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synced 2025-03-03 15:02:52 +02:00
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461 lines
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package gui
import (
// list panel functions
func (gui *Gui) getSelectedBranch() *commands.Branch {
selectedLine := gui.State.Panels.Branches.SelectedLine
if selectedLine == -1 {
return nil
return gui.State.Branches[selectedLine]
// may want to standardise how these select methods work
func (gui *Gui) handleBranchSelect(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
if gui.popupPanelFocused() {
return nil
gui.State.SplitMainPanel = false
if _, err := gui.g.SetCurrentView(v.Name()); err != nil {
return err
gui.getMainView().Title = "Log"
// This really shouldn't happen: there should always be a master branch
if len(gui.State.Branches) == 0 {
return gui.newStringTask("main", gui.Tr.SLocalize("NoBranchesThisRepo"))
branch := gui.getSelectedBranch()
if err := gui.focusPoint(0, gui.State.Panels.Branches.SelectedLine, len(gui.State.Branches), v); err != nil {
return err
if err := gui.RenderSelectedBranchUpstreamDifferences(); err != nil {
return err
cmd := gui.OSCommand.ExecutableFromString(
if err := gui.newCmdTask("main", cmd); err != nil {
return nil
func (gui *Gui) RenderSelectedBranchUpstreamDifferences() error {
return gui.newTask("branches", func(stop chan struct{}) error {
branch := gui.getSelectedBranch()
branch.Pushables, branch.Pullables = gui.GitCommand.GetBranchUpstreamDifferenceCount(branch.Name)
select {
case <-stop:
return nil
branchesView := gui.getBranchesView()
displayStrings := presentation.GetBranchListDisplayStrings(gui.State.Branches, gui.currentViewName() == "branches", gui.State.Panels.Branches.SelectedLine)
gui.renderDisplayStrings(branchesView, displayStrings)
return nil
// gui.refreshStatus is called at the end of this because that's when we can
// be sure there is a state.Branches array to pick the current branch from
func (gui *Gui) refreshBranches(g *gocui.Gui) error {
if err := gui.refreshRemotes(); err != nil {
return err
if err := gui.refreshTags(); err != nil {
return err
g.Update(func(g *gocui.Gui) error {
builder, err := commands.NewBranchListBuilder(gui.Log, gui.GitCommand)
if err != nil {
return err
gui.State.Branches = builder.Build()
// TODO: if we're in the remotes view and we've just deleted a remote we need to refresh accordingly
if gui.getBranchesView().Context == "local-branches" {
if err := gui.renderLocalBranchesWithSelection(); err != nil {
return err
return gui.refreshStatus(g)
return nil
func (gui *Gui) renderLocalBranchesWithSelection() error {
branchesView := gui.getBranchesView()
gui.refreshSelectedLine(&gui.State.Panels.Branches.SelectedLine, len(gui.State.Branches))
if err := gui.RenderSelectedBranchUpstreamDifferences(); err != nil {
return err
if gui.g.CurrentView() == branchesView {
if err := gui.handleBranchSelect(gui.g, branchesView); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// specific functions
func (gui *Gui) handleBranchPress(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
if gui.State.Panels.Branches.SelectedLine == -1 {
return nil
if gui.State.Panels.Branches.SelectedLine == 0 {
return gui.createErrorPanel(g, gui.Tr.SLocalize("AlreadyCheckedOutBranch"))
branch := gui.getSelectedBranch()
return gui.handleCheckoutRef(branch.Name)
func (gui *Gui) handleCreatePullRequestPress(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
pullRequest := commands.NewPullRequest(gui.GitCommand)
branch := gui.getSelectedBranch()
if err := pullRequest.Create(branch); err != nil {
return gui.createErrorPanel(g, err.Error())
return nil
func (gui *Gui) handleGitFetch(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
if err := gui.createLoaderPanel(gui.g, v, gui.Tr.SLocalize("FetchWait")); err != nil {
return err
go func() {
unamePassOpend, err := gui.fetch(g, v, true)
gui.HandleCredentialsPopup(g, unamePassOpend, err)
return nil
func (gui *Gui) handleForceCheckout(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
branch := gui.getSelectedBranch()
message := gui.Tr.SLocalize("SureForceCheckout")
title := gui.Tr.SLocalize("ForceCheckoutBranch")
return gui.createConfirmationPanel(g, v, true, title, message, func(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
if err := gui.GitCommand.Checkout(branch.Name, true); err != nil {
gui.createErrorPanel(g, err.Error())
return gui.refreshSidePanels(g)
}, nil)
func (gui *Gui) handleCheckoutRef(ref string) error {
if err := gui.GitCommand.Checkout(ref, false); err != nil {
// note, this will only work for english-language git commands. If we force git to use english, and the error isn't this one, then the user will receive an english command they may not understand. I'm not sure what the best solution to this is. Running the command once in english and a second time in the native language is one option
if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "Please commit your changes or stash them before you switch branch") {
// offer to autostash changes
return gui.createConfirmationPanel(gui.g, gui.getBranchesView(), true, gui.Tr.SLocalize("AutoStashTitle"), gui.Tr.SLocalize("AutoStashPrompt"), func(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
if err := gui.GitCommand.StashSave(gui.Tr.SLocalize("StashPrefix") + ref); err != nil {
return gui.createErrorPanel(g, err.Error())
if err := gui.GitCommand.Checkout(ref, false); err != nil {
return gui.createErrorPanel(g, err.Error())
// checkout successful so we select the new branch
gui.State.Panels.Branches.SelectedLine = 0
if err := gui.GitCommand.StashDo(0, "pop"); err != nil {
if err := gui.refreshSidePanels(g); err != nil {
return err
return gui.createErrorPanel(g, err.Error())
return gui.refreshSidePanels(g)
}, nil)
if err := gui.createErrorPanel(gui.g, err.Error()); err != nil {
return err
gui.State.Panels.Branches.SelectedLine = 0
gui.State.Panels.Commits.SelectedLine = 0
return gui.refreshSidePanels(gui.g)
func (gui *Gui) handleCheckoutByName(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
gui.createPromptPanel(g, v, gui.Tr.SLocalize("BranchName")+":", "", func(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
return gui.handleCheckoutRef(gui.trimmedContent(v))
return nil
func (gui *Gui) getCheckedOutBranch() *commands.Branch {
if len(gui.State.Branches) == 0 {
return nil
return gui.State.Branches[0]
func (gui *Gui) handleNewBranch(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
branch := gui.getCheckedOutBranch()
message := gui.Tr.TemplateLocalize(
"branchName": branch.Name,
gui.createPromptPanel(g, v, message, "", func(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
if err := gui.GitCommand.NewBranch(gui.trimmedContent(v)); err != nil {
return gui.createErrorPanel(g, err.Error())
return gui.handleBranchSelect(g, v)
return nil
func (gui *Gui) handleDeleteBranch(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
return gui.deleteBranch(g, v, false)
func (gui *Gui) handleForceDeleteBranch(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
return gui.deleteBranch(g, v, true)
func (gui *Gui) deleteBranch(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View, force bool) error {
selectedBranch := gui.getSelectedBranch()
if selectedBranch == nil {
return nil
checkedOutBranch := gui.getCheckedOutBranch()
if checkedOutBranch.Name == selectedBranch.Name {
return gui.createErrorPanel(g, gui.Tr.SLocalize("CantDeleteCheckOutBranch"))
return gui.deleteNamedBranch(g, v, selectedBranch, force)
func (gui *Gui) deleteNamedBranch(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View, selectedBranch *commands.Branch, force bool) error {
title := gui.Tr.SLocalize("DeleteBranch")
var messageID string
if force {
messageID = "ForceDeleteBranchMessage"
} else {
messageID = "DeleteBranchMessage"
message := gui.Tr.TemplateLocalize(
"selectedBranchName": selectedBranch.Name,
return gui.createConfirmationPanel(g, v, true, title, message, func(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
if err := gui.GitCommand.DeleteBranch(selectedBranch.Name, force); err != nil {
errMessage := err.Error()
if !force && strings.Contains(errMessage, "is not fully merged") {
return gui.deleteNamedBranch(g, v, selectedBranch, true)
return gui.createErrorPanel(g, errMessage)
return gui.refreshSidePanels(g)
}, nil)
func (gui *Gui) mergeBranchIntoCheckedOutBranch(branchName string) error {
if gui.GitCommand.IsHeadDetached() {
return gui.createErrorPanel(gui.g, "Cannot merge branch in detached head state. You might have checked out a commit directly or a remote branch, in which case you should checkout the local branch you want to be on")
checkedOutBranchName := gui.getCheckedOutBranch().Name
if checkedOutBranchName == branchName {
return gui.createErrorPanel(gui.g, gui.Tr.SLocalize("CantMergeBranchIntoItself"))
prompt := gui.Tr.TemplateLocalize(
"checkedOutBranch": checkedOutBranchName,
"selectedBranch": branchName,
return gui.createConfirmationPanel(gui.g, gui.getBranchesView(), true, gui.Tr.SLocalize("MergingTitle"), prompt,
func(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
err := gui.GitCommand.Merge(branchName)
return gui.handleGenericMergeCommandResult(err)
}, nil)
func (gui *Gui) handleMerge(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
selectedBranchName := gui.getSelectedBranch().Name
return gui.mergeBranchIntoCheckedOutBranch(selectedBranchName)
func (gui *Gui) handleRebaseOntoLocalBranch(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
selectedBranchName := gui.getSelectedBranch().Name
return gui.handleRebaseOntoBranch(selectedBranchName)
func (gui *Gui) handleRebaseOntoBranch(selectedBranchName string) error {
checkedOutBranch := gui.getCheckedOutBranch().Name
if selectedBranchName == checkedOutBranch {
return gui.createErrorPanel(gui.g, gui.Tr.SLocalize("CantRebaseOntoSelf"))
prompt := gui.Tr.TemplateLocalize(
"checkedOutBranch": checkedOutBranch,
"selectedBranch": selectedBranchName,
return gui.createConfirmationPanel(gui.g, gui.getBranchesView(), true, gui.Tr.SLocalize("RebasingTitle"), prompt,
func(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
err := gui.GitCommand.RebaseBranch(selectedBranchName)
return gui.handleGenericMergeCommandResult(err)
}, nil)
func (gui *Gui) handleFastForward(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
branch := gui.getSelectedBranch()
if branch == nil {
return nil
if branch.Pushables == "" {
return nil
if branch.Pushables == "?" {
return gui.createErrorPanel(gui.g, gui.Tr.SLocalize("FwdNoUpstream"))
if branch.Pushables != "0" {
return gui.createErrorPanel(gui.g, gui.Tr.SLocalize("FwdCommitsToPush"))
upstream, err := gui.GitCommand.GetUpstreamForBranch(branch.Name)
if err != nil {
return gui.createErrorPanel(gui.g, err.Error())
split := strings.Split(upstream, "/")
remoteName := split[0]
remoteBranchName := strings.Join(split[1:], "/")
message := gui.Tr.TemplateLocalize(
"from": fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", remoteName, remoteBranchName),
"to": branch.Name,
go func() {
_ = gui.createLoaderPanel(gui.g, v, message)
if gui.State.Panels.Branches.SelectedLine == 0 {
if err := gui.GitCommand.PullWithoutPasswordCheck("--ff-only"); err != nil {
_ = gui.createErrorPanel(gui.g, err.Error())
_ = gui.refreshSidePanels(gui.g)
} else {
if err := gui.GitCommand.FastForward(branch.Name, remoteName, remoteBranchName); err != nil {
_ = gui.createErrorPanel(gui.g, err.Error())
_ = gui.RenderSelectedBranchUpstreamDifferences()
_ = gui.closeConfirmationPrompt(gui.g, true)
return nil
func (gui *Gui) onBranchesTabClick(tabIndex int) error {
contexts := []string{"local-branches", "remotes", "tags"}
branchesView := gui.getBranchesView()
branchesView.TabIndex = tabIndex
return gui.switchBranchesPanelContext(contexts[tabIndex])
func (gui *Gui) switchBranchesPanelContext(context string) error {
branchesView := gui.getBranchesView()
branchesView.Context = context
contextTabIndexMap := map[string]int{
"local-branches": 0,
"remotes": 1,
"remote-branches": 1,
"tags": 2,
branchesView.TabIndex = contextTabIndexMap[context]
switch context {
case "local-branches":
return gui.renderLocalBranchesWithSelection()
case "remotes":
return gui.renderRemotesWithSelection()
case "remote-branches":
return gui.renderRemoteBranchesWithSelection()
case "tags":
return gui.renderTagsWithSelection()
return nil
func (gui *Gui) handleNextBranchesTab(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
return gui.onBranchesTabClick(
utils.ModuloWithWrap(v.TabIndex+1, len(v.Tabs)),
func (gui *Gui) handlePrevBranchesTab(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
return gui.onBranchesTabClick(
utils.ModuloWithWrap(v.TabIndex-1, len(v.Tabs)),
func (gui *Gui) handleCreateResetToBranchMenu(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
branch := gui.getSelectedBranch()
if branch == nil {
return nil
return gui.createResetMenu(branch.Name)
func (gui *Gui) onBranchesPanelSearchSelect(selectedLine int) error {
branchesView := gui.getBranchesView()
switch branchesView.Context {
case "local-branches":
gui.State.Panels.Branches.SelectedLine = selectedLine
return gui.handleBranchSelect(gui.g, branchesView)
case "remotes":
gui.State.Panels.Remotes.SelectedLine = selectedLine
return gui.handleRemoteSelect(gui.g, branchesView)
case "remote-branches":
gui.State.Panels.RemoteBranches.SelectedLine = selectedLine
return gui.handleRemoteBranchSelect(gui.g, branchesView)
return nil