleConfirm: func() error {
return self.c.WithWaitingStatus(options.WaitingStatus, func(gocui.Task) error {
if err := self.c.Git().Stash.Push(self.c.Tr.StashPrefix + commitSha); err != nil {
return self.c.Error(err)
if err := reset(); err != nil {
return err
err := self.c.Git().Stash.Pop(0)
if err := self.c.Refresh(types.RefreshOptions{}); err != nil {
return err
if err != nil {
return self.c.Error(err)
return nil
return self.c.WithWaitingStatus(options.WaitingStatus, func(gocui.Task) error {
return reset()