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synced 2025-03-27 22:01:46 +02:00
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206 lines
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// Go has various value types including strings,
// integers, floats, booleans, etc. Here are a few
// basic examples.
package main
import (
// "log"
// GitFile : A staged/unstaged file
type GitFile struct {
Name string
DisplayString string
HasStagedChanges bool
HasUnstagedChanges bool
Tracked bool
Deleted bool
// Branch : A git branch
type Branch struct {
Name string
DisplayString string
Type string
BaseBranch string
// Map (from https://gobyexample.com/collection-functions)
func Map(vs []string, f func(string) string) []string {
vsm := make([]string, len(vs))
for i, v := range vs {
vsm[i] = f(v)
return vsm
func mergeGitStatusFiles(oldGitFiles, newGitFiles []GitFile) []GitFile {
if len(oldGitFiles) == 0 {
return newGitFiles
result := make([]GitFile, 0)
for _, oldGitFile := range oldGitFiles {
for _, newGitFile := range newGitFiles {
if oldGitFile.Name == newGitFile.Name {
result = append(result, newGitFile)
return result
func getGitBranchOutput() (string, error) {
cmdOut, err := exec.Command("bash", "-c", getBranchesCommand).Output()
return string(cmdOut), err
func branchNameFromString(branchString string) string {
// because this has the recency at the beginning,
// we need to split and take the second part
splitBranchName := strings.Split(branchString, "\t")
return splitBranchName[len(splitBranchName)-1]
func getGitBranches() []Branch {
branches := make([]Branch, 0)
rawString, _ := getGitBranchOutput()
branchLines := splitLines(rawString)
for _, line := range branchLines {
name := branchNameFromString(line)
var branchType string
var baseBranch string
if strings.Contains(line, "feature/") {
branchType = "feature"
baseBranch = "develop"
} else if strings.Contains(line, "bugfix/") {
branchType = "bugfix"
baseBranch = "develop"
} else if strings.Contains(line, "hotfix/") {
branchType = "hotfix"
baseBranch = "master"
} else {
branchType = "other"
baseBranch = name
branches = append(branches, Branch{name, line, branchType, baseBranch})
return branches
func getGitStatusFiles() []GitFile {
statusOutput, _ := getGitStatus()
statusStrings := splitLines(statusOutput)
// a file can have both staged and unstaged changes
// I'll probably end up ignoring the unstaged flag for now but might revisit
// tracked, staged, unstaged
gitFiles := make([]GitFile, 0)
for _, statusString := range statusStrings {
stagedChange := statusString[0:1]
unstagedChange := statusString[1:2]
filename := statusString[3:]
tracked := statusString[0:2] != "??"
gitFile := GitFile{
Name: filename,
DisplayString: statusString,
HasStagedChanges: tracked && stagedChange != " ",
HasUnstagedChanges: !tracked || unstagedChange != " ",
Tracked: tracked,
Deleted: unstagedChange == "D" || stagedChange == "D",
gitFiles = append(gitFiles, gitFile)
return gitFiles
func gitCheckout(branch string, force bool) error {
forceArg := ""
if force {
forceArg = "--force "
_, err := runCommand("git checkout " + forceArg + branch)
return err
func runCommand(cmd string) (string, error) {
splitCmd := strings.Split(cmd, " ")
cmdOut, err := exec.Command(splitCmd[0], splitCmd[1:]...).Output()
return string(cmdOut), err
func getBranchDiff(branch string, baseBranch string) (string, error) {
return runCommand("git diff --color " + baseBranch + "..." + branch)
func getDiff(file GitFile) string {
cachedArg := ""
if file.HasStagedChanges {
cachedArg = "--cached "
deletedArg := ""
if file.Deleted || !file.Tracked {
deletedArg = "--no-index /dev/null "
command := "git diff --color " + cachedArg + deletedArg + file.Name
s, err := runCommand(command)
if err != nil {
// for now we assume an error means the file was deleted
return s
return s
func stageFile(file string) error {
_, err := runCommand("git add " + file)
return err
func unStageFile(file string) error {
_, err := runCommand("git reset HEAD " + file)
return err
func getGitStatus() (string, error) {
return runCommand("git status --untracked-files=all --short")
const getBranchesCommand = `set -e
git reflog -n100 --pretty='%cr|%gs' --grep-reflog='checkout: moving' HEAD | {
git_dir="$(git rev-parse --git-dir)"
while read line; do
branch="${line##* }"
if ! [[ $seen == *:"${branch}":* ]]; then
if [ -f "${git_dir}/refs/heads/${branch}" ]; then
printf "%s\t%s\n" "$date" "$branch"
done | sed 's/ days /d /g' | sed 's/ weeks /w /g' | sed 's/ hours /h /g' | sed 's/ minutes /m /g' | sed 's/ago//g' | tr -d ' '
// func main() {
// getGitStatusFiles()
// }
// func devLog(s string) {
// f, _ := os.OpenFile("development.log", os.O_APPEND|os.O_WRONLY, 0644)
// defer f.Close()
// f.WriteString(s + "\n")
// }