mirror of https://github.com/jesseduffield/lazygit.git synced 2025-03-27 22:01:46 +02:00
Jesse Duffield c74448f00d Don't select current search result when showing search status
Previously there was no way to render a view's search status without also moving the cursor
to the current search match. This caused issues where we wanted to display the status
after leaving the view and coming back, or when beginning a new search from within the

This commit separates the two use cases so we only move the cursor when we're actually
selecting the next search match
2023-09-25 16:37:59 +10:00

1559 lines
37 KiB

// Copyright 2014 The gocui Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package gocui
import (
// Constants for overlapping edges
const (
TOP = 1 // view is overlapping at top edge
BOTTOM = 2 // view is overlapping at bottom edge
LEFT = 4 // view is overlapping at left edge
RIGHT = 8 // view is overlapping at right edge
// ErrInvalidPoint is returned when client passed invalid coordinates of a cell.
// Most likely client has passed negative coordinates of a cell.
var ErrInvalidPoint = errors.New("invalid point")
// A View is a window. It maintains its own internal buffer and cursor
// position.
type View struct {
name string
x0, y0, x1, y1 int // left top right bottom
ox, oy int // view offsets
cx, cy int // cursor position
rx, ry int // Read() offsets
wx, wy int // Write() offsets
lines [][]cell // All the data
outMode OutputMode
// readBuffer is used for storing unread bytes
readBuffer []byte
// tained is true if the viewLines must be updated
tainted bool
// internal representation of the view's buffer. We will keep viewLines around
// from a previous render until we explicitly set them to nil, allowing us to
// render the same content twice without flicker. Wherever we want to render
// something without any chance of old content appearing (e.g. when actually
// rendering new content or if the view is resized) we should set tainted to
// true and viewLines to nil
viewLines []viewLine
// writeMutex protects locks the write process
writeMutex sync.Mutex
// ei is used to decode ESC sequences on Write
ei *escapeInterpreter
// Visible specifies whether the view is visible.
Visible bool
// BgColor and FgColor allow to configure the background and foreground
// colors of the View.
BgColor, FgColor Attribute
// SelBgColor and SelFgColor are used to configure the background and
// foreground colors of the selected line, when it is highlighted.
SelBgColor, SelFgColor Attribute
// If Editable is true, keystrokes will be added to the view's internal
// buffer at the cursor position.
Editable bool
// Editor allows to define the editor that manages the editing mode,
// including keybindings or cursor behaviour. DefaultEditor is used by
// default.
Editor Editor
// Overwrite enables or disables the overwrite mode of the view.
Overwrite bool
// If Highlight is true, Sel{Bg,Fg}Colors will be used
// for the line under the cursor position.
Highlight bool
// If Frame is true, a border will be drawn around the view.
Frame bool
// FrameColor allow to configure the color of the Frame when it is not highlighted.
FrameColor Attribute
// FrameRunes allows to define custom runes for the frame edges.
// The rune slice can be defined with 3 different lengths.
// If slice doesn't match these lengths, default runes will be used instead of missing one.
// 2 runes with only horizontal and vertical edges.
// []rune{'─', '│'}
// []rune{'═','║'}
// 6 runes with horizontal, vertical edges and top-left, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right cornes.
// []rune{'─', '│', '┌', '┐', '└', '┘'}
// []rune{'═','║','╔','╗','╚','╝'}
// 11 runes which can be used with `gocui.Gui.SupportOverlaps` property.
// []rune{'─', '│', '┌', '┐', '└', '┘', '├', '┤', '┬', '┴', '┼'}
// []rune{'═','║','╔','╗','╚','╝','╠','╣','╦','╩','╬'}
FrameRunes []rune
// If Wrap is true, the content that is written to this View is
// automatically wrapped when it is longer than its width. If true the
// view's x-origin will be ignored.
Wrap bool
// If Autoscroll is true, the View will automatically scroll down when the
// text overflows. If true the view's y-origin will be ignored.
Autoscroll bool
// If Frame is true, Title allows to configure a title for the view.
Title string
// If non-empty, TitlePrefix is prepended to the title of a view regardless on
// the the currently selected tab (if any.)
TitlePrefix string
Tabs []string
TabIndex int
// TitleColor allow to configure the color of title and subtitle for the view.
TitleColor Attribute
// If Frame is true, Subtitle allows to configure a subtitle for the view.
Subtitle string
// If Mask is true, the View will display the mask instead of the real
// content
Mask rune
// Overlaps describes which edges are overlapping with another view's edges
Overlaps byte
// If HasLoader is true, the message will be appended with a spinning loader animation
HasLoader bool
// IgnoreCarriageReturns tells us whether to ignore '\r' characters
IgnoreCarriageReturns bool
// ParentView is the view which catches events bubbled up from the given view if there's no matching handler
ParentView *View
searcher *searcher
// KeybindOnEdit should be set to true when you want to execute keybindings even when the view is editable
// (this is usually not the case)
KeybindOnEdit bool
TextArea *TextArea
// something like '1 of 20' for a list view
Footer string
// if true, the user can scroll all the way past the last item until it appears at the top of the view
CanScrollPastBottom bool
// call this in the event of a view resize, or if you want to render new content
// without the chance of old content still appearing, or if you want to remove
// a line from the existing content
func (v *View) clearViewLines() {
v.tainted = true
v.viewLines = nil
type searcher struct {
searchString string
searchPositions []cellPos
currentSearchIndex int
onSelectItem func(int, int, int) error
func (v *View) SetOnSelectItem(onSelectItem func(int, int, int) error) {
v.searcher.onSelectItem = onSelectItem
func (v *View) gotoNextMatch() error {
if len(v.searcher.searchPositions) == 0 {
return nil
if v.searcher.currentSearchIndex >= len(v.searcher.searchPositions)-1 {
v.searcher.currentSearchIndex = 0
} else {
return v.SelectSearchResult(v.searcher.currentSearchIndex)
func (v *View) gotoPreviousMatch() error {
if len(v.searcher.searchPositions) == 0 {
return nil
if v.searcher.currentSearchIndex == 0 {
if len(v.searcher.searchPositions) > 0 {
v.searcher.currentSearchIndex = len(v.searcher.searchPositions) - 1
} else {
return v.SelectSearchResult(v.searcher.currentSearchIndex)
func (v *View) SelectSearchResult(index int) error {
itemCount := len(v.searcher.searchPositions)
if itemCount == 0 {
return nil
if index > itemCount-1 {
index = itemCount - 1
y := v.searcher.searchPositions[index].y
v.FocusPoint(v.ox, y)
if v.searcher.onSelectItem != nil {
return v.searcher.onSelectItem(y, index, itemCount)
return nil
// Returns <current match index>, <total matches>
func (v *View) GetSearchStatus() (int, int) {
return v.searcher.currentSearchIndex, len(v.searcher.searchPositions)
func (v *View) Search(str string) error {
if len(v.searcher.searchPositions) > 0 {
// get the first result past the current cursor
currentIndex := 0
adjustedY := v.oy + v.cy
adjustedX := v.ox + v.cx
for i, pos := range v.searcher.searchPositions {
if pos.y > adjustedY || (pos.y == adjustedY && pos.x > adjustedX) {
currentIndex = i
v.searcher.currentSearchIndex = currentIndex
return v.SelectSearchResult(currentIndex)
} else {
return v.searcher.onSelectItem(-1, -1, 0)
func (v *View) ClearSearch() {
func (v *View) IsSearching() bool {
return v.searcher.searchString != ""
func (v *View) FocusPoint(cx int, cy int) {
lineCount := len(v.lines)
if cy < 0 || cy > lineCount {
_, height := v.Size()
ly := height - 1
if ly < 0 {
ly = 0
v.oy = calculateNewOrigin(cy, v.oy, lineCount, ly)
v.cx = cx
v.cy = cy - v.oy
func calculateNewOrigin(selectedLine int, oldOrigin int, lineCount int, viewHeight int) int {
if viewHeight > lineCount {
return 0
} else if selectedLine < oldOrigin || selectedLine > oldOrigin+viewHeight {
// If the selected line is outside the visible area, scroll the view so
// that the selected line is in the middle.
newOrigin := selectedLine - viewHeight/2
// However, take care not to overflow if the total line count is less
// than the view height.
maxOrigin := lineCount - viewHeight - 1
if newOrigin > maxOrigin {
newOrigin = maxOrigin
if newOrigin < 0 {
newOrigin = 0
return newOrigin
return oldOrigin
func (s *searcher) search(str string) {
s.searchString = str
s.searchPositions = []cellPos{}
s.currentSearchIndex = 0
func (s *searcher) clearSearch() {
s.searchString = ""
s.searchPositions = []cellPos{}
s.currentSearchIndex = 0
type cellPos struct {
x int
y int
type viewLine struct {
linesX, linesY int // coordinates relative to v.lines
line []cell
type cell struct {
chr rune
bgColor, fgColor Attribute
type lineType []cell
// String returns a string from a given cell slice.
func (l lineType) String() string {
str := ""
for _, c := range l {
str += string(c.chr)
return str
// newView returns a new View object.
func newView(name string, x0, y0, x1, y1 int, mode OutputMode) *View {
v := &View{
name: name,
x0: x0,
y0: y0,
x1: x1,
y1: y1,
Visible: true,
Frame: true,
Editor: DefaultEditor,
tainted: true,
outMode: mode,
ei: newEscapeInterpreter(mode),
searcher: &searcher{},
TextArea: &TextArea{},
v.FgColor, v.BgColor = ColorDefault, ColorDefault
v.SelFgColor, v.SelBgColor = ColorDefault, ColorDefault
v.TitleColor, v.FrameColor = ColorDefault, ColorDefault
return v
// Dimensions returns the dimensions of the View
func (v *View) Dimensions() (int, int, int, int) {
return v.x0, v.y0, v.x1, v.y1
// Size returns the number of visible columns and rows in the View.
func (v *View) Size() (x, y int) {
return v.Width(), v.Height()
func (v *View) Width() int {
return v.x1 - v.x0 - 1
func (v *View) Height() int {
return v.y1 - v.y0 - 1
// if a view has a frame, that leaves less space for its writeable area
func (v *View) InnerWidth() int {
innerWidth := v.Width() - v.frameOffset()
if innerWidth < 0 {
return 0
return innerWidth
func (v *View) InnerHeight() int {
innerHeight := v.Height() - v.frameOffset()
if innerHeight < 0 {
return 0
return innerHeight
func (v *View) frameOffset() int {
if v.Frame {
return 1
} else {
return 0
// Name returns the name of the view.
func (v *View) Name() string {
return v.name
// setRune sets a rune at the given point relative to the view. It applies the
// specified colors, taking into account if the cell must be highlighted. Also,
// it checks if the position is valid.
func (v *View) setRune(x, y int, ch rune, fgColor, bgColor Attribute) error {
maxX, maxY := v.Size()
if x < 0 || x >= maxX || y < 0 || y >= maxY {
return ErrInvalidPoint
var (
ry, rcy int
err error
if v.Highlight {
_, ry, err = v.realPosition(x, y)
if err != nil {
return err
_, rrcy, err := v.realPosition(v.cx, v.cy)
// if error is not nil, then the cursor is out of bounds, which is fine
if err == nil {
rcy = rrcy
if v.Mask != 0 {
fgColor = v.FgColor
bgColor = v.BgColor
ch = v.Mask
} else if v.Highlight && ry == rcy {
// this ensures we use the bright variant of a colour upon highlight
fgColorComponent := fgColor & ^AttrAll
if fgColorComponent >= AttrIsValidColor && fgColorComponent < AttrIsValidColor+8 {
fgColor += 8
fgColor = fgColor | AttrBold
bgColor = bgColor | v.SelBgColor
// Don't display NUL characters
if ch == 0 {
ch = ' '
tcellSetCell(v.x0+x+1, v.y0+y+1, ch, fgColor, bgColor, v.outMode)
return nil
// SetCursor sets the cursor position of the view at the given point,
// relative to the view. It checks if the position is valid.
func (v *View) SetCursor(x, y int) error {
maxX, maxY := v.Size()
if x < 0 || x >= maxX || y < 0 || y >= maxY {
return nil
v.cx = x
v.cy = y
return nil
func (v *View) SetCursorX(x int) {
maxX, _ := v.Size()
if x < 0 || x >= maxX {
v.cx = x
func (v *View) SetCursorY(y int) {
_, maxY := v.Size()
if y < 0 || y >= maxY {
v.cy = y
// Cursor returns the cursor position of the view.
func (v *View) Cursor() (x, y int) {
return v.cx, v.cy
func (v *View) CursorX() int {
return v.cx
func (v *View) CursorY() int {
return v.cy
// SetOrigin sets the origin position of the view's internal buffer,
// so the buffer starts to be printed from this point, which means that
// it is linked with the origin point of view. It can be used to
// implement Horizontal and Vertical scrolling with just incrementing
// or decrementing ox and oy.
func (v *View) SetOrigin(x, y int) error {
if x < 0 || y < 0 {
return ErrInvalidPoint
v.ox = x
v.oy = y
return nil
func (v *View) SetOriginX(x int) error {
if x < 0 {
return ErrInvalidPoint
v.ox = x
return nil
func (v *View) SetOriginY(y int) error {
if y < 0 {
return ErrInvalidPoint
v.oy = y
return nil
// Origin returns the origin position of the view.
func (v *View) Origin() (x, y int) {
return v.OriginX(), v.OriginY()
func (v *View) OriginX() int {
return v.ox
func (v *View) OriginY() int {
return v.oy
// SetWritePos sets the write position of the view's internal buffer.
// So the next Write call would write directly to the specified position.
func (v *View) SetWritePos(x, y int) error {
if x < 0 || y < 0 {
return ErrInvalidPoint
v.wx = x
v.wy = y
return nil
// WritePos returns the current write position of the view's internal buffer.
func (v *View) WritePos() (x, y int) {
return v.wx, v.wy
// SetReadPos sets the read position of the view's internal buffer.
// So the next Read call would read from the specified position.
func (v *View) SetReadPos(x, y int) error {
if x < 0 || y < 0 {
return ErrInvalidPoint
v.readBuffer = nil
v.rx = x
v.ry = y
return nil
// ReadPos returns the current read position of the view's internal buffer.
func (v *View) ReadPos() (x, y int) {
return v.rx, v.ry
// makeWriteable creates empty cells if required to make position (x, y) writeable.
func (v *View) makeWriteable(x, y int) {
// TODO: make this more efficient
// line `y` must be index-able (that's why `<=`)
for len(v.lines) <= y {
if cap(v.lines) > len(v.lines) {
newLen := cap(v.lines)
if newLen > y {
newLen = y + 1
v.lines = v.lines[:newLen]
} else {
v.lines = append(v.lines, nil)
// cell `x` must not be index-able (that's why `<`)
// append should be used by `lines[y]` user if he wants to write beyond `x`
for len(v.lines[y]) < x {
if cap(v.lines[y]) > len(v.lines[y]) {
newLen := cap(v.lines[y])
if newLen > x {
newLen = x
v.lines[y] = v.lines[y][:newLen]
} else {
v.lines[y] = append(v.lines[y], cell{})
// writeCells copies []cell to specified location (x, y)
// !!! caller MUST ensure that specified location (x, y) is writeable by calling makeWriteable
func (v *View) writeCells(x, y int, cells []cell) {
var newLen int
// use maximum len available
line := v.lines[y][:cap(v.lines[y])]
maxCopy := len(line) - x
if maxCopy < len(cells) {
copy(line[x:], cells[:maxCopy])
line = append(line, cells[maxCopy:]...)
newLen = len(line)
} else { // maxCopy >= len(cells)
copy(line[x:], cells)
newLen = x + len(cells)
if newLen < len(v.lines[y]) {
newLen = len(v.lines[y])
v.lines[y] = line[:newLen]
// readCell gets cell at specified location (x, y)
func (v *View) readCell(x, y int) (cell, bool) {
if y < 0 || y >= len(v.lines) || x < 0 || x >= len(v.lines[y]) {
return cell{}, false
return v.lines[y][x], true
// Write appends a byte slice into the view's internal buffer. Because
// View implements the io.Writer interface, it can be passed as parameter
// of functions like fmt.Fprintf, fmt.Fprintln, io.Copy, etc. Clear must
// be called to clear the view's buffer.
func (v *View) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
defer v.writeMutex.Unlock()
return len(p), nil
func (v *View) WriteRunes(p []rune) {
defer v.writeMutex.Unlock()
// writeRunes copies slice of runes into internal lines buffer.
func (v *View) writeRunes(p []rune) {
v.tainted = true
// Fill with empty cells, if writing outside current view buffer
v.makeWriteable(v.wx, v.wy)
for _, r := range p {
switch r {
case '\n':
if c, ok := v.readCell(v.wx+1, v.wy); !ok || c.chr == 0 {
v.writeCells(v.wx, v.wy, []cell{{
chr: 0,
fgColor: 0,
bgColor: 0,
v.wx = 0
if v.wy >= len(v.lines) {
v.lines = append(v.lines, nil)
case '\r':
if c, ok := v.readCell(v.wx, v.wy); !ok || c.chr == 0 {
v.writeCells(v.wx, v.wy, []cell{{
chr: 0,
fgColor: 0,
bgColor: 0,
v.wx = 0
moveCursor, cells := v.parseInput(r, v.wx, v.wy)
if cells == nil {
v.writeCells(v.wx, v.wy, cells)
if moveCursor {
v.wx += len(cells)
// exported functions use the mutex. Non-exported functions are for internal use
// and a calling function should use a mutex
func (v *View) WriteString(s string) {
func (v *View) writeString(s string) {
// parseInput parses char by char the input written to the View. It returns nil
// while processing ESC sequences. Otherwise, it returns a cell slice that
// contains the processed data.
func (v *View) parseInput(ch rune, x int, y int) (bool, []cell) {
cells := []cell{}
moveCursor := true
isEscape, err := v.ei.parseOne(ch)
if err != nil {
for _, r := range v.ei.runes() {
c := cell{
fgColor: v.FgColor,
bgColor: v.BgColor,
chr: r,
cells = append(cells, c)
} else {
repeatCount := 1
if _, ok := v.ei.instruction.(eraseInLineFromCursor); ok {
// fill rest of line
cx := 0
for _, cell := range v.lines[v.wy] {
cx += runewidth.RuneWidth(cell.chr)
repeatCount = v.InnerWidth() - cx
ch = ' '
moveCursor = false
} else if isEscape {
// do not output anything
return moveCursor, nil
} else if ch == '\t' {
// fill tab-sized space
const tabStop = 4
ch = ' '
repeatCount = tabStop - (x % tabStop)
c := cell{
fgColor: v.ei.curFgColor,
bgColor: v.ei.curBgColor,
chr: ch,
for i := 0; i < repeatCount; i++ {
cells = append(cells, c)
return moveCursor, cells
// Read reads data into p from the current reading position set by SetReadPos.
// It returns the number of bytes read into p.
// At EOF, err will be io.EOF.
func (v *View) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
buffer := make([]byte, utf8.UTFMax)
offset := 0
if v.readBuffer != nil {
copy(p, v.readBuffer)
if len(v.readBuffer) >= len(p) {
if len(v.readBuffer) > len(p) {
v.readBuffer = v.readBuffer[len(p):]
return len(p), nil
v.readBuffer = nil
for v.ry < len(v.lines) {
for v.rx < len(v.lines[v.ry]) {
count := utf8.EncodeRune(buffer, v.lines[v.ry][v.rx].chr)
copy(p[offset:], buffer[:count])
newOffset := offset + count
if newOffset >= len(p) {
if newOffset > len(p) {
v.readBuffer = buffer[newOffset-len(p):]
return len(p), nil
offset += count
v.rx = 0
return offset, io.EOF
// only use this if the calling function has a lock on writeMutex
func (v *View) clear() {
v.lines = nil
// Clear empties the view's internal buffer.
// And resets reading and writing offsets.
func (v *View) Clear() {
defer v.writeMutex.Unlock()
func (v *View) SetContent(str string) {
defer v.writeMutex.Unlock()
func (v *View) CopyContent(from *View) {
defer v.writeMutex.Unlock()
v.lines = from.lines
v.viewLines = from.viewLines
v.ox = from.ox
v.oy = from.oy
v.cx = from.cx
v.cy = from.cy
// Rewind sets read and write pos to (0, 0).
func (v *View) Rewind() {
defer v.writeMutex.Unlock()
// similar to Rewind but clears lines. Also similar to Clear but doesn't reset
// viewLines
func (v *View) Reset() {
defer v.writeMutex.Unlock()
v.lines = nil
// This is for when we've done a restart for the sake of avoiding a flicker and
// we've reached the end of the new content to display: we need to clear the remaining
// content from the previous round. We do this by setting v.viewLines to nil so that
// we just render the new content from v.lines directly
func (v *View) FlushStaleCells() {
defer v.writeMutex.Unlock()
func (v *View) rewind() {
if err := v.SetReadPos(0, 0); err != nil {
// SetReadPos returns error only if x and y are negative
// we are passing 0, 0, thus no error should occur.
if err := v.SetWritePos(0, 0); err != nil {
// SetWritePos returns error only if x and y are negative
// we are passing 0, 0, thus no error should occur.
func containsUpcaseChar(str string) bool {
for _, ch := range str {
if unicode.IsUpper(ch) {
return true
return false
func (v *View) updateSearchPositions() {
if v.searcher.searchString != "" {
var normalizeRune func(r rune) rune
var normalizedSearchStr string
// if we have any uppercase characters we'll do a case-sensitive search
if containsUpcaseChar(v.searcher.searchString) {
normalizeRune = func(r rune) rune { return r }
normalizedSearchStr = v.searcher.searchString
} else {
normalizeRune = unicode.ToLower
normalizedSearchStr = strings.ToLower(v.searcher.searchString)
v.searcher.searchPositions = []cellPos{}
for y, line := range v.lines {
x := 0
for startIdx, c := range line {
found := true
offset := 0
for _, c := range normalizedSearchStr {
if len(line)-1 < startIdx+offset {
found = false
if normalizeRune(line[startIdx+offset].chr) != c {
found = false
offset += 1
if found {
v.searcher.searchPositions = append(v.searcher.searchPositions, cellPos{x: x, y: y})
x += runewidth.RuneWidth(c.chr)
// IsTainted tells us if the view is tainted
func (v *View) IsTainted() bool {
return v.tainted
// draw re-draws the view's contents.
func (v *View) draw() error {
defer v.writeMutex.Unlock()
if !v.Visible {
return nil
maxX, maxY := v.Size()
if v.Wrap {
if maxX == 0 {
return nil
v.ox = 0
if v.tainted {
lineIdx := 0
lines := v.lines
if v.HasLoader {
lines = v.loaderLines()
for i, line := range lines {
wrap := 0
if v.Wrap {
wrap = maxX
ls := lineWrap(line, wrap)
for j := range ls {
vline := viewLine{linesX: j, linesY: i, line: ls[j]}
if lineIdx > len(v.viewLines)-1 {
v.viewLines = append(v.viewLines, vline)
} else {
v.viewLines[lineIdx] = vline
if !v.HasLoader {
v.tainted = false
visibleViewLinesHeight := v.viewLineLengthIgnoringTrailingBlankLines()
if v.Autoscroll && visibleViewLinesHeight > maxY {
v.oy = visibleViewLinesHeight - maxY
if len(v.viewLines) == 0 {
return nil
start := v.oy
if start > len(v.viewLines)-1 {
start = len(v.viewLines) - 1
emptyCell := cell{chr: ' ', fgColor: ColorDefault, bgColor: ColorDefault}
var prevFgColor Attribute
for y, vline := range v.viewLines[start:] {
if y >= maxY {
// x tracks the current x position in the view, and cellIdx tracks the
// index of the cell. If we print a double-sized rune, we increment cellIdx
// by one but x by two.
x := -v.ox
cellIdx := 0
var c cell
for {
if x >= maxX {
if x < 0 {
if cellIdx < len(vline.line) {
x += runewidth.RuneWidth(vline.line[cellIdx].chr)
} else {
// no more characters to write so we're only going to be printing empty cells
// past this point
x = 0
// if we're out of cells to write, we'll just print empty cells.
if cellIdx > len(vline.line)-1 {
c = emptyCell
c.fgColor = prevFgColor
} else {
c = vline.line[cellIdx]
// capturing previous foreground colour so that if we're using the reverse
// attribute we honour the final character's colour and don't awkwardly switch
// to a new background colour for the remainder of the line
prevFgColor = c.fgColor
fgColor := c.fgColor
if fgColor == ColorDefault {
fgColor = v.FgColor
bgColor := c.bgColor
if bgColor == ColorDefault {
bgColor = v.BgColor
if matched, selected := v.isPatternMatchedRune(x, y); matched {
if selected {
bgColor = ColorCyan
} else {
bgColor = ColorYellow
if err := v.setRune(x, y, c.chr, fgColor, bgColor); err != nil {
return err
// Not sure why the previous code was here but it caused problems
// when typing wide characters in an editor
x += runewidth.RuneWidth(c.chr)
return nil
// if autoscroll is enabled but we only have a single row of cells shown to the
// user, we don't want to scroll to the final line if it contains no text. So
// this tells us the view lines height when we ignore any trailing blank lines
func (v *View) viewLineLengthIgnoringTrailingBlankLines() int {
for i := len(v.viewLines) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if len(v.viewLines[i].line) > 0 {
return i + 1
return 0
func (v *View) isPatternMatchedRune(x, y int) (bool, bool) {
searchStringWidth := runewidth.StringWidth(v.searcher.searchString)
for i, pos := range v.searcher.searchPositions {
adjustedY := y + v.oy
adjustedX := x + v.ox
if adjustedY == pos.y && adjustedX >= pos.x && adjustedX < pos.x+searchStringWidth {
return true, i == v.searcher.currentSearchIndex
return false, false
// realPosition returns the position in the internal buffer corresponding to the
// point (x, y) of the view.
func (v *View) realPosition(vx, vy int) (x, y int, err error) {
vx = v.ox + vx
vy = v.oy + vy
if vx < 0 || vy < 0 {
return 0, 0, ErrInvalidPoint
if len(v.viewLines) == 0 {
return vx, vy, nil
if vy < len(v.viewLines) {
vline := v.viewLines[vy]
x = vline.linesX + vx
y = vline.linesY
} else {
vline := v.viewLines[len(v.viewLines)-1]
x = vx
y = vline.linesY + vy - len(v.viewLines) + 1
return x, y, nil
// clearRunes erases all the cells in the view.
func (v *View) clearRunes() {
maxX, maxY := v.Size()
for x := 0; x < maxX; x++ {
for y := 0; y < maxY; y++ {
tcellSetCell(v.x0+x+1, v.y0+y+1, ' ', v.FgColor, v.BgColor, v.outMode)
// BufferLines returns the lines in the view's internal
// buffer.
func (v *View) BufferLines() []string {
defer v.writeMutex.Unlock()
lines := make([]string, len(v.lines))
for i, l := range v.lines {
str := lineType(l).String()
str = strings.Replace(str, "\x00", "", -1)
lines[i] = str
return lines
// Buffer returns a string with the contents of the view's internal
// buffer.
func (v *View) Buffer() string {
return linesToString(v.lines)
// ViewBufferLines returns the lines in the view's internal
// buffer that is shown to the user.
func (v *View) ViewBufferLines() []string {
defer v.writeMutex.Unlock()
lines := make([]string, len(v.viewLines))
for i, l := range v.viewLines {
str := lineType(l.line).String()
str = strings.Replace(str, "\x00", "", -1)
lines[i] = str
return lines
// LinesHeight is the count of view lines (i.e. lines excluding wrapping)
func (v *View) LinesHeight() int {
return len(v.lines)
// ViewLinesHeight is the count of view lines (i.e. lines including wrapping)
func (v *View) ViewLinesHeight() int {
return len(v.viewLines)
// ViewBuffer returns a string with the contents of the view's buffer that is
// shown to the user.
func (v *View) ViewBuffer() string {
lines := make([][]cell, len(v.viewLines))
for i := range v.viewLines {
lines[i] = v.viewLines[i].line
return linesToString(lines)
// Line returns a string with the line of the view's internal buffer
// at the position corresponding to the point (x, y).
func (v *View) Line(y int) (string, error) {
_, y, err := v.realPosition(0, y)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if y < 0 || y >= len(v.lines) {
return "", ErrInvalidPoint
return lineType(v.lines[y]).String(), nil
// Word returns a string with the word of the view's internal buffer
// at the position corresponding to the point (x, y).
func (v *View) Word(x, y int) (string, error) {
x, y, err := v.realPosition(x, y)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if x < 0 || y < 0 || y >= len(v.lines) || x >= len(v.lines[y]) {
return "", ErrInvalidPoint
str := lineType(v.lines[y]).String()
nl := strings.LastIndexFunc(str[:x], indexFunc)
if nl == -1 {
nl = 0
} else {
nl = nl + 1
nr := strings.IndexFunc(str[x:], indexFunc)
if nr == -1 {
nr = len(str)
} else {
nr = nr + x
return string(str[nl:nr]), nil
// indexFunc allows to split lines by words taking into account spaces
// and 0.
func indexFunc(r rune) bool {
return r == ' ' || r == 0
// SetHighlight toggles highlighting of separate lines, for custom lists
// or multiple selection in views.
func (v *View) SetHighlight(y int, on bool) error {
if y < 0 || y >= len(v.lines) {
err := ErrInvalidPoint
return err
line := v.lines[y]
cells := make([]cell, 0)
for _, c := range line {
if on {
c.bgColor = v.SelBgColor
c.fgColor = v.SelFgColor
} else {
c.bgColor = v.BgColor
c.fgColor = v.FgColor
cells = append(cells, c)
v.tainted = true
v.lines[y] = cells
return nil
func lineWrap(line []cell, columns int) [][]cell {
if columns == 0 {
return [][]cell{line}
var n int
var offset int
lastWhitespaceIndex := -1
lines := make([][]cell, 0, 1)
for i := range line {
currChr := line[i].chr
rw := runewidth.RuneWidth(currChr)
n += rw
// if currChr == 'g' {
// panic(n)
// }
if n > columns {
// This code is convoluted but we've got comprehensive tests so feel free to do whatever you want
// to the code to simplify it so long as our tests still pass.
if currChr == ' ' {
// if the line ends in a space, we'll omit it. This means there'll be no
// way to distinguish between a clean break and a mid-word break, but
// I think it's worth it.
lines = append(lines, line[offset:i])
offset = i + 1
n = 0
} else if currChr == '-' {
// if the last character is hyphen and the width of line is equal to the columns
lines = append(lines, line[offset:i])
offset = i
n = rw
} else if lastWhitespaceIndex != -1 && lastWhitespaceIndex+1 != i {
// if there is a space in the line and the line is not breaking at a space/hyphen
if line[lastWhitespaceIndex].chr == '-' {
// if break occurs at hyphen, we'll retain the hyphen
lines = append(lines, line[offset:lastWhitespaceIndex+1])
offset = lastWhitespaceIndex + 1
n = i - offset
} else {
// if break occurs at space, we'll omit the space
lines = append(lines, line[offset:lastWhitespaceIndex])
offset = lastWhitespaceIndex + 1
n = i - offset + 1
} else {
// in this case we're breaking mid-word
lines = append(lines, line[offset:i])
offset = i
n = rw
lastWhitespaceIndex = -1
} else if line[i].chr == ' ' || line[i].chr == '-' {
lastWhitespaceIndex = i
lines = append(lines, line[offset:])
return lines
func linesToString(lines [][]cell) string {
str := make([]string, len(lines))
for i := range lines {
rns := make([]rune, 0, len(lines[i]))
line := lineType(lines[i]).String()
for _, c := range line {
if c != '\x00' {
rns = append(rns, c)
str[i] = string(rns)
return strings.Join(str, "\n")
// GetClickedTabIndex tells us which tab was clicked
func (v *View) GetClickedTabIndex(x int) int {
if len(v.Tabs) <= 1 {
return 0
charX := len(v.TitlePrefix) + 1
if v.TitlePrefix != "" {
charX += 1
if x <= charX {
return -1
for i, tab := range v.Tabs {
charX += runewidth.StringWidth(tab)
if x <= charX {
return i
charX += runewidth.StringWidth(" - ")
if x <= charX {
return -1
return -1
func (v *View) SelectedLineIdx() int {
_, seletedLineIdx := v.SelectedPoint()
return seletedLineIdx
// expected to only be used in tests
func (v *View) SelectedLine() string {
defer v.writeMutex.Unlock()
if len(v.lines) == 0 {
return ""
line := v.lines[v.SelectedLineIdx()]
str := lineType(line).String()
return strings.Replace(str, "\x00", "", -1)
func (v *View) SelectedPoint() (int, int) {
cx, cy := v.Cursor()
ox, oy := v.Origin()
return cx + ox, cy + oy
func (v *View) RenderTextArea() {
fmt.Fprint(v, v.TextArea.GetContent())
cursorX, cursorY := v.TextArea.GetCursorXY()
prevOriginX, prevOriginY := v.Origin()
width, height := v.InnerWidth(), v.InnerHeight()
newViewCursorX, newOriginX := updatedCursorAndOrigin(prevOriginX, width, cursorX)
newViewCursorY, newOriginY := updatedCursorAndOrigin(prevOriginY, height, cursorY)
_ = v.SetCursor(newViewCursorX, newViewCursorY)
_ = v.SetOrigin(newOriginX, newOriginY)
func updatedCursorAndOrigin(prevOrigin int, size int, cursor int) (int, int) {
var newViewCursor int
newOrigin := prevOrigin
if cursor > prevOrigin+size {
newOrigin = cursor - size
newViewCursor = size
} else if cursor < prevOrigin {
newOrigin = cursor
newViewCursor = 0
} else {
newViewCursor = cursor - prevOrigin
return newViewCursor, newOrigin
func (v *View) ClearTextArea() {
defer v.writeMutex.Unlock()
_ = v.SetOrigin(0, 0)
_ = v.SetCursor(0, 0)
// only call this function if you don't care where v.wx and v.wy end up
func (v *View) OverwriteLines(y int, content string) {
defer v.writeMutex.Unlock()
// break by newline, then for each line, write it, then add that erase command
v.wx = 0
v.wy = y
lines := strings.Replace(content, "\n", "\x1b[K\n", -1)
func (v *View) ScrollUp(amount int) {
if amount > v.oy {
amount = v.oy
v.oy -= amount
v.cy += amount
// ensures we don't scroll past the end of the view's content
func (v *View) ScrollDown(amount int) {
adjustedAmount := v.adjustDownwardScrollAmount(amount)
if adjustedAmount > 0 {
v.oy += adjustedAmount
v.cy -= adjustedAmount
func (v *View) ScrollLeft(amount int) {
newOx := v.ox - amount
if newOx < 0 {
newOx = 0
v.ox = newOx
// not applying any limits to this
func (v *View) ScrollRight(amount int) {
v.ox += amount
func (v *View) adjustDownwardScrollAmount(scrollHeight int) int {
_, oy := v.Origin()
y := oy
if !v.CanScrollPastBottom {
_, sy := v.Size()
y += sy
scrollableLines := v.ViewLinesHeight() - y
if scrollableLines < 0 {
return 0
margin := v.scrollMargin()
if scrollableLines-margin < scrollHeight {
scrollHeight = scrollableLines - margin
if oy+scrollHeight < 0 {
return 0
} else {
return scrollHeight
// scrollMargin is about how many lines must still appear if you scroll
// all the way down. We'll subtract this from the total amount of scrollable lines
func (v *View) scrollMargin() int {
if v.CanScrollPastBottom {
// Setting to 2 because of the newline at the end of the file that we're likely showing.
// If we want to scroll past bottom outside the context of reading a file's contents,
// we should make this into a field on the view to be configured by the client.
// For now we're hardcoding it.
return 2
} else {
return 0
// Returns true if the view contains a line containing the given text with the given
// foreground color
func (v *View) ContainsColoredText(fgColor string, text string) bool {
for _, line := range v.lines {
if containsColoredTextInLine(fgColor, text, line) {
return true
return false
func containsColoredTextInLine(fgColorStr string, text string, line []cell) bool {
fgColor := tcell.GetColor(fgColorStr)
currentMatch := ""
for i := 0; i < len(line); i++ {
cell := line[i]
// stripping attributes by converting to and from hex
cellColor := tcell.NewHexColor(cell.fgColor.Hex())
if cellColor == fgColor {
currentMatch += string(cell.chr)
} else if currentMatch != "" {
if strings.Contains(currentMatch, text) {
return true
currentMatch = ""
return strings.Contains(currentMatch, text)