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synced 2025-03-29 22:07:13 +02:00
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570 lines
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package gui
import (
// list panel functions
func (gui *Gui) getSelectedBranch() *models.Branch {
if len(gui.State.Branches) == 0 {
return nil
selectedLine := gui.State.Panels.Branches.SelectedLineIdx
if selectedLine == -1 {
return nil
return gui.State.Branches[selectedLine]
func (gui *Gui) handleBranchSelect() error {
var task updateTask
branch := gui.getSelectedBranch()
if branch == nil {
task = NewRenderStringTask(gui.Tr.NoBranchesThisRepo)
} else {
cmd := gui.OSCommand.ExecutableFromString(
task = NewRunPtyTask(cmd)
return gui.refreshMainViews(refreshMainOpts{
main: &viewUpdateOpts{
title: "Log",
task: task,
// gui.refreshStatus is called at the end of this because that's when we can
// be sure there is a state.Branches array to pick the current branch from
func (gui *Gui) refreshBranches() {
reflogCommits := gui.State.FilteredReflogCommits
if gui.State.Modes.Filtering.Active() {
// in filter mode we filter our reflog commits to just those containing the path
// however we need all the reflog entries to populate the recencies of our branches
// which allows us to order them correctly. So if we're filtering we'll just
// manually load all the reflog commits here
var err error
reflogCommits, _, err = gui.GitCommand.GetReflogCommits(nil, "")
if err != nil {
builder, err := commands.NewBranchListBuilder(gui.Log, gui.GitCommand, reflogCommits)
if err != nil {
_ = gui.surfaceError(err)
gui.State.Branches = builder.Build()
if err := gui.postRefreshUpdate(gui.State.Contexts.Branches); err != nil {
// specific functions
func (gui *Gui) handleBranchPress() error {
if gui.State.Panels.Branches.SelectedLineIdx == -1 {
return nil
if gui.State.Panels.Branches.SelectedLineIdx == 0 {
return gui.createErrorPanel(gui.Tr.AlreadyCheckedOutBranch)
branch := gui.getSelectedBranch()
return gui.handleCheckoutRef(branch.Name, handleCheckoutRefOptions{span: "Checkout branch"})
func (gui *Gui) handleCreatePullRequestPress() error {
pullRequest := commands.NewPullRequest(gui.GitCommand)
branch := gui.getSelectedBranch()
url, err := pullRequest.Create(branch)
if err != nil {
return gui.surfaceError(err)
gui.OnRunCommand(oscommands.NewCmdLogEntry(fmt.Sprintf("Creating pull request at URL: %s", url), "Create pull request", false))
return nil
func (gui *Gui) handleCopyPullRequestURLPress() error {
pullRequest := commands.NewPullRequest(gui.GitCommand)
branch := gui.getSelectedBranch()
url, err := pullRequest.CopyURL(branch)
if err != nil {
return gui.surfaceError(err)
gui.OnRunCommand(oscommands.NewCmdLogEntry(fmt.Sprintf("Copying to clipboard: '%s'", url), "Copy URL", false))
return nil
func (gui *Gui) handleGitFetch() error {
if err := gui.createLoaderPanel(gui.Tr.FetchWait); err != nil {
return err
go utils.Safe(func() {
err := gui.fetch(true, "Fetch")
_ = gui.refreshSidePanels(refreshOptions{mode: ASYNC})
return nil
func (gui *Gui) handleForceCheckout() error {
branch := gui.getSelectedBranch()
message := gui.Tr.SureForceCheckout
title := gui.Tr.ForceCheckoutBranch
return gui.ask(askOpts{
title: title,
prompt: message,
handleConfirm: func() error {
if err := gui.GitCommand.WithSpan("Force checkout branch").Checkout(branch.Name, commands.CheckoutOptions{Force: true}); err != nil {
_ = gui.surfaceError(err)
return gui.refreshSidePanels(refreshOptions{mode: ASYNC})
type handleCheckoutRefOptions struct {
WaitingStatus string
EnvVars []string
onRefNotFound func(ref string) error
span string
func (gui *Gui) handleCheckoutRef(ref string, options handleCheckoutRefOptions) error {
waitingStatus := options.WaitingStatus
if waitingStatus == "" {
waitingStatus = gui.Tr.CheckingOutStatus
cmdOptions := commands.CheckoutOptions{Force: false, EnvVars: options.EnvVars}
onSuccess := func() {
gui.State.Panels.Branches.SelectedLineIdx = 0
gui.State.Panels.Commits.SelectedLineIdx = 0
// loading a heap of commits is slow so we limit them whenever doing a reset
gui.State.Panels.Commits.LimitCommits = true
gitCommand := gui.GitCommand.WithSpan(options.span)
return gui.WithWaitingStatus(waitingStatus, func() error {
if err := gitCommand.Checkout(ref, cmdOptions); err != nil {
// note, this will only work for english-language git commands. If we force git to use english, and the error isn't this one, then the user will receive an english command they may not understand. I'm not sure what the best solution to this is. Running the command once in english and a second time in the native language is one option
if options.onRefNotFound != nil && strings.Contains(err.Error(), "did not match any file(s) known to git") {
return options.onRefNotFound(ref)
if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "Please commit your changes or stash them before you switch branch") {
// offer to autostash changes
return gui.ask(askOpts{
title: gui.Tr.AutoStashTitle,
prompt: gui.Tr.AutoStashPrompt,
handleConfirm: func() error {
if err := gitCommand.StashSave(gui.Tr.StashPrefix + ref); err != nil {
return gui.surfaceError(err)
if err := gitCommand.Checkout(ref, cmdOptions); err != nil {
return gui.surfaceError(err)
if err := gitCommand.StashDo(0, "pop"); err != nil {
if err := gui.refreshSidePanels(refreshOptions{mode: BLOCK_UI}); err != nil {
return err
return gui.surfaceError(err)
return gui.refreshSidePanels(refreshOptions{mode: BLOCK_UI})
if err := gui.surfaceError(err); err != nil {
return err
return gui.refreshSidePanels(refreshOptions{mode: BLOCK_UI})
func (gui *Gui) handleCheckoutByName() error {
return gui.prompt(promptOpts{
title: gui.Tr.BranchName + ":",
findSuggestionsFunc: gui.findBranchNameSuggestions,
handleConfirm: func(response string) error {
return gui.handleCheckoutRef(response, handleCheckoutRefOptions{
span: "Checkout branch",
onRefNotFound: func(ref string) error {
return gui.ask(askOpts{
title: gui.Tr.BranchNotFoundTitle,
prompt: fmt.Sprintf("%s %s%s", gui.Tr.BranchNotFoundPrompt, ref, "?"),
handleConfirm: func() error {
return gui.createNewBranchWithName(ref)
func (gui *Gui) getCheckedOutBranch() *models.Branch {
if len(gui.State.Branches) == 0 {
return nil
return gui.State.Branches[0]
func (gui *Gui) createNewBranchWithName(newBranchName string) error {
branch := gui.getSelectedBranch()
if branch == nil {
return nil
if err := gui.GitCommand.NewBranch(newBranchName, branch.Name); err != nil {
return gui.surfaceError(err)
gui.State.Panels.Branches.SelectedLineIdx = 0
return gui.refreshSidePanels(refreshOptions{mode: ASYNC})
func (gui *Gui) handleDeleteBranch() error {
return gui.deleteBranch(false)
func (gui *Gui) deleteBranch(force bool) error {
selectedBranch := gui.getSelectedBranch()
if selectedBranch == nil {
return nil
checkedOutBranch := gui.getCheckedOutBranch()
if checkedOutBranch.Name == selectedBranch.Name {
return gui.createErrorPanel(gui.Tr.CantDeleteCheckOutBranch)
return gui.deleteNamedBranch(selectedBranch, force)
func (gui *Gui) deleteNamedBranch(selectedBranch *models.Branch, force bool) error {
title := gui.Tr.DeleteBranch
var templateStr string
if force {
templateStr = gui.Tr.ForceDeleteBranchMessage
} else {
templateStr = gui.Tr.DeleteBranchMessage
message := utils.ResolvePlaceholderString(
"selectedBranchName": selectedBranch.Name,
return gui.ask(askOpts{
title: title,
prompt: message,
handleConfirm: func() error {
if err := gui.GitCommand.WithSpan("Delete branch").DeleteBranch(selectedBranch.Name, force); err != nil {
errMessage := err.Error()
if !force && strings.Contains(errMessage, "is not fully merged") {
return gui.deleteNamedBranch(selectedBranch, true)
return gui.createErrorPanel(errMessage)
return gui.refreshSidePanels(refreshOptions{mode: ASYNC, scope: []RefreshableView{BRANCHES}})
func (gui *Gui) mergeBranchIntoCheckedOutBranch(branchName string) error {
if ok, err := gui.validateNotInFilterMode(); err != nil || !ok {
return err
if gui.GitCommand.IsHeadDetached() {
return gui.createErrorPanel("Cannot merge branch in detached head state. You might have checked out a commit directly or a remote branch, in which case you should checkout the local branch you want to be on")
checkedOutBranchName := gui.getCheckedOutBranch().Name
if checkedOutBranchName == branchName {
return gui.createErrorPanel(gui.Tr.CantMergeBranchIntoItself)
prompt := utils.ResolvePlaceholderString(
"checkedOutBranch": checkedOutBranchName,
"selectedBranch": branchName,
return gui.ask(askOpts{
title: gui.Tr.MergingTitle,
prompt: prompt,
handleConfirm: func() error {
err := gui.GitCommand.WithSpan("Merge").Merge(branchName, commands.MergeOpts{})
return gui.handleGenericMergeCommandResult(err)
func (gui *Gui) handleMerge() error {
if ok, err := gui.validateNotInFilterMode(); err != nil || !ok {
return err
selectedBranchName := gui.getSelectedBranch().Name
return gui.mergeBranchIntoCheckedOutBranch(selectedBranchName)
func (gui *Gui) handleRebaseOntoLocalBranch() error {
selectedBranchName := gui.getSelectedBranch().Name
return gui.handleRebaseOntoBranch(selectedBranchName)
func (gui *Gui) handleRebaseOntoBranch(selectedBranchName string) error {
if ok, err := gui.validateNotInFilterMode(); err != nil || !ok {
return err
checkedOutBranch := gui.getCheckedOutBranch().Name
if selectedBranchName == checkedOutBranch {
return gui.createErrorPanel(gui.Tr.CantRebaseOntoSelf)
prompt := utils.ResolvePlaceholderString(
"checkedOutBranch": checkedOutBranch,
"selectedBranch": selectedBranchName,
return gui.ask(askOpts{
title: gui.Tr.RebasingTitle,
prompt: prompt,
handleConfirm: func() error {
err := gui.GitCommand.WithSpan("Rebase branch").RebaseBranch(selectedBranchName)
return gui.handleGenericMergeCommandResult(err)
func (gui *Gui) handleFastForward() error {
branch := gui.getSelectedBranch()
if branch == nil {
return nil
if branch.Pushables == "" {
return nil
if branch.Pushables == "?" {
return gui.createErrorPanel(gui.Tr.FwdNoUpstream)
if branch.Pushables != "0" {
return gui.createErrorPanel(gui.Tr.FwdCommitsToPush)
upstream, err := gui.GitCommand.GetUpstreamForBranch(branch.Name)
if err != nil {
return gui.surfaceError(err)
span := "Fast forward branch"
split := strings.Split(upstream, "/")
remoteName := split[0]
remoteBranchName := strings.Join(split[1:], "/")
message := utils.ResolvePlaceholderString(
"from": fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", remoteName, remoteBranchName),
"to": branch.Name,
go utils.Safe(func() {
_ = gui.createLoaderPanel(message)
if gui.State.Panels.Branches.SelectedLineIdx == 0 {
_ = gui.pullWithMode("ff-only", PullFilesOptions{span: span})
} else {
err := gui.GitCommand.WithSpan(span).FastForward(branch.Name, remoteName, remoteBranchName, gui.promptUserForCredential)
_ = gui.refreshSidePanels(refreshOptions{mode: ASYNC, scope: []RefreshableView{BRANCHES}})
return nil
func (gui *Gui) handleCreateResetToBranchMenu() error {
branch := gui.getSelectedBranch()
if branch == nil {
return nil
return gui.createResetMenu(branch.Name)
func (gui *Gui) handleRenameBranch() error {
branch := gui.getSelectedBranch()
if branch == nil {
return nil
promptForNewName := func() error {
return gui.prompt(promptOpts{
title: gui.Tr.NewBranchNamePrompt + " " + branch.Name + ":",
initialContent: branch.Name,
handleConfirm: func(newBranchName string) error {
if err := gui.GitCommand.WithSpan("Rename branch").RenameBranch(branch.Name, newBranchName); err != nil {
return gui.surfaceError(err)
// need to find where the branch is now so that we can re-select it. That means we need to refetch the branches synchronously and then find our branch
// now that we've got our stuff again we need to find that branch and reselect it.
for i, newBranch := range gui.State.Branches {
if newBranch.Name == newBranchName {
if err := gui.State.Contexts.Branches.HandleRender(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// I could do an explicit check here for whether the branch is tracking a remote branch
// but if we've selected it we'll already know that via Pullables and Pullables.
// Bit of a hack but I'm lazy.
notTrackingRemote := branch.Pullables == "?"
if notTrackingRemote {
return promptForNewName()
return gui.ask(askOpts{
title: gui.Tr.LcRenameBranch,
prompt: gui.Tr.RenameBranchWarning,
handleConfirm: promptForNewName,
func (gui *Gui) currentBranch() *models.Branch {
if len(gui.State.Branches) == 0 {
return nil
return gui.State.Branches[0]
func (gui *Gui) handleNewBranchOffCurrentItem() error {
context := gui.currentSideListContext()
item, ok := context.GetSelectedItem()
if !ok {
return nil
message := utils.ResolvePlaceholderString(
"branchName": item.Description(),
prefilledName := ""
if context.GetKey() == REMOTE_BRANCHES_CONTEXT_KEY {
// will set to the remote's existing name
prefilledName = item.ID()
return gui.prompt(promptOpts{
title: message,
initialContent: prefilledName,
handleConfirm: func(response string) error {
if err := gui.GitCommand.WithSpan("Create branch").NewBranch(sanitizedBranchName(response), item.ID()); err != nil {
return err
// if we're currently in the branch commits context then the selected commit
// is about to go to the top of the list
if context.GetKey() == BRANCH_COMMITS_CONTEXT_KEY {
if context.GetKey() != gui.State.Contexts.Branches.GetKey() {
if err := gui.pushContext(gui.State.Contexts.Branches); err != nil {
return err
gui.State.Panels.Branches.SelectedLineIdx = 0
return gui.refreshSidePanels(refreshOptions{mode: ASYNC})
func (gui *Gui) getBranchNames() []string {
result := make([]string, len(gui.State.Branches))
for i, branch := range gui.State.Branches {
result[i] = branch.Name
return result
func (gui *Gui) findBranchNameSuggestions(input string) []*types.Suggestion {
branchNames := gui.getBranchNames()
matchingBranchNames := utils.FuzzySearch(sanitizedBranchName(input), branchNames)
suggestions := make([]*types.Suggestion, len(matchingBranchNames))
for i, branchName := range matchingBranchNames {
suggestions[i] = &types.Suggestion{
Value: branchName,
Label: utils.ColoredString(branchName, presentation.GetBranchColor(branchName)),
return suggestions
// sanitizedBranchName will remove all spaces in favor of a dash "-" to meet
// git's branch naming requirement.
func sanitizedBranchName(input string) string {
return strings.Replace(input, " ", "-", -1)