mirror of
synced 2025-03-19 21:28:28 +02:00
990 lines
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990 lines
28 KiB
package gui
import (
// screen sizing determines how much space your selected window takes up (window
// as in panel, not your terminal's window). Sometimes you want a bit more space
// to see the contents of a panel, and this keeps track of how much maximisation
// you've set
type WindowMaximisation int
const (
SCREEN_NORMAL WindowMaximisation = iota
const StartupPopupVersion = 5
// OverlappingEdges determines if panel edges overlap
var OverlappingEdges = false
type ContextManager struct {
ContextStack []types.Context
func NewContextManager(initialContext types.Context) ContextManager {
return ContextManager{
ContextStack: []types.Context{initialContext},
RWMutex: sync.RWMutex{},
type Helpers struct {
refs *RefsHelper
bisect *controllers.BisectHelper
suggestions *SuggestionsHelper
files *FilesHelper
workingTree *WorkingTreeHelper
tags *controllers.TagsHelper
type Repo string
// Gui wraps the gocui Gui object which handles rendering and events
type Gui struct {
g *gocui.Gui
git *commands.GitCommand
OSCommand *oscommands.OSCommand
// this is the state of the GUI for the current repo
State *GuiRepoState
// this is a mapping of repos to gui states, so that we can restore the original
// gui state when returning from a subrepo
RepoStateMap map[Repo]*GuiRepoState
Config config.AppConfigurer
Updater *updates.Updater
statusManager *statusManager
credentials credentials
waitForIntro sync.WaitGroup
fileWatcher *fileWatcher
viewBufferManagerMap map[string]*tasks.ViewBufferManager
stopChan chan struct{}
// when lazygit is opened outside a git directory we want to open to the most
// recent repo with the recent repos popup showing
showRecentRepos bool
Mutexes guiMutexes
// findSuggestions will take a string that the user has typed into a prompt
// and return a slice of suggestions which match that string.
findSuggestions func(string) []*types.Suggestion
// when you enter into a submodule we'll append the superproject's path to this array
// so that you can return to the superproject
RepoPathStack *utils.StringStack
// this tells us whether our views have been initially set up
ViewsSetup bool
Views Views
// if we've suspended the gui (e.g. because we've switched to a subprocess)
// we typically want to pause some things that are running like background
// file refreshes
PauseBackgroundThreads bool
// Log of the commands that get run, to be displayed to the user.
CmdLog []string
// the extras window contains things like the command log
ShowExtrasWindow bool
suggestionsAsyncHandler *tasks.AsyncHandler
PopupHandler types.IPopupHandler
IsNewRepo bool
// controllers define keybindings for a given context
Controllers Controllers
// flag as to whether or not the diff view should ignore whitespace
IgnoreWhitespaceInDiffView bool
// if this is true, we'll load our commits using `git log --all`
ShowWholeGitGraph bool
// we use this to decide whether we'll return to the original directory that
// lazygit was opened in, or if we'll retain the one we're currently in.
RetainOriginalDir bool
PrevLayout PrevLayout
// this is the initial dir we are in upon opening lazygit. We hold onto this
// in case we want to restore it before quitting for users who have set up
// the feature for changing directory upon quit.
// The reason we don't just wait until quit time to handle changing directories
// is because some users want to keep track of the current lazygit directory in an outside
// process
InitialDir string
c *types.ControllerCommon
helpers *Helpers
// we keep track of some stuff from one render to the next to see if certain
// things have changed
type PrevLayout struct {
Information string
MainWidth int
MainHeight int
type GuiRepoState struct {
// the file panels (files and commit files) can render as a tree, so we have
// managers for them which handle rendering a flat list of files in tree form
FileTreeViewModel *filetree.FileTreeViewModel
CommitFileTreeViewModel *filetree.CommitFileTreeViewModel
Submodules []*models.SubmoduleConfig
Branches []*models.Branch
Commits []*models.Commit
StashEntries []*models.StashEntry
SubCommits []*models.Commit
Remotes []*models.Remote
RemoteBranches []*models.RemoteBranch
Tags []*models.Tag
// FilteredReflogCommits are the ones that appear in the reflog panel.
// when in filtering mode we only include the ones that match the given path
FilteredReflogCommits []*models.Commit
// ReflogCommits are the ones used by the branches panel to obtain recency values
// if we're not in filtering mode, CommitFiles and FilteredReflogCommits will be
// one and the same
ReflogCommits []*models.Commit
// Suggestions will sometimes appear when typing into a prompt
Suggestions []*types.Suggestion
MenuItems []*types.MenuItem
BisectInfo *git_commands.BisectInfo
Updating bool
Panels *panelStates
SplitMainPanel bool
MainContext types.ContextKey // used to keep the main and secondary views' contexts in sync
IsRefreshingFiles bool
Searching searchingState
Ptmx *os.File
StartupStage StartupStage // Allows us to not load everything at once
Modes Modes
ContextManager ContextManager
Contexts context.ContextTree
ViewContextMap map[string]types.Context
ViewTabContextMap map[string][]context.TabContext
// WindowViewNameMap is a mapping of windows to the current view of that window.
// Some views move between windows for example the commitFiles view and when cycling through
// side windows we need to know which view to give focus to for a given window
WindowViewNameMap map[string]string
// tells us whether we've set up our views for the current repo. We'll need to
// do this whenever we switch back and forth between repos to get the views
// back in sync with the repo state
ViewsSetup bool
// for displaying suggestions while typing in a file name
FilesTrie *patricia.Trie
// this is the message of the last failed commit attempt
failedCommitMessage string
ScreenMode WindowMaximisation
type Controllers struct {
Submodules *controllers.SubmodulesController
Tags *controllers.TagsController
LocalCommits *controllers.LocalCommitsController
Files *controllers.FilesController
Remotes *controllers.RemotesController
Menu *controllers.MenuController
Bisect *controllers.BisectController
Undo *controllers.UndoController
Sync *controllers.SyncController
type listPanelState struct {
SelectedLineIdx int
func (h *listPanelState) SetSelectedLineIdx(value int) {
h.SelectedLineIdx = value
func (h *listPanelState) GetSelectedLineIdx() int {
return h.SelectedLineIdx
// for now the staging panel state, unlike the other panel states, is going to be
// non-mutative, so that we don't accidentally end up
// with mismatches of data. We might change this in the future
type LblPanelState struct {
SecondaryFocused bool // this is for if we show the left or right panel
type MergingPanelState struct {
// UserVerticalScrolling tells us if the user has started scrolling through the file themselves
// in which case we won't auto-scroll to a conflict.
UserVerticalScrolling bool
type filePanelState struct {
// TODO: consider splitting this out into the window and the branches view
type branchPanelState struct {
type remotePanelState struct {
type remoteBranchesState struct {
type commitPanelState struct {
LimitCommits bool
type reflogCommitPanelState struct {
type subCommitPanelState struct {
// e.g. name of branch whose commits we're looking at
refName string
type stashPanelState struct {
type menuPanelState struct {
OnPress func() error
type commitFilesPanelState struct {
// this is the SHA of the commit or the stash index of the stash.
// Not sure if ref is actually the right word here
refName string
canRebase bool
type submodulePanelState struct {
type suggestionsPanelState struct {
type panelStates struct {
Files *filePanelState
Branches *branchPanelState
Remotes *remotePanelState
RemoteBranches *remoteBranchesState
Commits *commitPanelState
ReflogCommits *reflogCommitPanelState
SubCommits *subCommitPanelState
Stash *stashPanelState
Menu *menuPanelState
LineByLine *LblPanelState
Merging *MergingPanelState
CommitFiles *commitFilesPanelState
Submodules *submodulePanelState
Suggestions *suggestionsPanelState
type Views struct {
Status *gocui.View
Files *gocui.View
Branches *gocui.View
Commits *gocui.View
Stash *gocui.View
Main *gocui.View
Secondary *gocui.View
Options *gocui.View
Confirmation *gocui.View
Menu *gocui.View
Credentials *gocui.View
CommitMessage *gocui.View
CommitFiles *gocui.View
Information *gocui.View
AppStatus *gocui.View
Search *gocui.View
SearchPrefix *gocui.View
Limit *gocui.View
Suggestions *gocui.View
Extras *gocui.View
type searchingState struct {
view *gocui.View
isSearching bool
searchString string
// startup stages so we don't need to load everything at once
type StartupStage int
const (
INITIAL StartupStage = iota
type Modes struct {
Filtering filtering.Filtering
CherryPicking cherrypicking.CherryPicking
Diffing diffing.Diffing
// if you add a new mutex here be sure to instantiate it. We're using pointers to
// mutexes so that we can pass the mutexes to controllers.
type guiMutexes struct {
RefreshingFilesMutex *sync.Mutex
RefreshingStatusMutex *sync.Mutex
SyncMutex *sync.Mutex
BranchCommitsMutex *sync.Mutex
LineByLinePanelMutex *sync.Mutex
SubprocessMutex *sync.Mutex
// reuseState determines if we pull the repo state from our repo state map or
// just re-initialize it. For now we're only re-using state when we're going
// in and out of submodules, for the sake of having the cursor back on the submodule
// when we return.
// I tried out always reverting to the repo's original state but found that in fact
// it gets a bit confusing to land back in the status panel when visiting a repo
// you've already switched from. There's no doubt some easy way to make the UX
// optimal for all cases but I'm too lazy to think about what that is right now
func (gui *Gui) resetState(filterPath string, reuseState bool) {
currentDir, err := os.Getwd()
if reuseState {
if err == nil {
if state := gui.RepoStateMap[Repo(currentDir)]; state != nil {
gui.State = state
gui.State.ViewsSetup = false
} else {
showTree := gui.UserConfig.Gui.ShowFileTree
contexts := gui.contextTree()
screenMode := SCREEN_NORMAL
initialContext := contexts.Files
if filterPath != "" {
screenMode = SCREEN_HALF
initialContext = contexts.BranchCommits
gui.State = &GuiRepoState{
FileTreeViewModel: filetree.NewFileTreeViewModel(make([]*models.File, 0), gui.Log, showTree),
CommitFileTreeViewModel: filetree.NewCommitFileTreeViewModel(make([]*models.CommitFile, 0), gui.Log, showTree),
Commits: make([]*models.Commit, 0),
FilteredReflogCommits: make([]*models.Commit, 0),
ReflogCommits: make([]*models.Commit, 0),
StashEntries: make([]*models.StashEntry, 0),
BisectInfo: git_commands.NewNullBisectInfo(),
Panels: &panelStates{
// TODO: work out why some of these are -1 and some are 0. Last time I checked there was a good reason but I'm less certain now
Files: &filePanelState{listPanelState{SelectedLineIdx: -1}},
Submodules: &submodulePanelState{listPanelState{SelectedLineIdx: -1}},
Branches: &branchPanelState{listPanelState{SelectedLineIdx: 0}},
Remotes: &remotePanelState{listPanelState{SelectedLineIdx: 0}},
RemoteBranches: &remoteBranchesState{listPanelState{SelectedLineIdx: -1}},
Commits: &commitPanelState{listPanelState: listPanelState{SelectedLineIdx: 0}, LimitCommits: true},
ReflogCommits: &reflogCommitPanelState{listPanelState{SelectedLineIdx: 0}},
SubCommits: &subCommitPanelState{listPanelState: listPanelState{SelectedLineIdx: 0}, refName: ""},
CommitFiles: &commitFilesPanelState{listPanelState: listPanelState{SelectedLineIdx: -1}, refName: ""},
Stash: &stashPanelState{listPanelState{SelectedLineIdx: -1}},
Menu: &menuPanelState{listPanelState: listPanelState{SelectedLineIdx: 0}, OnPress: nil},
Suggestions: &suggestionsPanelState{listPanelState: listPanelState{SelectedLineIdx: 0}},
Merging: &MergingPanelState{
State: mergeconflicts.NewState(),
UserVerticalScrolling: false,
Ptmx: nil,
Modes: Modes{
Filtering: filtering.New(filterPath),
CherryPicking: cherrypicking.New(),
Diffing: diffing.New(),
ViewContextMap: contexts.InitialViewContextMap(),
ViewTabContextMap: contexts.InitialViewTabContextMap(),
ScreenMode: screenMode,
// TODO: put contexts in the context manager
ContextManager: NewContextManager(initialContext),
Contexts: contexts,
FilesTrie: patricia.NewTrie(),
gui.RepoStateMap[Repo(currentDir)] = gui.State
// for now the split view will always be on
// NewGui builds a new gui handler
func NewGui(
cmn *common.Common,
config config.AppConfigurer,
gitConfig git_config.IGitConfig,
updater *updates.Updater,
filterPath string,
showRecentRepos bool,
initialDir string,
) (*Gui, error) {
gui := &Gui{
Common: cmn,
Config: config,
Updater: updater,
statusManager: &statusManager{},
viewBufferManagerMap: map[string]*tasks.ViewBufferManager{},
showRecentRepos: showRecentRepos,
RepoPathStack: &utils.StringStack{},
RepoStateMap: map[Repo]*GuiRepoState{},
CmdLog: []string{},
suggestionsAsyncHandler: tasks.NewAsyncHandler(),
// originally we could only hide the command log permanently via the config
// but now we do it via state. So we need to still support the config for the
// sake of backwards compatibility. We're making use of short circuiting here
ShowExtrasWindow: cmn.UserConfig.Gui.ShowCommandLog && !config.GetAppState().HideCommandLog,
Mutexes: guiMutexes{
RefreshingFilesMutex: &sync.Mutex{},
RefreshingStatusMutex: &sync.Mutex{},
SyncMutex: &sync.Mutex{},
BranchCommitsMutex: &sync.Mutex{},
LineByLinePanelMutex: &sync.Mutex{},
SubprocessMutex: &sync.Mutex{},
InitialDir: initialDir,
guiIO := oscommands.NewGuiIO(
osCommand := oscommands.NewOSCommand(cmn, oscommands.GetPlatform(), guiIO)
gui.OSCommand = osCommand
var err error
gui.git, err = commands.NewGitCommand(
if err != nil {
return nil, err
gui.PopupHandler = popup.NewPopupHandler(
func() error { return gui.c.Refresh(types.RefreshOptions{Mode: types.ASYNC}) },
func() error { return gui.closeConfirmationPrompt(false) },
func() string { return gui.Views.Confirmation.TextArea.GetContent() },
guiCommon := &guiCommon{gui: gui, IPopupHandler: gui.PopupHandler}
controllerCommon := &types.ControllerCommon{IGuiCommon: guiCommon, Common: cmn}
// storing this stuff on the gui for now to ease refactoring
// TODO: reset these controllers upon changing repos due to state changing
gui.c = controllerCommon
gui.resetState(filterPath, false)
return gui, nil
func (gui *Gui) setControllers() {
controllerCommon := gui.c
osCommand := gui.OSCommand
getState := func() *GuiRepoState { return gui.State }
getContexts := func() context.ContextTree { return gui.State.Contexts }
// TODO: have a getGit function too
gui.helpers = &Helpers{
refs: NewRefsHelper(
bisect: controllers.NewBisectHelper(controllerCommon, gui.git),
suggestions: NewSuggestionsHelper(controllerCommon, getState, gui.refreshSuggestions),
files: NewFilesHelper(controllerCommon, gui.git, osCommand),
workingTree: NewWorkingTreeHelper(func() *filetree.FileTreeViewModel { return gui.State.FileTreeViewModel }),
tags: controllers.NewTagsHelper(controllerCommon, gui.git),
syncController := controllers.NewSyncController(
gui.Controllers = Controllers{
Submodules: controllers.NewSubmodulesController(
Files: controllers.NewFilesController(
func() types.IListContext { return gui.State.Contexts.Files },
func() *filetree.FileTreeViewModel { return gui.State.FileTreeViewModel },
func() []*models.SubmoduleConfig { return gui.State.Submodules },
gui.getSetTextareaTextFn(func() *gocui.View { return gui.Views.CommitMessage }),
func() string { return gui.State.failedCommitMessage },
func() []*models.Commit { return gui.State.Commits },
Tags: controllers.NewTagsController(
func() *context.TagsContext { return gui.State.Contexts.Tags },
LocalCommits: controllers.NewLocalCommitsController(
func() types.IListContext { return gui.State.Contexts.BranchCommits },
func() []*models.Commit { return gui.State.Commits },
func() int { return gui.State.Panels.Commits.SelectedLineIdx },
func() bool { return gui.State.Panels.Commits.LimitCommits },
func(value bool) { gui.State.Panels.Commits.LimitCommits = value },
func() bool { return gui.ShowWholeGitGraph },
func(value bool) { gui.ShowWholeGitGraph = value },
Remotes: controllers.NewRemotesController(
func() types.IListContext { return gui.State.Contexts.Remotes },
func(branches []*models.RemoteBranch) { gui.State.RemoteBranches = branches },
Menu: controllers.NewMenuController(
func() types.IListContext { return gui.State.Contexts.Menu },
Bisect: controllers.NewBisectController(
func() types.IListContext { return gui.State.Contexts.BranchCommits },
func() []*models.Commit { return gui.State.Commits },
Undo: controllers.NewUndoController(
func() []*models.Commit { return gui.State.FilteredReflogCommits },
Sync: syncController,
var RuneReplacements = map[rune]string{
// for the commit graph
graph.MergeSymbol: "M",
graph.CommitSymbol: "o",
// Run setup the gui with keybindings and start the mainloop
func (gui *Gui) Run() error {
recordEvents := recordingEvents()
playMode := gocui.NORMAL
if recordEvents {
playMode = gocui.RECORDING
} else if replaying() {
playMode = gocui.REPLAYING
g, err := gocui.NewGui(gocui.OutputTrue, OverlappingEdges, playMode, headless(), RuneReplacements)
if err != nil {
return err
gui.g = g // TODO: always use gui.g rather than passing g around everywhere
defer g.Close()
if replaying() {
g.RecordingConfig = gocui.RecordingConfig{
Speed: getRecordingSpeed(),
Leeway: 100,
g.Recording, err = gui.loadRecording()
if err != nil {
return err
go utils.Safe(func() {
time.Sleep(time.Second * 40)
log.Fatal("40 seconds is up, lazygit recording took too long to complete")
g.OnSearchEscape = gui.onSearchEscape
if err := gui.Config.ReloadUserConfig(); err != nil {
return nil
userConfig := gui.UserConfig
g.SearchEscapeKey = gui.getKey(userConfig.Keybinding.Universal.Return)
g.NextSearchMatchKey = gui.getKey(userConfig.Keybinding.Universal.NextMatch)
g.PrevSearchMatchKey = gui.getKey(userConfig.Keybinding.Universal.PrevMatch)
g.ShowListFooter = userConfig.Gui.ShowListFooter
if userConfig.Gui.MouseEvents {
g.Mouse = true
if err := gui.setColorScheme(); err != nil {
return err
if gui.c.UserConfig.Git.AutoFetch {
go utils.Safe(gui.startBackgroundFetch)
gui.goEvery(time.Second*time.Duration(userConfig.Refresher.RefreshInterval), gui.stopChan, gui.refreshFilesAndSubmodules)
g.SetManager(gocui.ManagerFunc(gui.layout), gocui.ManagerFunc(gui.getFocusLayout()))
gui.c.Log.Info("starting main loop")
err = g.MainLoop()
return err
// RunAndHandleError
func (gui *Gui) RunAndHandleError() error {
gui.stopChan = make(chan struct{})
return utils.SafeWithError(func() error {
if err := gui.Run(); err != nil {
for _, manager := range gui.viewBufferManagerMap {
if !gui.fileWatcher.Disabled {
switch err {
case gocui.ErrQuit:
if gui.RetainOriginalDir {
if err := gui.recordDirectory(gui.InitialDir); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if err := gui.recordCurrentDirectory(); err != nil {
return err
if err := gui.saveRecording(gui.g.Recording); err != nil {
return err
return nil
return err
return nil
// returns whether command exited without error or not
func (gui *Gui) runSubprocessWithSuspenseAndRefresh(subprocess oscommands.ICmdObj) error {
_, err := gui.runSubprocessWithSuspense(subprocess)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := gui.c.Refresh(types.RefreshOptions{Mode: types.ASYNC}); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// returns whether command exited without error or not
func (gui *Gui) runSubprocessWithSuspense(subprocess oscommands.ICmdObj) (bool, error) {
defer gui.Mutexes.SubprocessMutex.Unlock()
if replaying() {
// we do not yet support running subprocesses within integration tests. So if
// we're replaying an integration test and we're inside this method, something
// has gone wrong, so we should fail
log.Fatal("opening subprocesses not yet supported in integration tests. Chances are that this test is running too fast and a subprocess is accidentally opened")
if err := gui.g.Suspend(); err != nil {
return false, gui.c.Error(err)
gui.PauseBackgroundThreads = true
cmdErr := gui.runSubprocess(subprocess)
if err := gui.g.Resume(); err != nil {
return false, err
gui.PauseBackgroundThreads = false
if cmdErr != nil {
return false, gui.c.Error(cmdErr)
return true, nil
func (gui *Gui) runSubprocess(cmdObj oscommands.ICmdObj) error { //nolint:unparam
gui.LogCommand(cmdObj.ToString(), true)
subprocess := cmdObj.GetCmd()
subprocess.Stdout = os.Stdout
subprocess.Stderr = os.Stdout
subprocess.Stdin = os.Stdin
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "\n%s\n\n", style.FgBlue.Sprint("+ "+strings.Join(subprocess.Args, " ")))
err := subprocess.Run()
subprocess.Stdout = ioutil.Discard
subprocess.Stderr = ioutil.Discard
subprocess.Stdin = nil
if gui.Config.GetUserConfig().PromptToReturnFromSubprocess {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "\n%s", style.FgGreen.Sprint(gui.Tr.PressEnterToReturn))
fmt.Scanln() // wait for enter press
return err
func (gui *Gui) loadNewRepo() error {
if err := gui.updateRecentRepoList(); err != nil {
return err
if err := gui.c.Refresh(types.RefreshOptions{Mode: types.ASYNC}); err != nil {
return err
if err := gui.OSCommand.UpdateWindowTitle(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (gui *Gui) showInitialPopups(tasks []func(chan struct{}) error) {
done := make(chan struct{})
go utils.Safe(func() {
for _, task := range tasks {
task := task
go utils.Safe(func() {
if err := task(done); err != nil {
_ = gui.c.Error(err)
func (gui *Gui) showIntroPopupMessage(done chan struct{}) error {
onConfirm := func() error {
done <- struct{}{}
gui.c.GetAppState().StartupPopupVersion = StartupPopupVersion
return gui.c.SaveAppState()
return gui.c.Ask(types.AskOpts{
Title: "",
Prompt: gui.c.Tr.IntroPopupMessage,
HandleConfirm: onConfirm,
HandleClose: onConfirm,
func (gui *Gui) goEvery(interval time.Duration, stop chan struct{}, function func() error) {
go utils.Safe(func() {
ticker := time.NewTicker(interval)
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-ticker.C:
if gui.PauseBackgroundThreads {
_ = function()
case <-stop:
func (gui *Gui) startBackgroundFetch() {
isNew := gui.IsNewRepo
userConfig := gui.UserConfig
if !isNew {
time.After(time.Duration(userConfig.Refresher.FetchInterval) * time.Second)
err := gui.backgroundFetch()
if err != nil && strings.Contains(err.Error(), "exit status 128") && isNew {
_ = gui.c.Ask(types.AskOpts{
Title: gui.c.Tr.NoAutomaticGitFetchTitle,
Prompt: gui.c.Tr.NoAutomaticGitFetchBody,
} else {
gui.goEvery(time.Second*time.Duration(userConfig.Refresher.FetchInterval), gui.stopChan, func() error {
err := gui.backgroundFetch()
return err
// setColorScheme sets the color scheme for the app based on the user config
func (gui *Gui) setColorScheme() error {
userConfig := gui.UserConfig
gui.g.FgColor = theme.InactiveBorderColor
gui.g.SelFgColor = theme.ActiveBorderColor
gui.g.FrameColor = theme.InactiveBorderColor
gui.g.SelFrameColor = theme.ActiveBorderColor
return nil
func (gui *Gui) OnUIThread(f func() error) {
gui.g.Update(func(*gocui.Gui) error {
return f()