mirror of https://github.com/jesseduffield/lazygit.git synced 2025-03-03 15:02:52 +02:00
2022-03-17 19:13:40 +11:00

466 lines
13 KiB

package gui
import (
// list panel functions
func (gui *Gui) getSelectedBranch() *models.Branch {
if len(gui.State.Branches) == 0 {
return nil
selectedLine := gui.State.Panels.Branches.SelectedLineIdx
if selectedLine == -1 {
return nil
return gui.State.Branches[selectedLine]
func (gui *Gui) branchesRenderToMain() error {
var task updateTask
branch := gui.getSelectedBranch()
if branch == nil {
task = NewRenderStringTask(gui.c.Tr.NoBranchesThisRepo)
} else {
cmdObj := gui.git.Branch.GetGraphCmdObj(branch.Name)
task = NewRunPtyTask(cmdObj.GetCmd())
return gui.refreshMainViews(refreshMainOpts{
main: &viewUpdateOpts{
title: "Log",
task: task,
// gui.refreshStatus is called at the end of this because that's when we can
// be sure there is a state.Branches array to pick the current branch from
func (gui *Gui) refreshBranches() {
reflogCommits := gui.State.FilteredReflogCommits
if gui.State.Modes.Filtering.Active() {
// in filter mode we filter our reflog commits to just those containing the path
// however we need all the reflog entries to populate the recencies of our branches
// which allows us to order them correctly. So if we're filtering we'll just
// manually load all the reflog commits here
var err error
reflogCommits, _, err = gui.git.Loaders.ReflogCommits.GetReflogCommits(nil, "")
if err != nil {
branches, err := gui.git.Loaders.Branches.Load(reflogCommits)
if err != nil {
_ = gui.c.Error(err)
gui.State.Branches = branches
if err := gui.c.PostRefreshUpdate(gui.State.Contexts.Branches); err != nil {
// specific functions
func (gui *Gui) handleBranchPress() error {
if gui.State.Panels.Branches.SelectedLineIdx == -1 {
return nil
if gui.State.Panels.Branches.SelectedLineIdx == 0 {
return gui.c.ErrorMsg(gui.c.Tr.AlreadyCheckedOutBranch)
branch := gui.getSelectedBranch()
return gui.refHelper.CheckoutRef(branch.Name, types.CheckoutRefOptions{})
func (gui *Gui) handleCreatePullRequestPress() error {
branch := gui.getSelectedBranch()
return gui.createPullRequest(branch.Name, "")
func (gui *Gui) handleCreatePullRequestMenu() error {
selectedBranch := gui.getSelectedBranch()
if selectedBranch == nil {
return nil
checkedOutBranch := gui.getCheckedOutBranch()
return gui.createPullRequestMenu(selectedBranch, checkedOutBranch)
func (gui *Gui) handleCopyPullRequestURLPress() error {
hostingServiceMgr := gui.getHostingServiceMgr()
branch := gui.getSelectedBranch()
branchExistsOnRemote := gui.git.Remote.CheckRemoteBranchExists(branch.Name)
if !branchExistsOnRemote {
return gui.c.Error(errors.New(gui.c.Tr.NoBranchOnRemote))
url, err := hostingServiceMgr.GetPullRequestURL(branch.Name, "")
if err != nil {
return gui.c.Error(err)
if err := gui.OSCommand.CopyToClipboard(url); err != nil {
return gui.c.Error(err)
return nil
func (gui *Gui) handleGitFetch() error {
return gui.c.WithLoaderPanel(gui.c.Tr.FetchWait, func() error {
if err := gui.fetch(); err != nil {
_ = gui.c.Error(err)
return gui.c.Refresh(types.RefreshOptions{Mode: types.ASYNC})
func (gui *Gui) handleForceCheckout() error {
branch := gui.getSelectedBranch()
message := gui.c.Tr.SureForceCheckout
title := gui.c.Tr.ForceCheckoutBranch
return gui.c.Ask(types.AskOpts{
Title: title,
Prompt: message,
HandleConfirm: func() error {
if err := gui.git.Branch.Checkout(branch.Name, git_commands.CheckoutOptions{Force: true}); err != nil {
_ = gui.c.Error(err)
return gui.c.Refresh(types.RefreshOptions{Mode: types.ASYNC})
func (gui *Gui) handleCheckoutByName() error {
return gui.c.Prompt(types.PromptOpts{
Title: gui.c.Tr.BranchName + ":",
FindSuggestionsFunc: gui.suggestionsHelper.GetRefsSuggestionsFunc(),
HandleConfirm: func(response string) error {
gui.c.LogAction("Checkout branch")
return gui.refHelper.CheckoutRef(response, types.CheckoutRefOptions{
OnRefNotFound: func(ref string) error {
return gui.c.Ask(types.AskOpts{
Title: gui.c.Tr.BranchNotFoundTitle,
Prompt: fmt.Sprintf("%s %s%s", gui.c.Tr.BranchNotFoundPrompt, ref, "?"),
HandleConfirm: func() error {
return gui.createNewBranchWithName(ref)
func (gui *Gui) getCheckedOutBranch() *models.Branch {
if len(gui.State.Branches) == 0 {
return nil
return gui.State.Branches[0]
func (gui *Gui) createNewBranchWithName(newBranchName string) error {
branch := gui.getSelectedBranch()
if branch == nil {
return nil
if err := gui.git.Branch.New(newBranchName, branch.Name); err != nil {
return gui.c.Error(err)
gui.State.Panels.Branches.SelectedLineIdx = 0
return gui.c.Refresh(types.RefreshOptions{Mode: types.ASYNC})
func (gui *Gui) handleDeleteBranch() error {
return gui.deleteBranch(false)
func (gui *Gui) deleteBranch(force bool) error {
selectedBranch := gui.getSelectedBranch()
if selectedBranch == nil {
return nil
checkedOutBranch := gui.getCheckedOutBranch()
if checkedOutBranch.Name == selectedBranch.Name {
return gui.c.ErrorMsg(gui.c.Tr.CantDeleteCheckOutBranch)
return gui.deleteNamedBranch(selectedBranch, force)
func (gui *Gui) deleteNamedBranch(selectedBranch *models.Branch, force bool) error {
title := gui.c.Tr.DeleteBranch
var templateStr string
if force {
templateStr = gui.c.Tr.ForceDeleteBranchMessage
} else {
templateStr = gui.c.Tr.DeleteBranchMessage
message := utils.ResolvePlaceholderString(
"selectedBranchName": selectedBranch.Name,
return gui.c.Ask(types.AskOpts{
Title: title,
Prompt: message,
HandleConfirm: func() error {
if err := gui.git.Branch.Delete(selectedBranch.Name, force); err != nil {
errMessage := err.Error()
if !force && strings.Contains(errMessage, "git branch -D ") {
return gui.deleteNamedBranch(selectedBranch, true)
return gui.c.ErrorMsg(errMessage)
return gui.c.Refresh(types.RefreshOptions{Mode: types.ASYNC, Scope: []types.RefreshableView{types.BRANCHES}})
func (gui *Gui) mergeBranchIntoCheckedOutBranch(branchName string) error {
if gui.git.Branch.IsHeadDetached() {
return gui.c.ErrorMsg("Cannot merge branch in detached head state. You might have checked out a commit directly or a remote branch, in which case you should checkout the local branch you want to be on")
checkedOutBranchName := gui.getCheckedOutBranch().Name
if checkedOutBranchName == branchName {
return gui.c.ErrorMsg(gui.c.Tr.CantMergeBranchIntoItself)
prompt := utils.ResolvePlaceholderString(
"checkedOutBranch": checkedOutBranchName,
"selectedBranch": branchName,
return gui.c.Ask(types.AskOpts{
Title: gui.c.Tr.MergingTitle,
Prompt: prompt,
HandleConfirm: func() error {
err := gui.git.Branch.Merge(branchName, git_commands.MergeOpts{})
return gui.checkMergeOrRebase(err)
func (gui *Gui) handleMerge() error {
selectedBranchName := gui.getSelectedBranch().Name
return gui.mergeBranchIntoCheckedOutBranch(selectedBranchName)
func (gui *Gui) handleRebaseOntoLocalBranch() error {
selectedBranchName := gui.getSelectedBranch().Name
return gui.handleRebaseOntoBranch(selectedBranchName)
func (gui *Gui) handleRebaseOntoBranch(selectedBranchName string) error {
checkedOutBranch := gui.getCheckedOutBranch().Name
if selectedBranchName == checkedOutBranch {
return gui.c.ErrorMsg(gui.c.Tr.CantRebaseOntoSelf)
prompt := utils.ResolvePlaceholderString(
"checkedOutBranch": checkedOutBranch,
"selectedBranch": selectedBranchName,
return gui.c.Ask(types.AskOpts{
Title: gui.c.Tr.RebasingTitle,
Prompt: prompt,
HandleConfirm: func() error {
err := gui.git.Rebase.RebaseBranch(selectedBranchName)
return gui.checkMergeOrRebase(err)
func (gui *Gui) handleFastForward() error {
branch := gui.getSelectedBranch()
if branch == nil || !branch.IsRealBranch() {
return nil
if !branch.IsTrackingRemote() {
return gui.c.ErrorMsg(gui.c.Tr.FwdNoUpstream)
if !branch.RemoteBranchStoredLocally() {
return gui.c.ErrorMsg(gui.c.Tr.FwdNoLocalUpstream)
if branch.HasCommitsToPush() {
return gui.c.ErrorMsg(gui.c.Tr.FwdCommitsToPush)
action := gui.c.Tr.Actions.FastForwardBranch
message := utils.ResolvePlaceholderString(
"from": fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", branch.UpstreamRemote, branch.UpstreamBranch),
"to": branch.Name,
return gui.c.WithLoaderPanel(message, func() error {
if gui.State.Panels.Branches.SelectedLineIdx == 0 {
_ = gui.Controllers.Sync.PullAux(controllers.PullFilesOptions{Action: action, FastForwardOnly: true})
} else {
err := gui.git.Sync.FastForward(branch.Name, branch.UpstreamRemote, branch.UpstreamBranch)
if err != nil {
_ = gui.c.Error(err)
_ = gui.c.Refresh(types.RefreshOptions{Mode: types.ASYNC, Scope: []types.RefreshableView{types.BRANCHES}})
return nil
func (gui *Gui) handleCreateResetToBranchMenu() error {
branch := gui.getSelectedBranch()
if branch == nil {
return nil
return gui.refHelper.CreateGitResetMenu(branch.Name)
func (gui *Gui) handleRenameBranch() error {
branch := gui.getSelectedBranch()
if branch == nil || !branch.IsRealBranch() {
return nil
promptForNewName := func() error {
return gui.c.Prompt(types.PromptOpts{
Title: gui.c.Tr.NewBranchNamePrompt + " " + branch.Name + ":",
InitialContent: branch.Name,
HandleConfirm: func(newBranchName string) error {
if err := gui.git.Branch.Rename(branch.Name, newBranchName); err != nil {
return gui.c.Error(err)
// need to find where the branch is now so that we can re-select it. That means we need to refetch the branches synchronously and then find our branch
// now that we've got our stuff again we need to find that branch and reselect it.
for i, newBranch := range gui.State.Branches {
if newBranch.Name == newBranchName {
if err := gui.State.Contexts.Branches.HandleRender(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// I could do an explicit check here for whether the branch is tracking a remote branch
// but if we've selected it we'll already know that via Pullables and Pullables.
// Bit of a hack but I'm lazy.
if !branch.IsTrackingRemote() {
return promptForNewName()
return gui.c.Ask(types.AskOpts{
Title: gui.c.Tr.LcRenameBranch,
Prompt: gui.c.Tr.RenameBranchWarning,
HandleConfirm: promptForNewName,
func (gui *Gui) handleNewBranchOffCurrentItem() error {
ctx := gui.currentSideListContext()
item, ok := ctx.GetSelectedItem()
if !ok {
return nil
message := utils.ResolvePlaceholderString(
"branchName": item.Description(),
prefilledName := ""
if ctx.GetKey() == context.REMOTE_BRANCHES_CONTEXT_KEY {
// will set to the remote's branch name without the remote name
prefilledName = strings.SplitAfterN(item.ID(), "/", 2)[1]
return gui.c.Prompt(types.PromptOpts{
Title: message,
InitialContent: prefilledName,
HandleConfirm: func(response string) error {
if err := gui.git.Branch.New(sanitizedBranchName(response), item.ID()); err != nil {
return err
// if we're currently in the branch commits context then the selected commit
// is about to go to the top of the list
if ctx.GetKey() == context.BRANCH_COMMITS_CONTEXT_KEY {
if ctx.GetKey() != gui.State.Contexts.Branches.GetKey() {
if err := gui.c.PushContext(gui.State.Contexts.Branches); err != nil {
return err
gui.State.Panels.Branches.SelectedLineIdx = 0
return gui.c.Refresh(types.RefreshOptions{Mode: types.ASYNC})
// sanitizedBranchName will remove all spaces in favor of a dash "-" to meet
// git's branch naming requirement.
func sanitizedBranchName(input string) string {
return strings.Replace(input, " ", "-", -1)