mirror of
synced 2025-02-03 13:21:56 +02:00
... and import stefanhaller's tcell fork for real rather than just replacing it This solves the problem that people trying to "go install github.com/jesseduffield/lazygit@latest" would get the error go: github.com/jesseduffield/lazygit@latest (in github.com/jesseduffield/lazygit@v0.40.0): The go.mod file for the module providing named packages contains one or more replace directives. It must not contain directives that would cause it to be interpreted differently than if it were the main module.
1951 lines
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1951 lines
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// Copyright 2022 The TCell Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the license at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
//go:build !(js && wasm)
// +build !js !wasm
package tcell
import (
// import the stock terminals
_ "github.com/stefanhaller/tcell/v2/terminfo/base"
// NewTerminfoScreen returns a Screen that uses the stock TTY interface
// and POSIX terminal control, combined with a terminfo description taken from
// the $TERM environment variable. It returns an error if the terminal
// is not supported for any reason.
// For terminals that do not support dynamic resize events, the $LINES
// $COLUMNS environment variables can be set to the actual window size,
// otherwise defaults taken from the terminal database are used.
func NewTerminfoScreen() (Screen, error) {
return NewTerminfoScreenFromTty(nil)
// LookupTerminfo attempts to find a definition for the named $TERM falling
// back to attempting to parse the output from infocmp.
func LookupTerminfo(name string) (ti *terminfo.Terminfo, e error) {
ti, e = terminfo.LookupTerminfo(name)
if e != nil {
ti, e = loadDynamicTerminfo(name)
if e != nil {
return nil, e
// NewTerminfoScreenFromTtyTerminfo returns a Screen using a custom Tty
// implementation and custom terminfo specification.
// If the passed in tty is nil, then a reasonable default (typically /dev/tty)
// is presumed, at least on UNIX hosts. (Windows hosts will typically fail this
// call altogether.)
// If passed terminfo is nil, then TERM environment variable is queried for
// terminal specification.
func NewTerminfoScreenFromTtyTerminfo(tty Tty, ti *terminfo.Terminfo) (s Screen, e error) {
if ti == nil {
ti, e = LookupTerminfo(os.Getenv("TERM"))
if e != nil {
t := &tScreen{ti: ti, tty: tty}
t.keyexist = make(map[Key]bool)
t.keycodes = make(map[string]*tKeyCode)
if len(ti.Mouse) > 0 {
t.mouse = []byte(ti.Mouse)
t.resizeQ = make(chan bool, 1)
t.fallback = make(map[rune]string)
for k, v := range RuneFallbacks {
t.fallback[k] = v
return t, nil
// NewTerminfoScreenFromTty returns a Screen using a custom Tty implementation.
// If the passed in tty is nil, then a reasonable default (typically /dev/tty)
// is presumed, at least on UNIX hosts. (Windows hosts will typically fail this
// call altogether.)
func NewTerminfoScreenFromTty(tty Tty) (Screen, error) {
return NewTerminfoScreenFromTtyTerminfo(tty, nil)
// tKeyCode represents a combination of a key code and modifiers.
type tKeyCode struct {
key Key
mod ModMask
// tScreen represents a screen backed by a terminfo implementation.
type tScreen struct {
ti *terminfo.Terminfo
tty Tty
h int
w int
fini bool
cells CellBuffer
buffering bool // true if we are collecting writes to buf instead of sending directly to out
buf bytes.Buffer
curstyle Style
style Style
evch chan Event
resizeQ chan bool
quit chan struct{}
keyexist map[Key]bool
keycodes map[string]*tKeyCode
keychan chan []byte
keytimer *time.Timer
keyexpire time.Time
cx int
cy int
mouse []byte
clear bool
cursorx int
cursory int
acs map[rune]string
charset string
encoder transform.Transformer
decoder transform.Transformer
fallback map[rune]string
colors map[Color]Color
palette []Color
truecolor bool
escaped bool
buttondn bool
finiOnce sync.Once
enablePaste string
disablePaste string
enterUrl string
exitUrl string
setWinSize string
enableFocus string
disableFocus string
cursorStyles map[CursorStyle]string
cursorStyle CursorStyle
saved *term.State
stopQ chan struct{}
running bool
wg sync.WaitGroup
mouseFlags MouseFlags
pasteEnabled bool
focusEnabled bool
func (t *tScreen) Init() error {
if e := t.initialize(); e != nil {
return e
t.evch = make(chan Event, 10)
t.keychan = make(chan []byte, 10)
t.keytimer = time.NewTimer(time.Millisecond * 50)
t.charset = "UTF-8"
t.charset = getCharset()
if enc := GetEncoding(t.charset); enc != nil {
t.encoder = enc.NewEncoder()
t.decoder = enc.NewDecoder()
} else {
return ErrNoCharset
ti := t.ti
// environment overrides
w := ti.Columns
h := ti.Lines
if i, _ := strconv.Atoi(os.Getenv("LINES")); i != 0 {
h = i
if i, _ := strconv.Atoi(os.Getenv("COLUMNS")); i != 0 {
w = i
if t.ti.SetFgBgRGB != "" || t.ti.SetFgRGB != "" || t.ti.SetBgRGB != "" {
t.truecolor = true
// A user who wants to have his themes honored can
// set this environment variable.
if os.Getenv("TCELL_TRUECOLOR") == "disable" {
t.truecolor = false
nColors := t.nColors()
if nColors > 256 {
nColors = 256 // clip to reasonable limits
t.colors = make(map[Color]Color, nColors)
t.palette = make([]Color, nColors)
for i := 0; i < nColors; i++ {
t.palette[i] = Color(i) | ColorValid
// identity map for our builtin colors
t.colors[Color(i)|ColorValid] = Color(i) | ColorValid
t.quit = make(chan struct{})
t.cx = -1
t.cy = -1
t.style = StyleDefault
t.cells.Resize(w, h)
t.cursorx = -1
t.cursory = -1
if err := t.engage(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (t *tScreen) prepareKeyMod(key Key, mod ModMask, val string) {
if val != "" {
// Do not override codes that already exist
if _, exist := t.keycodes[val]; !exist {
t.keyexist[key] = true
t.keycodes[val] = &tKeyCode{key: key, mod: mod}
func (t *tScreen) prepareKeyModReplace(key Key, replace Key, mod ModMask, val string) {
if val != "" {
// Do not override codes that already exist
if old, exist := t.keycodes[val]; !exist || old.key == replace {
t.keyexist[key] = true
t.keycodes[val] = &tKeyCode{key: key, mod: mod}
func (t *tScreen) prepareKeyModXTerm(key Key, val string) {
if strings.HasPrefix(val, "\x1b[") && strings.HasSuffix(val, "~") {
// Drop the trailing ~
val = val[:len(val)-1]
// These suffixes are calculated assuming Xterm style modifier suffixes.
// Please see https://invisible-island.net/xterm/ctlseqs/ctlseqs.pdf for
// more information (specifically "PC-Style Function Keys").
t.prepareKeyModReplace(key, key+12, ModShift, val+";2~")
t.prepareKeyModReplace(key, key+48, ModAlt, val+";3~")
t.prepareKeyModReplace(key, key+60, ModAlt|ModShift, val+";4~")
t.prepareKeyModReplace(key, key+24, ModCtrl, val+";5~")
t.prepareKeyModReplace(key, key+36, ModCtrl|ModShift, val+";6~")
t.prepareKeyMod(key, ModAlt|ModCtrl, val+";7~")
t.prepareKeyMod(key, ModShift|ModAlt|ModCtrl, val+";8~")
t.prepareKeyMod(key, ModMeta, val+";9~")
t.prepareKeyMod(key, ModMeta|ModShift, val+";10~")
t.prepareKeyMod(key, ModMeta|ModAlt, val+";11~")
t.prepareKeyMod(key, ModMeta|ModAlt|ModShift, val+";12~")
t.prepareKeyMod(key, ModMeta|ModCtrl, val+";13~")
t.prepareKeyMod(key, ModMeta|ModCtrl|ModShift, val+";14~")
t.prepareKeyMod(key, ModMeta|ModCtrl|ModAlt, val+";15~")
t.prepareKeyMod(key, ModMeta|ModCtrl|ModAlt|ModShift, val+";16~")
} else if strings.HasPrefix(val, "\x1bO") && len(val) == 3 {
val = val[2:]
t.prepareKeyModReplace(key, key+12, ModShift, "\x1b[1;2"+val)
t.prepareKeyModReplace(key, key+48, ModAlt, "\x1b[1;3"+val)
t.prepareKeyModReplace(key, key+24, ModCtrl, "\x1b[1;5"+val)
t.prepareKeyModReplace(key, key+36, ModCtrl|ModShift, "\x1b[1;6"+val)
t.prepareKeyModReplace(key, key+60, ModAlt|ModShift, "\x1b[1;4"+val)
t.prepareKeyMod(key, ModAlt|ModCtrl, "\x1b[1;7"+val)
t.prepareKeyMod(key, ModShift|ModAlt|ModCtrl, "\x1b[1;8"+val)
t.prepareKeyMod(key, ModMeta, "\x1b[1;9"+val)
t.prepareKeyMod(key, ModMeta|ModShift, "\x1b[1;10"+val)
t.prepareKeyMod(key, ModMeta|ModAlt, "\x1b[1;11"+val)
t.prepareKeyMod(key, ModMeta|ModAlt|ModShift, "\x1b[1;12"+val)
t.prepareKeyMod(key, ModMeta|ModCtrl, "\x1b[1;13"+val)
t.prepareKeyMod(key, ModMeta|ModCtrl|ModShift, "\x1b[1;14"+val)
t.prepareKeyMod(key, ModMeta|ModCtrl|ModAlt, "\x1b[1;15"+val)
t.prepareKeyMod(key, ModMeta|ModCtrl|ModAlt|ModShift, "\x1b[1;16"+val)
func (t *tScreen) prepareXtermModifiers() {
if t.ti.Modifiers != terminfo.ModifiersXTerm {
t.prepareKeyModXTerm(KeyRight, t.ti.KeyRight)
t.prepareKeyModXTerm(KeyLeft, t.ti.KeyLeft)
t.prepareKeyModXTerm(KeyUp, t.ti.KeyUp)
t.prepareKeyModXTerm(KeyDown, t.ti.KeyDown)
t.prepareKeyModXTerm(KeyInsert, t.ti.KeyInsert)
t.prepareKeyModXTerm(KeyDelete, t.ti.KeyDelete)
t.prepareKeyModXTerm(KeyPgUp, t.ti.KeyPgUp)
t.prepareKeyModXTerm(KeyPgDn, t.ti.KeyPgDn)
t.prepareKeyModXTerm(KeyHome, t.ti.KeyHome)
t.prepareKeyModXTerm(KeyEnd, t.ti.KeyEnd)
t.prepareKeyModXTerm(KeyF1, t.ti.KeyF1)
t.prepareKeyModXTerm(KeyF2, t.ti.KeyF2)
t.prepareKeyModXTerm(KeyF3, t.ti.KeyF3)
t.prepareKeyModXTerm(KeyF4, t.ti.KeyF4)
t.prepareKeyModXTerm(KeyF5, t.ti.KeyF5)
t.prepareKeyModXTerm(KeyF6, t.ti.KeyF6)
t.prepareKeyModXTerm(KeyF7, t.ti.KeyF7)
t.prepareKeyModXTerm(KeyF8, t.ti.KeyF8)
t.prepareKeyModXTerm(KeyF9, t.ti.KeyF9)
t.prepareKeyModXTerm(KeyF10, t.ti.KeyF10)
t.prepareKeyModXTerm(KeyF11, t.ti.KeyF11)
t.prepareKeyModXTerm(KeyF12, t.ti.KeyF12)
func (t *tScreen) prepareBracketedPaste() {
// Another workaround for lack of reporting in terminfo.
// We assume if the terminal has a mouse entry, that it
// offers bracketed paste. But we allow specific overrides
// via our terminal database.
if t.ti.EnablePaste != "" {
t.enablePaste = t.ti.EnablePaste
t.disablePaste = t.ti.DisablePaste
t.prepareKey(keyPasteStart, t.ti.PasteStart)
t.prepareKey(keyPasteEnd, t.ti.PasteEnd)
} else if t.ti.Mouse != "" {
t.enablePaste = "\x1b[?2004h"
t.disablePaste = "\x1b[?2004l"
t.prepareKey(keyPasteStart, "\x1b[200~")
t.prepareKey(keyPasteEnd, "\x1b[201~")
func (t *tScreen) prepareExtendedOSC() {
// Linux is a special beast - because it has a mouse entry, but does
// not swallow these OSC commands properly.
if (strings.Contains(t.ti.Name, "linux")) {
// More stuff for limits in terminfo. This time we are applying
// the most common OSC (operating system commands). Generally
// terminals that don't understand these will ignore them.
// Again, we condition this based on mouse capabilities.
if t.ti.EnterUrl != "" {
t.enterUrl = t.ti.EnterUrl
t.exitUrl = t.ti.ExitUrl
} else if t.ti.Mouse != "" {
t.enterUrl = "\x1b]8;%p2%s;%p1%s\x1b\\"
t.exitUrl = "\x1b]8;;\x1b\\"
if t.ti.SetWindowSize != "" {
t.setWinSize = t.ti.SetWindowSize
} else if t.ti.Mouse != "" {
t.setWinSize = "\x1b[8;%p1%p2%d;%dt"
if t.ti.EnableFocusReporting != "" {
t.enableFocus = t.ti.EnableFocusReporting
} else if t.ti.Mouse != "" {
t.enableFocus = "\x1b[?1004h"
if t.ti.DisableFocusReporting != "" {
t.disableFocus = t.ti.DisableFocusReporting
} else if t.ti.Mouse != "" {
t.disableFocus = "\x1b[?1004l"
func (t *tScreen) prepareCursorStyles() {
// Another workaround for lack of reporting in terminfo.
// We assume if the terminal has a mouse entry, that it
// offers bracketed paste. But we allow specific overrides
// via our terminal database.
if t.ti.CursorDefault != "" {
t.cursorStyles = map[CursorStyle]string{
CursorStyleDefault: t.ti.CursorDefault,
CursorStyleBlinkingBlock: t.ti.CursorBlinkingBlock,
CursorStyleSteadyBlock: t.ti.CursorSteadyBlock,
CursorStyleBlinkingUnderline: t.ti.CursorBlinkingUnderline,
CursorStyleSteadyUnderline: t.ti.CursorSteadyUnderline,
CursorStyleBlinkingBar: t.ti.CursorBlinkingBar,
CursorStyleSteadyBar: t.ti.CursorSteadyBar,
} else if t.ti.Mouse != "" {
t.cursorStyles = map[CursorStyle]string{
CursorStyleDefault: "\x1b[0 q",
CursorStyleBlinkingBlock: "\x1b[1 q",
CursorStyleSteadyBlock: "\x1b[2 q",
CursorStyleBlinkingUnderline: "\x1b[3 q",
CursorStyleSteadyUnderline: "\x1b[4 q",
CursorStyleBlinkingBar: "\x1b[5 q",
CursorStyleSteadyBar: "\x1b[6 q",
func (t *tScreen) prepareKey(key Key, val string) {
t.prepareKeyMod(key, ModNone, val)
func (t *tScreen) prepareKeys() {
ti := t.ti
t.prepareKey(KeyBackspace, ti.KeyBackspace)
t.prepareKey(KeyF1, ti.KeyF1)
t.prepareKey(KeyF2, ti.KeyF2)
t.prepareKey(KeyF3, ti.KeyF3)
t.prepareKey(KeyF4, ti.KeyF4)
t.prepareKey(KeyF5, ti.KeyF5)
t.prepareKey(KeyF6, ti.KeyF6)
t.prepareKey(KeyF7, ti.KeyF7)
t.prepareKey(KeyF8, ti.KeyF8)
t.prepareKey(KeyF9, ti.KeyF9)
t.prepareKey(KeyF10, ti.KeyF10)
t.prepareKey(KeyF11, ti.KeyF11)
t.prepareKey(KeyF12, ti.KeyF12)
t.prepareKey(KeyF13, ti.KeyF13)
t.prepareKey(KeyF14, ti.KeyF14)
t.prepareKey(KeyF15, ti.KeyF15)
t.prepareKey(KeyF16, ti.KeyF16)
t.prepareKey(KeyF17, ti.KeyF17)
t.prepareKey(KeyF18, ti.KeyF18)
t.prepareKey(KeyF19, ti.KeyF19)
t.prepareKey(KeyF20, ti.KeyF20)
t.prepareKey(KeyF21, ti.KeyF21)
t.prepareKey(KeyF22, ti.KeyF22)
t.prepareKey(KeyF23, ti.KeyF23)
t.prepareKey(KeyF24, ti.KeyF24)
t.prepareKey(KeyF25, ti.KeyF25)
t.prepareKey(KeyF26, ti.KeyF26)
t.prepareKey(KeyF27, ti.KeyF27)
t.prepareKey(KeyF28, ti.KeyF28)
t.prepareKey(KeyF29, ti.KeyF29)
t.prepareKey(KeyF30, ti.KeyF30)
t.prepareKey(KeyF31, ti.KeyF31)
t.prepareKey(KeyF32, ti.KeyF32)
t.prepareKey(KeyF33, ti.KeyF33)
t.prepareKey(KeyF34, ti.KeyF34)
t.prepareKey(KeyF35, ti.KeyF35)
t.prepareKey(KeyF36, ti.KeyF36)
t.prepareKey(KeyF37, ti.KeyF37)
t.prepareKey(KeyF38, ti.KeyF38)
t.prepareKey(KeyF39, ti.KeyF39)
t.prepareKey(KeyF40, ti.KeyF40)
t.prepareKey(KeyF41, ti.KeyF41)
t.prepareKey(KeyF42, ti.KeyF42)
t.prepareKey(KeyF43, ti.KeyF43)
t.prepareKey(KeyF44, ti.KeyF44)
t.prepareKey(KeyF45, ti.KeyF45)
t.prepareKey(KeyF46, ti.KeyF46)
t.prepareKey(KeyF47, ti.KeyF47)
t.prepareKey(KeyF48, ti.KeyF48)
t.prepareKey(KeyF49, ti.KeyF49)
t.prepareKey(KeyF50, ti.KeyF50)
t.prepareKey(KeyF51, ti.KeyF51)
t.prepareKey(KeyF52, ti.KeyF52)
t.prepareKey(KeyF53, ti.KeyF53)
t.prepareKey(KeyF54, ti.KeyF54)
t.prepareKey(KeyF55, ti.KeyF55)
t.prepareKey(KeyF56, ti.KeyF56)
t.prepareKey(KeyF57, ti.KeyF57)
t.prepareKey(KeyF58, ti.KeyF58)
t.prepareKey(KeyF59, ti.KeyF59)
t.prepareKey(KeyF60, ti.KeyF60)
t.prepareKey(KeyF61, ti.KeyF61)
t.prepareKey(KeyF62, ti.KeyF62)
t.prepareKey(KeyF63, ti.KeyF63)
t.prepareKey(KeyF64, ti.KeyF64)
t.prepareKey(KeyInsert, ti.KeyInsert)
t.prepareKey(KeyDelete, ti.KeyDelete)
t.prepareKey(KeyHome, ti.KeyHome)
t.prepareKey(KeyEnd, ti.KeyEnd)
t.prepareKey(KeyUp, ti.KeyUp)
t.prepareKey(KeyDown, ti.KeyDown)
t.prepareKey(KeyLeft, ti.KeyLeft)
t.prepareKey(KeyRight, ti.KeyRight)
t.prepareKey(KeyPgUp, ti.KeyPgUp)
t.prepareKey(KeyPgDn, ti.KeyPgDn)
t.prepareKey(KeyHelp, ti.KeyHelp)
t.prepareKey(KeyPrint, ti.KeyPrint)
t.prepareKey(KeyCancel, ti.KeyCancel)
t.prepareKey(KeyExit, ti.KeyExit)
t.prepareKey(KeyBacktab, ti.KeyBacktab)
t.prepareKeyMod(KeyRight, ModShift, ti.KeyShfRight)
t.prepareKeyMod(KeyLeft, ModShift, ti.KeyShfLeft)
t.prepareKeyMod(KeyUp, ModShift, ti.KeyShfUp)
t.prepareKeyMod(KeyDown, ModShift, ti.KeyShfDown)
t.prepareKeyMod(KeyHome, ModShift, ti.KeyShfHome)
t.prepareKeyMod(KeyEnd, ModShift, ti.KeyShfEnd)
t.prepareKeyMod(KeyPgUp, ModShift, ti.KeyShfPgUp)
t.prepareKeyMod(KeyPgDn, ModShift, ti.KeyShfPgDn)
t.prepareKeyMod(KeyRight, ModCtrl, ti.KeyCtrlRight)
t.prepareKeyMod(KeyLeft, ModCtrl, ti.KeyCtrlLeft)
t.prepareKeyMod(KeyUp, ModCtrl, ti.KeyCtrlUp)
t.prepareKeyMod(KeyDown, ModCtrl, ti.KeyCtrlDown)
t.prepareKeyMod(KeyHome, ModCtrl, ti.KeyCtrlHome)
t.prepareKeyMod(KeyEnd, ModCtrl, ti.KeyCtrlEnd)
// Sadly, xterm handling of keycodes is somewhat erratic. In
// particular, different codes are sent depending on application
// mode is in use or not, and the entries for many of these are
// simply absent from terminfo on many systems. So we insert
// a number of escape sequences if they are not already used, in
// order to have the widest correct usage. Note that prepareKey
// will not inject codes if the escape sequence is already known.
// We also only do this for terminals that have the application
// mode present.
// Cursor mode
if ti.EnterKeypad != "" {
t.prepareKey(KeyUp, "\x1b[A")
t.prepareKey(KeyDown, "\x1b[B")
t.prepareKey(KeyRight, "\x1b[C")
t.prepareKey(KeyLeft, "\x1b[D")
t.prepareKey(KeyEnd, "\x1b[F")
t.prepareKey(KeyHome, "\x1b[H")
t.prepareKey(KeyDelete, "\x1b[3~")
t.prepareKey(KeyHome, "\x1b[1~")
t.prepareKey(KeyEnd, "\x1b[4~")
t.prepareKey(KeyPgUp, "\x1b[5~")
t.prepareKey(KeyPgDn, "\x1b[6~")
// Application mode
t.prepareKey(KeyUp, "\x1bOA")
t.prepareKey(KeyDown, "\x1bOB")
t.prepareKey(KeyRight, "\x1bOC")
t.prepareKey(KeyLeft, "\x1bOD")
t.prepareKey(KeyHome, "\x1bOH")
t.prepareKey(keyPasteStart, ti.PasteStart)
t.prepareKey(keyPasteEnd, ti.PasteEnd)
// Add key mappings for control keys.
for i := 0; i < ' '; i++ {
// Do not insert direct key codes for ambiguous keys.
// For example, ESC is used for lots of other keys, so
// when parsing this we don't want to fast path handling
// of it, but instead wait a bit before parsing it as in
// isolation.
for esc := range t.keycodes {
if []byte(esc)[0] == byte(i) {
continue outer
t.keyexist[Key(i)] = true
mod := ModCtrl
switch Key(i) {
case KeyBS, KeyTAB, KeyESC, KeyCR:
// directly type-able- no control sequence
mod = ModNone
t.keycodes[string(rune(i))] = &tKeyCode{key: Key(i), mod: mod}
func (t *tScreen) Fini() {
func (t *tScreen) finish() {
func (t *tScreen) SetStyle(style Style) {
if !t.fini {
t.style = style
func (t *tScreen) Clear() {
t.Fill(' ', t.style)
func (t *tScreen) Fill(r rune, style Style) {
if !t.fini {
t.cells.Fill(r, style)
func (t *tScreen) SetContent(x, y int, mainc rune, combc []rune, style Style) {
if !t.fini {
t.cells.SetContent(x, y, mainc, combc, style)
func (t *tScreen) GetContent(x, y int) (rune, []rune, Style, int) {
mainc, combc, style, width := t.cells.GetContent(x, y)
return mainc, combc, style, width
func (t *tScreen) SetCell(x, y int, style Style, ch ...rune) {
if len(ch) > 0 {
t.SetContent(x, y, ch[0], ch[1:], style)
} else {
t.SetContent(x, y, ' ', nil, style)
func (t *tScreen) encodeRune(r rune, buf []byte) []byte {
nb := make([]byte, 6)
ob := make([]byte, 6)
num := utf8.EncodeRune(ob, r)
ob = ob[:num]
dst := 0
var err error
if enc := t.encoder; enc != nil {
dst, _, err = enc.Transform(nb, ob, true)
if err != nil || dst == 0 || nb[0] == '\x1a' {
// Combining characters are elided
if len(buf) == 0 {
if acs, ok := t.acs[r]; ok {
buf = append(buf, []byte(acs)...)
} else if fb, ok := t.fallback[r]; ok {
buf = append(buf, []byte(fb)...)
} else {
buf = append(buf, '?')
} else {
buf = append(buf, nb[:dst]...)
return buf
func (t *tScreen) sendFgBg(fg Color, bg Color, attr AttrMask) AttrMask {
ti := t.ti
if ti.Colors == 0 {
// foreground vs background, we calculate luminance
// and possibly do a reverse video
if !fg.Valid() {
return attr
v, ok := t.colors[fg]
if !ok {
v = FindColor(fg, []Color{ColorBlack, ColorWhite})
t.colors[fg] = v
switch v {
case ColorWhite:
return attr
case ColorBlack:
return attr ^ AttrReverse
if fg == ColorReset || bg == ColorReset {
if t.truecolor {
if ti.SetFgBgRGB != "" && fg.IsRGB() && bg.IsRGB() {
r1, g1, b1 := fg.RGB()
r2, g2, b2 := bg.RGB()
int(r1), int(g1), int(b1),
int(r2), int(g2), int(b2)))
return attr
if fg.IsRGB() && ti.SetFgRGB != "" {
r, g, b := fg.RGB()
t.TPuts(ti.TParm(ti.SetFgRGB, int(r), int(g), int(b)))
fg = ColorDefault
if bg.IsRGB() && ti.SetBgRGB != "" {
r, g, b := bg.RGB()
int(r), int(g), int(b)))
bg = ColorDefault
if fg.Valid() {
if v, ok := t.colors[fg]; ok {
fg = v
} else {
v = FindColor(fg, t.palette)
t.colors[fg] = v
fg = v
if bg.Valid() {
if v, ok := t.colors[bg]; ok {
bg = v
} else {
v = FindColor(bg, t.palette)
t.colors[bg] = v
bg = v
if fg.Valid() && bg.Valid() && ti.SetFgBg != "" {
t.TPuts(ti.TParm(ti.SetFgBg, int(fg&0xff), int(bg&0xff)))
} else {
if fg.Valid() && ti.SetFg != "" {
t.TPuts(ti.TParm(ti.SetFg, int(fg&0xff)))
if bg.Valid() && ti.SetBg != "" {
t.TPuts(ti.TParm(ti.SetBg, int(bg&0xff)))
return attr
func (t *tScreen) drawCell(x, y int) int {
ti := t.ti
mainc, combc, style, width := t.cells.GetContent(x, y)
if !t.cells.Dirty(x, y) {
return width
if y == t.h-1 && x == t.w-1 && t.ti.AutoMargin && ti.InsertChar != "" {
// our solution is somewhat goofy.
// we write to the second to the last cell what we want in the last cell, then we
// insert a character at that 2nd to last position to shift the last column into
// place, then we rewrite that 2nd to last cell. Old terminals suck.
t.TPuts(ti.TGoto(x-1, y))
defer func() {
t.TPuts(ti.TGoto(x-1, y))
t.cy = y
t.cx = x - 1
t.cells.SetDirty(x-1, y, true)
_ = t.drawCell(x-1, y)
t.TPuts(t.ti.TGoto(0, 0))
t.cy = 0
t.cx = 0
} else if t.cy != y || t.cx != x {
t.TPuts(ti.TGoto(x, y))
t.cx = x
t.cy = y
if style == StyleDefault {
style = t.style
if style != t.curstyle {
fg, bg, attrs := style.Decompose()
attrs = t.sendFgBg(fg, bg, attrs)
if attrs&AttrBold != 0 {
if attrs&AttrUnderline != 0 {
if attrs&AttrReverse != 0 {
if attrs&AttrBlink != 0 {
if attrs&AttrDim != 0 {
if attrs&AttrItalic != 0 {
if attrs&AttrStrikeThrough != 0 {
// URL string can be long, so don't send it unless we really need to
if t.enterUrl != "" && t.curstyle != style {
if style.url != "" {
t.TPuts(ti.TParm(t.enterUrl, style.url, style.urlId))
} else {
t.curstyle = style
// now emit runes - taking care to not overrun width with a
// wide character, and to ensure that we emit exactly one regular
// character followed up by any residual combing characters
if width < 1 {
width = 1
var str string
buf := make([]byte, 0, 6)
buf = t.encodeRune(mainc, buf)
for _, r := range combc {
buf = t.encodeRune(r, buf)
str = string(buf)
if width > 1 && str == "?" {
// No FullWidth character support
str = "? "
t.cx = -1
if x > t.w-width {
// too wide to fit; emit a single space instead
width = 1
str = " "
t.cx += width
t.cells.SetDirty(x, y, false)
if width > 1 {
t.cx = -1
return width
func (t *tScreen) ShowCursor(x, y int) {
t.cursorx = x
t.cursory = y
func (t *tScreen) SetCursorStyle(cs CursorStyle) {
t.cursorStyle = cs
func (t *tScreen) HideCursor() {
t.ShowCursor(-1, -1)
func (t *tScreen) showCursor() {
x, y := t.cursorx, t.cursory
w, h := t.cells.Size()
if x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= w || y >= h {
t.TPuts(t.ti.TGoto(x, y))
if t.cursorStyles != nil {
if esc, ok := t.cursorStyles[t.cursorStyle]; ok {
t.cx = x
t.cy = y
// writeString sends a string to the terminal. The string is sent as-is and
// this function does not expand inline padding indications (of the form
// $<[delay]> where [delay] is msec). In order to have these expanded, use
// TPuts. If the screen is "buffering", the string is collected in a buffer,
// with the intention that the entire buffer be sent to the terminal in one
// write operation at some point later.
func (t *tScreen) writeString(s string) {
if t.buffering {
_, _ = io.WriteString(&t.buf, s)
} else {
_, _ = io.WriteString(t.tty, s)
func (t *tScreen) TPuts(s string) {
if t.buffering {
t.ti.TPuts(&t.buf, s)
} else {
t.ti.TPuts(t.tty, s)
func (t *tScreen) Show() {
if !t.fini {
func (t *tScreen) clearScreen() {
fg, bg, _ := t.style.Decompose()
_ = t.sendFgBg(fg, bg, AttrNone)
t.clear = false
func (t *tScreen) hideCursor() {
// does not update cursor position
if t.ti.HideCursor != "" {
} else {
// No way to hide cursor, stick it
// at bottom right of screen
t.cx, t.cy = t.cells.Size()
t.TPuts(t.ti.TGoto(t.cx, t.cy))
func (t *tScreen) draw() {
// clobber cursor position, because we're going to change it all
t.cx = -1
t.cy = -1
// make no style assumptions
t.curstyle = styleInvalid
t.buffering = true
defer func() {
t.buffering = false
// hide the cursor while we move stuff around
if t.clear {
for y := 0; y < t.h; y++ {
for x := 0; x < t.w; x++ {
width := t.drawCell(x, y)
if width > 1 {
if x+1 < t.w {
// this is necessary so that if we ever
// go back to drawing that cell, we
// actually will *draw* it.
t.cells.SetDirty(x+1, y, true)
x += width - 1
// restore the cursor
_, _ = t.buf.WriteTo(t.tty)
func (t *tScreen) EnableMouse(flags ...MouseFlags) {
var f MouseFlags
flagsPresent := false
for _, flag := range flags {
f |= flag
flagsPresent = true
if !flagsPresent {
f = MouseMotionEvents | MouseDragEvents | MouseButtonEvents
t.mouseFlags = f
func (t *tScreen) enableMouse(f MouseFlags) {
// Rather than using terminfo to find mouse escape sequences, we rely on the fact that
// pretty much *every* terminal that supports mouse tracking follows the
// XTerm standards (the modern ones).
if len(t.mouse) != 0 {
// start by disabling all tracking.
if f&MouseButtonEvents != 0 {
if f&MouseDragEvents != 0 {
if f&MouseMotionEvents != 0 {
if f&(MouseButtonEvents|MouseDragEvents|MouseMotionEvents) != 0 {
func (t *tScreen) DisableMouse() {
t.mouseFlags = 0
func (t *tScreen) EnablePaste() {
t.pasteEnabled = true
func (t *tScreen) DisablePaste() {
t.pasteEnabled = false
func (t *tScreen) enablePasting(on bool) {
var s string
if on {
s = t.enablePaste
} else {
s = t.disablePaste
if s != "" {
func (t *tScreen) EnableFocus() {
t.focusEnabled = true
func (t *tScreen) DisableFocus() {
t.focusEnabled = false
func (t *tScreen) enableFocusReporting() {
if t.enableFocus != "" {
func (t *tScreen) disableFocusReporting() {
if t.disableFocus != "" {
func (t *tScreen) Size() (int, int) {
w, h := t.w, t.h
return w, h
func (t *tScreen) resize() {
if w, h, e := t.tty.WindowSize(); e == nil {
if w != t.w || h != t.h {
t.cx = -1
t.cy = -1
t.cells.Resize(w, h)
t.h = h
t.w = w
ev := NewEventResize(w, h)
_ = t.PostEvent(ev)
func (t *tScreen) Colors() int {
// this doesn't change, no need for lock
if t.truecolor {
return 1 << 24
return t.ti.Colors
// nColors returns the size of the built-in palette.
// This is distinct from Colors(), as it will generally
// always be a small number. (<= 256)
func (t *tScreen) nColors() int {
return t.ti.Colors
func (t *tScreen) ChannelEvents(ch chan<- Event, quit <-chan struct{}) {
defer close(ch)
for {
select {
case <-quit:
case <-t.quit:
case ev := <-t.evch:
select {
case <-quit:
case <-t.quit:
case ch <- ev:
func (t *tScreen) PollEvent() Event {
select {
case <-t.quit:
return nil
case ev := <-t.evch:
return ev
func (t *tScreen) HasPendingEvent() bool {
return len(t.evch) > 0
// vtACSNames is a map of bytes defined by terminfo that are used in
// the terminals Alternate Character Set to represent other glyphs.
// For example, the upper left corner of the box drawing set can be
// displayed by printing "l" while in the alternate character set.
// It's not quite that simple, since the "l" is the terminfo name,
// and it may be necessary to use a different character based on
// the terminal implementation (or the terminal may lack support for
// this altogether). See buildAcsMap below for detail.
var vtACSNames = map[byte]rune{
'+': RuneRArrow,
',': RuneLArrow,
'-': RuneUArrow,
'.': RuneDArrow,
'0': RuneBlock,
'`': RuneDiamond,
'a': RuneCkBoard,
'b': '␉', // VT100, Not defined by terminfo
'c': '␌', // VT100, Not defined by terminfo
'd': '␋', // VT100, Not defined by terminfo
'e': '␊', // VT100, Not defined by terminfo
'f': RuneDegree,
'g': RunePlMinus,
'h': RuneBoard,
'i': RuneLantern,
'j': RuneLRCorner,
'k': RuneURCorner,
'l': RuneULCorner,
'm': RuneLLCorner,
'n': RunePlus,
'o': RuneS1,
'p': RuneS3,
'q': RuneHLine,
'r': RuneS7,
's': RuneS9,
't': RuneLTee,
'u': RuneRTee,
'v': RuneBTee,
'w': RuneTTee,
'x': RuneVLine,
'y': RuneLEqual,
'z': RuneGEqual,
'{': RunePi,
'|': RuneNEqual,
'}': RuneSterling,
'~': RuneBullet,
// buildAcsMap builds a map of characters that we translate from Unicode to
// alternate character encodings. To do this, we use the standard VT100 ACS
// maps. This is only done if the terminal lacks support for Unicode; we
// always prefer to emit Unicode glyphs when we are able.
func (t *tScreen) buildAcsMap() {
acsstr := t.ti.AltChars
t.acs = make(map[rune]string)
for len(acsstr) > 2 {
srcv := acsstr[0]
dstv := string(acsstr[1])
if r, ok := vtACSNames[srcv]; ok {
t.acs[r] = t.ti.EnterAcs + dstv + t.ti.ExitAcs
acsstr = acsstr[2:]
func (t *tScreen) PostEventWait(ev Event) {
t.evch <- ev
func (t *tScreen) PostEvent(ev Event) error {
select {
case t.evch <- ev:
return nil
return ErrEventQFull
func (t *tScreen) clip(x, y int) (int, int) {
w, h := t.cells.Size()
if x < 0 {
x = 0
if y < 0 {
y = 0
if x > w-1 {
x = w - 1
if y > h-1 {
y = h - 1
return x, y
// buildMouseEvent returns an event based on the supplied coordinates and button
// state. Note that the screen's mouse button state is updated based on the
// input to this function (i.e. it mutates the receiver).
func (t *tScreen) buildMouseEvent(x, y, btn int) *EventMouse {
// XTerm mouse events only report at most one button at a time,
// which may include a wheel button. Wheel motion events are
// reported as single impulses, while other button events are reported
// as separate press & release events.
button := ButtonNone
mod := ModNone
// Mouse wheel has bit 6 set, no release events. It should be noted
// that wheel events are sometimes misdelivered as mouse button events
// during a click-drag, so we debounce these, considering them to be
// button press events unless we see an intervening release event.
switch btn & 0x43 {
case 0:
button = Button1
case 1:
button = Button3 // Note we prefer to treat right as button 2
case 2:
button = Button2 // And the middle button as button 3
case 3:
button = ButtonNone
case 0x40:
button = WheelUp
case 0x41:
button = WheelDown
if btn&0x4 != 0 {
mod |= ModShift
if btn&0x8 != 0 {
mod |= ModAlt
if btn&0x10 != 0 {
mod |= ModCtrl
// Some terminals will report mouse coordinates outside the
// screen, especially with click-drag events. Clip the coordinates
// to the screen in that case.
x, y = t.clip(x, y)
return NewEventMouse(x, y, button, mod)
// parseSgrMouse attempts to locate an SGR mouse record at the start of the
// buffer. It returns true, true if it found one, and the associated bytes
// be removed from the buffer. It returns true, false if the buffer might
// contain such an event, but more bytes are necessary (partial match), and
// false, false if the content is definitely *not* an SGR mouse record.
func (t *tScreen) parseSgrMouse(buf *bytes.Buffer, evs *[]Event) (bool, bool) {
b := buf.Bytes()
var x, y, btn, state int
dig := false
neg := false
motion := false
i := 0
val := 0
for i = range b {
switch b[i] {
case '\x1b':
if state != 0 {
return false, false
state = 1
case '\x9b':
if state != 0 {
return false, false
state = 2
case '[':
if state != 1 {
return false, false
state = 2
case '<':
if state != 2 {
return false, false
val = 0
dig = false
neg = false
state = 3
case '-':
if state != 3 && state != 4 && state != 5 {
return false, false
if dig || neg {
return false, false
neg = true // stay in state
case '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9':
if state != 3 && state != 4 && state != 5 {
return false, false
val *= 10
val += int(b[i] - '0')
dig = true // stay in state
case ';':
if neg {
val = -val
switch state {
case 3:
btn, val = val, 0
neg, dig, state = false, false, 4
case 4:
x, val = val-1, 0
neg, dig, state = false, false, 5
return false, false
case 'm', 'M':
if state != 5 {
return false, false
if neg {
val = -val
y = val - 1
motion = (btn & 32) != 0
btn &^= 32
if b[i] == 'm' {
// mouse release, clear all buttons
btn |= 3
btn &^= 0x40
t.buttondn = false
} else if motion {
* Some broken terminals appear to send
* mouse button one motion events, instead of
* encoding 35 (no buttons) into these events.
* We resolve these by looking for a non-motion
* event first.
if !t.buttondn {
btn |= 3
btn &^= 0x40
} else {
t.buttondn = true
// consume the event bytes
for i >= 0 {
_, _ = buf.ReadByte()
*evs = append(*evs, t.buildMouseEvent(x, y, btn))
return true, true
// incomplete & inconclusive at this point
return true, false
func (t *tScreen) parseFocus(buf *bytes.Buffer, evs *[]Event) (bool, bool) {
state := 0
b := buf.Bytes()
for i := range b {
switch state {
case 0:
if b[i] != '\x1b' {
return false, false
state = 1
case 1:
if b[i] != '[' {
return false, false
state = 2
case 2:
if b[i] != 'I' && b[i] != 'O' {
return false, false
*evs = append(*evs, NewEventFocus(b[i] == 'I'))
_, _ = buf.ReadByte()
_, _ = buf.ReadByte()
_, _ = buf.ReadByte()
return true, true
return true, false
// parseXtermMouse is like parseSgrMouse, but it parses a legacy
// X11 mouse record.
func (t *tScreen) parseXtermMouse(buf *bytes.Buffer, evs *[]Event) (bool, bool) {
b := buf.Bytes()
state := 0
btn := 0
x := 0
y := 0
for i := range b {
switch state {
case 0:
switch b[i] {
case '\x1b':
state = 1
case '\x9b':
state = 2
return false, false
case 1:
if b[i] != '[' {
return false, false
state = 2
case 2:
if b[i] != 'M' {
return false, false
case 3:
btn = int(b[i])
case 4:
x = int(b[i]) - 32 - 1
case 5:
y = int(b[i]) - 32 - 1
for i >= 0 {
_, _ = buf.ReadByte()
*evs = append(*evs, t.buildMouseEvent(x, y, btn))
return true, true
return true, false
func (t *tScreen) parseFunctionKey(buf *bytes.Buffer, evs *[]Event) (bool, bool) {
b := buf.Bytes()
partial := false
for e, k := range t.keycodes {
esc := []byte(e)
if (len(esc) == 1) && (esc[0] == '\x1b') {
if bytes.HasPrefix(b, esc) {
// matched
var r rune
if len(esc) == 1 {
r = rune(b[0])
mod := k.mod
if t.escaped {
mod |= ModAlt
t.escaped = false
switch k.key {
case keyPasteStart:
*evs = append(*evs, NewEventPaste(true))
case keyPasteEnd:
*evs = append(*evs, NewEventPaste(false))
*evs = append(*evs, NewEventKey(k.key, r, mod))
for i := 0; i < len(esc); i++ {
_, _ = buf.ReadByte()
return true, true
if bytes.HasPrefix(esc, b) {
partial = true
return partial, false
func (t *tScreen) parseRune(buf *bytes.Buffer, evs *[]Event) (bool, bool) {
b := buf.Bytes()
if b[0] >= ' ' && b[0] <= 0x7F {
// printable ASCII easy to deal with -- no encodings
mod := ModNone
if t.escaped {
mod = ModAlt
t.escaped = false
*evs = append(*evs, NewEventKey(KeyRune, rune(b[0]), mod))
_, _ = buf.ReadByte()
return true, true
if b[0] < 0x80 {
// Low numbered values are control keys, not runes.
return false, false
utf := make([]byte, 12)
for l := 1; l <= len(b); l++ {
nOut, nIn, e := t.decoder.Transform(utf, b[:l], true)
if e == transform.ErrShortSrc {
if nOut != 0 {
r, _ := utf8.DecodeRune(utf[:nOut])
if r != utf8.RuneError {
mod := ModNone
if t.escaped {
mod = ModAlt
t.escaped = false
*evs = append(*evs, NewEventKey(KeyRune, r, mod))
for nIn > 0 {
_, _ = buf.ReadByte()
return true, true
// Looks like potential escape
return true, false
func (t *tScreen) scanInput(buf *bytes.Buffer, expire bool) {
evs := t.collectEventsFromInput(buf, expire)
for _, ev := range evs {
// Return an array of Events extracted from the supplied buffer. This is done
// while holding the screen's lock - the events can then be queued for
// application processing with the lock released.
func (t *tScreen) collectEventsFromInput(buf *bytes.Buffer, expire bool) []Event {
res := make([]Event, 0, 20)
defer t.Unlock()
for {
b := buf.Bytes()
if len(b) == 0 {
return res
partials := 0
if part, comp := t.parseRune(buf, &res); comp {
} else if part {
if part, comp := t.parseFunctionKey(buf, &res); comp {
} else if part {
if part, comp := t.parseFocus(buf, &res); comp {
} else if part {
// Only parse mouse records if this term claims to have
// mouse support
if t.ti.Mouse != "" {
if part, comp := t.parseXtermMouse(buf, &res); comp {
} else if part {
if part, comp := t.parseSgrMouse(buf, &res); comp {
} else if part {
if partials == 0 || expire {
if b[0] == '\x1b' {
if len(b) == 1 {
res = append(res, NewEventKey(KeyEsc, 0, ModNone))
t.escaped = false
} else {
t.escaped = true
_, _ = buf.ReadByte()
// Nothing was going to match, or we timed out
// waiting for more data -- just deliver the characters
// to the app & let them sort it out. Possibly we
// should only do this for control characters like ESC.
by, _ := buf.ReadByte()
mod := ModNone
if t.escaped {
t.escaped = false
mod = ModAlt
res = append(res, NewEventKey(KeyRune, rune(by), mod))
// well we have some partial data, wait until we get
// some more
return res
func (t *tScreen) mainLoop(stopQ chan struct{}) {
defer t.wg.Done()
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
for {
select {
case <-stopQ:
case <-t.quit:
case <-t.resizeQ:
t.cx = -1
t.cy = -1
case <-t.keytimer.C:
// If the timer fired, and the current time
// is after the expiration of the escape sequence,
// then we assume the escape sequence reached its
// conclusion, and process the chunk independently.
// This lets us detect conflicts such as a lone ESC.
if buf.Len() > 0 {
if time.Now().After(t.keyexpire) {
t.scanInput(buf, true)
if buf.Len() > 0 {
if !t.keytimer.Stop() {
select {
case <-t.keytimer.C:
t.keytimer.Reset(time.Millisecond * 50)
case chunk := <-t.keychan:
t.keyexpire = time.Now().Add(time.Millisecond * 50)
t.scanInput(buf, false)
if !t.keytimer.Stop() {
select {
case <-t.keytimer.C:
if buf.Len() > 0 {
t.keytimer.Reset(time.Millisecond * 50)
func (t *tScreen) inputLoop(stopQ chan struct{}) {
defer t.wg.Done()
for {
select {
case <-stopQ:
chunk := make([]byte, 128)
n, e := t.tty.Read(chunk)
switch e {
case nil:
running := t.running
if running {
_ = t.PostEvent(NewEventError(e))
if n > 0 {
t.keychan <- chunk[:n]
func (t *tScreen) Sync() {
t.cx = -1
t.cy = -1
if !t.fini {
t.clear = true
func (t *tScreen) CharacterSet() string {
return t.charset
func (t *tScreen) RegisterRuneFallback(orig rune, fallback string) {
t.fallback[orig] = fallback
func (t *tScreen) UnregisterRuneFallback(orig rune) {
delete(t.fallback, orig)
func (t *tScreen) CanDisplay(r rune, checkFallbacks bool) bool {
if enc := t.encoder; enc != nil {
nb := make([]byte, 6)
ob := make([]byte, 6)
num := utf8.EncodeRune(ob, r)
dst, _, err := enc.Transform(nb, ob[:num], true)
if dst != 0 && err == nil && nb[0] != '\x1A' {
return true
// Terminal fallbacks always permitted, since we assume they are
// basically nearly perfect renditions.
if _, ok := t.acs[r]; ok {
return true
if !checkFallbacks {
return false
if _, ok := t.fallback[r]; ok {
return true
return false
func (t *tScreen) HasMouse() bool {
return len(t.mouse) != 0
func (t *tScreen) HasKey(k Key) bool {
if k == KeyRune {
return true
return t.keyexist[k]
func (t *tScreen) SetSize(w, h int) {
if t.setWinSize != "" {
t.TPuts(t.ti.TParm(t.setWinSize, w, h))
func (t *tScreen) Resize(int, int, int, int) {}
func (t *tScreen) Suspend() error {
return nil
func (t *tScreen) Resume() error {
return t.engage()
// engage is used to place the terminal in raw mode and establish screen size, etc.
// Think of this is as tcell "engaging" the clutch, as it's going to be driving the
// terminal interface.
func (t *tScreen) engage() error {
defer t.Unlock()
if t.tty == nil {
return ErrNoScreen
t.tty.NotifyResize(func() {
select {
case t.resizeQ <- true:
if t.running {
return errors.New("already engaged")
if err := t.tty.Start(); err != nil {
return err
t.running = true
if w, h, err := t.tty.WindowSize(); err == nil && w != 0 && h != 0 {
t.cells.Resize(w, h)
stopQ := make(chan struct{})
t.stopQ = stopQ
if t.focusEnabled {
ti := t.ti
go t.inputLoop(stopQ)
go t.mainLoop(stopQ)
return nil
// disengage is used to release the terminal back to support from the caller.
// Think of this as tcell disengaging the clutch, so that another application
// can take over the terminal interface. This restores the TTY mode that was
// present when the application was first started.
func (t *tScreen) disengage() {
if !t.running {
t.running = false
stopQ := t.stopQ
_ = t.tty.Drain()
// wait for everything to shut down
// shutdown the screen and disable special modes (e.g. mouse and bracketed paste)
ti := t.ti
t.cells.Resize(0, 0)
if t.cursorStyles != nil && t.cursorStyle != CursorStyleDefault {
_ = t.tty.Stop()
// Beep emits a beep to the terminal.
func (t *tScreen) Beep() error {
return nil
// finalize is used to at application shutdown, and restores the terminal
// to it's initial state. It should not be called more than once.
func (t *tScreen) finalize() {
_ = t.tty.Close()